Catwalk Confidence - Part 56

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 56

It’s another early start on Sunday, like 5:00 AM, way too early for my taste at least. After breakfast, Mom runs me up to San Fran to the event center where the fashion show will be held. Right away, Missy, the event’s runway coordinator, starts working with us on the pattern for the show.

We models are going to be in two main groups. The first group will just model the clothes on the main portion of the runway. The second group that I’m a part of will do the same but we will also make our way to an elevated portion of the runway where we’ll be demonstrating various physical activities. I’m in the yoga group so I’ll be going through some stylized poses.

I always thought that modeling would be fairly easy but I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the time I got there I was running. Missy and Margo spent most of the morning figuring out the order of the show, what clothes and which models go where and when essentially. Once that had been for the most part figured out, we were run through the runway portion to set our timing and to get used to the stage. All this time Missy and or Margo would make adjustments to one thing or another to get everything just perfect.

During our short lunch break I had a chance to sit and talk with Connie and was finally able to figure out where I’d seen her from before. She’s apparently fairly regularly used as a model in a number of the fitness magazines. She’s now partially retired from modeling to devote more time to her business which is teaching fitness classes and holistic health. By the end of lunch Connie and I are talking and joking with each other like we’ve known one another forever.

All too soon lunch is over and we’re right back at it but by around 3:00PM we’re far enough along for Missy and Margo to stop for the day. This next week we’ll schedule a time to come in for our fitting then on Friday we’ll do a full dress rehearsal, do any tweaking and have the fashion show Saturday night.

After gathering up my things, I stop by and see Margo and am told to come in Tuesday for my fittings. With a final goodbye to her and Missy I head on out the door.

Since I didn’t know when we’d be let go today, I have a bit of a wait until Mom gets here so I pull out my English Lit book and sit on the bench outside.

“Don’t tell me you’ve been abandoned.”

Looking up from my book I see Connie next to me.

“Hey, Connie, nope not abandoned, just waiting on my Mom to get here.”

“Well in that case I won’t offer to give you a ride. So what do think of all this so far?”

“It’s so much fun. I never realized how much hard work it is but I love that too.”

“You’re doing great and if you continue to play your cards right you’ll go far. When’s your fitting?”


“Ah, I’m on Thursday. In that case I’ll see you again on Friday. Take care now.”

“Okay, Connie, you too, see you later.”

A short time later the sound of Mom honking the horn brings me out of my book and I hop into the car and we head on home.

* * *

I’m walking across the school parking lot from where Ellen dropped me off when I hear “Yoo-hoo, Alex”. Turning, I see Mrs. Griffin pulling up and dropping off Justin.

“Well this is good timing. I saw you pull in and I thought I’d drop Justin off up there so you two could walk in together. Besides I did want to make sure that Justin invited you over to the house on Friday. We’re having a little get together and you’ll be more than welcome.”

I look at Justin and he looks away. Leaning down to the window I say, “Thank you for the invite, Mrs. Griffin, but I’m going to be tied up with work for quite some time. Until after the show I really won’t have any free time and then I’ll be starting another project. Thank you for the invitation though.”

“Well maybe we could have you over when you’re done with that. Okay then, see you two later. Bye.”

With a little wave she’s off and I turn to Justin. He refuses to meet my eyes and mumbles a “thank you” and turns to leave.

“Freeze, Buckwheat,” I say.

Justin stops and turns back to me looking surprised at the tone in my voice. I grab his elbow and pull him with me so we’re no longer blocking traffic and say, “Justin, just what in the hell is going on here?”

“Ah, going on?”

“Don’t jerk me around, Justin. For some reason your mother seems to think we’re some sort of an item. Now I know I never gave her that impression so it had to come from you and I want to know why.”

“Well, ah, you know, it’s just that my Mom just likes you.”


At my language, Justin’s eyes widen.

“Does she know about you and Ed?”

Justin’s eyes widen a bit more and he’s looking around to see if we’re being overheard.

“Shh, not so loud.”

“My god, Justin, does she even know you’re gay?”

“Will you keep your voice down?” he whispers to me as he leads me over to some trees and away from the other kids arriving.

I pull my arm from his grasp and turn back to him, my anger mounting.

“Damn it, Justin, it’s hardly a secret, at least half the kids I’ve talked with think you’re gay but that’s not my point, you’ve used me!” and I poke him in the chest.

“Do you have any idea how awkward it was for me the other night at the theater? The only one without a date? And now your Mom thinks we’re an item.”

“N-no she doesn’t.”

“Don’t give me that, she’s practically picking out our china pattern, she’s so giddy. I won’t be used, Justin. If you don’t want to tell your folks you’re gay that’s your business but I won’t be manipulated. Do you know how much that hurts? I thought you were my friend.”

