Catwalk Confidence - Part 43

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 43

Dinner is great. Dad takes us to a nice little seafood place nearby but we make sure to make it an early day of it. Mom and I have to get up early to catch the commuter plane down to L.A., no helicopter ride this time.

After getting home, I get everything ready for the morning then take my shower before going to bed.

I'm just finishing braiding my hair as I leave the bathroom and notice that Robbyn is in bed, a rather sad looking Robbyn at that.

"Robbyn, what's wrong?"


"Something is you look like you just found out that there won't be any ice cream for desert."

Without so much as a smile she says, "I wish I could go with you tomorrow."

I turn off the light and crawl into bed. Pulling Robbyn close I say, "Hey, it's just for the morning, we should be back after lunch. Heck, you'll probably still be in bed."

No smile, just a single tear running down her cheek.

"That's not it is it?"


"What then? Tell me."

"I-its us, s-soon I'll be g-going home." At this the flood gates fully open and Robbyn puts her arms around me and cries into my chest.

Holding her close I say, "Oh Robbyn, I had wanted to talk to you about this tomorrow night."

"You knew? Oh duh, of course you know. I was just so excited that Mom and Daddy are coming out that I didn't think of what that meant for us. Oh Alex, I'm going to miss you so much I'll just die, I just know it."

"Hey, hey now. None of that. This isn't the greatest thing to have happen I'll grant you but it is something we'll get through. In order to get through it though, we need to have a serious talk."

"You're right of course. How'd you get so smart?"

"Hey you'll pay for that. But on this issue I cheated. My emotional crisis happened the other day and I've been able to talk to both Mom and Amanda about it. They've really helped me come to grips with this."

"What did they say?"

"Well for starters we need to really discuss our relationship. Robbyn you're the only real friend I've ever had. Oh sure, I've had friends, other kids that I'd play with while growing up. But you're the first real friend that I've had and I never want to lose that."

"I don't either. You're my first real friend too. I love you so much Alex."

"And I love you too. I also love where our relationship has gone, how it's developed. But you know something? I'd give it all up in a heartbeat, the intimacy, the sex, all of it, just to keep you as my friend. That's why we need to keep our heads about this. Now I don't think that when you get home you're going to find someone, someone you'll want a relationship with, but you might and I know I won't, but again, who knows these things for sure, when people are apart like we will, anything can happen. The important thing for me is, even if you do find someone, say you want to have a boyfriend, then sure it'll hurt me, but not nearly as much as losing you completely. Am I making any sense at all?"

"Yes, but there wont be anyone else. I'm sure of that too. But you're right, who knows for sure." Grabbing my hand, Robbyn traces the pale scar on my palm with her finger then comparing it to the matching one on her hand. "This means more to me than anything. Your friendship is something I never want to lose, no matter what happens, no matter who comes into either of our lives."

We continue talking far into the night, only interrupted by some kissing or crying or both. At about three-thirty in the morning, Robbyn finally drifts off to sleep. As I lay there holding her in my arms, I feel real good by our talk. I don't feel as scared of her leaving, I don't like that she's going, but it doesn't scare me as much now. I know and she knows as well, that no matter what route our relationship takes, we will always be friends.

* * *

When the display on my clock reads four-forty I finally give up and get out of bed. For some reason I'm not the least bit tired and figure I might as well get up. I just hope that I don't crash in the middle of my meeting with Nike.

I decide that what I really need right now is a swim, so slipping on my suit I grab a towel and head downstairs, putting my hair up in a swim cap as I go. Once I slip outside, I toss my towel onto one of the chairs and dive into the water. The crisp coolness of the water is just what I need. It seems to calm the last of the turmoil going on inside me. After swimming back and forth a few times, I turn over and just float on my back, and gaze up at the stars.

I'm not sure how long I float there. The stillness of the water transfers itself to me until I finally become aware of the lightening of the sky and then the wrinkled condition of my skin.

Turning over I slowly swim to the edge of the pool. Just as I begin to stand, I notice someone sitting in one of the chairs. With a startled "eeek!" I fall back into the pool.

Slowly I surface, visions of some demented madman rushing towards me with a chainsaw are suddenly before me. With just my eyes above the water, I see the figure rise and come towards me from the shadows.

Another 'eeek' escapes me as a series of bubbles as I frantically move to deeper water. Just as I'm about to start screaming at the top of my lungs for Mom, Dad and the National Guard, the figure steps into the light to reveal itself as Mom.

