TopShelf Blogs

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I know this ground has been covered before

How is it that readers can read something brilliant and not be motivated to click on the kudos button or leave a comment? The authors here, many of whom are exceptional, deserve our thanks! They work hard to post wonderful, well crafted, stories and we, for the most part, ignore them. It's not right! How much effort does it really take to click that button in thanks?

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Under the knife in less than two weeks...

One thing loosing my job has done, it has moved up my timetable on SRS. This is because SRS is covered on my old insurance, and part of my severance package was insurance for 11 weeks after I was laid off. I am prepared to buy COBRA if I have to if I need the insurance extended.

So, baring glitches, I will be going into an operating room and having what was supposed to be the final stage of my transition done. Like I said, it was moved up. I do not see myself ever being able to afford this on my own, and I qualify now (or will as of Dec. 16).

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Kindle News for Authors and Readers

This concerns revisions and downloads. I just discovered that the copy of Reclamation that was offered in a 5-day free promotion is an older version. I updated all of my books in June of this year; all of the "Look Inside!" previews reflected that--yet the older version was sent out. Amazon is looking into it with me (several emails back and forth), because they're potentially liable if the book downloaded is not the book previewed!

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Yet another bl**dy birthday!

As I fly towards my dotage at the speed of light, I seem to have gathered another anniversary of my emergence on this planet. All it seems to bring these days is another ache or pain somewhere new which seems an awful price to pay for a few birthday cards. Such is life (or my one appears to be).

Then again, I'm living the dream and have been for a very long time, so perhaps I shouldn't complain.

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Its not just us the Daily Wail hates

Given how many of us here from the UK have an issue with the misogynist prating of the likes of Richard Littlejohn you might enjoy taking a test to see how much the Daily Mail hates YOU personally

(And the test doesn't even mention TG)


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Working on Athena's Wisdom

One of the things I'm wondering about is if I'm making Archie a little too broken here in the beginning. I mean, yes part of writing fiction is torturing your characters for fun and profit. That said, I wonder if I'm being too hard on Archie too soon.

Things aren't going to get better anytime soon. Archie's story has some miles to go before it's done.

Just wondering...

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Daily Mail: Humans are chimp/pig hybrids!

The Daily Fail has scored yet another notch in the "WTF?" category with this article:

'Humans evolved after a female chimpanzee mated with a pig': Extraordinary claim made by American geneticist

  • Dr Eugene McCarthy points to features that distinguish us from primates
  • He says that the only animals which also have these features are pigs
  • Controversial hypothesis has been met by significant opposition

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A very real transgender story

As most of you know, I am not TG in any respect, although I do seem to write a lot on the subject. I probably don't write as much, or as often as I should and my experience of TG matters comes from being on the outside, not the inside - which could be termed as a disadvantage.

My experience just got a little deeper recently however, and I would like to share that experience with you all with a little account here that I have just posted.

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‘The Other Side of the Wire’ is now on Kindle and

The fourth work of fiction set in the Second World War depicts life in Nazi Germany from 1935 on. It was inspired by the life of Solomon Perel, a Jewish-German boy who at age ten escaped Nazi persecution in 1935 with his family by fleeing to Lodz, Poland. When captured by the Germans, he managed to conceal his identity from the Nazis and become a member of the Hitler Youth in the process. It was adeptly depicted in ‘Europa, Europa,’ a movie based on the book ‘I Was Hitler Youth Salomon’ an autobiography Perel wrote in 1991.

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What do our stories say about us

Ever since I sat down and decided that I was going to give being a published author a try, I have been very conscientious about the choices that I make and what I put down on paper. I know I am only a self published author using technology to my advantage, but certain questions should be raised.

What is transgender literature saying about the community as a whole?

Are you happy with the message?

How do you feel about terms like Sissy, Tranny, Shemale, Ladyboi, Slut, Bimbo?

Do you think the majority of stories accurately represent your struggles?

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Joe Bates and Sapphire's Place

Just a shot in the dark, here, I decided to reread "The Joe Bates Saga" ay Sapphire's Place, after many years. I've gotten up to chapter 10 so far, except that the links for chapters 7 and 9 were broken. I don't know who, if anyone is responsible for the site, so I though that I would mention iy here. Does anyone know who I should contact?



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I'm Insulted!!!

I'm insulted. Yup, insulted! I went to Amazon and bought Katie's book "Unreachable" (wonderful story, recommend it to everyone) in Kindle format, downloaded the app for reading Kindle on a PC, and had a wonderful time reading yesterday. And then today...

