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Happy Dance Time

I am overjoyed! Yesterday I had a Cardiac PET Scan Stress Test and they just called me to tell me that my cardiac arteries both large and small are in great shape and if you knew my heart history for the past 15 yrs you would be amazed too. No results on Echo-cardiogram or Carotid Ultrasound till 11/5 but that is good news in and of itself. If there were bad things she would have me in sooner.

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What if you are an Alien?

Are you an Alien? During a surprising encounter with a rather highly placed member of my faith last night, he made the observation that the reason I like to write about "good aliens", is that I feel like an alien. I immediately knew this to be true, though it is doubtful that the joy of writing stories that have good aliens will grow tiresome.

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End of the line

I just posted the last of God Bless the Child and published Unreachable. That is going to be it for me. It has been a great ride. I had some laughs, shed some tears, but I'm really not cut out to be an author. I don't have what it takes and it has become obvious. There is a certain level of attention to detail to produce a good story, and I don't have that ability. It is more than just not getting reads and comments and kudos and reviews.

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Technical Question

I've gotten in discussions about books a few times now, either in comments or PMs. Is there a way to embed links to Amazon in our messages so this site gets their affiliate credit? I see the ad in the corner of the site that lets the site get a commission from Amazon shopping, but don't know if we can make that more general.

Just wanted to know in case we can make those links ourselves. Might as well - I'd be quite happy to see the site get some credit when I shop there.

Thanks for any help.

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Of Muses and Mallets...

Well, my muse has spent the last few weeks beating me over the head with a mallet in her attempts to get this story out. I've even enlisted the aid of our own Maggie Finnson in this endevor, both as a partial editor/proofreader and as a co-writer for the story itself.

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Is anyone interested in a Quest type forum-RPG?

Hi everyone,

surfing around the net I've found several interesting role playing games that are played in forums. One form, where the gamemaster essentially write the story, fascinated me very much. The players decide by vote what the character does and the game master rolls to decide wether that action succeeds and what the consequences are.

I thought that we could maybe do the same here and wanted to ask if some of you would be interested. That wouldn't mean commitment to anything, I just want to know if people would be willing to check in and vote for the next action once in a while.

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Wonder what is going on?

Usually, I actually am reasonably pleasant woman at peace with myself and life. Oh, I have my moments but they are few and far between. Today, every time I've encountered even mildly abusive stuff in my reading it has triggered my inner Mama Bear and trust me that is scary.
Something is going on but experience has taught me that attempting to "figure it out" is fruitless. Best I sit quietly with the feeling and allow it to become clear in its own time.

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Never thought this would happen

So how do I begin this one. I guess I'll start out by saying my transition is going well. If anyone wants a link to my Transition log or E-log as I like to call it, feel free to PM me and I'll see about sending you a link to it. but anyways I digress, This past week I took adive off the deep end. in a matter of speaking. The past week, I met this guy in my reading class who asked for my number to do a study group session. later that week I got a text asking if I wanted to go out. At first, naturally I was scared. I hadn't been on a date in years.

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Content Subscriptions and Notifications

We're going to try a new capability here after a recent request. Now you can subscribe to your favorite authors to be notified when they post new stories. :) At least, we hope this works. Consider it to be in test mode right now.

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New Book Available

I am pleased to announce the release of my new book "Unreachable". It may be my best story yet and considering God Bless the Child and Finding Jenny, I think that is saying something. There isn't the religious overtones like there were in Wrestling Against Myself, so it should appeal to all.

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I'mmm Baaaack

It's three fifty-six and my wife and I landed at SFO an hour and a half ago from Italy. Got up at 4am local time and flew to Paris for an hour and a hlaf layover. We then flew direct to San Francisco, yep it's a long flight and to make matters worse my Kindle died half way through Karin Bishop's I should have known. Need less to say I'm just a little tired right now and will start editing Lashes as soon as possible, probably tomorrow afternoon, but I have some real life issues to take care of first, Like making enough money to pay the mortgage.

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I'd like to ask for your prayers and good wishes

Beverly Taff's wife is in hospital suffering from an incurable brain tumor. They have operated and removed all they can get of the tumor. Beverly is such a good person and I would like to ask all of you, whatever your faith or beliefs, to send prayers and good wishes to Beverly and her wife.

Bev is a great writer and a good friend.

