Catwalk Confidence - Part 62

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 62

Once we take off and we’re allowed to turn on our electronic devices, I pull out my mp3 player, select some soothing meditation music and after blowing up my new neck pillow, I settle down for nap. I’m still rather tired and my headache is trying to make a comeback.

The jostling of air turbulence wakes me. Opening my eyes I see Mom working on her laptop, something with graphs and a whole lot of numbers.

At my stirring she turns and says, “Hey there, sleepyhead. Feel better now?”

Pulling my headphones off I reply, “Hmm, much better, how long have I been out?”

“A couple of hours, they’ll be coming by with a snack in a bit so you saved me from waking you.”

“Good, I’m hungry. So whatcha’ workin’ on?”

“Oh just some investment forecasts. This trip is giving me an opportunity to meet with some people face to face so this is a business trip for me too.”

“Oh, well good. Say, Mom, I was wondering something.”

“What’s that, honey?”

“Well one side of me is saying leave well enough alone but I also don’t want to be caught flat-footed either. You know when we had that talk with Dad awhile back? That for my job, I needed to pay for my own expenses?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Well, I’m not complaining mind you but I really don’t think I can afford to fly first class or the junior suite at the hotel in Milan. I’m just not going to be earning that much.”

“You’d be surprised at what you can afford, honey, but to get to your point. I can afford this and for a flight this long I refuse not to fly first class. We’re going to be stiff and sore enough as it is, if we flew business or coach we’d arrive in Italy barely able to walk. As for the hotel, again it’s something I can afford. What I propose is charging you the basic fee for services. So for the flight, even though you’re in first class, I’ll charge you for coach and for the hotel, it will only cost you the amount you’d have to pay if you were sharing one of the model apartments that Next sets up. Sound fair?”

“Well yeah I like it but actually it sounds like I’m getting special treatment or something.”

“You are, honey. Listen, your father and I aren’t making you and your sister, and eventually your brothers pay your own job expenses to make things harder for you. We’re doing this to teach you responsibility and the value of a dollar.

“Your father and I can easily afford all of this, but if we just gave everything to you then you might not appreciate it as much. Here, let me show you something.”

Mom starts typing in her computer and opens up a document with more figures in it.

“This is a summary of your account, it’s everything you’ve earned plus what we’ve invested for you over the years. It also shows your expenses like this flight and the clothes you’ve bought. The figures are here because I’m keeping the money in your account, just making note of what you’ve spent. Your sister has the same thing and when she’s ready to take over it, we’ll have everything ready for her.”

Mom turns the screen towards me so I can see it and I start to scroll through it.

“Oh my god, Mom, is this right?” I ask pointing to the bottom line.

“Yes it is. See, I told you, you could afford this. Between what you’ve earned to date and some investments we’ve made that have paid off handsomely, you’re doing quite well, all you kids are. I’m hoping that by next summer you’ll turn into a seven-digit account. When that happens, I’ll hand it over to another broker and step back into an advisory role.”

“Seven-digits? As in over a million? No way, I won’t be able to earn that much. Especially by next summer.”

“Yes way, you’d be surprised. If you continue to do as well as you have been I can easily see you doing it. Remember, when it comes to money, the more you have, the more you can make. That’s why we’re not taking your expenses out of your account, just making note of what they are. For example, if you had a million dollars and it was invested rather conservatively but well, then you could earn around fifty thousand dollars a year just on the interest alone. Your money is invested very well and what you have will make you more. Add to that the additional monies you’ll be bringing in and it’s not as far-fetched as you think.”

“Wow!” was all I could say in reply. Fortunately the flight attendant came by with drinks and lunch so I didn’t have to.

While eating my rather dry chicken sandwich I tried to digest everything Mom and I just talked about. I had no idea that I had so much money. Granted not all of it was from my work but a good chunk of it was. Then Mom triples that amount over the summer and says that by next summer she wants me to break seven digits, a cool million. The amount boggles the mind.

With lunch done, I pull out my laptop and start reading, first on how to drive in California, then how to fly over it. The thought of actually flying pushes me even harder to understand all of the technical jargon in the books. I still find myself taking a ton of notes so I can ask Bridget questions when I get back.

* * *

Almost eleven hours after taking off we begin our descent into Heathrow airport. The view from my window doesn’t provide anything except blackness and the spatter of rain.

As we’re putting our things away in preparation to land, a flight attendant comes by and tells Mom that our connecting flight to Milan is only two gates from where we’ll be pulling into.

After checking my watch, I feel better that I’ll get some sleep in a real bed tonight. That illusion is quickly dashed when the captain gets on the intercom and announces the local time to be six in the morning.

At my groan Mom asks, “What’s wrong?”

“I forgot all about the time zones. I was still thinking on California time and thought we’d be able to get a little bit of sleep in tonight. When’s our flight to Milan leave?”