Got an E-mail from kai(at), supposedly an "Account Specialist" with Kai is concerned that

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Bad Writing

I used to be a regular subscriber to a British magazine called SFX. Rather annoyingly, the front page was always designed so that the 'F' was slightly obscured, giving everyone the impression that you were buying a magazine called SEX, but that's by the by.

The best feature was always right at the end, where considerable space was given to reviewing recent SF and Fantasy fiction. The reviews were often uncompromising. I remember one comment to the effect that any writer who uses the phrase 'in actual fact' should be hung, drawn and quartered.

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T-Giving Tradition

If somebody has already posted this I apologize, but listening to this has become a Thanksgiving tradition for me. So without further adieu, follow this link to hear Alice's Restaurant Masacree by Arlo Guthrie, with the lyrics as video.

Alice's Restaurant

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Happy Thanksgiving

First of all, I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the American members of Big Closet. I hope all of you are having a great day with friends and family. For everyone else in other countries, I hope you're having a great Thursday.

I'm about to have a giant feel sorry for myself moment. So, if you don't want to read that, you've been warned.


Another holiday, and another one spent alone. I was supposed to have a house full of friends today. All of them canceled for one reason or another.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish all of my friends here at BCTS a most wonderful Thanksgiving. BCTS, the owners, editors, admins, writers, and readers have all made my life so much easier by providing a safe place to learn and grow. I appreciate all of y'all and wish the best for everyone.

Bright Blessings!
Cassie Ellen

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, fans and online family

At this time of year, we take time out to thank whatever God we may or may not follow, whatever person or thing that makes our lives just a bit better and hopefully easier. Remember who or what you are thankful for and bear in mind. However bad you might think you have it, there are many who have it much worse.

Thank you all for everything you have all offered me in the past and present. God bless you all, every one.

Holiday hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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To Life Yet again **Sigh**

**Sigh** It is Thanksgiving again tomarrow & yet again I am alone & now can't even leave the state of WI,because I'm on Probation because of the crime of using my Old Male info at an Airport to travel & being arrested for it.I hate this stupid Goverment.So I can't even go to any Friends I have made like I was planing to for Thanksgiving

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Masks/Post October Pumpkin Stuff-2.

Aunt Els Pumpkin Pickles:

Now a good number of people have heard of pickled watermelon and those that haven’t well yes they pickle watermelon. More specifically the rinds.

Now this is a canning recipe so you will need the usual things for that like Mason Jars big cauldrons…uhm pots of water and the like. Personally I like a pressure cooker and if you’re familiar with canning/bottling your own food then you know what I mean. If not look it up! It’s a seriously cool life skill.

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Jaci is gonna laugh at this one

Well, Jaci is gonna laugh at this one. Writing my autobiography has reminded me of a very strange incident. I was still in grade six, and I was on my way home from school when I saw some of my usual tormentors, but this time they had friends. Friends on bikes. Friends with knives, chains, and baseball bats.

I ran for my life, and somehow managed to get to my door ahead of them. I called the police, and decided I would do something rather stupid - I opened my door and told them the police were on their way.

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The methodology of writing.

After years of being a lurker, and that was before I registered on the site, I'm finally taking a more active role. I'll be posting the first chapter of a new story later today. (Yes, if I say that here, then I've got a deadline I have to meet.)

That said, I want to get a discussion going on the writing process itself. I've noticed that the appropriate section of the forums is rather dead. Goes back over 2 years on the first page of threads. So, I'm posting here.

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Something to share that I should have shared before

The Caution is because a Pregnant woman is blogging. The great parts of Our Lives, 22 weeks along, 2 sets of twins yes quadruplets, I now weigh 152(my starting weight was 112) 10 pounds more than i did the day that Jessica and Racheal were born, Rae is oldest by 4 minutes and 42 seconds.

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Should I apologize too?

After I read Katie's latest blog, I wondered if I should apologize for my writing too. I seem to have the opposite problem than her - I cant make my stories long enough. Someone on fictionmania described my last story "Case file" as "more of an elevator pitch of a story than the full story".'

I have what I think are wonderful ideas in my head, but when I write them they end up being postcards instead of major motion pictures ...

So my apologies to all.

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Headlights Girl is available at MANY places!

To my utter amazement, my book, Headlights Girl, is available not only at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but also at, Abe Books,, Itunes,,, Nook even! Here's where I found all this info:

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Whining about my Bra

I've been on the 'moans for about 12 years now and can not bitch about my breasts. I think they are size B, at least one of them. You did know that breasts are not equal? My band size is 40 or sometimes 42. I should probably be slapped silly for complaining, but no one seems willing to do so.

