Hi. Thanks to everyone reading Atalanta's story. I've downloaded several pics that I use as inspiration writing Atalanta. I though it might be fun to post a pic in a story but I know enough to be dangerous doing that. Along that same venue I have about seven pics that I feel displays her energy well.
I know pics can be a resource hog so I wanted to if I do place a picture that it not use a lot of bandwidth. None are copyrighted as far as I know. There is no watermark. I think there are royalty free too.
The other thing is I wonder if there is a way to post the pics like a poll to see which ones resonate the most. I have read stories here where pics has helped tell the story and I just thought it might add something.
Any ideas.
Pics in stories
Erin did a very useful post entitled 'Are there limitations on images used on BC?' which is available in the FAQs and which you should read. I think pics are a good idea and attract readers to a story, if you have suitable ones available. I am no expert on html and so I hesitate to offer you detailed advice on how to post pictures. Sephrena Lynn Miller was very helpful to me in sorting out my early rather incompetent attempts at posting pictures and I have stuck with the code that she provided ever since. I have posted it to you as a PM but I am sure there are many other ways of posting pictures.
I add pics to mine occasionally
Indeed there are some coming up!!!!!!
I find including the pictures easy, now I have 'mistressed' it.
There are two ways to get to uploading a picture.
A) As you create your story, then you post the body in the box provided. Just under that box is a blue option to "insert image". Clicking on that opens up a list of all the images you have stored here in BCTS. You select the required image and simply insert it. Easy.
if your image is not there in the list.
In which case, you must upload it to BCTS, so use the "Uplaod" dialogue to get the image into the BCTS library assigned to you.
B) To save some time, you can upload the images in advance.
Go into "My account" and select the appropriate tag. This will take you into the ist of images you have stored, as above. I can't remember the exact wording on the tag, so I'll post this, go and look, and get back.....
The tag in "My Account" is "File Browser"
Just go into "My Account" and select the right-most tag, called "File Browser".
P.S. Please read "Upload" for the "Uplaod" in my previous.
Testing one-two-three, testing ...
You guys are my guinea pigs. Thanks for the reminder about my account and the browser tag. I think this will work.
Out of Curiosity I'm going to see if I can get another picture in here. Not that I'm looking to do graphic novels. I'm just wondering.
Yeah! It worked! Now does anyone know how or should you use the editor?
Using the editor
Do you mean for your pictures or for your text?
Can't help you with the first but I would suggest the following rules for text:
Don't use the inbuilt text editor for writing your story. I would only use it to correct minor errors and bloopers you find as you are submitting your latest and greatest.
Instead use your editor of choice on your own computer. This means you'll get saved versions, often automatically, and you aren't at any risk if your Internets go down while you're writing. Or if Thor does that thing with his thunderbolt and turns off all your power.
There are any number of items in the FAQs about posting stuff but basically you need to end up with an HTML file. I think the system also accepts Word files but don't ask me which version or what format, I gave up Microsoft fourteen years ago and haven't looked back.
That's all. Nice pictures.
The pictures
I thought I saw an editor all I can find now is an edit button; but an editor for size and location. An ideal just popped into my head; can I use the left, center, or right justified to locate a picture?
I am probably posting using the long process. I copy and paste from word and then recheck paragraph at a time here.
One suggestion
If you don't know the source of a picture or whether it is free to use, do a search on it. I hear Google can search images now but I don't know how to set it up. I use TinEye, which is easy to setup and use. If you can trace it back to the person who took the photo or drew the art, it should be possible to figure out if you can use it. Pirating and altering images on the Internet is a piece of cake these days. For instance, if you see a photo of a girl with an elaborate hair color(s), you can look back at the original shot, about 75% of the ones I've looked up were hair by Photoshop.
You can easily skip this and just use the image, likely nobody will ever know. But how would you feel if somebody stole your story, stripped your name off and started posting it all over the web and claiming credit for it. It does happen, far more often than you realize. A photograph or a drawing that is used without at least trying to get permission, or has all the watermarks and credit stripped off, hurts the creator of those works just as much as you'd be hurt if someone stole your story.
I know I'm a worn-out record on this subject, but in the end it's all about respect. If you don't show any, then likely nobody is going to show you any.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
I do a google image search
and follow that back to their website and decide from there. I'm not a professional in that area but I don't knowingly download something I know is not free to use. I can and do make mistakes though.
As I said these are pics I use as inspiration so it is possible I didn't search as far as I would knowing upfront that I would use them in a story.
A quick search shows one of these pics are from a free wallpaper site.
Like I said
It was just a suggestion. I know artists on dA that have to fight that battle all the time. They're good enough that their gallery is more like a feeding frenzy. Some of these people have the nerve to repost her images right back on dA, claiming them as their own works. So I try to do my part in seeing the artist's work is used by permission and with proper credit.
By the same token, were I to run across a BC author's stories published without credit and claimed as original work by the thief as their own I'd be right back here reporting it to the real author.
And yeah, accompanying images can really help bring a story to life, glad you are adding them!
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
If I screw up with pics
and use a pic in error feel free to let me know. I think everyone should get credit for their work.