It happened again, back to my dark place :(

I just lost my current job basically because of disabilities. , I have A.D.D., O.C.D. And depression, I was told in not as few words that because i wasn't noticing the work at the other side and end of the lne, that they didnt want me.
My depression which has been almost managable these past few weeks has flared up since losing another job from some of my problems, I don't envision me really leaving my room for a week, if i can find the motivation too at all, Im having to push myself to even post this

For the record this is the second job I have lost for basically the same reason
P.S. I seem to keep ending up with a lower bar for my happiness, still haven't really talked to anyone, looked on this site in at least several months nor have I managed to find any enjoyment in play my xbox or doing anything else, since that incident many months ago, and after this I don't envision ever getting back to where I was before that point. I seem to only get lower standards.

P.S. Provided nothing else gets me down further I don't plan on harming myself today.


P.S. If i forget to check this i will probably check my hotmail and skype eventually. Info under my account

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