Catwalk Confidence - Part 52

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 52

There’s knocking at the bathroom door. Mom and Ellen are there.

“Alex honey, are you okay?” asks Mom.

“Did Brandon do something?” asks Ellen.

“Oh ah, no, no everything is fine. Um I just got a little hot and really needed to use the bathroom is all.”

“Okay, dear. Stay inside here and cool off then join us outside in a bit,” says Mom.

“Okay, Mom.”

Since I’m here I figure I might as well make use of the facilities, but the space is so small and I can’t get out of my clothes. Bother.

I splash some water on my face and open the door to find Ellen still on the other side.

“Oh, I thought you and Mom went back outside.”

“I wanted to find out what happened.”

“Happened? What do you mean? I told you what happened. I just got a little hot then I really needed to pee. What’s the big deal?”

“Mom might have bought that story but I don’t. For one thing, if you needed to pee so badly, why didn’t you?”

“Well, ah, I can’t get out of these pants. That room is too small.”

“Alex, talk to me. We both know that’s not it.”

Looking at Ellen I can tell that nothing but the truth will satisfy her and if I don’t tell her, she might just bring Mom into it.

Sighing I say, “Okay, but you have to swear not to tell anyone, I mean it.”

“What is it, what happened?”

“Promise me, Ellen.”

“Fine, I promise, now give already.”

“Have you ever been a passenger on a motorcycle before, one like Brandon’s?”

“Not one like his, no.”

“And you have a vibrator, right?”


“Well you do, don’t you?”

“Yeah, now what does all of that have to do with what happened?”

“Okay then, things were going pretty nice and all. You know Brandon isn’t so bad when he isn’t being–oh I don’t know–such a guy I guess. Anyway, he was teaching me to ride and all and we drove a couple of miles away. He was in back and damn near squished me, that and being trapped between the motorcycle and him was kinda freaking me out, you know?”

Ellen nods her head.

“So we stopped down there and we decided to switch coming back. So I got on behind him.”

I stop talking and peel out of my pants after taking off my boots.

“Oh, that feels good.”



“Alex, that’s not all that happened.”

“Oh, well yeah. So, um okay I got it, sit on the arm of the couch.”

“What? Just tell me for god’s sake.”

“Come on, Ellen, this is hard enough as it is. Please?”

Ellen gets up and straddles the arm of the couch.

“Okay, now tell.”

“Well, lean forward. A little more, yes about there. Now imagine that the whole arm of the couch is vibrating just like your vibrator.”

“Huh, oh, oh! You mean riding on the bike was turning you on.” Ellen starts to laugh.

“Turning me on hell, I was about to orgasm when we stopped.”

“And Brandon figured it out? That you were turned on?”

“Um, not exactly.”

“Well then…”

I start to blush.

“Alex, tell me.”

I climb behind Ellen on the arm of the couch.

“Okay, you’re Brandon and I’m me. I reached around him to hold onto the front of the bike seat for the ride back. Now lean forward.”

I demonstrate the position we were in.

“Okay, so you had your arms around him and were holding onto the front of the seat. So what?”

“Sit up. Now look down.”

“What, what am I looking…oh my,” and she starts to giggle, “You mean you were holding onto…oh that’s so funny.” At that, Ellen really begins to start laughing.

I stand and start to finish getting my clothes back on.

“It’s not funny, Ellen.”

“No, it’s hilarious. Oh my, no wonder you acted like you did.”

“Now you promised, you can’t breathe a word of this to anyone, especially to Jack.”

“Oh come on, you got to at least let me tell Jack.”

“No! Especially not Jack. Ellen, I’m serious about this.”

“Oh all right. You’re asking a lot for me not to tease Brandon over this but you win.”

“Thanks, now that I’m changed, I really do need to use the bathroom.”

“Okay. Hurry up and come back out and join us.”

“In a bit, I still need to cool off some more.”

* * *

Leaving the bathroom and turning into the living area, I come face to face with Brandon.

“Oh, ah I’m all done in here, I’m just leaving.” And I start to grab my stuff so I can go outside.

“Alex, wait…”

“Listen, Brandon, I’m really sorry about what happened, I had no…I’m really sorry.”

I’m so embarrassed and can feel the heat of my blush. I can’t even look at Brandon.