“You don’t know what it’s like–”

Cutting him off I say, “–Don’t go there Justin. Don’t you dare presume to know me or if I know what it’s like. You don’t know the first thing about me.”

Before I get so angry I do something I’d regret, I head off to morning assembly.

* * *

“Troubles in paradise?”

Looking up and behind me I see Lindsey there with a smirk on her face.

“Piss off, Lindsey.”

“My, my, my, such language. Having a little lover’s tiff? And so soon after putting out, too.”

“Lindsey, what are you blathering on about…again?”

“Why, you and Justin of course. I saw your little lover’s spat this morning. He dump you? And so soon after you two got together, too. You two were seen going into the movies over the weekend and making out as well. And here everyone thought he was gay. So what happened? Did he dump you after you put out for him, or couldn’t you satisfy him?”

“God, Lindsey, you’re such a bitch. You know you’re really not worth the effort but I’ll try this last time to get through to you and I’ll try to use small words so you’ll understand me: we are NOT an item. I don’t have time for a boyfriend, anyhow. I’m far too busy getting ready for the fashion show. Oh, sorry not to have seen you there. Now excuse me, assembly is starting and we don’t want to miss the announcements now do we?” With that, I turn my back on her.

Mrs. Cavanaugh calls for everyone to sit down and interrupts anything else that Lindsey was going to say.

* * *

Just before my last class of the day, P.E., I get called down to the office where they tell me that my Mom called and will be here shortly to pick me up early.

Not knowing what this is about and praying that nothing is wrong, I go back to my locker to get my books for homework.

As I turn into the hall I see someone slam a locker and run down the hall. It looks like it was Joan but it couldn’t have been as her locker is further down the hall and not next to Blair’s.

Putting the incident from my mind, I quickly get my stuff out of my locker and go outside to wait for Mom.

Fifteen minutes later, Mom pulls up and I’m hopping into the front seat.

“Is everything all right, why did you come early?” is the first thing out of my mouth.

“Everything is fine, honey. Sorry for the short notice but I completely forgot that you had an appointment with Dr. Martin this afternoon for a checkup.”

Sighing with relief I say, “Oh, is that all? I was worried there for a minute.”

“Sorry again, honey.”

“No worries, Mom. This is actually a good thing. I really have wanted to talk to Dr. Martin about some things lately and it gets me out of tennis.”

“What’s wrong with tennis? I though you liked it.”

“I do, it’s just…well it’s embarrassing. I’ve never had any troubles with any sport I’ve ever tried and tennis, you’d have to admit, isn’t that hard really. It’s just I can’t seem to get it.”

Embarrassed, I hang my head and cannot meet my Mom’s eyes.

“You can’t–”

Interrupting I add, “–I can hit the blasted ball and generally get it to go where I want it to go, but every time I try to pick up my game and push it a bit more, I lose it. I completely lose control on where I want the ball to go. It’s almost safer being behind me on the court ’cause that little yellow ball tends to go everywhere else and never where I want it to go. I swear I sometimes think it has a mind of its own.”

Mom starts to chuckle.

“It’s not funny, Mom…okay maybe it is a bit but it’s also real embarrassing. I’m a total spazz out there.”

Trying real hard to not laugh, Mom says, “Honey, you haven’t taken very many lessons yet. Give it some time, you’ll get better. I know you’re frustrated but I think that’s because things have always come easily to you and when you’re confronted by something that doesn’t, you’re suddenly frustrated.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

The rest of the trip is spent in idle chit-chat and in about a half an hour we’re at Dr. Martin’s office. Once there I’m quickly ushered into one of the exam rooms and told to get into one of those icky paper gowns.

Given some of what I want to discuss with Dr. Martin, I ask Mom to not go in with me this time. I know I can talk to Mom about almost anything but geeze, this is going to be embarrassing enough talking with Dr. Martin, and to have my Mom in there too would be just too much. Can you say, ‘death by embarrassment?’

After being measured, poked, prodded and drained, Dr. Martin says, “Well, Alex you’re the picture of health. I’m extremely pleased with how well you’ve recovered. I still think you need to gain just a couple more pounds and I want you ease up on your workouts. Your body fat is practically non-existent and that’s not healthy, especially for a girl your age. That would also explain why you haven’t had even spotting for your period. Understand?”

“Yeah, I’ll ease up, promise. Um, Doctor Martin?”

“What is it, Alex?”

“Um, well I think there’s something wrong with me.”

“What do you mean? Physically you seem fine.”

