Jillian Marie's blog

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Okay, I've been wracking my tiny little pea brain, trying to remember the title of a multi-part story I read some time ago that I'd like to re-read, if only I could find it. First of all, it is similar in some ways to the story "What Was lost" in that it also involves the purchase of storage lockers for resale, but the one I'm looking for was the story of a mother and son team. At one auction, the son purchases a locker which contained a lot of nice furniture, as well as a large amount of clothing, makeup, etc. The boy starts dressing in the clothes, and so on.

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Concerning 'Fugue'

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Just in case there are still a few people out there who are interested, after a ridiculously long wait the next installment of 'Fugue' has made it's way to my proofers. Hopefully in the next few days it will be ready to post, so if you're still following the story despair not, there is more to come.


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I debated whether to post this as a short story, or blog entry. While it was conceived as more of a short story, I can't in any honesty call it fiction in any way shape or form. So maybe it's best put here.

Anyone who has looked will notice that my blog entries have been few and far between...I believe this is the second in over a year's time...so I doubt they'll become any kind of regularly recurring thing. My life is too boring to bother.

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