My relief at seeing her leaves me almost incapable of staying afloat. As I weakly make my way back to the edge of the pool, Mom says with a smile, "I didn't mean to startle you honey."

"Jiminy Mom, I almost had a heart attack. I had visions of Freddie Cruger doing me in."

"Sorry again honey but consider it a bit of payback too. When I saw you floating out here I almost had a heart attack myself. It wasn't until I saw you moving your arms around to stay afloat that I realized that I wasn't going to have to call 911. What on earth are you doing up so early?"

"You mean 'up so late.'"

"You haven't been up all night have you. What on earth for?"

"Robbyn and I had a long talk. She finally realized that she'll be heading home soon. It was a good talk."

"I'm glad you two talked it out but I hope you wont be too tired for your meeting today."

"Me too. Right now I feel great and not the least bit tired; that's why I finally decided to come out here for a swim. If I'm going to crash, I sure hope it waits until the meeting is over."

"Well let's go inside and have some breakfast, then you can go up and get ready. It's going to be a busy day young lady."

* * *

As I was brushing out my hair, I had a strong feeling that Mom's statement about this being a busy day was going to be not only be prophetic but an understatement as well.

With my hair brushed and my makeup applied as best as I could make it, I slipped my new dress on over my head. Feeling proud that I didn't smudge my makeup or even get a hair out of place I begin my contortions to zip up my dress. With that done and a final smoothing of my stockings, I slip on my heels, grab my purse and portfolio then go back downstairs.

Dad's in the kitchen getting his morning coffee when I get there.

"'Morning Dad."

"Good morning Alex. You look very nice this morning. All ready for your meeting today?"

"Thanks. I guess that I'm as ready as I can be."


"Hmm, not really, at least not yet."

"Well, I'm sure it will go great and they'll love you."

"I sure hope so."

Mom comes into the kitchen and says, "The car just got here, are you ready Alex?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Great, let's go. We'll see you tonight dear."

"'Bye Dad."

"You two have a good trip and we'll see you tonight."

Mom and I go out and hop into the waiting car. It's a relatively short drive and soon we're being dropped off at the airport.

Things don't look good when we get there. Of course I think any airport these days is its own little piece of chaos but today seems even worse than normal. The crowds are heavy and after fighting our way to a kiosk to get our tickets, we then have to deal with security.

Going through the metal detector both Mom and I get pulled aside to get the wand treatment. The security people are taking their own sweet time about it too, running the wands over and over us. By the look on Mom's face, I think that if they do it one more time the guard doing her is going to have to have the wand surgically removed. This whole thing is turning really creepy.

Just before Mom blows her top, a supervisor comes over and waves us through. After getting our stuff I looked back and see this supervisor talking quietly but very heatedly to the two that were wanding us.

Just as we're beginning to head off to the gate, the supervisor comes up to Mom and says, "Ma'am, I'd like to apologize for what you two just went through and rest assured that disciplinary action will be taken."

Mom replies, "I should hope so. That was extremely degrading and to have my fifteen year old daughter subject to that is inexcusable. Here is my card, I expect to hear from someone at a suitable level of authority who can assure me that the appropriate actions have been taken and what those actions were. I expect to hear from someone soon too. I certainly hope that this type of behavior isn't common practice either."

"No ma'am it isn't and when ever it shows up we try to squash it as fast as possible. I have a wife and daughters too and I personally have zero tolerance. Here is my card as well and you will hear from me by the end of the day. In the mean time, I'll have someone take you to your gate."

Mom is hopping mad, madder than I've ever seen her. This supervisor's actions seems to have mollified her somewhat but if she doesn't get that call, there will be hell to pay.

When the little electric golf cart thingy drops us off at the gate, our luck hasn't changed, our flight is showing that it is delayed and the gal at the counter doesn't have any information.

I keep quiet as there was no way I want Mom to direct the laser beams that are shooting out of her eyes towards me. The poor counter girl after trying to blow off Mom for the second time finally realizes that perhaps that isn’t the smartest thing to do and starts to try and find out the status of our plane. She finally hangs up the phone and says, "I'm sorry, but they just told me the flight has been cancelled. If you'd like, we can get you on stand by for another flight that leaves in an hour."

"Thank you dear, that wont be necessary." Says Mom in an extremely calm tone of voice and we move away from the counter. The counter gal is suddenly swarmed by the other waiting passengers.

We walk off to an empty corner of the waiting area. I'm wondering what we're going to do now and if I'm going to make my appointment as Mom gets out her phone and starts to make some calls.

