I finally got some news on the illustrations for the worlds first transsexual children's book "but, I'm not a boy". They are done. Finished. In the mail (so to speak).
My illustrator who is not transgender let me know that she is done with the drawings and will be scanning them in Friday. I posted two on the story on the site as a teaser a while ago ( http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/43417/but-im-not-boy ). Now I will have thirty such illustrations. The two you see on site are not even completely finished drawings.
I am going to aim for a release date the first weekend in February. There will be a kindle version and a paperback version. Is there any interest in smashwords and nook and other versions?
I think this is an important work and I would like a big initial push. Because it is illustrated and I have to split royalties, the book will be priced at 4.99 but will be released at 3.99 so I can get a good initial push. I think this is an important work and needs to be recognized. I know there are a lot in the community who are interested in such a thing so I am hoping people can put aside the money to buy it when it first comes out. I want to make some real noise and draw attention to this work.
Also, in other news, it's my birthday. My very last one because I turned 39 and will have unbirthdays from here on out. (An unbirthday is when you take a year off). I will never hit 40.
Smashwords, Smashwords.
Yes please, publish it on Smashwords. If you don't price out of my price range, I'll buy a copy.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I don't see your problem with birthdays.
After thirty-nine comes thirty-ten, thirty-eleven, thirty-twelve....
Didn't You Know, 39 Is The New 27
This is a brave step you've taken, and an important one. I wish you well with it.
Hint: change your birthday to February 29th. Since 39 is the new 27, you'll have more than four decades to wait until you hit middle age. The only drawbacks are a) fewer presents and b) when you finally reach the big four-zero you'll be too old to appreciate how young you really are.
If that makes sense...