“Well…” and I pause to gather my courage and suppress my blushing, “…I think I’m turning into some sort of nympho or something.”

Rushing on while I still have the courage I add, “I’m thinking about sex all the time and it’s started to include boys, too. I wear a pad a lot ’cause there are times I get real wet, you know down there, and that gets embarrassing. My boobs are tender and my emotions are all out of whack: one minute I’m crying and the next minute I’m ready to tear someone’s head off. What’s wrong with me?”

“Hmm, have you talked to Amanda about any of this?”

“Yeah, but she puts it down to teenage hormones and such but it keeps getting worse and it’s driving me out of my mind. I tell you if something isn’t done soon I’m going to have to change my name to “Suzy Round-Heels”.

“Have you…?”

“No, not yet but it wouldn’t take much and there’s some that I’ve damned near jumped already. Doctor Martin, you gotta do something. Isn’t there a pill or a shot you can give me?”

Chuckling, Doctor Martin replies, “No, no pill or shot, not the way you mean at least.” Writing in my file she adds, “I’ll have the lab run some additional tests on the blood sample we took. Now how long has this been going on?”

“Well, mainly the last two weeks or so. I mean I guess I’ve always, you know, speculated about others, but this is getting out of hand. It’s changed from an idle curious ‘gee I wonder’ to having to really watch myself so I don’t drag someone off to behind the bushes.”

“Have you been taking your birth control pills?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“How many and how often?”

“One every morning.”

“You haven’t skipped any or doubled up on any?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Do you have them with you, or do you keep them at home?”

“They’re in my purse, I’ll get them.”

I hop off the exam table and retrieve the pills. As I hand them to her I ask, “Isn’t there anything you can do to help me? I might sound like I’m exaggerating but I’m really not.”

As she looks at the packet of pills I handed her, she says, “Hmm, maybe. Let me check…well now, isn’t that interesting. Alex, I think there is something we can do. Why don’t you get dressed and we’ll bring your mother back here and talk it over with her, too.”

“Ah, you’re not–”

“Don’t worry, hon, I won’t go into details,” she says with a smile.

So I get dressed and when Mom comes back we all sit down and Doctor Martin starts talking.

“First of all, Sharon, Alex is in remarkable health. Physically her recovery is all but complete. Alex and I have discussed things and I would like her to increase her body fat a bit and ease up on the intense workouts she does.

“Alex has complained of some breast tenderness in addition to being a bit more emotionally volatile lately and I believe we’ve found the culprit. When Alex had her last prescription of birth control pills filled, the pharmacy made a mistake and gave her a dosage that’s really far too strong for her.

“There are safeguards in place that are supposed to prevent things like this from happening, but somehow it did happen and I’m obligated to report it. Fortunately, I don’t believe that there will be any lasting harm and once Alex gets on the correct prescription, the tenderness in her breasts and her mood swings should all go back to normal.”

“But Alex is okay, right?” asks Mom.

“Yes, I believe she is. She hasn’t even been on this higher dosage for a full cycle. Give me a call next week and let me know if you’re feeling better, Alex. In the meantime, here’s a new prescription for your pills. The dosage is right here on the packaging and should match this here on the prescription. You can get these filled downstairs at our pharmacy.”

“Thanks, Doctor Martin. So you think that this wrong prescription is what’s been causing my, um…problems?”

“Yes, Alex, I think it’s very likely. Basically your hormone levels are way too high. Once you’re on the new prescription they should level out. Your blood work should confirm that, but it appears pretty conclusive at this point.”

Feeling immensely relieved, I say, “Thank you, Doctor Martin. I’ll be sure to let you know.”

As Mom and I get back into the car and start to head home, Mom asks, “Did you have a good talk with Dr. Martin, honey?”

“Yeah I did, I really like her.” Seeing the curiosity on Mom’s face I add, “Basically my emotions have been going all over the place, I’m sure you noticed, and I’ve been feeling…weird I guess you could say. Anyhow it looks like my pills were the culprit and hopefully things will get back to normal soon.”

“Well I’m just glad that the mistake wasn’t with something far more serious than your birth control pills. I made sure to have Doctor Martin tell your father and I the results of the investigation.”

“Mom, do you think I’ll have time for a short swim when we get home? I really need it today.”

“I’m sure you will. I was going to tell you that your father will be grilling tonight and that both Jack and Brandon are over and they’ll be joining us. They’ll be heading back down to school tomorrow so Ellen threw together an impromptu pool party.”

“Oh, that’ll be great then.”

After that, we’re both quiet and I just lean back and enjoy the ride home.

* * *

As we pull into the driveway, Mom says, “Hurry on up to your room and change then join us out back.”