“Seven-ten local and it takes about two hours but we’ll get an hour back.”

“So we’ll get there around…eight?”

“Right around there. I’m sorry to say this but the best way I’ve found to get my body on the right time zone is to just tough things out and go to bed at your regular time local. It makes for a long first day but it works. We’ll take it easy today so it won’t be too bad.”

“Well it might not be so bad. I did get some sleep and I’ll try some more when we change planes.”

We’re then kept busy as we start our landing. I keep peering out the window, trying to see anything and wondering if we flew over Ireland and Aunt Dee’s house. All I can see though is blackness then the city lights of what I can only assume is London. A couple more minutes and then the barking chirp as the wheels touch down quickly followed by the deafening roar of the engines reversing. Take-offs and landings are always exciting and I again wonder what it would be like to fly something this big.

As soon as we stop at the gate, the plane explodes into chaos as everyone stands and starts to scrabble to get out as fast as they can. It does seem silly but even so I can’t blame them. After so long being cramped in here I’m eager to get out myself.

Soon enough we’re off the plane and it feels wonderful just to be able to walk around although what I’d really love to do right now is go on a run. We check in at the gate for our connecting flight then settle in again to wait on boarding.

Stretching my legs out in front of me, I sit on the floor with my back to the wall and pull out my phone to start sending text messages:


Robbyn, at Heathrow waiting on flight to Milan. Eager and scared all at the same time. Wish you were here. Will write more later. Love Alex.


Blair, Survived the flight to London and am now waiting for the flight to Milan. Nothing to see but darkness but the sun will be coming up in about an hour. Airplane food was awful but didn’t really expect it to your standards. Will let you know when I get settled in Milan. Love Alex.

Then finally an email:

Aunt Dee, I think we recently went by your house. I waved but seeing how I was 20+ thousand feet up in the air, you probably didn’t see me. :) Actually, I’m not even sure we flew over Ireland. Right now I’m sitting in Heathrow airport with Mom waiting for the flight to Milan. I do wish that there was some way we could hook up and yes I do plan to keep pushing you to reconcile with Mom. You’ve mentioned yourself that you wish it hadn’t gone on this long. Okay, I’ll drop it for now but not forever. I’ll let you know how things go in Milan. I really want this to work out but I’m also really nervous too. I’ll write more later, TTFN. Love Alex.

After clicking ‘send’ I put my phone away and start to do some stretching until Mom comes back. The long flight really left me stiff. As soon as Mom returns, I quickly run over to the bathroom to take care of business and splash some water on my face.

When I get back to the boarding lounge, it’s almost time to get on the plane. I’m real glad we didn’t have to change concourses or we might not have made the connection.

About twenty minutes later we’re settled in our seats awaiting take-off. I pull out my neck pillow and settle back for the final leg of the trip.

* * *

The next thing I know Mom is gently shaking my shoulder and telling me to wake up.

“Wha…” I blink my eyes open as I try to get my bearings.

“We’re going to be landing soon, sweetheart.”

“Oh wow, I was really out of it. We’re there already?”

“Yes, the captain just announced our approach.”

I quickly put my things away then open the window blind.

“Wow, would you look at that. It’s very pretty. Look how close all the buildings are. I bet I could run from one side of the city to the other without ever touching ground.”

Mom chuckles. “You’re going to be just a tad busy to be doing any running, I think. Hmm, I knew the airport was close by but it looks like we’re going to land in the city.”

Mom was right, we’re dropping pretty fast and I can still see the center of the city off to our left. In just a few more minutes we touch down with hardly a bump and are soon pulling up to the gate.

The next hour is spent navigating baggage claim and customs. When we finally get our passports stamped we head out in search of transport to the hotel.

“Mom, I thought my Italian was pretty good but they talk so fast I can only catch about every other word.”

“Your ear should get used to it soon but you’re better off than I am. I’m missing most of what’s said. I’m afraid that you’re going to play interpreter for the both of us until I get up to speed.”

“Okay,” I say with a grin, “Say, how much do interpreters earn anyway?”

“Cheeky,” Mom responds with a grin of her own. “How about room and board?”


Outside we find a taxi and once settled I tell the driver, “Il Parco Hyatt albergo per favore. Grazie.”

I turn and smile at Mom.

“Very good,” she says.

“I just hope I told the driver right and we don’t end up dropped off in the wrong side of town.

At that point the driver interjects, “Si, you say it right. The Park Hyatt hotel, yes?”

“Yes, thank you again.”

At our confirmation, the driver takes off.

The drive to the hotel is nice if a little frightening at times. The traffic is light then heavier as we get further into town. There are a great deal of trees lining the street which surprises me for some reason, though I don’t know why. I guess I was expecting it to be more like New York or something. Instead it is quite the opposite. Well, except that traffic laws seem to be loosely followed here as well–especially when we come to the roundabouts. Here it’s every car for itself and woe betide the faint of heart. My heart nearly gives out a time or two when I think that we’re going to end up squashed between two trucks.