Thank you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Gulf States consider transgender ban

It would appear that the Gulf States Cooperative Council are considering a Kuwaiti proposal to carry out sex tests on immigrants wishing to work there with the intention of preventing entry by transgender people.

I do wonder if I came to the wrong planet because I was seeking one with intelligent life forms!

I wonder if you can spot my comment? (no prizes).

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National Coming Out Day

I wasn't previously aware of this, but courtesy of Wikipedia's Main Page, I've discovered that today is (or has been for those in UTC+3 or greater) National Coming Out Day.

It is apparently "an internationally observed civil awareness day celebrating individuals who publicly identify as bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender–coming out regarding one's sexual orientation and/or gender identity being akin to a cultural rite of passage for LGBT people. The day is observed annually by members of the LGBT community and allies on October 11."

So if you weren't already aware of it, consider yourself informed :)

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Reader participation invited.

In a blatant attempt to double the number of my readers to four, and still basking in the afterglow of completing SNAFU - at least in its first version (I want to do a full edit when I have time)- I'm inviting readers to inform me which of my outstanding serials - not including Bike - they would like me to write another episode.

To refresh memories these are:

Charlotte's Tale.

Soldier of Misfortune.

PFH - The British Kid.

Totally Insane.

Or if you don't fancy any of those, a brand new short story.

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Posting New Chapters

I am not sure if I did this right and it needs to be corrected before I post my next chapter if I did it wrong. I just posted chapter 2 of my story, The Lesson Learned. To post the chapter I added it as a child page to the first chapter. Was that the correct way to do it? Or is there another way to link them that I haven't figured out yet?

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People who orate

Normally I don't blog as I cant type worth a stink(ie very slow, 2 fingers)but after reading that Philbin's little rant about reaction to his news column, I gotta speak out. granted this butt head is a bigot and a pompous ass, I finally got his whole complaint. He just hates liberals, especially when he is shown for what he is, stupid, arrogant, self centered, & just really in love with himself.

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Gulf States to 'detect' gays on entry

Admittedly the story's in the Daily Mail, but apparently Gulf Cooperation Countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) are to use a medical test developed by Kuwait to supposedly 'detect' homosexuals and prevent them from entering their respective country.

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Anyone heard from Sasha Nexus?

It's been a couple of months since she last posted anything and she was also having upheavals in her personal life. i've been waiting to hear something from her, but she seems to have vanished. i always fear the worst when someone goes silent with no prior notice. As I have a history with Sasha, I am even more concerned. I know she said that her time was severely limited and her situation was such that she couldn't speak openly about a lot of things going on in her real life.

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Service Temporarily Unavailable

I have been having an issue with the BC site that I have never had before yet it's been going on for the past couple of hours. I will go to a new page or to submit a message or edit my story and I will get a "service temporarily unavailable" page stating that there is either a maintenance or the server is full. Is it just me or is everybody getting this? it seems to last for 2 or 3 minutes and then lets me back in again.

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Book Cover

I'm in the final stages of prepping my collective book for sending to Katie to make sure it'll work as a Kindle eBook. In fact, give me another hour and the final rewrite of the final story will be complete!

On the other hand, there is one thing I need for it that I still don't have yet...

The cover.

I've decided on the title "Josie's Con Stories And Other Tales," but the cover design I want for it is based on "The Voice On The Line," consisting of a bouquet of yellow roses lying on a set of steps next to a cane.

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Not an easy read

I haven't posted a story since the Christmas contest and this one is not an easy read. I do hope those that make it to the end enjoy it. My editor said I should have given the tissue alert, but I let it slide this time. Heck I had a hard enough time selecting the keywords for the header.

I may take this one down later as I was thinking this might be my first E-book. I would love to hear what the people here think of it as E-book material.

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The long wait is over and the male bits are history

On Tuesday September seventeenth I was rolled into operating room number five Lower Bucks Hospital in Bristol Pennsylvania. When I left pro-op the nurses and staff wished me "Happy Birthday" I was told that the sedative I was given would take affect quickly. I awoke in my hospital room.
I had no surgical pain, but my legs felt as though they had played twister with them. I spent three days in the hospital and then was moved back to DR Leis's office and recovery room. Ten days after surgery I was released to go home.

