Recently I watched a TV programme about the Prophets of Science, Asimov being my favourite. Anyway in one of the articles I heard the phrase "Augmented Reality" about implanted video displays and cameras that take facial recognition to a personal level. Of course we all know that this would be great as we get older and struggle to remember where we know someone from or even what there name is.
Later in the programme they talked about the process where brainwaves can be used to control limbs, devices, or communicate with others. Here comes the weird thought for a new story.
Think of the scenario where the technology has been accepted as normal, we see and relate at thought speed, the image we see is the "General Reference ID" for the person as they have accepted. Disturbingly a person finds their TG thoughts breaking through their daily lives, not in an internal personal way but an externally transmitted image of how they see themselves. Meeting a person and having the projected ID change to female wearing the same shoes as the person you are "talking" with, your lips taking on the same lipstick colour, your waist becoming hourglass thin all as you slowly step closer.
Enough of seeing myself as a wafer thin long legged fame beauty, I have to return to reality, shave, then go out to earn a daily wage.
KerP.. $# ry. Normal transmission will be resumed shortly.