My complaint is that in that size, the bras look um "serviceable", you know like Military Issue. YUK !!!

The pretty, lacy, pushupy, vavoomy, sexy ones only fit the little girls with like a 32 or 32 band. I am like totally green with envy. The BITCHES !!!!

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The birthday party was stressful but okay

Well, yesterday was an adventure, all right. First, we were later getting going than I would have liked, then a train kept us waiting for 10 minutes, and then I lost track of mom, so by the time we got there we were both seriously stressed. But the actual event was nice, and one lady complimented me on my pigtails. Other than my relatives using the male name for me, it was a decent night.

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Still here

I am still around, I've just been busy. At work we've lost all of the new people (4 in a month, 2 of them in just one week)and one older person. So I am working Sundays stocking the pets department. I have also been getting a ton of overtime, thankfully I can get my bills under control now. I hope that it all evens out after Christmas, but for the next few weeks, my schedule will change weekly.

I shall resume Tracy and Hope soon.

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I've been very ill today

I'm feeling better now but I woke up at 330 AM last night with diarrhea and vomiting that lasted till a bit after noon. I kept drinking things like lemonade and Seven-Up and hot tea and water, to keep my fluids up even tho a lot of time they just came back up. At noon when I thought I could keep it down, I took an anti-diarrheal pill.

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I hate how cyclic

depression can be. One week, I'm totally in the dumps. Meds not working. Don't want to do anything. The next, things are rosier, and I manage to scratch out a few paragraphs. Or work on my 3D Bikini Beach model. Or other stuff. There's no pattern, and no predictability. As an engineer, I hate unpredictable things. It's weird, and quite annoying. If someone knows a way to make it all rosy, I'm all ears.

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Well, I wanted to talk about some positives about being trans, but last night I ended up fighting nightmares of rape basically the whole night. Probably triggered by my trying to write my autobiography, stupid me.

I will survive, but this isnt the way I wanted to start my day...

Ah, well.

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Zinnia Jones Trans ?

Or Lauren Mcnamara. She has lots of Youtube videos. I am not actually sure why she would reveal she is Trans. In looking at her videos, I am not sure why she would reveal anything at all about her past. She is bullet proof in my opinion.

She may be talking about Trans issues because her own presentation is so strong. Please take notice of her voice. The pitch is in the female range, and her inflection and resonance make so many of us seem like pitiful pretenders.

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She's Alive

So, life has been crazy as of late. Between PTSD diagnosis and treatment, kidney stones and other medical misadventures I have barely been able to focus on writing. I have gotten a bit better. I finished the first draft of the last chapter of Written In The Body so I do have hopes of getting to the last several chapters of 300 Rains. That is my plan at any rate.

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Ms Yates

I know a lot of readers here eschew the output on FM but I'd like to recommend 'Ms Yates' by Dreamweaver. It's just finished and I think most people here would appreciate it. So override your prejudices and have a read :). It's garnered very few comments and it deserves more.

I'm in a pretty bad place myself right now (nothing to do with sexual identity as much as general depression brought on by partly by short, miserable days and long dark evenings) but this has gone a small way to cheer me up.


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Hatbox Gifts Needed

Contributions to the Hatbox continue to be what keeps Piper and I able to keep this website and a dozen others used by the TG community active and running.

Angela Rasch's "Voices Carry Over Water" is now available to contributors to the Hatbox and we will soon have the revised version of "To Alleviate Suffering" there, too. Thanks very much, Angela. :)

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It happened again, back to my dark place :(

I just lost my current job basically because of disabilities. , I have A.D.D., O.C.D. And depression, I was told in not as few words that because i wasn't noticing the work at the other side and end of the lne, that they didnt want me.
My depression which has been almost managable these past few weeks has flared up since losing another job from some of my problems, I don't envision me really leaving my room for a week, if i can find the motivation too at all, Im having to push myself to even post this

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A Story in Hat box Review

I just subscribed to Hat Box and read a fascinating Story by Angela Rasch " Voices Carry Over Water" I am not going to tell what the story is about but it is well written. As a recent post op I can relate to the main character and what he/she or she/he goes through. I've always liked what Angela writes and often will read it when I am sure I have nothing else to do. I actually gave up sleep to read the story in it's entirety. If you the reader do not mind adding a few coins to the Hat Box, then you will have the privilege of reading "Voices Carrying Over Water"

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