We finally pull up to the hotel and a doorman comes and greets us while directing others to get our luggage. As Mom pays off the driver, Milan finishes weaving its spell over me. I’m truly enchanted by this city and I’ve hardly seen any of it yet. The architecture is beautiful, the people animated. This is a city with a soul, a very strong presence everywhere you look. I suppose it’s to be expected given how old the city is but it takes me by surprise.

My head swivels in all directions as I try to take in all that’s around me. The doorman gives me a knowing smile and I blush for being caught acting like a country cousin but I can’t help myself. It’s no wonder that Leonardo da Vinci spent some of his most productive years here.

I finally get hold of myself and follow Mom and our retreating luggage into the hotel. Mom beckons me forward to play interpreter but it turns out to be unnecessary as the girl at the desk speaks very good English.

As Mom finishes up checking us in, I look around the lobby and can’t help but notice that Milan has a whole lot of really good-looking women. Is there something in the water? Everyone is tall and beautiful here.

My musing is interrupted by my phone going off. Digging through my purse I finally locate it.


“…yes, this is Alexandra Conners.”

“…oh yes hello.”

“…yes, we just got in and are checking in to the hotel right now.”

“…okay, hold on a second and I’ll check with my Mom.”

“Mom?” I ask as she takes the keys from the front desk girl and turns towards the bellman. “This is Lisa, Paul’s assistant and he would like me to come in at ten to meet some people. Is that okay?”

“I don’t see why not depending on how far away they are. You’re going to need to get ready and there isn’t that much time until then.”

“Lisa, that shouldn’t be a problem but do you know how far from the Park Hyatt your office is?”

“…yes that’s right.”

“...Oh well that’s great then. We’ll see you at ten.”

“...thank you, bye.”

I rejoin her, we follow the bellman up to our room and I tell Mom, “apparently they’re only about ten minutes away so if we hurry we should get there in plenty of time.”

“Good. Why don’t you hop into the shower right away then and I’ll unpack us.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

We’re soon let into our room and I’m impressed. It’s very nice with two comfortable-looking beds. The temptation to crawl into one and sleep is great but duty calls. As Mom tips the bellman, I go into the bathroom and give a soft whistle of appreciation upon seeing it. The bathroom is huge with a large tub and even larger shower.

As I admire the room I quickly strip and get the shower going. The hot water feels great as does washing the travel grime off.

I quickly wash and as I’m rinsing my hair, Mom comes in.

“Don’t turn the water off. I’m going to have a quick rinse-off myself.”

“Okay, Mom. It feels great.”

As Mom and I trade places, I wrap a towel around myself and start drying and brushing my hair.

“Say, Mom, did you notice how many good-looking people are here in Milan? They’re everywhere.”

“Honey, it’s Fashion Week. I suspect that has something to do with it.”

“Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t think of that. It would explain things. Well we’ve got a half hour so I better get cracking.”

“I’ll be right out, honey.”

When I get back out to the main room I see that Mom has already laid out her clothes. I go over to the wardrobe and open it.

“Damn, what to wear, what to wear?”

Lisa said that Paul wants me to meet some people so I’ve got to do this right. It can’t be too casual but then it can’t be too formal either.

“Hmm, let’s see.”

I sort through my things and I know I’m taking too long but I’ve got to make sure everything is perfect.

I finally pull out my Aztec print skirt and my royal blue blouse. I quickly slip on my bra and panties and am buttoning up my blouse when Mom comes out.

“That looks nice, honey.”

“Thanks, Mom. What do you think, my blue heels?”

“No, wear your black pumps and the silver belt.”

I finish dressing and turn to Mom.

“So, do I look okay?”

“You look lovely, honey. Now why don’t you call down and make sure they have a cab ready then sit while I finish up. Try your breathing exercises, you look all jittery.”

“I am all jittery. My jitters have jitters. I don’t want to blow this, especially after coming all this way.”

“You’ll do great, honey, everything is going to be fine.”

“I sure hope so,” I say as I pick up the phone and call down to the front desk to have them get us a taxi.

* * *

A short time later our taxi is letting us out in front of number ten Via Pontaccio: a nondescript glass door next to a high-end kitchen supply store. Inside is a small reception area with a lady behind a desk.

In Italian I say to her, “Hello, my name is Alexandra Conners. I have an appointment with Paul Coleman.”

“One moment please,” she replies. She then gets on the phone and makes a quick call.

Almost right away a young lady comes out and approaches us.

“Signorina Conners, welcome to Milan. We spoke on the phone. My name is Lisa.” Turning to Mom she extends her hand and says in English, “Your mother I assume?”

Shaking her hand Mom replies, “Yes, Sharon Conners.”

Smiling Lisa says, “It’s a pleasure. Please follow me. Mr. Coleman is expecting you.”

We follow Lisa as she leads us down the hall to a small elevator. We get in and ride up to the second floor then down another hall where Lisa gives a quick knock on a door then opens it.

We follow her inside to find Paul coming around his desk with his had extended and a smile on his face.

“Alex, Sharon, I’m so glad you could come in on such short notice. I’m sorry that you haven’t had an opportunity to rest up from your travel but we are unfortunately short of time. There are a number of people here who want to meet with you, Alex. Take a seat and I’ll explain what’s happening. We still have a couple minutes.”

We all sit down and Paul says, “Again, I’m really sorry you weren’t able to get some rest in after your flight. I know how exhausting that flight can be but we’re critically short on time. This weekend, Fashion Week here kicks off and I want you to have every opportunity to participate in it.

“First however I need you to meet some people and if when we’re done everyone is in agreement, we’ll move on to make you a superstar.”

Mom says, “Paul, I thought all of that was settled. We’d fly out here, Alex would participate in Fashion Week and if everyone agreed when this was done, then we’d talk about signing with Next. Has that changed?”

“Not at all but as I also mentioned, I don’t have the last word. That plus I’ve been singing Alex’s praises to everyone, we want to see just what is going to be the best path for her here. The people we’re going to have you meet, Alex, are our top model mentor, Veronica Ravero, senior styling consultant, Juliana Rossi, the director of marketing, Andre Carter and the co-president of Next, Joel Wilkenfeld who is here for Fashion Week and will have the final decision on the extent of how we’ll market you.

“I hope this doesn’t scare you off, Alex,” he says to me with a smile.

“No,” I reply, “but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was all a bit intimidating.”

“That’s understandable but don’t be. They’re all really nice people and not a one of them has been known to bite. So if you’re ready, let’s go meet them.”

Paul leads us back to the elevator and up to the top floor. We enter a large room filled with light from skylights. In one part of the room is a sitting area where a man and two ladies are talking. When they notice our entrance their conversation stops and all eyes turn towards me. It’s all rather daunting until everyone starts smiling.

They all stand as we approach and Paul begins to introduce us. “Alex, Sharon, this is Andre, Juliana and Veronica. Everyone, this is Alex whom you’ve heard so much about and her mother, Sharon.”

We all shake hands and I’m introduced to cheek kissing. Well you don’t really kiss the other’s cheek–you just make kissing noises on either side of their face. A bit unnerving the first time it happens.

After all the introductions are over, we all sit and Andre says, “I don’t know if Paul mentioned it or not but our president, Joel Wilkenfeld would like to meet you as well but he won’t be able to until later. I’m not sure how much Paul has said to you but I wanted to explain what we want to get done this morning.

“First let me just say that I am beginning to see why Paul made the unusual step of bringing you out here and it is unusual. You see normally, when say new talent in the States is discovered, they’ll at most be brought to New York, the nearest big fashion center, not clear over here to Milan.

“Paul told us he made the exception with you because he sees something special in you. We’ve seen your book and some of your film and based on that we tend to agree, at least enough to want to see more. This morning is our chance for that. We’d like to run you through the ringer so to speak and see for ourselves just why you got Paul all excited.

“Based upon how well this morning goes, and probably this afternoon too, we’ll make our recommendations to Joel and he’ll make the final choice, on whether or not this will be the start of a new and exciting career between Next and yourself or just a nice vacation for you.”

I’m a bit taken back by his statement in spite his light tone and smiling face. Apparently things aren’t as sure as I thought they were and I’m suddenly worried that if this is something I really do want, I won’t have the opportunity to do it.

Some of my worry must have been evident in my face because Veronica says, “Andre you’re scaring her.” Turning to me she adds, “What Andre says is true, dear, but don’t worry, Paul has impeccable taste and a keen instinct in picking winners. That he felt strong enough about you to have you come halfway around the world speaks volumes.

“Now since we are horribly short on time, why don’t we get started and we can talk and answer questions as we go, yes?”

Veronica spoke entirely in Italian and rather fast but I had no trouble understanding her. Maybe because I can tell she truly cares. Although she doesn’t look anything like Mom, she reminds me strongly of her and I instantly like her.

Unfortunately Mom couldn’t follow all that was said as her Italian is still a bit rusty but I can tell she likes Veronica too and I was able to quickly translate all that was said.

Paul asks, “Juliana, where would you like to start?”

“First I’d like to get some measurements and some test shots. Alexandra dear, let’s go over there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Wonderful, and don’t ma’am me, it makes me feel positively ancient.”

I get up and follow her to the other side of the room. Mom, Paul and Andre start talking while Juliana and Veronica start taking my measurements. As soon as that’s done, they have me stand against the white wall and Juliana takes a couple head shots of me with a small digital camera.

