As the title line says. If anyone does wish to buy my books, the easiest search term for them on Amazon is 'Sussex Border Stories'. I continue to work on Elaine's story, in 'Sisters', part 4 of which is up today.
Odd how it now feels almost like work, now that I am being paid for it...
Link to Amazon Page US for Extra Time
Here's a link to the Amazon US page with BC codes embedded:
Extra Time (Sussex Border Stories)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks, Erin
Here's a link to the UK one:
Sussex Border Books at Amazon UK
And remember the commission to the site when using the Amazon link on the Home Page here.
Link above modified to include BCTS Amazon UK ID
I signed up for commissions from Amazon UK, too and modified the above link. They may end up sending me a commission check about once every two years because it has to be 50 GBP before they will bother. :) But everything helps. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Good news
I'll use this link because I buy quite a lot of stuff from Amazon over the course of a year.
Thanks for thinking about those of us in the UK.