TopShelf Blogs

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I AM My Brother's Keeper

So far this Holy day season my rabbi concentrated on the idea "I AM my brother's keeper." I was thinking that I know three here who have unknowingly demonstrated to me that quality: Holly Hart, Penny Cardin and Gwen Brown. Among those mentioned by the rabbi was how four chaplains of the doomed WWII transport ship the Dorset gave up their life jackets and other items so that other soldiers could live. He also mentioned Mother Teresa who founded and maintained a hospital in one of the worse slums in the world, yet had a crisis of faith.

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What to do

What or how do you work past an issue that makes you uncomfortable. It sounds trivial but for the life of me I cannot seem to, or want to, write scenes that can affect a childs' relationship with his/her parent. I can envision it but I'm unable to put it to paper. I've known several people that have had a poor relationship with theirs but mine was never like that. Its like a stumbling block for when I have to write it. It's essential to the story so there's no way for me to skirt around the issue. Unless the parent is a total bitch (which she is not) I cannot write it.

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Portia Bennett's California Saga

I have just completed a wonderful series, and I wanted to comment upon it. As is common for me, I started at the end with Soaring With Eagles, Portia Bennett's most recent novella in her California Saga. I was so impressed with the story that I had to look up the rest of it. What I found was a wonderfully well-written series about a large family in California.

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Beautiful Songs Written In Pain

Here I am again, indulging in my usual late night indulgence of listening to music which transports me. Tonight it's Fleetwood Mac and the particular song that got to me tonight is "Go Your Own Way", probably my fave song by this group, written and sung by Lindsey Buckingham (with chorus by Stevie Nicks) when Lindsey found out that Stevie was having it away with Mick.

Listen to the pain,


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Authors: Here's A Sentence For You!

Don't know if anyone is looking for a real-life inspiration for a story, but I was just reading a Wikipedia article about an anti-baldness drug, and in the discussion of its discovery/development was this sentence:

"In 1974, Julianne Imperato-McGinley of Cornell Medical College in New York attended a conference on birth defects. She reported on a group of intersex children in the Caribbean who appeared sexually ambiguous at birth, and were initially raised as girls, but then grew external male genitalia and other masculine characteristic post-onset of puberty. "

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Interesting thing happened today

I stopped at a yard sale this afternoon and as I was browsing the items I saw a man longingly looking at a beautiful prom dress from a distance. It was a beautiful lavender glitter long gown. It was gorgeous and an old skinny part of me yearned for it but I doubted it could fit my calf anymore and besides, I could not think of a single place it could be worn.

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Had a strange day yesterday

So as you may remember, I got a new job at the end of July and started on the 30th of that month. Well about 2 weeks ago, they told us that we had to do an orientation thing, where they could tell us all about our job, show us where everything is and stuff like that. Like I haven't learned where all the stuff I need is at after a month there.

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Free Books by Karin Bishop

Last week I announced that two of my Kindle eBooks will be available for free downloads; they're available tomorrow, Friday and Saturday! Many of you have been kind and purchased these already, but newcomers may find them a free introduction to my writing, as well as my stories here on BCTS.

Role of a Lifetime is about a middle-school boy who is cast in a TV pilot, where he must play the son of a family on the run, but disguised as a girl. And things happen ...

It will be available for free Friday and Saturday, September 13-14.

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Did something really kewl today!

There was a funeral procession that passed though my home town today. It was for a fallen Soldier that lived in Connecticut. He was flown to Stewart airport National Guard base in Orange county, N.Y. All along the procession route at the various overpasses, located within my Fire District's coverage area we positioned a Fire truck and Emergency service personal to pay tribute to the fallen Soldier as the procession passed. I thought this was a very fitting thing to do and was proud to be a part of it.

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Pop culture references/tributes in stories & 100k

I seem to have a knack for placing (sometimes not-so) subtle tributes in my stories especially my latest work, Battle for Earth. I have several characters named after actors/characters from The Simpons, Stargate SG-1, and Star Trek along with a not so subtle reference to Dirty Harry, and much more illusive one to Star Wars. For any of you that have read my story Incompatible there's a pretty sizable dream sequence (for lack of a better word) which is a tribute to the movie die hard.

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Interesting Study: Testicle Size vs. Paternal Behavior

I know many of us think about gender roles and physiology. Here's a story about an interesting study which looks at how the size of a man's testicles might affect how he relates to his children.

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No longer writing

This is a good day, kind of. I am no longer in the writing phase of my next novel. I wrapped up the first draft earlier to day of "Unreachable"" (I dropped the word "The" from the beginning). and now I am onto the tedious part of editing. The book is 240k words long, so a bunch is going to be cut off to get it to a respectable length. I overdid the beginning and I think I can lose that without hurting the story.

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I'm not back, but... everyone needs to watch this.

