So this might sound weird but I am having major problems with my boyfriend. I put it here because he is on facebook and reads everything I write.
He is starting to make me feel very uncomfortable with the lies he keeps telling me and I wonder if someone who knows him (I know there are several) might counsel him through private message or email.
See, he has a habit of paying me compliments that just aren't true and it makes me feel self conscious and uncomfortable. Last night he was just staring at me. I figured maybe I had a piece of toilet paper stuck to me or a bugger hanging out my nose or something. When I asked him what, he told me that I was "so beautiful"
I am a lot of things, but beautiful is not one of them. I asked him to stop, but he just ignores me. At the very best I am mildly-nonrepulsive at my usually I am a troll and at my very worst, well you would run and hide at my very worst.
I don't mind compliments if they're honest. If he would go "Gee honey, you have a nice personality," or, "You sometimes tell amusing stories and I like those," I can accept them.
But these compliments. I could be mistaken for a small dilapidated house, I don't need smoke blown up my kiester. Hearing them make me cringe. I am not beautiful, pretty, and I damn sure ain't pretty. Would someone mind telling him to keep his attempts at flattery in the realm of reality. I'm at my wits end.
Thank you for any and all who help. (He is Jennifer Felix on Facebook, for those who forgot who he is).
When somone really cares for you.
You are beautiful no matter what you look like you are beautiful.
He is seeing you through the rose tinted glasses of his love.
To him, you are beautiful because you are the most desirable thing in his world.
PS. And while you may not be any where near ideal beauty you are also no where near repulsive, so get that idea out of your head.
you are beautiful
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, to him you could be the most beautiful person ever.

he's trying to tell you he loves you
we always beautiful when we are loved.
He cares for you, and you care for him
That much is obvious, as the two of you are still together. And that is because of all the good things the two of you share with each other - love, kindness, appreciation, and who knows how many other things of a similar nature.
In the 41 years of marriage my wife and I shared before her death, I know there were many not so good, but not really bad things either, that happened between us. I know we had our share of fights and disagreements, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what they were about. We had more than our share of good times between us - at least I hope we did, and and those times are the ones I remember and am fondest of.
Don't consider this incident a bad time because it isn't. Look at yourself as he sees you, and your future will always be bright.
To quote a line from a song from "Spamalot", "Always look at the bright side of life!"
Huggles to a very good writer that I really enjoy reading, and "may your days be merry and bright, and may all your Chrlistmases be white."
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If I want to be brutally honest, my wife of 46 years is well past her prime and even then, she wasn't a real beauty. But you know what? Beauty is a lot more than looks.
I can honestly look at her today and say, "You're beautiful." Her beauty is not the kind of thing that could get her on the cover of Vogue; no hers comes from deep within. It radiates and encompasses things and people around her. When I look at her, I can get lost in the vision of her beauty and often do.
I'm sure your beau feels the same way.
Looks aren't important to real beauty. If he thinks you're beautiful when you know you'd never even make the first cut in a beauty contest, then he's seeing the real beauty that you have deep within. Don't knock it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann