In the few spare minutes of time I had last night, I stumbled upon a blog that brought me to tears, but yet warmed my heart.
It's a real life story about the type of kid I write about, but this one really hit home to me because I don't live to far from where this child lives, and it's hardly a supportive place for a child with gender issues.
But she has an amazing mother, and supportive father and brothers. But mom has caught hell for letting her daughter be herself deep in the heart of the Bible belt.
The blog spot is called Cammie's Song:
Highly Recommended
Maybe this will help some of us find the right words.
There are wonderful parents
who do the best they can for their children, serving the needs of the child rather than complying to outdated conventions to avoid personal embarrassment. Despite the studies that have been done to show how effective this is in the emotional health of the child, many parents find it difficult to do something so extraordinary.
Therefore to all those parents who do support their children through what might be termed socially difficult conditions, including GID or even same-sex sexual preference, I doff my hat and curtsey in recognition of your courage, love and faith in your children. God bless you all.
Mine own mother eventually did when she realised that I was going through with my own change including surgery - she even offered to help me fund it when it looked as if the NHS wouldn't - although I was an adult by that time, her support was so important to me, as is that of my daughter and her mother (my ex).
This is a wonderful blog.
I have said it before,
'and will say it again,the greatest gift is love and acceptance.She is a truly amazing woman,who loves her
child,no matter what! And Angharad, thank you for sharing such a personal thing with us.
I can see so much of a familiar pattern in what might have been, but wasn't because her family was smart enough to listen and to educate themselves. That's amazing in and of itself, let alone where they live adding extra social pressure. I am so, beyond any ability to properly express it, proud of her and her family.
If everyone were so understanding, the world would have a lot fewer problems. God bless you Cammie. If you ever stumble across this, know that you're an inspiration to an empathetic stranger :-)
Thanks for posting this. It really gave me pause, and brightened my day when I badly needed that. :-D