Megan Fairy Princess

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This was written fourteen years earlier after she was gone. You don't have to believe. I didn't at the time. However some of us are..., different. Me? Let's just say I'm a "reader". I didn't know I was different. I thought everyone saw movies or pictures when they touched another person. I digress, this is about Megan who changed my perspective on reality.

Many years back she came into my life kind of like an Oklahoma whirlwind, confusing, bubbly, and talked a mile a minute.

Megan was something I never believed in. She was straight out of the childhood fairy tales told to little ones for bedtime stories. If anyone had told me those like Megan were real I would have laughed as I slowly backed away to make sure whatever they had, I never caught. But, she was, to all who met her, a real person and not quite like I expected even if I had been dreaming up a fairytale.

I had known her for a year or so, it was late at night and I was working at the office. Megan stopped by. She wanted to visit. I was annoyed as I had work to do and nothing is accomplished when Megan is around. Besides her constant chatter, she wanted to pick up and examine virtually everything.

I understood after that night but before then I liked her in small doses and certainly on my terms where I could cut the conversations and say, “I gotta go.” That night changed everything I believed about fairies and fairy tales. Megan had overstayed her welcome and I really, really, really wanted her to leave. As I edged her to the door, her constant chatter still in high gear, I held out my hand to indicate she should leave. Mistake, very big mistake!

Megan thought I was offering her a goodbye handshake or something. She grabbed my hand. I won’t try to explain it to those who can’t and don’t want to believe or understand. I was looking at a Fairy Princess. It went against everything I believed about fairy tales. They were supposedly fables, make believe stories. As hard as I tried to tell myself it wasn’t possible, I was looking at one.

Megan laughed as I told her what I was seeing. She already knew and she thought it was funny I should see her. It took me weeks to accept the fact Megan was what I had seen. However she left a very vivid reminder that night after she left my office. I never was able to get back to work because the computer wouldn’t behave. I rebooted that stupid computer a dozen times that night trying to get it to stop crashing. Something keep pushing on my chair and every now and then something would tap me on the head.

SPRITES! The Fairy Princess had left behind sprites after her visit. Electronic things in my office took three or four days to finally get back on track and start working like they should. She would often visit me at the office and I would cringe every time she showed up at my door. I knew it would take hours or days for the electronics in the office to settle down after each and every visit. It got so bad I begged her not to visit me. She would laugh and tell me it was because I was taking life too seriously.

I did a lot of reading up on fairies and it seems they enjoy jokes, even mischievous jokes when it’s not funny to the person on the receiving end. Megan was a true Fairy Princess.

She died not from the cancer she had been fighting but from a blood clot to the brain. Because Megan shared a little of her world with me, I believe in fairies. I believe because I met one in this life. I’ll remember the Fairy Princess until the day I die.

Another piece of my heart has been chipped.

God, this heart of mine is getting pretty beat up as I say goodbye to one more friend in this mortal life. It’s getting tuff to take as my tears fall to ease the pain.
I'll miss you Megan,
all my love,


Fairy Princesses

Barb, I don't know Megan, never met her. But now you've gone and spread her sprites, damn you. A few tears for a princess I never knew... :-(

Are they gone?

BarbieLee's picture

They are different from us. I wonder if they really die or just shift back to a different phase or dimension? I can't be the only person who has met one. I'm betting there are people out there who know a whole lot more about them. Probably not saying anything because they don't want others to think they are crazy.
But stop and think about it. Wasn't the world flat at one time and others who thought it was round were crazy? People tell us "impossible" because they don't or can't believe whatever. To claim it to be impossible makes it unbelievable to everyone else.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


So lucky mew, I always wanted to meet a faerie <3

Instead I met demons, monsters, ghosts and other horrible things and a unicorn... the unicorn was nice though. I think, I'm not sure he didn't have much to say.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D