In my humble opinion, a very well handled and TRUE depiction of how Transsexuals are treated by others AND by the law itself. Frightening, frustrating, and maddening... but true.


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Speed Bump

For about the past three weeks, or perhaps a little longer, I've had a mild sore throat. Symptoms: slight discomfort there, perpetual taste of old milk, intestinal bloating on account of the gunge draining down, resulting nausea and so on.

Last week I decided it had gone on long enough and went to the doctor. Cue loads of tests and a completely unexpected finding.

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Need help forming a business

It has gotten to the point where authoring is no longer a hobby. I have money coming in and money going out and I need to do a better job of keeping track of everything. Now that I am advertising I have money going all over the place and when tax time comes, I'm going to be screwed if I don't get things in order.

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Male pregnancy story ideas

I've been thinking of writing a story around the following idea: A seemingly normal teen guy is in the closet about liking guys, and one day at a camp or a sleepover a horny gay teen seduces him and tops him. Over the next couple of months, the protagonist's body changes in unexpected ways - breast growth, swollen belly and he gets morning sickness. Eventually a doctor diagnoses him as pregnant. He's shocked to discover part of him is actually pleased. He keeps the baby and his body keeps changing. At the end of the story, s/he's nursing the baby.

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Delays in story submission

Have several chapters of Maiden of Bronze finished, but proofing has been delayed. Body make over is moving along and havetwo other stories in line for final edits but spent 6 days recovering a new clients data from a crashed server sort of out of it, probably need to sleep for a couple of days data recovery finally complete.

sort of in a daze, will get the stories out soon, also getting the twins ready for orientation at CALTECH in a couple of weeks,

Love you All, Goddess Bless you all

Our Love is shared and returns to us stronger
and more abundent

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i need some help with my account

I am angel101. Not sure if that means anything here but I created an account many months ago and posted a story here titled her sons makeover. But because of a move and many issues that were going on, I didnt log into that email and I lost the password to both and yahoo deactivated the email so im pretty much screwed with getting access to my previous account here. What can I do

That email by the way was urangel2007.

so what can I do

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One week and two days

I have passed all of he hurdles for Gender Re-assignment surgery. The VA did all of my pre-op tests and decided I needed to se a cardiologist to clear me for surgery. On the fourth of September I was cleared and now am ready for the 17th of September at 6:20 AM. My surgery will be in Bristol, Pennsylvania at the Lower bucks Hospital. Dr. Sherman leis (lease) will be performing the surgery.

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Exchanging Story Devices

So, I have been an avid reader of mostly Science Fiction since the early 60's and one thing that I observed was that the various writers seemed to "borrow" each other's "story devices". I am reasonably sure that some of the sage and seasoned writers here saw it happening.

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Well, here I go again.

Every so often I reach a point of surfeit. Where I've taken on too many other people's problems and woes and I need time to find me again. I am not leaving Top Shelf. I am, however in desperate need of time alone so I can get centered again. Losing Holly seems to have brought me to the point of finality and I just can't deal with any more problems or concerns right now.

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Urinary Tract Infections

In August of 2007, when I went to Thailand to have SRS, I contacted a Urinary Tract Infection, post op. Who knows how it happened. It is a whole new world when you cut your primary defense against such things off and make it a Vagina. You go from at least several inches separation between the tip of your penis, and your anus, down to an inch or two. Ecoli is resident in your intestines, and in males it is less troublesome than in females. I had contacted a strain of Ecoli that is antibiotic resistant, perhaps due to poor sterilization of the tools?

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Something to lighten the mood

I thought with all that has been happening I'd provide a small exerpt from one of the stories I'm writing. Understand I haven't truly edited it and its still raw. But so you all know Mel is 13 and Dwayne is 14.

Lisa walked into the apartment when she heard the voices coming from the bedroom. That's right shove that piston in. Mel said.

Do you think I used enough lube? The boy asked.

I hope so I don't want it to be scorched. Oh god that feels good. Pump it some more.

Listening the conversation seemed to get worse.

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Considering my future.

No one ever suggested that it was easy being a writer, though I always thought on BC it was easier than most places because of the friendly atmosphere. I'm not so sure anymore. I'm seriously thinking I might stop writing Bike, perhaps it's run its course - maybe I don't have anything to say anymore without apparently upsetting people, maybe I should just bow out and let someone else entertain people for nothing.

I'm still thinking about it. I won't withdraw my stuff as others have done but I might not post here again either.


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Batwoman Writer and Artist Quit

So it looks like DC has struck again with their single minded stupidness. They're going to feel it this time though after the writer and artist of Batwoman both part because DC wouldn't let them have a gay marriage between Batwoman and her long time girlfriend. For me its not just about not allowing the marriage, its also about them trying to control their writers creative process :(

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New Story, Free Books

I've just poked my head out of the ground to start a new multi-part story, Pirates. I've been concentrating on writing novels (not always with TG themes) and other matters. I'd like to announce that two of my Kindle eBooks will be available for free downloads next week. Many of you have been kind and purchased these already, but newcomers may find them an introduction to my writing.