“Okay, Mom,” and as soon as the car comes to a complete stop I’m out and rushing inside and up to my room.

I quickly change into my little black bikini and pull my hair back into a ponytail. Giving myself a quick nod of approval in the mirror, I grab my towel and head downstairs.

Just as I reach the bottom of the stairs, Brandon comes around the corner and he and I collide. Immediately his arms go out to catch me before I fall.

Brandon is just wearing his trunks and his supporting arms pull me closer. Resting my palms on his chest I look up into his eyes.

“Oh, sorry, Brandon, that was clumsy of me. Thank you for catching me.”

“The pleasure is mine as was the fault. I’m glad it happened though.”

He smiles at me, his arms still around me, pulling me closer.

Looking up into his eyes I return his smile and putting my hand behind his head I pull him down and kiss him.

“Alex, we…”

“Shh,” I reply and kiss him again, pressing into his warm body and kissing with a greater passion.

A low moan escapes from both of us and a quick tug on a couple of strings leaves me naked before him. Both of us are breathing faster as our kiss breaks. His eyes rove across my body as I pull him to me again for another passion filled kiss. My hand reaching down for him, feeling him harden beneath my touch.

“Ohhh, Alex…”

My breath quickens.


Alex, wake up!”

Startled, my eyes fly open to find me still in the car with Ellen leaning in the window shaking my shoulder.


“You’re home and you were dreaming. A damned good dream by the looks of it, too. Wanna tell me about it?”

Ellen’s smiling down at me and I’ve finally re-gathered my wits.

“Um, no I don’t think so.”

“Aw, come on.”

Unbuckling my seatbelt I open the door and step out.

“No way, where did Mom go?”

“Spoilsport. Mom got a call just as you two pulled up and ran in to take it, she sent me out here to wake you.” With another grin she adds, “Maybe I should have waited a bit longer.”

Ignoring her comment I head inside and Ellen follows me up to my room.

“So, who was it?”

Pulling my shirt off over my head and shrugging out of my bra, I un-snap my jeans and wiggle out of them.

Ellen reaches into my drawer and tosses me my little black bikini. “Was it Robbyn?”

At the mention of Robbyn’s name I feel guilty for my dream and blush.

“Ah ha! It was, I knew it.”

“You’re so clever, Ellen.” I put my bikini back into the drawer and pull out my blue one-piece and proceed to put it on. “Why don’t you leave so I can finish up here? I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Oh all right. Don’t take too long.”

“I won’t.”

Ellen leaves and I start to apply sun lotion while thinking about the dream I had. Damn but that had seemed so real. But why dream about Brandon? Why about any guy? I’m into girls, specifically Robbyn. Why didn’t I dream of her?

Feeling hugely guilty for my dream cheating, I grab my phone and hit the speed dial for Robbyn. When her voicemail picks up, I’m disappointed but leave her a quick message.

Setting my phone down, I grab my brush and run it through my hair. The one thing I wish was true about my dream is I long for my hair to be long enough to pull properly back into a ponytail. It’s getting there, but not quite yet.

Sighing and giving myself one last look in the mirror, I put the brush down, grab my towel and head downstairs.

Rounding the corner to the family room I come to a stop as I see Brandon standing there wearing his trunks and with nothing else but a bunch of flowers in his hands. Damn, but my dream wasn’t too far off and I feel like I just hit a wall.

Brandon smiles at me and walks towards me, extending the flowers as he comes.

“Here, Alex, these are for you.”

Swallowing and backing up a step I’m suddenly very nervous. Automatically I take the flowers from him, still not saying anything.

“Are you okay? Oh, I hope you don’t mind, the doorbell rang and everyone else is out back so I answered it. There’s a card there with your name on it. Hurry up and get those in water and join us.”

Confused I say, “Oh, ah okay. I’ll be right there.”

With another quick smile, Brandon turns and walks outside and I can suddenly breathe again.

Looking I find the card and as I go into the kitchen for a vase, I juggle the flowers around until I can open the envelope.

Setting the flowers on the kitchen counter I read the card: Alex, I'm sorry I was such a jerk and I should have treated you better. I really would like to have you as a friend. — Justin

Well I’ll be, maybe Justin isn’t so bad after all.

The flowers are a pretty collection of daisies and sunflowers. Grabbing a vase from the shelf, I fill it with water and arrange the flowers. They look very nice.

Smiling, I pick up the vase and carry it outside to put on the table. With that done I tell myself to stop letting my hormones and emotions get the better of me and try to relax. To that end I take a running jump and land a cannonball right next to Ellen, Jack and Brandon to the cheers of Mark and Bill and the laughter of Mom and Dad.

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