Twenty minutes later I'm looking out the window at the planes coming and going when Mom calls to me.

"Alex honey."

Turning towards Mom, she's standing by another one of the electric carts and surprisingly it's being driven by the supervisor from security.

"Yes Mom?"

"Come along, we have another flight."

"Ok Mom."

We get on the cart and it speeds its way back up the concourse. Just before we reach the security area, we turn and go through a set of security doors. We're in a corridor just wide enough for the cart and speed along. Soon we're at another set of doors and another concourse. Moments later we stop at another gate.

"Here you go Mrs. Conners. It looks like they're just boarding."

"Thank you Mr. Price. I really appreciate your help on this."

"It's the least I could do Ma'am."

We get out of the cart and go up to the counter. I stand off to the side and Mom talks with the people and soon is handed our boarding passes.

We head down the boarding ramp and onto a small prop airplane and find our seats near the back.

Squeezing myself next to the window, I buckle up and try to get comfortable. There's absolutely no leg room on this thing.

"Thank goodness you got us this flight Mom. Although I may need help walking by time we get to L.A. These seats are really cramped."

"We're not going to L.A. honey."

"What, where are we going then?"

"This is just to get us over to Oakland International. If we can get over there on time, there's a corporate charter that is going down to L.A. that we can get a ride on. We should get down there just a bit after we would have normally gotten in."

"That's a relief. You know something though."


"Well, if I got my helicopter license then we could have avoided all of this and I could have flown us down."

The hopeful expression that I have on my face is soon dashed by Mom laughing at me.

Feeling a tiny bit hurt I say, "Well it's true."

Still giggling Mom says, "Why don't we get you driving a car before we move you up to other things, ok?"

Immediately I feel better at the prospect of getting my driving license. "Ok Mom, deal."

Soon we're pulling away from the gate for the short hop across the bay to Oakland.

We've hardly had a chance to get settled when we land in Oakland and taxi up to a gate. Unfortunately for us we're in Terminal 2 and our charter is clear over in Terminal 1. We're the only ones getting off and we head out to Terminal 1 at a brisk walk but Mom soon flags down another one of the electric carts. After telling the driver that we're trying to catch a flight clear over in the next terminal, we get in and get zipped on over.

Twenty minutes later we're starting our take off for L.A.

* * *

We might have dodged the bad luck bullet in San Francisco but it catches up with us again in L.A.

As soon as we land and can turn our phones on again, Mom gets a call from PJ. Just from listening to Mom's side of the conversation I can tell it's not great news.

After Mom hangs up I ask "Did they cancel, do they not want me anymore?"

"No honey, nothing like that. Apparently they want to try to move the appointment up so they can fly back earlier to their corporate office."

"So when do they want to meet?"

"Now. I was hoping that we'd have a little bit of time to catch our breath but I guess not. Instead we'll take the car directly to PJ's office."

"Ok, that sounds good to me. I'd just as soon get this over with."

After getting to the gate and de-planeing, we make our way outside so we can get a taxi to go to PJ's office. We did have a car scheduled but given our luck today, it of course broke down and couldn't get here to pick us up.

I'm beginning to think that this whole trip is jinxed and someone is trying to tell me something.

Almost an hour later we're dropped off at PJ's office. Once there we were escorted into a conference room. A minute later PJ comes in.

"Sharon, Alex, nice to see you made it. It sounded like you two have had quite the adventure this morning."

"PJ you have no idea." Says Mom.

"Hey PJ. Are the Nike people here yet?"

"They'll be here any minute. Thank you for being flexible. Now before they get here, I want to go over what you can expect as far as the contract goes."

We just finished up our talk when the phone rings to announce that the people from Nike are here.

PJ goes out to greet them. Suddenly I'm really nervous. I take several deep breaths to try to calm down a bit. Mom sees this and gives my hand a squeeze.

"You'll be fine honey."

I smile back at Mom just as the door opens and in walks four people followed by PJ.

"Ok everyone let me make some introductions," starts PJ. "Sharon, Alex, this is Alfred Julian, he's' the marketing director for Nike. Then Barb Price assistant marketing director. Next is Bob Kelly, he'll be directing the commercial and finally, but not least Mitch Hansen, he'll be the stunt coordinator and technical consultant for the commercial. Everyone, this is Alex Conners and her mother Sharon."

We all said hello to each other and shake each other's hands then sit down for business.