“Listen, Alex, please. I know it was an accident and I probably should have stopped the bike earlier and said something. You shouldn’t be embarrassed, it was an accident.”

“Oh, okay. Um, why didn’t you?”

“Why didn’t I what? Oh, well to tell the truth, I didn’t know what to do, not at the time. Alex, you drive me crazy. You’re such a bundle of contradictions to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh god, where to start? You look and act so mature yet you’re only fifteen years old. You’re smart and witty and act so grown up one minute then the next I see the little girl in you. One minute I want to put my arms around you and protect you, the next I want to wring your neck, and then the next I want to hold and kiss you. You confuse me, constantly.

“One thing I do know is I like you and I don’t want what happened to, to…oh I don’t know. I do know that at the very least your sister and my brother are an item and by everything I can tell, they’re very serious about each other. My Dad also thinks you’re pretty swell. So for at least their sake, pax? Can we at least try to be friends?”

Brandon holds out his hand to me. I look at it and then up into his eyes. Smiling I say, “Pax,” and take his hand.

* * *

The rest of the afternoon is fun without anymore drama. We all sit back and enjoy watching the drivers trying to go faster and faster. Some of the big professional groups get up to some wickedly fast speeds.

Jack and Brandon’s dad does two more runs and on the last betters our initial speed by getting up to two-hundred and ten miles per hour. When he gets back to us he looks like a little kid at Christmas time: his grin is so big.

Brandon does three runs and on the third run he too gets inducted into the two-hundred mile an hour club. His official speed is two-twenty, after which his father breaks out a bottle of champagne. He toasts Brandon then vows that next time he will beat his time.

As we’re packing things up to go back home, I get the clothes I borrowed together and ask Jack, “Can you go on up there with me so I can turn this stuff in?”

Jack has a confused look on his face and replies, “Don’t you like them?”

“Well sure, but we just borrowed them, right?”

Laughing, he says, “No, those are all yours silly.”

“What? I can’t accept these!”

“Why ever not? Dad wanted you to have them, so take them.”

“But, this is several hundred dollars worth of clothes!”

“Alex, really it’s no big deal. I’ve seen Dad spend that much on a tip. This is pocket change for him. Don’t worry about it.”

“I do worry about it. Where is he?”

“He’s helping Brandon mount his bike in the back.”

I grab all the stuff and go outside and around to the back of the motor home. There, Brandon and his father are finishing up getting Brandon’s motorcycle mounted up on the industrial-sized bike rack on the back of the motor home.

“Mr. Perrot…”

“I keep telling you it’s Richard.”

“Okay then, Richard, I thought we borrowed these things, but you actually bought them?”


“Not that it’s not appreciated or anything, but I can’t accept this.”

“Pourquoi pas?”

“Because all this stuff is expensive, that’s why.”

“No, chá¨re, that is a relative statement. It was not expensive for me and it is something I very much wanted to do for you. Your sister is very dear to me as is all of your family. I got to know your family very well while you were missing. Children are to be cherished and girls are to be spoiled. You are both and it is my pleasure. If you do not want them, then throw them away, they are yours to do with as you will.”

Seeing the sincerity in his face, I set the stuff down, go over, kiss him on the cheek and hug him.

“Merci, merci beaucoup.”

* * *

Journal Entry: September 10th

Where to start, where to start? So much has happened over this past week, what with school and family and personal life and all. This is probably going to take awhile.

Let’s start with me, shall we?

Things have by and large been going okay. I still have nightmares but they aren’t nearly as frequent nor as intense as they used to be. I’m hoping that at some point I can go to bed without the light or radio on. The light I’m using at night is one of those that’s supposed to duplicate actual sunlight and it does work better than the regular overhead light, but I don’t think that I’m getting as good a rest as I should. Amanda and Dr. Martin are keeping a close eye on that.

But at least I am sleeping and for that, a big hug and kiss to Robbyn whom I just got off the phone with, by the way. Lordy I miss that girl. And speaking of whom, guess what? Robbyn’s moving out here!

Crap, I just got to thinking whether I had mentioned that before and looking back through this Journal I see that I have. This damned memory of mine! It’s driving me crazy. I tend to forget things more now and it used to be that I never forgot anything.

