Catwalk Confidence - Part 36

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Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

You spend your entire life thinking you’re just like any other boy, when you suddenly find out you aren’t, trying to adjust can be difficult.


Part 36
When I wake up it's still mostly dark outside, just a low glow coming in through the window. Momentarily confused I realize that I'm lying almost sideways with my head near the foot of the bed, using Robbyn's leg as a pillow. My position and the memories from last night make me smile, and then blush furiously.

Oh my, I can't believe we did what we did last night. It was so amazing. Any further musings are interrupted by my bladder deciding that I really need to get up or have an accident.

Easing off of Robbyn and out of the bed, I take a moment to gaze at her as she sleeps before covering her up. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, I close the door, take care of my impatient bladder, and then get into the shower to wash the scent of last night off of me.

As I wash, I notice a couple of hickies that fortunately will be covered by my clothes. Although if we go swimming today I'll have to wear the blue two piece or they'll be seen. Trying to think back to last night, I'm wondering if I gave Robbyn any hickies; smiling, I realize that I think I did.

Out of the shower and drying off, I give myself a close exam in the mirror just to make sure that I haven't missed any. Satisfied, I finish drying then dress in one of my running outfits. With a last glance to Robbyn who hasn't moved since I got up, I close the door behind me and head downstairs.

As expected, there's Mom at the counter, drinking her coffee and reading the morning paper. What isn't expected is she's wearing her workout clothes too.

"'Morning Mom."

"Good morning sweetheart."

"I thought you did your workouts in the afternoon."

"Normally I do but there's a new intense cardio class that is being offered this morning that I thought I'd try out. Instead of your normal morning run, want to try my class with me? Might be fun."

"Gee I don't know. It's always seems to me a bit boring to just hop around in a room."

"Oh it's a bit more than just hopping around the room, but I'll understand if you're too . . . . chicken to try."

Looking over at Mom she's got a huge smile on her face and a bit of a gleam in her eye.

"Hey, I'm not chicken. I suppose I can always go for a run afterwards. Sure, I'll join you."

"Great. Eat light then go upstairs and get your gym bag and a change of clothes, we'll leave here in twenty minutes."

"Yikes, I better hurry then."

I grab a banana and a glass of juice then dash back upstairs. I could wish that we were doing this some other morning. I didn't get much sleep last night and am rather tired.

Smiling as I reminisce about last night I absently toss clothes into my gym bag. Seeing that Robbyn is still sound asleep I close the door and go back downstairs.

Back downstairs, Mom is telling Dad where we are off to and that we’ll be back in about an hour and a half to two hours. Soon we’re on our way to the club.

“Sweetie, we finally heard back from the school about your testing.”

“What did they say? I’m going to be able to do high school right?”

“Not exactly.”

“Oh man, I thought I did ok on that test.”

“You did honey. In fact you just about aced it. According to Mr. Santiago, your test scores qualify you for graduation. Given the recent cuts in the school budgets, they have had to cut most of the AP classes that they previously offered, so seeing how well you did on the test, they feel that you’d just be bored going to their school and your father and I agree.”

“You mean I’m going to go to college?”

“No. Although you did well on the academic side, we feel that you still need to go to a high school. First, you have had little to no practical labs and zero socialization experience.

We’ve been looking around and we’ve found a private school that we think you’ll do well at. They offer full AP classes and more important to my mind, it will give you an opportunity to develop your socialization skills among kids your own age.

We need to schedule a meeting with the school, but if you’re accepted, you’ll start as a Junior this fall. What do you think?”

“Wow, I’m not sure what to think. I mean I think it’ll be fine, I’m still real nervous about this whole school thing though.”

“I know you are honey, it’s new and different from what you’re used to. You’ll have to deal with other kids and that can be a bit scary at first, but we think that this is for the best.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that this is a girls school. They share some facilities with a boy’s school near by, but most of your classes would be with just girls. That might help things a bit.

Think about it and we’ll discuss this more a bit later.”

“Ok Mom.”

"On a different subject, I got an e-mail form Mrs. Dempsey yesterday. She sent me the name of an agent we can use."

"Use for what?"

"Well if Nike contacts you, you're going to need an agent to help negotiate for you as well as guide you through the ins and outs of the industry."

"I thought you'd do that. I mean, you negotiated Dad's package with his new work didn't you?"

"True, but there are a couple of reasons why we need an agent for you, the main one being I don't know the industry, an agent will. Don't worry, I'll keep and eye on things and any money you make we'll get invested for you, but there are aspects of the industry that I just don't know."

"Oh, hadn't thought of that."

"I called this agent, her name is P.J. Kelly, and she's made time to see us this afternoon. If this meeting goes well, we may go on ahead and hire her. Mrs. Dempsey spoke very highly of her. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Great, here we are."

We pull into the parking garage at the club, grab our bags and go on inside. At the entrance, we sign in.

"Hello Mrs. Conners, we don't usually see you until the afternoon." Says the perky receptionist.

"My daughter and I thought we'd check out the new intense cardio class starting this morning."

"It should be starting in about ten minutes so I won't keep you, but if you stop by on your way out, we can get your daughter her own card. Miss Conners, if I'm not out here, just ask for Mandy. You guys have fun now."

"Thanks Mandy."

I'm a little nervous going into a ladies locker room for the first time but no one is in there. We quickly store our bags in our lockers, grab our water bottles and head off to class.

We're in a fairly large room with mirrors on all of the walls. There's about ten of us in this class and two instructors.

We start off slow, just to warm up and stretch our muscles, but soon we're going at it full blast. The next hour is a blur as we're kept moving. It isn't too long before sweat is absolutely pouring off of me and I'm just concentrating on breathing and doing the next routine. Glancing over to Mom, I at least have the satisfaction of seeing that she isn't doing any better than I am.

The Torquemada twins finally slow things down and start to cool us down. At present I'm not sure if anything short of parking my keister on an iceberg will cool me down.

Finally they stop us and after an entirely too cheerful "Great class everyone" they send us on our way.

Back in the locker room, I need Mom's help in getting out of my top. My outfit is quite literally soaking wet. Once peeled, we grab our towels and go to shower off.

A nice cool shower finally gets my temperature and heart rate back to near normal although my muscles feel like wet noodles.

After my shower I'm almost back at my locker when I realize that Mom and I aren't the only ones in here anymore. In fact, it's quite crowded. At first I'm rather self-conscious but soon I realize that it's really no big deal.

It looks like every female body type is represented. Some inspire me to really take care of myself and some that are very attractive. It feels good thinking that Mom and I have two of the best bods in here too.

Back at the locker I pull out my gym bag so I can dress.

"So what did you think of the class, going to go for a run when we get home?"

"Mom, I had no idea. It was brutal. Do you do that often?"

"No, this is the first time they're offering this class. I liked it though; I think I'll sign up to do it a couple of times a week."

"Masochist. Oh bloody hell."

"Alex, watch your language. Now what on earth is wrong?"

"Sorry Mom, it's just that it looks like I grabbed Robbyn's clothes and not mine."

"Isn't that your skirt?"

"Yea, we were going through some of my clothes last night and she wanted to borrow it."

"So what's the problem?"

"Well I'm not really comfortable wearing a mini but I guess I can cope, it's her panties a bra."

"Why, oh, I see."

"Yea, another thong and in case you haven't noticed, she's a bit more well endowed than I am. As snug as this top is, it's going to look like cra.. it's going to look terrible with a too big bra."

"It shouldn't be too bad, she's not that much larger than you, but if you're that worried about it, go without one. At least until we get home. Your top is thick enough and the design is such so it shouldn't cause you too much trouble; just don't get cold and don't get excited."

"Mother! I guess. Besides, it's not like I have any other option. I can't wear what I came in, that's for sure."

"Well hurry up and finish dressing. I need to go see someone real quick about business. When you're done, go see Mandy to get your club ID and I'll meet you by the front desk."

"Ok Mom."

This will teach me to pay better attention in the morning. I pull on the powder blue thong and man that's still a weird feeling. I pull up the mini, which is my white plaid with a silver belt. The top is light blue with sequins all over. With that tucked in I put on my trainers and head out to the front desk.

Mandy is there and in less than three minutes, I have an ID for the club. Cool.


Looking up, I see Brandon of all people walking towards me.

Smiling at the memory from the last time we met, I say, "Bonjour Brandon, comment áªtes-vous?"

"Don't you parlez-vous me. Why the hell didn't you tell me you were only fifteen?"

"What the heck are you talking about?" I'd forgotten just how tall he is as my neck cranes back as he comes up to me.

"You, do you deny that you're only fifteen years old?"

"No, why should I?"

"So, was the last time we met just a big game for you?"

"Listen buster you just need to back off a bit. First of all, if I remember correctly you didn't spend a whole lot of time trying to ask questions like what my age was, more like what was my phone number. Also, if you remember, you came over uninvited and sat down at MY table, I wasn't trying to meet YOU.

I had a fabulous time that night but quite frankly I really never expected to see you again. And to top it all off, it's not like we were ever going to do anything more than just dance."

The entire time I'm talking to him I'm jabbing him in the chest, well more like his diaphragm, with my finger on each point I'm making and he's backing up. At the word 'dance' I jab him hard and his back step forces him to sit down hard in the lobby chair.

I see Mom coming up and I turn and leave a very stunned looking Brandon sitting in the lobby.

"Ready Mom?"

"Yes honey. Is everything ok?"

"It's fine."

"Wasn't that the nice boy from when we went out dancing?"

"Yea, he apparently found out somehow that I'm fifteen. He seemed a tad upset for some reason. I don't understand."

We get in the car and as we're pulling out, Mom says, "I suspect that he was just a bit taken with you and discovering how old you are gave him a bit of a shock."

"Yea right, but even if that's so, all we did was dance. It was nice and all but you were there, you saw, that's all there was to it."

"Honey, I've been meaning to talk to you and now is as good a time as any. Yes, all you two did was dance, but think back to that night and take a critical look at how you look, then and now. You were dressed to the nines and even without the make up and the dress and the atmosphere as a whole, you do not look like you are fifteen years old, you look like you are at least eighteen.

Brandon is a very handsome young man and seeing you, a very beautiful young lady, he jumped to the wrong conclusion and when he found out, it was just a bit of a shock to him.

I'm afraid that given what a truly beautiful young lady you are, he won't be the last to make that mistake."

"Well it's not like I'm looking for some sort of relationship. Jeeze, this is still new enough that, well, I don't even know if I like guys. You know, like in that sort of way."

"I know honey, but someday you might.

Sweetheart, all your father and I want for you, your sister, and your brothers is for you all to be happy.

You know I love Robbyn don't you? She's almost like having another daughter. But honey, don't rush things. You guys are still young and I wouldn't want either one of you to get hurt."

"Um, Mom, wh-what are, what do you mean?"

I'm suddenly afraid of exactly what she means. Looking over at Mom, she's smiling at me.

"Now there's nothing to be embarrassed about but you two need to realize that sound does travel."

"Oh my god."

"Honey, really, it's ok. Also, well I noticed certain little marks on you when we went to take our showers. Listen, my only concern is that the two of you take things slow and easy so neither one of you get hurt. You need to realize that you can get sex anywhere, but a true friend is very hard to find, don't jeopardize that."

"Mom! Oh jeeze, oh no, did Dad hear . . . oh crap." And I bury my bright red face in my hands.

"No honey, and the only reason I know is I had to get up last night and I heard you two. You both seem to be just a bit vocal. Just be a little more careful from now on, and you might take it easy on the love bites."

"Oh jeeze this is so embarrassing."

"I know it is honey, but it shouldn't be. Between two consulting adults, sex can be just good clean fun for everyone. Making love even more so. But you need to be smart about it and you need to be careful and you especially need to be safe, safe, safe. Quite frankly if it turns out you are a lesbian that’s fine by both me and your father, I hope it isn't the case just because the joys of creating a child with a man are truly wonderful, but there's nothing to prevent two women from having a child either. I just think it's more so between a man and a woman, but will admit that I'm a tad biased and could be wrong.

Just be careful, not only to protect and maintain your friendship but because society still has some very antique ideas when it comes to same sex relationships.

I also think that you shouldn't give up on men until you at least try it, they can be quite fun, but can you hold off on that for a bit? You're growing up far too fast these days and I miss my baby."

"Oh Mom."

Somehow Mom is able to relax me enough to laugh at the situation. And even though it's still a bit embarrassing, it isn't too bad.

By time we pull back into the driveway we're laughing and joking.

* * *

Once home, I run on ahead into the house. I want to change and get something to eat, not necessarily in that order either.

"Alex hon?"

Turning at the door I say "Yes Mom?"

"Try not to put so much bounce in your step."


"It makes the back of your skirt flip up enough to give a peek of that cute little derriere of yours and your powder blue thong."

"Oh gods. Thanks Mom. Can this morning get any more embarrassing?"

Mom just chuckles in reply.

Inside, and not seeing any sign of Robbyn downstairs, I run up to my room. Sure enough, the lazy bones is still in bed.

Closing the door, I turn on the light.

"Hey there you. Time to get up."

Robbyn opens one eye at me and smiles.

"Don't wanna. You come in here."

"Oh no, if I do that we'll both get into trouble. I can see the gleam in your eye young lady."

"Drat, foiled again. Hey, that's the outfit I was going to wear today."

"Yea, well you try packing your gym bag in the dark and half asleep."

'Hmm, you wearing everything I laid out?"

Robbyn glides out of the bed and comes over to me. Gods but she's gorgeous.

"Everything but your bra. You're a bit larger than I am if you hadn't noticed. I had to wear this though, my workout clothes were soaked."

Robbyn pulls me close to her and caresses my left breast.

"Sure enough, no bra here."

"Robbyn, we, we n-need to get downstairs. Oooh god."

Chuckling, Robbyn leans in and kisses me deeply. As our tongues battle, her hand steals up under my shirt and cups my breast again. At my moan, she gently twists my nipple.

* * *

Twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes later we start to dress for the day, me for the second time, no the third time.

"You're a bad girl Robbyn Anderson. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that gleam in your eye."

Chuckling she says, "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself."

"Yea, well we need to be careful. Mom, Dad or for that matter Ellen could come upstairs at anytime. Wouldn't want them to walk in on us now would we?"

"Oh no, you don't think they heard us do you?"

"I don't think they heard us this time. I was really trying to be quiet, but Mom definitely heard us last night."

"Oh my god! She didn't!"

"She did. She's cool about it though, she just wants to make sure we're careful and we don't get hurt. Shocked the hell out of me I can tell you. I wanted to jump out of the car and really didn't care that we were moving at the time. She thinks the world of you, you know, like another daughter she said."

"Ooh, your mom is so sweet. But you're right; we do need to more careful. It's hard though. I have to make a conscious effort to keep my hands off of you."

"Mmm, I feel the same way about you, but let's not blow this."

"Ok, I'll be good . . . mostly."


"Ok, ok. I'm a good girl, I'm a good girl, I'm a good girl."

Laughing at her, I ask, "So you want to use this outfit after all? You'll need new undies in any case."

"No, it looks fab on you. You wear it. I think I'll borrow this one and this top if that's ok."

"My closet is your closet. Help yourself."

"Oh goodie. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a quick shower then I'll be right down."


"Nope, not the trainers wear those cute little white sandals with the heel. They'll go better with your outfit and be better for your meeting too."

"Oh man. Really?"

"Really, now get. I'll be down in a few."

Following my orders I dig out the heels. They are awful cute, I just haven't gotten real used to wearing heels yet. At least they're a reasonable two inches.

* * *

Back down in the kitchen, Mom had made some fruit salad; fortunately she made a bunch of it.

"Robbyn up sweetie?"

"Yea, the lazy bones didn't want to get up. She is now. She's taking a quick shower and will be right down.

Oh Mom, this is delicious. I can't believe how hungry I am."

"You're welcome dear."

"So when are we meeting with this agent person?"

"At three. She lives up in San Francisco over in the Marina District and travels down to LA when needed. Kind of like how your father works. Anyhow, she's up here today and is able to squeeze us in as a favor to the Dempsey's. I want to leave here by two. I'd rather be early than late."

"I figured I'd wear this. Is it ok?"

"You look fine dear. Be careful how you sit but that shouldn't be a problem, you've really improved."

"Thanks Mom."

Shortly thereafter Robbyn comes down and joins us. I keep her company while Mom goes into her office to get some work done.

There's a 'Project Runway' marathon going on so we watch that. In the current episode the models are being taught the runway walk. Soon Robbyn and I are doing our own runway walks up and down the family room and having a great time.

After a light lunch, we go back up to my room. I'm not sure if this agent gal was shown my Parkour video so I burn a copy of the YouTube video and the one that Monkey shot.

With that done, Robbyn and I just go through all the various teen and fashion magazines that have accumulated. Most of the fashion magazines are for Ellen and Mom and Dad thought that all the girly teen magazines would help me. I'm not so sure about that. Don't get me wrong, some of the articles are pretty interesting but some are, oh I don't know, it just seem strange that anyone would be interested in the eating habits of the latest teen heart throb for instance.

Oh well, I guess I still have a bunch to learn.

At two, we leave for the drive up to San Francisco. It's a beautiful day and the traffic isn't too bad.

As we're driving, I get up the nerve to ask Mom a question that I've been dying to for the past couple of months.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey, what is it?"

"Well, I was wondering, you know if before school starts, if maybe I could take a driving course."

Now that I got that out, I just couldn't stop.

"You see, here I can get a license as soon as I turn fifteen and a half but you also need to take a certified driving course and I've been checking around and there are a number of really good places that offer them. Then come November I could get my license and you wouldn't have to worry about driving me all over the place, like to school or up here to see Amanda and things and it'll be a huge time saver for you and Dad 'cause you know that Ellen won't be able to do it once school starts for her again and with Dad traveling and then there are times that you're tied up with work or with the twins and I promise that I'll be super careful and all but I really want to drive and can I please?"

I couldn't believe that I got that all out in one breath and I was giving Mom my biggest puppy dog eyes and trying to work the ol' Vulcan mind meld on her, even though I'm not a Vulcan and I'm not really sure what a mind meld is.

Mom looks at me in surprise and when she sees my expression starts to laugh. "What brought this on all of a sudden?"

"It's not all of a sudden. I've really been thinking a lot about it. You know I'm not a kid any more, I'm practically an adult and you and Dad have said yourselves how mature I am and this would be the perfect opportunity for me to show you and Dad just how much of an adult I really am, so could I. Pretty please?"

Chuckling Mom says, "Well I'm not going to promise anything right now, but I will think about it and discuss it with your father. Now you can just stop with that look. You open your eyes any larger and they'll pop out of your head, besides that look doesn't work on me. I'm immune."

"Oh thank you Mom, you're the best mother in the whole wide world and I'd give you a big hug but then we'd crash and we wouldn't want that so I'll just have to owe you one. See, very adult like."

Soon we're all laughing and Robbyn says, "I've got my learners permit and already took a driving course so when I turn sixteen I can get my license. Mrs. C the classes are really good and they teach you everything you need to know to be safe and all."

"Now don't you two start double teaming me, I said I'd think about it. Now to change the subject, help me find a parking place. We're here."

"Oh, there's one Mom, that car is about to pull out."

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