Alfred Julian says, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Alex and if I may, I'd like to just skip the formalities and suggest that we all just move on to first names. I asked Bob and Mitch to this meeting for a couple of reasons. PJ mentioned that you had some concerns and wanted final say on how the commercial was to be shot and I'd like to hear your concerns directly from you if I may."

Clearing my throat I said, "well that's not quite it. I mean I don't know the first thing about shooting a commercial but I did want final say on whether or not a particular run or stunt was to be done. If you guys want to do something that I'm not comfortable doing, then I want to have that right to say no. As I said, I don't know anything about commercials but I have done Parkour for the past eight years and know what my abilities are."

"I don't see a problem with that then. I was under the impression that you wanted more control over the commercial as a whole. We certainly wouldn't want you to do a stunt that you didn't feel comfortable doing. Before we sign this contract I would like to go over the Your Tube video that we saw and ask you a couple of questions if I may."

"Sure. That's fine with me."

PJ already has the video loaded up and we watch it together. During this, Mitch keeps asking to pause while he asks questions on distance, height or conditions of the scene. After the final scene, where Barb actually gives a little gasp as I come down the wall, Bob asks, "So you did the entire run yourself and without wires or special effects?"

"That's correct, that's all me."

"Even that last bit where you fall down the wall? That looks like it's a good thirty feet. How did you not kill yourself?" Asks Barb.

"Well, it's kinda hard to see in this video, but I slow myself at each level. It's tricky but I've done it lots of times before."

After a few more questions, the contract is brought out and we get it signed.

"Ok," says Alfred, "with that done we want to tell you what we want to do for this. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but the roof lines of many famous cities are actually duplicated here in Hollywood. For this first commercial and since California is going to be the test market, we want to have you racing across the roofs of Los Angeles and Hollywood. Most will be shot on the back lot but we will have some location shots too. At the end of your run it will look to the viewer that you're done until you turn your face towards the camera with a 'oh yea, I can do this' type of look and off you go again only to have the pull back shot showing you on top of the Hollywood sign over looking the city. It'll be a fake sign because you can't actually stand on top of the real one, but hey, this is Hollywood.

Now if this commercial is successful, we'll want to do other cities as well. New York with the final shot of you heading towards the Empire State building. London and Big Ben, Paris and the Eiffel Tower. The list of cities is practically endless for our needs and hopefully we can do them all.

What do you think?"

"Wow, it sounds really cool."

Mom asks, "PJ mentioned that you wanted this first one done really soon so it could air by the fourth of July. When would you want Alex to start and is that date really that realistic?"

Bob responds, "It is realistic depending on a number of factors that all have to line up just right. I don't like it but that's the way Nike wants it. The first factor is we start right away, and by that I mean today."

At our looks he adds, "I don't mean shooting the commercial, but there's an awful lot that we need to do prior to filming. We want to get you over to the set where we'll review the story boards and have you and Mitch do a walk through. There are going to be any number of things that will need to be done to prep for the shoot and the sooner we get started on that, the better the chances we have of making that date."

I look over to Mom.

"We had no idea that we needed to make arrangements to stay over so soon. I'm afraid that we don't have any change of clothes or even a place to stay."

Alfred says, "Sharon, we did take the liberty of making reservations for you, it's a two bedroom suite. We certainly can't expect for your daughter to do a walk through of the set in high heels so may I suggest that we have our driver take you and your daughter to get some clothes and to take you to your hotel. Our other car can take Barb and I to the airport then you, your daughter, Bob and Mitch can meet up to go over to the studio. How does that sound?"

* * *

We agree to meet Bob and Mitch later at the hotel for lunch and Mom and I have the car take us to the clothing store.

In the car Mom gives Dad a call while I call Robbyn. When Robbyn doesn't answer (the lazy bones) I have Mom tell Dad to tell Robbyn what's happened. With that done we go into the store to get some clothes to tide us over for a day or so.

I end up getting a pair of jeans and some yoga pants, a couple of tank tops, a decent blouse, etcetera.

After getting everything we thought we'd need, we then go and check into the hotel.

The suite is small but nice with two queen beds and a sitting area. Mom and I change and kick back waiting for Bob and Mitch to call.

"Mom sorry about all of this. It really screws up yours and Dad's plans for tonight, not to mention mine."

"Honey, don't worry about it. I should have expected this after hearing how eager they were to start shooting. It's not your fault. We'll just have to make the best of the situation."

"The concept sounds neat. It'll be nice to be paid to run across roof tops."