“Fantastic,” says Juliana.

“What do you think, Juliana?” asks Andre.

“That you shouldn’t doubt Paul when he tells you he’s found gold. If she can follow direction then I’ll want her locked down to us and tied up with a great big bow.”

She smiles at me and gives my arm a pat.

“Yes, yes,” says Andre, “Agreed but I was referring to her look.”

“I know, I was just giving you a tweak, now don’t rush me, I still haven’t decided.” Turning back to me she asks, “Alexandra dear, walk down to the far end of the room and then back if you would please.”

Veronica gives me an encouraging smile and so does Mom when I look over at her. I then square up my shoulders, lock myself into ‘runway’ mode and go. When I get back I hear Juliana asking Veronica, “remind you of anyone, dear?”

“A couple of people actually,” is her reply, “all good too.”

“Agreed. Now, Alexandra, let’s do that a couple more times but each time you come back I want you to maintain your facial expression but change the look of your eyes. Think you can do that?”

“I think so, I’ll try.”

So I turn around and continue walking. Each time I return I try to change the expression in my eyes a bit. I must have been doing it right because on my third time back Juliana is all smiles and greets me with a, “wonderful, child, just wonderful. You may stop.”

We go back to the group and Juliana says to Andre, “I know just what I want done with her. At first with that golden skin and those dark blue eyes I thought she’d look stunning as a blonde, and she would too, but now with that walk of hers and the intensity in her gaze, I think we’ll keep her hair this lovely black but just give her more, lots more. What do you think, Andre, Veronica?”

I’m busy trying to think of myself as a blonde and miss their replies and Juliana is speaking again.

“A lot more. The style she has just isn’t that great for her. Given her look and her walk, I think we need to accentuate what she has. We’ll get that done and this afternoon we can do a shoot and I’ll show you I’m right.”

“Oh I believe you,” says Andre. “I learned long ago to defer to your instincts.”

“As well you should. Now I had already told Vince that we’d need his services so he should be standing by. Why don’t we go and we can continue our conversation there?”

“Um excuse me,” I interject. I could see that Mom was going to say something too. “But what’s going on?”

“I’m sorry,” says Andre, “we’re really not excluding you from this conversation, well not intentionally at least. As you know your ‘look’ is what’s going to get you booked. To have a look that isn’t the same as all the other girls, that’s edgy yet versatile is what is going to get you booked more. You have an amazing walk, it’s almost frighteningly intense at times and your eyes are like twin blue laser beams, quite stunning. Your hair, although the color is great, the length really doesn’t work very well for you. Juliana feels that it needs to be longer, a lot longer. The more I think of it, the more I tend to agree too. So, with your permission, we’d like to give you longer hair.”

“What, you mean like a wig?”

“Heavens no, dear,” says Juliana, “a wig would be terrible. You’ll use those often enough for shoots or special shows but you couldn’t use one on a daily basis. No, what I propose is giving you fused extensions. Vince is outstanding and when he’s done you’ll not know yourself that everything isn’t all your own. You can maintain it until your own grows out. Now what do you say?”

“Okay I guess, if you think that would be best. I know I prefer longer hair.”

“Excellent. Vince’s studio is right down the street, we can go down there now,” says Andre.

* * *

We all traipse down the street a couple of doorways to an unmarked door and immediately go in. Inside is a large room separated into various work areas by low walls. The part we enter is the main hair salon. Mom and I are introduced to Vince who immediately starts an intense conversation with Juliana about what should be done with my hair.

Soon I find myself lying back in a chair getting my hair washed then in another with Vince starting his work.

While this is going on, Mom is talking with everyone else. Once I’m settled and Vince along with his three helpers start working, everyone gathers close and my ‘interview’ continues.

“So,” says Andre, “I know this is all moving at breakneck speed but what do you think so far?”

“Well it’s certainly exciting,” I reply with a smile.

“Good, but you need to understand that this really isn’t anything compared to how crazy it can get. There’ll be times that you’ll be called in at one in the morning for a fitting, working until midnight or later and not get much of a break in between or much of a chance to eat for that matter. So do you think you could handle the stress?”

As my hair is being tugged and pulled I reply, “I think so. The best thing I have going for me is my family. Their unconditional support of me really helps and I enjoy an active pace.”

“Having the support of your family is very important,” says Veronica. “Tell me, have you always wanted to be a model or is this something new?”

I give a small laugh and say, “Oh this is fairly new. I take it Paul hasn’t bought up too much of my past?” I look over at Paul and he shakes his head. “Well,” I add nervously in English, “you might change your minds after you hear about it. You see up until a bit over a year ago I didn’t even know I was a girl.”

At their startled looks I continue and tell my story including my kidnapping in the tale. It isn’t easy to tell them but they need to know. Mom knows how hard this is for me and the pride in her eyes for me doing it makes it worthwhile. “So you see, I figure that if I could go through all of that, then I think I can do just about anything.”

