bamajoe's blog

Girl Power and a confession

I am shocked, stunned, blown away, pick your adverb(s). This story is almost completely free hand as I call it. I didn't sit down do and out line in general, set a time line, lay out all the players and so on. the notes I made for it would fit on a 3X5 index card with room left over. That is not the way I normally write. I generally lay out he whole story start to finish outline style and than start the actual writing process. I normally do a ton of research before I start too.

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Some General Help Needed

It's been a few months since I posted so I wanted to put his out there before I did. I have two parts of a three part story written and in the hands of my editor. Thing is because of the nature of the story I have no clue how to tag it. It's very science fiction with multiple transformations in it, open dialog about sex and sexuality and at least one sex scene. On the other hand the story plot itself is very much along the lines of Gentleman Jockey wins the derby, with some self-preservation thrown in for good measure. I'm not trying to pre hype the story I just have no clue how to tag it.

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For the Love of a Girl

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I have been sitting on this story for a while now. originally written as a Tragedy,I changed the ending several times before I got it the way I wanted it. It is long I admit, but I hope those who read it all the way through enjoy it. I figured Easter weekend was a good time for a love story and I hope that is what everyone who reads it sees.

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Seasons Greetings

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Well, it's just a few days away now, and while I have been in and out of here a bit I haven't posted a story in a while. So I will just use this blog to wish you one and all the very best wishes for the season. May whatever higher power you believe in keep you health,happy and whole. It's been a busy year for me and I hope to slow down a little next year so I can write more. My count is probably off, but I am pretty sure we lost two of our own this year so remember those families as well. Keep your nose clean even if it takes both shirt sleeves,(lol)


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Not an easy read

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I haven't posted a story since the Christmas contest and this one is not an easy read. I do hope those that make it to the end enjoy it. My editor said I should have given the tissue alert, but I let it slide this time. Heck I had a hard enough time selecting the keywords for the header.

I may take this one down later as I was thinking this might be my first E-book. I would love to hear what the people here think of it as E-book material.

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Is it my turn now?!!!

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B.J, (ie) bamajoe, had just put the final touches on what he thought might be a marginally good Halloween contest story, when sudden his muse went into to over drive and a spin off story just flowed across his keyboard. Ten pages then twenty, he even broke that cardinal rule having lunch at his desk which include coffee, (as for at rule hot liquids and keyboards are not good friends) soon after he was up to thirty three neatly type and roughly edited pages. Then POOF, it all just vanished.

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Pretty in Pink?

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Okay, have no problem with the pink coloring as such. However I did like the other format/layout much better. Just a personal opinion but, at fist blush it seemed that it might be easier to navigate. On a strictly personal note, I could have been happy just to have a larger font for the stories, or the option for a larger font. Still great work and many Kudos to Erin and the staff for all their hard work.

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By Request - Computer Care and Optimizing

While I am not a Tech Geek by any means. Several people ( no names used) have ask me about Keeping their PC, clean and running in top notch condition. That being the case, what knowledge I have about the subject I will gladly share. We'll start with step one.

For cleaning my personal PC. I use Ccleaner by Pierform, it's a free download and easy enough to find. I have this on all five of my PC's, two desktops and three laptops. On to step two.

Find and run the (disk cleanup utility) built into windows. Delete anything it finds. on to step three.

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The Boy Who Wasn't

The story posted today included the tag as being Forced Fem, however I did that so as not to offend some of those who tend not to read stories tagged as such. It's not true that it was forced on the boy unless you consider the fact that it was mother nature that decided for him. Thanks to all that do read it and I hope you enjoyed it. Best wishes for one and all for the holiday and an extended thanks to the staff of B.C. Joe

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Natural Reader

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I just thought I would mention this as it has been a great help to me. The Natural Reader program is a free download easily found on the net. Since I write and well enjoy it, I also strive to make my story's an easy read. Sometimes saying what you mean and meaning what you say can get lost in the writing. There is nothing like having someone read back to you what you have written, if just to see what it sounds like. The Natural Reader is not a great quality program but, it has the advantage of reading exactly what you wrote, as opposed to what you thought you

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about the sniper

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Now that the story is posted, I left the ending open so it might be continued. If any of the author's here at the BC would like to pick it up and continue I would gladly give them my permission to do so.

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about Roxanne

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I started this story back in early 1991. I knew the family well since they were my neighbors. Ronnie was really the driving force for the protest and it continued till the day he graduated. He followed his sisters footsteps and went to law school as well. Having to deal with a great many of the social issues that the TG and TS community deal with every day, they both became great advocates,with first hand experience. The true story didn't end well for Ronnie, but I didn't know that till his elderly mom told me. That was shortly after they buried her husband.

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For those of you who like them I am hoping to post the second part of my serial today. Thanks to one and all for the comments and kudos. part 1.1 may seem more like an added chapter, and will fill some plot holes from the first part. If I have stepped on someones elses story or plot line, I do apologize. I don't get to read a lot of the story's here as time is limited for me on the net... Best wishes to all.

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big time oops

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well after the complete and total loss AKA crash of my last computer... Hopefully I am back and can submit some story's again. My best wishes to all who might have been waiting for my next post. And a word of friendly advice...backups, backups, backups. Master copies of your work are far more valuable than you might think. Your time alone is worth something and you could loose it all in crash... Ask me I hope you all enjoy the next post...

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HELP !!!!!

First let me apologize the Staff and Editors. I tried to post two chapters of a story I wrote some time. I have no clue about how HTML works. I tried several times before I got it to look right and hit the submit content button......but oops I didn't clear out the others that didn't look good before I did. So you may have got the first chapter of the same story several times. I have read through a lot of the FAQ but I use Word Perfect so it's bit different from MS word.

Still I am open to any all help as I have more than a few story's I would like to post. Thanks to all. Joe

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