Well after carefully thinking about it, I decided to change the pic of Beth for Ch.5 of Clownfish. The pic I had of her did look a little old as a few people pointed out. She looked a little plain for an Alpha as well. I hope this new one fits better. Its more of what I had in mind when I envisioned her in my head :)
Take a look at Ch.5 if you're interested or just wait until Ch.6 when I release it sometime later this week or the beginning of next :)
Your first chioce was quite lovely but the new and revised Beth
O.M.G. !
Total hottie.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Changed pic...
I missed the first one... I wish i had seen it, but the new one is very much a hottie.
Approval factor is off the dial
Great pic