TopShelf Blogs

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Once Again My Insensitivity Comes Forth

I thought I had finally come up with a good title for my latest effort. Unfortunately, it was a bad choice. I apologize if I brought up unpleasant memories for anyone. If someone can come up with a better suggested title, I will certainly consider it. All I ask is that you read the story first. Meanwhile, I made a change, and the story is now called Simoné and Love's Triumph. I'm not happy with the title. I am very happy with the story.

Sorry, No Bike

Been on the phone to my needy friend, so no time to write tonight. I'm off to see my daughter tomorrow assuming I can traverse the flooding and survive the return journey, when a howling gale and more rain is forecast.

Life continues to shit all over me, and it appears I've been left off the list for helping with the TdF to add to my tale of woe. Assuming I survive my trip, I may do an episode tomorrow when I get home.

"Simoné and the Final Solution" Posted

I have posted a complete novella, Simoné and the Final Solution. It's too agonizing to post stories of this length in parts and get little response. I entered it in the Beholden of the Heart contest; however, I'm not sure it meets the criteria as the instructions seem to have disappeared. If it does not meet the criteria, I will withdraw it from the contest.

Pun Fun

There are more than a few blogs posted here that are real downers. After posting one the other day, I decided I needed to lighten the mood somewhat by sharing some literary humor (humour) that I came across.

But beware. If you have an aversion to puns, go no further.



From a website named Literary Magic;

What do I say here?

This is difficult. I don't know why to say. I have tears running down my cheeks and I don't know why but I don't care. So why am I posing. Not to ask for help although I feel desperate for it I don't need it. Let me tell you a true story although the typing may be bad, I really can't see the screen very well for tears. I think I will appear ver confused which may be true but that's aright (lol).


I can't believe how excited I am. I have just been given the opportunity of a lifetime. A very influential member of the trans community has asked me to help write their biography. And when I say influential, I'm talking on a national level. So for the next 5 days or so she will be crashing on my couch and I will be putting in 8-10 hour days at the keyboard. Not only is their a major publisher already involved, but a movie coming out in March (so we're rushing to print).

On Depression

I have suffered from mild to severe depression all my life. The Dr's told me that it was a chemical imbalance in my brain and it would never go away. Thankfully, HRT has mostly fixed that, but I should say my experience with HRT does not seem to be common.

Anyway, I have learned a few things that helped me with the depression and anxiety that I though I would share.

Back Again

I have just posted the next portion controlled segment of Havens Salvation. I will be making the postings smaller so there is not so much to digest at one time.

My farewell

In the past year I have found that my faith has taken me forward in my Christian life. I am a conservative Christian and I will say how I feel. I have been un friended by people because I do not say things that they want me to say. I am not at all ever going to be in alliance with a liberal stance. I do not stand by Cruz or Arnold Schwartzenneggar types in the republican party. I have for most of my life read each political bulletin that came out for each party. I prevue and read carefully what is being offered.

Looking for Artist

Hi as some of you may know, I recently published For The Fairest on kindle and if some of you have taken a look, you'd see that the cover of it has left a lot to be desired. So if you're an artist and liked to take a crack at drawing me a cool cover for it, I'd appreciate it greatly. PM me for more details if you're interested :)




I have a question for you all. and you may not have known her, but my mom was....someone I really idolized for her strength and tenacity. and there are many times I wanted to be like her.

Saved by the J.L.A.?

The title of this entry is "Saved by the J.L.A.?", and I'm sure someone reading that would wonder what was going on with me lately. I can see someone saying, "Geez, Dorothy. A couple of days ago you were talking about being rescued by Capt. Kirk from Star trek, and now you're saying a bunch of comic-book superheros saved you?"

But hang with me, it'll make sense.

See, I have been really struggling lately because I accidentally opened a mental door to one of the more dark areas in my brain, and seeing the amount of toxic sludge I have built up made me feel ill.

Hatbox: Funds Needed

We're still short of our goal for January right now, after the expense of replacing a drive, renewing domain names, my own dental bill of $900 and my sending some funds to Piper to help with medical bills. If you can, please contribute toward our goal

Here's the Amazon link: Hatbox.