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One of Those Days

Today I visited a saw mill in northern Arkansas. If any of you have driven the highway between Conway and Harrison, you've seen the mill. I decided to drive non-stop home and fix a late lunch. US 65 joins Interstate 40 at the north side of Conway. There is a long left turn lane to get onI-40 South. I was stopped about 8-10 feet behind the truck in fron of me when I heard a 'chirp' of tire and was clobbered by a GMC 1500 pickup truck. I was driving a 2012 Chevy Malibu. Guess who won? I was knocked into the Nissan Tundra in front, and his tow bar penetrated my radiator.

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Awesome, Awesome, Must Read!

Wonderful article in The Atlantic about a supportive and loving "man's man" of a father raising a -- in his words -- "gender creative" son.

I must admit to having shed a happy tear or two.

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Non TG related health advice sought.

A little background. You know I'm 70: No secret. I was raised in a suburb of a large Midwestern city that had no city water, so when our suburb was built (started late 30s, our home built 1940, I was born '43) so everything was set up around community wells, about 12 to 15 homes to each well. So, no fluoride in the water. Also the Gene fairy was unkind to both sides of my family. Both my parents hat their teeth removed in their early 30s, before I was born. I never knew them without dentures.

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First steps.

The sun rose lazily over the horizon, making the sky explode in a kaleidoscope of colors. Reds, oranges and pinks fought for dominance in the great pallet of blue. She stood feet firmly planted a long twisted dark road behind her and an uncertain lighted path in front of her. She remembered the words of one of her favorite authors since childhood.

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost”

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The Healing Process

When I heard this talk on "TED Talks", the woman's story surprised me by its practicality. There are lots of concepts and ideas there that can be used by us all. Many of those ideas are exactly what I had to learn in my own recovery.

I hope that many of you will find this as useful as I did.


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My book isn't a TG story, just to be clear

It's been brought to my attention that the fact that my new book's not TG (see last blog post) might affect people's purchasing decisions. Fair enough, I didn't even think of it at the time I posted the last blog post, so I'm letting people know now.

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Nothing to do with TG... "London Skyscraper Melting Cars"

Nothing related to TG but I know there are quite a few UK authors and users on this site. Have to laugh at this one. London skyscraper "melting" parked cars.... "The skyscraper's developers said they were seeking to rectify the problem which they blamed on the position of the sun at certain times of day." Hmmmm.... Sure, blame it on the sun. It's clearly out to get them. Perhaps a lawsuit against that pesky star? Perhaps it's something they might have anticipated. I don't think the sun has changed it's route across the sky recently.

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losing my lunch

Well, apparently, my tummy has some firm ideas about what it likes, and cooked lettuce and stringy ham definitely dont make the cut. For the second day in a row, I ended up throwing up my supper because I was trying to eat more healthy.

Not good.

Not good at all....

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Yay, it went over well!

I am really happy that something I did in the most recent chapter of Written in the Body played off well. Something I have been setting up for half the story was made clear and that is a slight trans element in a side story. People were surprised but supportive. It is playing out really well and that makes me happy. I have no idea how many of you are following that story but I was just excited about that and wanted to share. :D

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Ancient TG Fiction

When I set out to write ‘No Greater Love’ I used a story I thought was from the ‘Iliad’ by Homer which was written circa 760-710 BC. It is the one that tells of how how Thetis, the mother of Achilles, fearful for her son’s safety sends him off to the court of King Lycomedes of Skyros to live as a girl rather than risk death in war.

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Stock Help

Hello. I'm just wondering if anyone here know's anything about stocks and bonds and investing. I am considering opening up a investment account. I have looked around and considering my limited money and such, I'm going to open a high yeild savings account and then a Brokerage account with the investment firm "Charles Schwab". I have been and I am continously looking around for more info. have looking and learning about different investments and bonds and funds. I'm thinking about putting the majority of my funds in a Growth-and-income, equity-income, and balanced funds, mutual fund.

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Holiday's Will Be Here Before You Know It!

Well, this wasn't supposed to be a question I'd need to ask, but that was before running into the side of a granite boulder. I was supposed to be in Oklahoma the beginning of July. Gee, everything was set, housing, family, even the finances were all a done deal. I was supposed to have moved out from my house, and I would still be leaving more than 1/2 my monthly money so the house (can anyone say investment?) payment would be made.

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Need some book help

Hello everyone! I'm in need of some help. Some years ago I wrote my first book, Heroes of Justice. Finally I've got around to getting it ready to go up on Kindle, but for one small problem, the Cover. I understand that there is a service were you can for a low price ask for a cover to be made for you. That's great!

However, you still need to have some idea of what to ask for since the artist has more than likely never read your story.

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