Both Veronica and Juliana come over and take my hands. Both look like they’re about to cry.

“Oh you poor thing,” says Veronica, “How terrible for you. But your looks are just so insane, didn’t you suspect?”

“No, not really. You see I’m the ultimate late bloomer. How I am now has all happened in the past year.”

“Here,” says Mom, “this picture is of Alex two years ago.” She holds up a photo of me from her purse.”

“You really have changed haven’t you?” asks Veronica.

“Just a bit, “I reply with a smile, then a wince as I get another painful tug on my hair.

“So,” says Andre, “I guess that answers that, but tell me, how much do you want this, Alexandra? Would you do anything to be a model?”

“That’s easy…no I wouldn’t.” At Andre’s look of surprise I continue, “That’s a pretty broad question. Would I give up seeing my Mom or Dad forever, or the rest of my family? Absolutely not. Would I kill? Nope. But if you want to know if I’ll give a hundred percent to the job and always try to improve, then the answer is a resounding yes.”

“You’re quite a remarkable young lady, Alexandra. We can continue after Vince is done with you. Vince, how long do you think?”

“Not before one-thirty maybe two o’clock, later if you don’t get out of my way and let us work.”

“Fine, we’ll let you be then. Give us a ring when you’re about done and we’ll reconvene.”

Everyone leaves us then and I call Mom over. “So, Mom, how do you think it went?”

“I think it went very well. They’re quite impressed with you.”

“I hope so. Say, since I’m stuck here until this afternoon, why don’t you head back to the hotel, maybe take care of some of the business you wanted to do here?”

“I don’t want to leave you, honey.”

“I’m fine and I’m certainly not going anywhere. The hotel is just minutes away and we’ll call you over when I’m almost done.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, now get. Oh, bring me my mp3 player out of my purse first please.”

“Okay then, honey, I’ll be back later.”

“Bye, Mom.”

Mom heads out and I talk a bit with Vince. He explains how a few strands of hair are fused to mine with special glue and set with an ultraviolet light.

“When I’m done, no one will ever know it’s not your own. Now just lay back and let us work.”

So with that I plug myself into my player and relax to the music.

* * *

I’m surprised that despite the tugging and pulling on my hair I still manage to nod off for a bit only rousing when Vince has me shift positions. I’m blinded to the changes being made to me, only knowing that I’m getting real long hair: exactly how long I’m not sure as most of it is currently draped across my face and whenever I try to get a better look at it I’m chastised by Vince or one of his assistants.

Once settled again I drift off, not really sleeping just listening to the music and being lulled by the work being done on my hair. Eventually Vince rouses me and proclaims that the fusion is done and he has me sit back and starts to brush the hair back away from my face.

“Want to see something really wild?” he asks.

At my assent he spins the chair around until I’m facing the mirror. At the sight that I’m met with I can’t help but start to laugh.

“Oh my god, I look like Cousin It.”

My hair is very poufy and wild looking as well as coming down practically to my hips.

“Please tell me you aren’t done yet.”

Vince chuckles, “No, now we can start to style you properly, we’re only done with the extensions.”

“I look like some crazy wild woman.” Running my fingers through my hair I exclaim, “Wow, this feels so soft.”

“It should, it’s real hair, very good quality too. Now come, let’s start styling.”

“Oh, hold on, first I need a picture of this. This is a hoot.”

So I convince him to take a picture of me with my phone so I can show Mom when she gets back. He then has me take my seat again and starts to cut. After a bit he starts to set color in.

“I thought we were keeping the hair black?” I ask.

“We are, I’m just adding highlights.”

“What kind?”

“You’ll see, after I’m done.”

“Harrumph!” is all I reply, knowing that he needs to stage it his way.

Seeing that I’m not going to fight him on this, he just chuckles again.

After washing out the color, he finishes cutting then my hair goes up in huge curlers.

“Now, under the dryer.”

“No, now bathroom, then dryer.”

Once I’m settled back under the dryer I pull out my tunes again but don’t even get to turn them on when Mom comes back.

We’re laughing over my ‘Cousin It’ picture when Andre, Paul, Veronica and Juliana return as well.

“Well,” says Andre, “big changes today. How are you holding up?”

“I’m doing fine.”

“Great. Now just as soon as Vince is done with you we’ll get you dressed up and styled and take some test shots of you. When we’re done with that we’ll cut you loose for a few hours while we go over them amongst ourselves and determine just what we’re going to recommend to Joel. We’ll meet with him and based upon our recommendations, the tests you’ll do in just a bit and your book, Joel will make his final decision. Questions?”

“Not really I guess. When will we know his decision?”

“Tonight, as we said time is short and if we want you to walk here then we need to get things decided right away. Fair enough?”