Gifts can be sent via PayPal to me at joyce @ or checks or money orders to:

Joyce Melton
1001 Third St. #80
Calimesa, Ca 92320

Sorry All

Sorry all... My tablet's screen got broken in my bookbag, so I thought I would have SG 4 up by now... I'm getting it repaired (or a new one), but SG 4 should be up soon (I got 90% done). However, I might redo the chapter...

For The Fairest

Because of a financial situation, I'm going to try to publish some of my work on Kindle. I'm going to start with For The Fairest...if it does get accepted by Amazon, I'm sad to say I might have to take the story down from here.

I'll keep everyone informed of the status of this :)



I have failed, failed at writing( I haven't been able to write a word since I lost the ability to buy meds). I look at my kudos and see less then three hundred of them. I think I was deluding myself into believing I had some talent for writing. Yet another failure in my life. I fail to break out of my current prison, I fail to find work(averaging 3-10 applications and resume submissions a day).


When I started this whole Hyperverse thing with Naughty or Ice in December I wasn't too sure how well it was going to be received. I thought that my crazy overactive imagination was lying to me when it insisted that posting that first story was a good idea. The response was amazing so I followed it up just over two weeks ago with Glitch! and then with the first chapter of Syryn's Song and A Star is Born.

Got my 2nd shot of Cortozone today for my foot

Got my 2nd shot of Cortozone today, and I guess that's it. The doc said I could get one more, but if this one doesn't do the trick, I may have no choice but to either live with this thing on my foot or see about surgery.

Meanwhile, I had a tough night of struggling with God, so please forgive me if I'm not my bright-eyed self ...

Damn that's a lot of work

Since I finished writing Lashes, I've returned to completing Twisted, a mystery novel involving Brenda Watson from Runway. I stopped writing the story about five years ago and am starting to edit and continue the novel, Wow, how things have changed. I had to rewrite several chapters because Arnold isn't the Govenor anymore. The novel is about half finished, 55000 words so far and it's really quite good. At the rate I'm going it should be finished by July and I'll start posting it then. If you'd like to know what the story is about, there is a teaser called Twisted in my story list.

I need help posting a story

I need your help. I have written my first story and I want to post the first chapter but I am nervous as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. I hope some of you writers that have done this can offer me a little help. My questions are simplistic I know but I want at least it to be submitted correctly.

This blog entry and the fiction entry shares some similarities. One is this area called Body where I'm writing this and where I assume I use to introduce the story. Is it also where I credit my editor? It is fanfiction for Whateley; is this also where I include disclaimers?

Apologies for Sporadic Posts

For those who like the work I post on this site, I apologize for the lack of updates to my three stories. Things were just too hectic in my real life to have time to write. So, the stories sat dormant. I am trying to get my stuff together to get back to writing again. I started working on the next part of Unfinished Business and hope to have it posted soon. For those of you who have messaged me, thank you for the support. I will try not to let you down.



Having just returned from Genetic counseling there were surprises.According to the Doctors there, a karyotype is no longer exclusively used to determine gender. She said there are at least two other factors that determine that. Androgen sensitivity is one and the other is very costly to isolate. For DES folk, she acknowledged that and said that there are many other substances beside that which cause birth defects.

i feel like a scam artist

Sometimes I really do feel like I'm a scam artist with all this writing stuff going on. It's the end of the month and end of the quarter so I am getting money from both Amazon and Smashwords. I don't know why but I always feel like it is found money, like I didn't do anything to deserve it. Sure, I strung a few sentences together in a semi-coherent way to make a story, but that's not work, it's fun. I think I need to put my writing in a different light because thinking that getting paid is scamming people really is belittle what I do.

Where did it go? Or was it me?

I do believe that sometime in the past 48 hours I encountered a piece as both story and blog, that seemed pretty heavy handedly proselytizing some religion. Of course, I noted that and just skipped it.
I thought today to look at it again in case I was being a bit too judgemental and it seems to be gone. Did I imagine it in the throes of BCTS withdrawls or what?