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Dealing with disappoinment

I was going through 'My Stories' list today. I do it every day to see if anyone has left a comment. Anyway, I noticed the very poor reception that two of my stories received: Five Love Stories en Brochette, and Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. The later was about a golf tournament, and I can understand the lack of interest. Unfortunately for those who didn't read it, there was a tremendous amount of information there pertinent to the whole Cynthia Chronicles series. That story required quite a bit of research, and probably took six months to shape up. That's okay.

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Looking for story

Trying to find a story I read several years ago. Mom wants son to get a haircut, son refuses. Mom makes a deal, if he can keep his hair off his collar for 30 days he can keep it. Son learns a variety of updos with his mom's help. But one evening he and his mom are seen at a drive-in by two of the really popular girls when he has his hair in a Gibson Girl style. They recuit him to help them get away from their abusive boyfriends.

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Anyone here with heavy Psych background ...

I was wondering if there was someone here with a strong psychology background that could read a 34 page Facebook journal for me and give me their assessment. I think that someone has an adjustment disorder, and is possibly obsessive but am unsure about how to proceed.

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Preemptory Motion

More than six years ago I discovered BCTS. What a wonderful discovery it was. Because my CRS, I will probably forget to say anything about my sixth anniversary of being an official member of this wonderful place when the time rolls around a few weeks from now. Strike while the iron's hot. It will be six years near the end of this month that I tentively made my first official ventures as a participant here here. I've met some wonderful people. Unfortunately, too many are departed. Thank you everyone for your wonderful contributions. Thank you for reading and commenting on mine.

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I find myself wishing I could go out this Halloween

I have said here before that for most of my life I hated Halloween. I always felt like I couldnt go out as a girl because I might cause people to wonder about my masculinity, or rather my lack of the same.

But now, for some reason, I find myself wishing I could afford a costume and knew of a good adult Halloween party I could go to. But, lack of money, and lack of somewhere safe I could go means I will be on the sidelines when for the first time I actually want to be the game ...

ah, well.

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Off to ComicFest

I'm going to spend three days in San Diego, hobnobbing with some of my friends in the comics industry at a small con out in Mission Valley called ComicFest. I'll have WiFi, laptop, phone and tablet so I should be able to get online frequently and check in. Have a swell time. :)


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Thank you, Tom Clancy

Tom Clancy was my inspiration. It started with Red Storm Rising. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was written by Larry Bond. Tom was the minor co-author. Regardless, I then read Cardinal of the Kremlin and Red October. Then, I followed the Jack Ryan sagas to the bitter end.

I was a techy. I had worked on several defense systems, all of which are now long gone. I’m a military brat and even lived on base for a couple of years. So, I had a background in the field.

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Dear Diary-Life's Changes Happen And Now I Know Why

I understand that my body is changing. I did not ask for it to change, it is happening anyways. My testosterone levels have been dropping for about ten years now (I'll be 57 in 2 months) and that is normal. But since my wife died 7 years ago I have not slept well. I usually get 3-5 hrs of sleep, in the past few months it's more like 3-6 hrs. Rarely do I sleep more than 6 hrs. I recently investigated the causes of low testosterone in men and found that age 40+ the levels decrease, this is natural.

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I'm back!

Well, I was discharged yesterday (Weds 12th), a process that took all afternoon. I'm home and attempting to pick up the pieces of life again.

I'll draw a veil over the hospital experience since a lot of you have been there and done that. I'm just glad I wasn't as badly off as some of the other poor sods on my ward.

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I'm alright...

Cat scan found no cats, colonoscopy found no punctuation marks, blood test shows lower sugar, eye test shows beginning cataracts but again, sadly no other cats than the two who already own our home. Back brace helps but my day was sponsored by the letter L and the number 7. But.... I know who I am and how much of Andrea remains a vital part of me.... so......

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I am Back, .... And my cat is dieing

Thank to the work of Joyce and Erin of One of the best sites on the Internet.

I have obviously been able to finally after a 1/2 year of not being able to sign-in, sign in again.

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New Novel Update

As some of you may or may not know, I've been working extremely hard on the next great trans novel. It is a good story, about a middle school teacher and a troubled student with a panache for misbehaving. They butt heads in the beginning of the book until the teacher realizes the kid is harboring a secret and his tough guy image is just a facade to keep people from finding out the truth about him.

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Story with dragons and worm holes

What happened to the story where this guy was dying and went down a worm hole and wound up a Princess with a pet dragon? It is recent within the last 6 months and I do not think it was finished. They were just getting ready for war with humans that had found them.

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