"Well you just be careful when you do it. I want to have a good talk with Mitch to discuss safety precautions."

"Ah Mom, come on. I'll be just fine. You know they'll make sure everything is safe and I sure wont do anything that I'm not comfortable doing."

"I know honey, but all the same I'll feel better about all of this once Mitch and I have that talk. I get the chills every time I see you doing this. I can't help it."

"Well PJ was telling me that Mitch has been doing stunt work for twenty years and is one of the best so I'm sure everything will be fine."

Before Mom can respond the phone rings. It's Bob and he says that they'll meet us down in the lobby.

Mom and I grab our stuff and head on down. When we get there Bob and Mitch are with a third person.

Bob says, "Sharon, Alex, let me introduce you to Linda Collins. Linda is the production assistant for this commercial."

Linda says, "that means gofer, slave, indentured servant or all of the above in show biz talk. Hello, I'm glad to meet you both."

"Linda will be your main point of contact for anything you may need." Continues Bob. "I thought we'd grab a bite to eat and go over the story boards then we can go the set and have a look around there."

We're taken to a restaurant that serves some of the best hamburgers I've ever had. While we're eating, Linda and Bob go over the storyboards.

"What we want to give you," says Bob, "is the over all vision we have for the commercial. It will be up to you and Mitch to tell us if what we're asking is possible or not. Additionally if you see something that you think would help, please speak up.

Now the final commercial is going to be anywhere from three to five minutes. Now you're not going to find a television commercial that long but by doing it this way, we can edit down for the various time lengths needed. This will also give us spots that we can put in theaters and on the internet.

Linda, why don't you go over the boards?"

"Ok, in creating the storyboards we based the action on your You Tube video as well as footage that a David Belle has out there on the web. Have you heard of him?"

"Oh yes. David Belle is like the father of modern Parkour. He's the best."

"Oh good. Well then, we have the commercial starting like this. You're a runner and you're running in the city but between the crowds and the traffic and hitting stop lights you spend more time running in place than actually running.

In this frame you look up to the roof top and you get an idea. The next scene shows you running down an alley or side street and then up the outside of a building to the roof.

Once we have you on the roof, we'll film you going across the city. We really want this to look extreme.

Towards the end you come down from the roof tops, maybe like you did in your video, the look you had on your face when you landed in that was perfect. Anyway, you land on the ground and you see the Hollywood sign, a light of an idea comes to your face and the next scene is you reaching the top of the sign then a panoramic of you over looking the city, maybe as the sun begins to set. Fade out to the Nike symbol and 'Just do it.'

So that's the general idea anyway. The specifics for all the jumps and running will be handled on Mitch's end. So what do you think?"

Excited by what Linda showed us, I'm really excited by this and say, "I like it; this is going to be a blast."

At that we all smile at each other.

* * *

After lunch we head over to the studio lot. When we get there Mom and I are given our passes to give us access, then we head over to the location.

We get to the set and Mitch and I start talking about the run and what he sees as a possibility. Linda tags along behind us taking notes and Mom and Bob follow after.

The part of the set we're at looks like it really could be from any big city and I suppose that's the point. The builders of this set really did an amazing job.

As we pass one building front I ask, "Mitch, how about this building to go up? It has a ton of foot holds and ledges. It would be like climbing a ladder."

"Hmm, they look kind of small. You feel confidant?"

"I can show you now if you want."

"No, not without my safety crew here, for some of these I'll want you in a harness, just in case. They're easy to remove from the final film and it is for your safety."

Sighing I say, "Ok, I can see your point. Can we get up on the roof and take a look at things from up there?"

"Sure, this way. You know, the nice thing about doing this on the set is we control everything; also things are built a bit closer together and smaller. All of that is to your advantage. We can make it look like you're jumping greater distances and climbing higher."

"You know," I say, "I was thinking. We were down here just the other day and we were walking down Rodeo Drive. Now I remember thinking that the roofs along there are ideal for parkour. What do they call that side area where Versache is? I think it's Via Rodeo. Anyway it's right where the big jewelry store is and Gianfranco Ferre. I you wanted an outside location, that area looks pretty good to me."

"Hmm," says Linda, "we'll have to look into that."

We spend the next two hours going over the set and mapping out the route. Mom and I are then taken back to the hotel and we all agreed that we'll start again first thing in the morning.

Back in our room I sit down on my bed to take off my shoes and say to Mom, "This is really going to be fun. What did you think of the set and all?"

Before I can hear Moms reply I'm fast asleep.

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