The other thing with my memory is remembering things that didn’t happen. For example, last weekend was Dad’s birthday and I surprised him with a set of cuff links that I found to perfectly match the studs I got him for Father’s Day this year. The only problem is I never got him studs–I mean ever. But I do clearly remember saving my money and getting them and even him wearing them when he and Mom went to some formal event.

When all this came out, I had a whizz-banger of a panic attack which triggered something else. Yeah I know–I’m a mess.

So anyway, I start having this panic attack, absolutely freaking about the studs that I did and did not get my Dad, to the point where they took me up to meet with Amanda. So what else was triggered? I just spoke in and responded to French. Yup, crazy right? It gets better, I didn’t realize it until I calmed down and it was pointed out to me.

Mom had to stay with me to translate for Amanda as she doesn’t speak French. Once I was calm again and speaking English, Amanda worked me through the relaxation exercises she’s been assisting me with. They really help.

You know how I mentioned that Amanda may try hypnosis? Here I’m thinking about a swinging watch or a spinning spiral or some such, you know the kind of stuff you see on television. It turns out that the relaxation exercises that she’s been working with me on are the hypnosis. The fink tricked me.

So the current hypothesis for this whole memory craziness is my brain trying to cope with the events from the kidnapping. There are things about the kidnapping that I just don’t remember and according to Amanda, I may never fully recall everything that happened. When you’re put in some situations like I was, the brain sticks its fingers in its ears and keeps its eyes tightly closed and goes ‘Na Na Na, I’m not listening’. It’s the brain’s way of protecting you. The downside is that it can damage how you process information into your memory.

That’s what happened to me: how I get events into memory and how I store that memory is damaged. Hopefully we can get it fixed again.

We’re still working on other things, but again, it comes down to the brain using a coping method.

So enough of that, it’s too depressing. Instead, let me update you on school.

This past week wasn’t too bad. I’m getting settled into my classes and I think I’m going to like them for the most part. The one that I’m not so sure of is my French and Italian poetry class that I have over at the university. The teacher is just such–excuse the expression–a bitch.

She seems to take delight in putting people down and acting so superior to everyone else. Kinda like someone else at school: meet Lindsey Bowers, senior at my school and all round bitch.

Lindsey is a drop dead gorgeous blonde who owes her good looks more to science and a plastic surgeon than to nature. Although I suspect that to be as good looking as she is–even with plastic surgery–you need something to build on.

So Lindsey is beautiful and her daddy spoils her rotten. She’s the current Miss Teen Palo Alto and rumor has it she’s a shoe-in for Miss Teen Bay Area. Lindsey also makes sure everyone knows that not only is she a beauty queen, she’s a model and an actress as well. Oh, and that her daddy’s rich and that she’s dating Moe Shafroth, the captain of the boys’ lacrosse team who is also (at least his daddy is) very rich.

Moe and Lindsey are the perfect couple. Chelsea was telling me that last year Moe came to school in a different car each week. It must be nice to have a daddy who owns a ton of car dealerships.

Lindsey has done some local modeling and a local commercial (no speaking part) but to hear her talk it was the cover of Sports Illustrated and she was robbed of the Best Actress Oscar.

So, she thinks she’s going to be the next supermodel or the next top Hollywood actress–probably both–and she’s all in all not a very pleasant person to be around.

Lindsey has her followers, specifically two girls called Joan and Britney and why they hang with her is beyond me. She’s constantly putting them down and insulting them.

Now Britney in my opinion is damned near as pretty as Lindsey and hasn’t had all the reconstructions done either. I heard that Britney used to model, but she stopped after Lindsey kept telling her she was too fat–which is craziness, because, duh, she is not fat at all. I guess Lindsey doesn’t like competition.

Normally ’ol Lindsey wouldn’t have gotten even a footnote here in my journal, but for some reason she really doesn’t like me and is constantly making snide comments to Joan or Britney about me and making sure that I overhear her doing so. For the most part I just ignore her.

Okay, change of subject since this one is beginning to churn. We’ll move on to the rest of school and where I fit in to all of this.

It’s a small school, there’s only a couple of hundred kids total. There’s only about eighty Juniors and about that for Seniors as well.

For the most part, my guess would be that the demographics here are probably the same as other schools. There’s the ‘I’m so pretty’ group, the ‘I’m so spoiled’ group, the geeks, the gamers, the jocks, the loners, the non-conformists, the teacher’s pets and every combination of the above.