“Yes thank you.”

We all talk a bit more until Vince shoos everyone away. Vince then takes me back over to the styling chair to finish up. When the hair is done they then start to apply the makeup.

Finally everything is done and Vince asks me, “Ready?”

“I’ve been ready.”

With a smile he turns my chair towards the mirror.

“Wow, oh wow!” I exclaim.

“I take it you like it?” asks Veronica.

“Like it? I love it. Vince you’re amazing. I’ve never had my hair quite this long before although you got the curl and wave in it just right.”

“Good, I’m glad you like it although the hair we added is straight as an arrow. To keep the wave and curl you’re going to have to put it in yourself.”

My hair now comes to a bit below my breasts and as I mentioned, it has a heavy wave and some curl to it. It’s cut in layers and as I move my head it almost seems alive the way it moves around.

“Vince, I thought you said you put highlights in. What color? I can’t tell.”

“Black of course. To get the best and most natural look you go with the same color. In your case I just played with the sheen. The hair is naturally glossy, the highlights I added put in a satin look here and there to give it depth along with the layers that were added.”

“Well it looks great. Thank you so much.”

Juliana says, “It does look great, Vince, thank you. Now, Alexandra, why don’t we go in the back and get you dressed, and then we’ll get those shots done?”

Veronica, Juliana and myself go back where there is a fashion lovers’ closet of dreams. Every type of clothing and shoe and accessory, it seems, is there.

We work our way through some of the clothes on the racks, the three of us discussing the various items when Juliana pulls out a short blue lace dress.

“How about this? What do you think, Veronica, Valentino?”

“Any day you get to wear Valentino is a good day and the color would look great on her. What do you think, Alex, would you like to try it?”

“Sure, it’s beautiful.”

“Great,” says Juliana, “You put this on and I’ll find some heels. You’re a size…?”

“Oh, an eight and a half.”

Veronica helps me into the dress and Juliana comes over with a pair of stilettos. Looking in the mirror I’m wowed. The dress is beautiful and very daring as well. The lace of the top makes it look like at any moment you’ll get to see my breasts yet still keeping me fully covered. Dad would have kittens if he saw me in it.

“What do you think?” asks Juliana.

“It’s beautiful. If you ever want to get rid of it I’ll take it. It’s absolutely stunning.”

“It looks fabulous on you,” adds Veronica. “Let’s go get some pictures taken.”

When we go back out there’s someone new here. Andre introduces me to John the photographer then Juliana has Vince make some changes to my hair style from loose to pulled back into a French twist.

I’m led over to another part of the studio that has a white backdrop and John starts to direct me.

“Okay,” says John, “We’ll start with a full-on shot, then we’ll just keep moving. Now, straight at me.”

And he starts to shoot.

“…good, now turn a bit to your left, keep your face towards me…great…now chin down a bit…look up…”

John continues to direct, and sometimes I ask to try something new.

We do that for a bit then they have me change into another outfit, my hair coming down. This shoot has more movement at times than the last with me throwing my hair back or to the side.

After another outfit change and another forty-five minutes of shooting, they call a halt.

Veronica comes up and gives me a hug. “You were brilliant. You looked like you were really having fun there.”

“I was, this is such a blast.”

Everyone congratulates me on how well things went.

“Well, Sharon,” asks Paul, “what do you think of your little girl now?”

“That perhaps she’s not such a little girl any more. I’m very proud of you, Alex.”

I just beam at Mom’s praise.

“Alexandra,” says Andre, “You did a wonderful job. We have a lot to discuss and you’ve had a long day. Why don’t you and your mother head out, grab a bite to eat and relax a bit. We’ll be reviewing all your work then meeting with Joel and going over everything with him. Just as soon as possible we’ll call you back and I really don’t think it will be more than a few hours.”

“Thank you, Andre, and thank you all. I really had a great time and I also really appreciate all the effort you all have put in for me today.”

With that, Mom and I gather up my things and head out. Suddenly I’m ravenous, realizing that I’ve hardly eaten all day.

* * *

“So,” asks Mom, “what sounds like food to you?”

“Anything really, I’m starving. No wait a sec.” I pull out my phone and look up the restaurant that Blair recommended. “How about La Latteria? It’s over on Via San Marco and according to the map that’s not that far from here, just a few blocks away in fact.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Let’s see…we go up about two blocks to Via San Marco and turn left. According to this it should take us about six minutes to walk there.

“God I love this phone. Now let’s see what’s on the menu. Umm…oh drat.”

“What is it honey?”

“They’re closed right now to get ready for the dinner crowd.”

“We can go another time. Do you want to head back to the hotel? There are several restaurants right around there we could try.”

“Okay, afterwards we can go back up to the room too. I’ve got a few emails I need to respond to and just relaxing after all the traveling would be nice.”

“Let’s do that then.”