Dreaming of being pregnant

okay, twice in the last two days I have had dreams involving me becoming pregnant. In the first one, I found myself in Bible times and am blessed by a priest of God and told I will have a son. In the second one, I was possessed by a female ghost that somehow resulted in me becoming pregnant.

I am not an expert on dreams, and I know dreams dont always mean much, but two dreams in two days might mean something. One answer could be that I "give birth" to my stories, so maybe I will have a "son" that way.

Or maybe it means nothing at all, who knows?

My submissions will likely slow.

My submission speed is likely to slow, because I have lost internet. I am currently at my local library writing this. not only can i not live at the library, the unstable fung shui of my household has taken a dive due to the lack of internet, so my own writing has slowed. Please be patient with me.

As a side note, STILL no answer from amazon. Is there some secret I'm missing here? Some way to force them to at least tell me "no, your story sucks and we won't publish it!"?

A Notional Treason

A Notional Treason, a 42,000 word novel in the same setting as Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes and When Wasps Make Honey, is now available from Smashwords in EPUB format, from Barnes and Noble for the Nook, and from Amazon in Kindle format.

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Sweat and Tears background

I wrote 'Sweat and Tears' to raise two issues. One of them was an attack on the 'forced fem' trope, which Dorothy has slapped down with her short-short. The other was as a condemnation of the abuse that has gone on for so long in care homes and places for young offenders.

Today, the BBC put this up:

Boys lying at the foot of a flight of stairs asking other boys to jump on their legs, hoping that breaking one would get them moved away.

New Feature @ TGFiction dot Net

So yesterday, when we were stuck waiting on the data-center to do their share of things, I finished the initial installation of a NEW feature for TGFiction dot Net.

Some of you may have noticed mention of it in the StoryPortal Fiction Network blogs, but in case you didn't.... You can now upload Microsoft Office Open XML Format (.docx) files and have them auto-converted to HTML.

Solo, not series

I recently posted one of my stories (The Human Cuckoo - Book One) from a trilogy I have published on Kindle, partly as a teaser. The story is complete and standalone.

Since I do not intend to publish the other two stories from the trilogy, I marked it complete and a solo. However, it keeps getting reclassified as a series, which it is not, and I suspect some software is seeing the Book One and automatically assuming there are going to be other books.

Is there any way of preventing this?

Seeing something else.

Hey everyone! I've just posted a new short story, 'Soma Ras.' There's another story that's being posted here on BCTS and after reading it, I saw something else other than what I think the author had mind. This is not a criticism of their writings, but like I said, I saw something else. Perhaps it is a cautionary tale because the fountain of youth and Elixirs of Life are legendary concerning the lengths people will go to attain them. From Gilgamesh to a certain rich old fart in Elrods Twisted story, the search for youth and health when we're at death's door brings out the worst in us.

They Sometimes Kill Children Don't They Ch2

I only put the "Caution" sign up for this chapter because it was quite draining for me to write, but I do not know how it will affect others. This project is not going to be the 100 or so pages I had thought for the simple reason, I will die if I keep dwelling on this story. I will post Chapter 2 in a few minutes

It is not as detailed as I thought it would be for the same reason. I apologize for the long delay between Chapters. Chapter 3, the final installment should be posted by the end of next week and that will be the end of this awful business.

Back at it.

Well it's been six weeks since I pulled the ligaments in my ankle and I decided to try to go back to dance class today to see how it would go. My ankle twinged a few times but I was careful to take breaks if I thought I was overdoing it and I was really happy that I had no issues doing a new dance we were learning to the music of Frank Sinatra's "It Had to Be You". The dance called for a lot of fancy footwork and I was able to get through it no problem though that was the second dance we did and I took a break immediately after to make sure I wasn't putting too much strain on it.

Lashes the final chapter

Well, this is it. I promised to finish this story and I have. Sorry about the condensed final chapter but I really didn't want to write all about Amanda's college life, nor did I want to spend a lot of time writing about every little thing that happened in high school. I think the important parts of her life happened during her formative years and not after she decided to complete puberty as a girl. There are plenty of stories detailing the excitement of high school life, but I just wasn't in the mood to write about that life myself.
