Hello all. :)
It’s been well over a year since I posted on this site and boy what difference a year makes!
I’ve had to take a break in my writing as I had a sudden change in my life occur that resulted in me leaving my job, packing up and moving 1700 miles from the east coast to deep in the hill country of west Texas. Talk about your culture shock.
I’m now living on 30 acres made up of rock and cactus, my water is from a well and my electricity from a windmill. I’ve got a large garden that should do nicely in giving me fresh produce if I can keep the deer, rabbits and grasshoppers from eating it all.
The peace and quiet is wonderful and the stars so clear at night you feel like you can pluck them from the sky.
The downside to all of this is all this takes a bunch of my free time for one thing and the other is there is no internet connection here. That’s the worse part.
All my connectivity comes from smart phone. Needless to say it isn’t all that fast but faster than anything else I can get here, cheaper too.
As far as Catwalk Confidence goes, I’m really sorry for leaving people hanging on this. I do plan on getting more submitted. I have a bit more written and there’s still a lot to say. I’d have more done but between the move working 60-80 hour weeks doing contract work and having a horrible case of writers block when it comes to this story there isn’t as much done as I’d like. I’m getting back into things again so hopefully I’ll have something soon.
I do have a couple of other stories that I hope to have done as well. I want to make sure they’re done first so I don’t leave anyone hanging again.
You know, I originally thought that I’d be writing so much more on this blog than I have. When it comes to my stories it seems I can write but about myself…not so much. Oh well.
Looking to getting caught up as I can and will hope to have something posted soon. Sorry for the long delay.
Take care all.
Love and light,
Safe and sound....
...I'm thrilled to know you're okay! I hope life treats you kindly enough to give you both time and inspiration, dear heart.
Love, Andrea Lena
glad to hear
your ok. will continue toy look for any of you stories. i'm sure you've looked into sat internet, i've seen the commercials but have no ideal as to cost.
take care of yourself
It's wonderful to hear that your doing well. Catwalk is an outstanding story and I look forward to many new chapters!
Good Luck,
I'm just glad that you're ok.
Good to hear that you're ok
And having plenty of work isn't a bad thing at all. But like many I look forward to more of your writing some day.
Agree on the culture shock moving to Texas. I moved from California (for work) and what a difference from the liberal bay area in CA to the conservative attitudes of Texas. For the most part, I just keep my mouth shut.
You know, I get so tired of
You know, I get so tired of that kind of statement.
If the move was to El Paso, then over 840 of that 1700 miles was inside the state.
Yes, there are excessively conservative people, but one of the largest gay communities in the US is in Houston.
Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin can be annoyingly liberal. if you want to blame an area, do so. Just don't blame the whole state. Its like saying that Scots are just like the Welsh or English. I mean, they all live on the same island, right?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Suck it up, buttercup
Yes, based on personal experience Texas is just as bad as advertised. Sure, there are some enclaves but those are isolated patches in an otherwise totally red state with a full compliment of bigots. (Can you say Ted Cruz?)
FWIW: Dallas is moderately friendly to the LGB scene, the T and the rest not so much. TERFs have a strong hold on things, it is not a good place for trans people. And Fort Worth is far more "conservative" than Dallas. Austin has its moments but the annual SXSW event turns out a fair number of bigots. Outside of that event Austin is really another "conservative" city. A friend of mine from the local music scene moved to Austin, and he advised me not to even visit due to the prevelent anti-LGBT attitudes.
Mind you, I currently live in Oklahoma and its no bed of roses here, especially the southern part of the state. It just kind of merges with Texas attitude-wise. Frankly the whole southwest U.S. is a danger zone for alternate sexuality people. I would lump the Old South in with that, but I haven't lived there so have no base on which to build an opinion.
Oh, yeah. Kansas is as bad as anyplace in the rest of the U.S. With a few exceptions, there is nothing there to make me tempt fate. I pushed my luck once and don't intend to again.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
if you're going to use THAT
if you're going to use THAT tarry brush, you might as well include every state in the US. Just north of you is the section of states called 'The Bible Belt'. Quite frankly, humans are conservative by instinct, and LGBTQ (XYZ) push a lot of 'not like us' buttons. Even _in_ that group, there are 'not like us' haters. Diesel-Dykes that hate straight women, straight men, and gay men, are the obvious example, but there are a number of others.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Gay Houston
According to statistics found online, Houston isn't even in the top 10. Austin is, but Houston is a ways down the list.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I am very Happy that you are well...
...and settled.
Very much looking forward to any additions to your fabulous Catwalk.
I am thankful
that you are OK (though living in Texas??? I dont know) but the hill country is pretty. I am glad tohear that you are writing some as I do love your work.
I am a patient sort so when Catwalk Confidence shows up, I will be here waiting, as we used to say out West"Good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise."
Not to scare you but I had a Prof in Colo who taught for some years at UTEP (Univ of Texas at El Paso) He swore that if he had a house in Hell and a ranch in Texas, he'd sell that damned ranch and go home.
Good to hear your ok
I live in Missouri have all my life just last year I got Cable internet other wise it's smart phone cell air card or satellite AVOID satellite internet at ALL COST IT IS NOT UNLIMITED USAGE you go over the limit you get knocked down to dial up speed
Love Samantha Renee Heart
I've enjoyed Catwalk Confidence
and hope you can continue with it :)
Please enjoy the stars where you are for me. I live to close to a large city to see them well.
So happy you a WELL Connie and tilting at WINDMILLS
No one laughed.
Okay, it was a bit lame.
Good to hear from you, Connie.
LOVE Catwalk and look forward to more or anything else your muse and time permit.
Be safe and do write.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
RL trumps all of course
I only have a vague recollection of this story series (?) so don't worry and restart it whenever.
West Texas eh?
We have an ongoing joke where I work that we are all going to invest is a huge tract of land and move to west Texas and succeed from the union. Not that I don't love the good ole USA, I do....its the government that I don't trust.
other posabilities
If you have cell service, you could have internet, for several years I had a cell modem for my laptop, also some plans allow cell phones to work as hot spots for WiFi.
For awhile I did all my work off line, then went to Mc Ds for dinner, using their free WiFi to transmit my work.
I really liked Catwalk
I really liked Catwalk Confidence and am willing and happy to wait.
If you can get a LTE wi-fi hotspot as part of your phone plan if your phone isn't as fast; that would improve internet access, or an upgrade to a faster phone if LTE service is available.
good luck