I kind of fall into the loner group I guess. I do have a friend, her name is Chelsea and she is nice. We only get to see each other during lunch and at gym, otherwise we have all different classes.

Chelsea is probably in the ‘teacher’s pet’ category. She’s super smart, really nice, loves learning and helping the teachers and her mom is the headmistress. Chelsea wants to get into teaching and she’ll be a really good one is my guess.

When I’m not in class, I’m usually hanging out in the library. It’s really nice, there’s lots of quiet corners and most of the other kids avoid it unless necessary, so it’s a good place to be alone. (See, I told you I was a loner.)

I think that’s about it for now. I’m getting rather tired and want to get to bed. Oh! Next time I need to talk about what happened with Brandon. Yeah, you’re going to love it.

Okay, Ciao Bella!

End Journal Entry

I love Saturdays. I love being able to crawl back into bed and just snuggle down and doze and today was no exception.

When my stomach finally drives me from the sanctuary of my bed and down to the kitchen, it’s just approaching nine-thirty and it looks like it’s going to be a wonderful day.

Down in the kitchen I fix myself a light breakfast, just enough to stave off starvation so I can get my workout in. After my workout, I’ll eat something more.

I’m finally getting back to the point where working out doesn’t hurt. If I over-rotate something, I may feel a twinge but not the ‘gee someone just stabbed me’ shooting pain I was getting.

“Good morning, honey,” says Mom.

“‘Morning, Mom.”

“What are your plans for the day, did you get all your homework done?”

“Yeah, I finished up last night. Today I thought I’d see how much of a workout I can give myself then collapse next to the pool for the rest of the day.”

“You just keep in mind what Dr. Martin told you and don’t overdo it.”

“I won’t but I need to get back into shape, I’m a marshmallow right now and if Nike wants to do another commercial, then I need to be ready. There’s no way I can do one now.”

“Oh that reminds me, PJ sent over the August accounting on your commercial. You’re making yourself a pretty penny, young lady. You should be proud of what you’ve been able to accomplish.”

“I am proud of it. I’m realizing that I might just have some of the talent you guys have been telling me about after all. What are the figures, do you have them?”

“According to PJ they’ve done some saturation in some markets and overall they’ve increased the number of showings as well as running tests in some overseas markets. Apparently it’s a very popular campaign, something else that you should be proud of. It’s all due to you, honey.”

“I am, Mom, I am, did she send actual figures?”

Mom can tell that the suspense is driving me crazy, so she deliberately slows down.

“Oh yeah, I believe she did.”


“Hum, let’s see if I can remember, I think it was something like 1,423 showings.”

I should not have taken a drink right then because what juice didn’t go shooting out my nose, ended up in my lungs.

After coughing for the next ten minutes and Mom pounding on my back, I’m finally able to ask, “Fourteen hundred?”

“And twenty-three, yes.”

“Oh my god.”

I go and sit down, thinking furiously.

“That’s, um that’s over a hundred thousand dollars, Mom.”

“Almost a hundred and seven thousand dollars. Not too shabby for your first job, is it?”

I just look at Mom for a minute then start laughing. Soon Mom is laughing with me.

“Of course, you need to remember that it’s before anything has been taken out for PJ’s or my commissions.”

“Yeah, I know…your commission?”

“Yup, I have a very steep commission, I get to have all the hugs I want, and I’m greedy.”

Smiling, I get up and give Mom a huge hug.

“Oh, Mom, I love you so much. I’ll gladly pay your commission anytime, anywhere.”

“I’ll hold you to that, baby. I love you too. Now run off and get your workout in and remember not to overdo it.”

“I’ll be good, promise.”

* * *

I’ve been at my workout for about an hour and am just finishing up by stretching again and doing some yoga. I love yoga for its ability to help me focus to the exclusion of everything else.

For my final two poses I need all the concentration I can muster. I’m trying some poses that I haven’t been able to do since I’ve been back and even before they weren’t real easy to do. I start off in Firefly pose or Tittibhasana. I finally am at a point where I have the arm strength to do it. It’s still not as easy as it used to be for me, but the effort feels good.