Seeing a taxi heading our way I put my fingers in my mouth and let out a loud piercing whistle then wave and call out, “Taxi!”

Mom starts to laugh and shake her head at me.


* * *

“I’m stuffed. That was a good sandwich,” I say to Mom.

“Well there goes the image of models starving themselves. Oh to have the metabolism of a hummingbird. Let me guess, you’re going to be hungry again in an hour right?”

“Probably,” I respond and give Mom my best gamin grin.

Mom laughs and says, “Come on, let’s go up to the room and rest for a bit. I have a feeling you’re going to get little of that over the next couple of weeks.”

Arm in arm we walk back to the hotel and go up to our room.

Once there I kick my shoes off and stretch out on the bed, prop myself up a bit and grab my phone so I can check on the emails that I’ve received.

As awareness returns I figure that I must have nodded off as soon as my head touched the pillow. The next thing I realize is someone is walking towards me then sitting down on the other bed.

Opening my eyes I see it’s Mom and she has a peculiar look on her face.

“Hey, Mom, I must’ve dozed off. Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, honey. You’ve been asleep for about an hour but you should get up now. They should be calling at any time.”

“Okay, but what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, baby, I’ve just been watching you sleep.” Mom gives me a smile. “You really are turning into a beautiful young lady. I just wish I had had more time with you as my little girl before you grew up on me.”

I move over to her bed and curl up with my head on her lap. “Yeah the whole growing up as a boy kinda messed that up. I hope you don’t feel guilty about that.”

“Of course I feel guilty about that. I’m your mother, I should have known.”

I hug Mom tighter. “Don’t, Mom. Heck, it was my body and I didn’t know. We had doctors give me checkups and they didn’t catch it so you shouldn’t feel guilty.”

“But I still do honey. Besides, when your sister was little I loved to dress her in all the darling girl outfits, take her shopping and we would do mother daughter things and I missed out on all of that with you. It was such fun teaching your sister about the joys of being female and watching her turn into the beautiful young lady she is today. I’ve had such a short time with you being a girl and now you’re practically all grown up too.”

“But you did teach me those things, Mom.”

At Mom’s look I continue. “You know that when I wasn’t out by myself somewhere I was hanging out around you and Ellen. Despite thinking of myself as a boy all those years, I never really felt like one. Look at the twins, they’re all boy and it’s obvious from the second you see them. With me it wasn’t like that and now we know why. But even so, I watched you and Ellen and fortunately you two always included me whenever I showed up.

“Mom you’re everything a woman should be in my eyes. You’re what I strive to be. I look at Ellen and I see it can be done because she’s like you. I may have missed the little girl stage but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a ton that I still need to learn. If anything it means that I’m way behind and need you all the more.

“You know, if it will make you feel better I’ll let you buy me all sorts of girlie things: makeup, dresses and clothes, shoes and such. Purely for your benefit you understand.”

“Oh really? Just for my benefit?”

“Okay, maybe not just for your benefit.”

We both laugh a bit and Mom hugs me tight.

“I love you so much, sweetheart.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

“Now why don’t you get up, fix your hair and makeup then we’ll go down and walk around a bit.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Neither my hair nor my makeup are too bad and they both just take a minute to touch up. With that done Mom and I head down and start walking around the Galleria looking into all the stores.

As we walk, Mom asks, “I know you wanted to wait until after Fashion Week to decide anything but have you thought anymore about whether or not this is really something you want to do?”

“I have, especially since our meeting this morning. I kinda got the impression that I might not have until after Fashion Week to decide. I can’t say I’d blame them if they want an answer now though, they’re risking a bunch too.”


“And it is something I want to do. It’s fun and I enjoy it and I really think I can be good at it, especially now after meeting with Next. Before I thought, well I don’t know, kinda like I was tricking people that at any time everyone would find out the truth that I’m not ‘model’ material and it would all go away. Maybe that will still happen but I’m now more sure than ever that this is something I really want to do and if at some point it does go away, then I want to be able to say that I tried and tried my best.

“I’m worried though, I’m worried that if Next does want me that they’ll want me here or in New York and what that would mean for our family. I don’t know, maybe it’s too soon. Maybe I should wait but if I do, what if this is my only chance and another one won’t come by?

“Oh, Mom, what am I going to do?”

Mom puts her arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

“If Next decides they want you, and I can’t believe that they won’t, then we’ll find a way. There’s always a solution. It might not be easy to find, but I believe there’s always a solution to every problem. Let’s just cross that bridge when we get to it. Okay?”

“Okay, Mom.”

We stop in front of the confectioners’ store and I’m contemplating going in to see if they have any bitter chocolate when my phone rings: it’s Paul.

After speaking briefly with him, I turn to Mom and say, “Well this is it. They want to see me.”

Mom gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and with a smile says, “Let’s go then.”

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