After holding the pose for a few minutes I slowly transition into Scorpion pose or Vschikasana. I lower myself to my forearms as I bring my legs around and up into vertical then continue by slowly bringing my feet down as I curve my body. I almost lose it a couple of times but finally make it. This pose is great for my back and since I’m resting on my forearms and have my upper body well-balanced, I can hold this pose for almost five minutes. Not as good as I used to be, but still pretty damned good.

When I start to waver, I let my feet continue to the ground, push up onto my hands and hold the back bend for a beat or two, then fully stand. After centering myself with some cleansing breaths, I open my eyes and pull off my headset.

Looking in the mirror I see Jack and Ellen over by the door.

“Hey you guys, how long have your two been there?”

“Long enough,” says Jack. “I thought you had some broken ribs. How can you do that?”

“Oh, they’re all better now. I’ll get a twinge now and again, but that’s about it.”

“I got a broken rib playing rugby and it took forever to heal.”

“Well, being a girl and naturally superior, I suspect that would explain it.”

At his look I start to laugh and so does Ellen. “Or, my break wasn’t as bad as yours.”

Jack gives me a “Harrumph,” but then starts laughing too.

“I thought you were supposed to take it easy,” says Ellen.

“I am taking it easy. All I did today was some core training and flexibility work. I didn’t do any tumbling or strength work–well not much anyway. For the rest of the day I plan on being either in or next to the pool. What are you guys up to?”

“I’m just dropping off your sister. I need to get back home then Brandon and I are driving back down to school. Summer’s at an end, time for school.”

“Ah, poor baby. Well I’d give you a hug goodbye but I’m all sweaty so you’ll have to get an extra one from Ellen.”


“Alex, Mom says ladies don’t sweat, we glow.”

“Well I’m glowing to the point that I’m dripping and getting a tad whiffy too, so I’m off to the shower. Jack, you and Brandon drive safely now, hear?”

“Yes, ma’am.”


* * *

After my shower I put on my bikini and head downstairs. A quick peek out the front window confirms that Jack has left so I grab my lotion and head down to see Ellen.

“Hey, sis, how you doing?”

“Okay I guess. It will be hard going from having him around all the time to not. Guess you know how that is.”

“Yeah I do. Want to know the best way to get your mind off it?”

“How’s that?”

I toss her the lotion. “Keep occupied. You can start by putting lotion on my back.”

With a smile Ellen says, “Get over here you and sit.”

As soon as I’m sitting, Ellen wraps her arms around me and gives me a hug.

“You’re a pretty good sister, you know that?”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

Ellen stars rubbing the lotion into my back and I all but purr.

“That feels so good. Thanks, Ellen.”


“Why don’t you change and come join me? It looks to be a really nice today.”

“Humm, maybe later. I want to get my stuff together for school.”

“Okay, but if you wait too long I’ll have used up all the sunshine.”

* * *

Before heading outside, I stop at the kitchen to fix my lunch.

I’ve just finished putting all the fixings away when Bill, Mark and one of their friends come into the kitchen.

Bill says, “Hi, sis.”

“Hey, squirt.”

“Cripes,” says Mark, “you say we eat a ton. Is all of that for you, or are you expecting company?”

Putting everything on a tray and grabbing my sunglasses I say, “Ha, ha. I just had a workout and had a real light breakfast. Besides, I still need to gain a few pounds.”

Looking over at their friend, I lean down and whisper into Mark’s ear, “Tell your friend to close his mouth or something is liable to fly in.”

With a chuckle I pull my sunglasses down, grab my tray and head outside.

An hour later finds me full and floating in the pool, just drifting along.

* * *

In the back corner of the property, a figure makes its way over the wall, dropping down behind some bushes. Carefully checking its surroundings to ensure it isn’t seen. Confident that the intrusion hasn’t been noticed, the figure removes the scarf covering its features to reveal a man of about forty with a brown scruffy beard and a weathered complexion.

Checking his case to ensure that everything is still in place, he reaches in and carefully removes the tools of his trade. With a finger lightly on the button, he advances quickly along the wall towards the house.

At the next clump of bushes, he looks through the lens and aligns the crosshairs on the pool. “There she is,” he whispers to himself as he grins and moves forward to the side of the house. Advancing to the corner, he carefully peers around the edge. She’s still there.

Bringing the lens once again to his eye, he brings the young girl into view.

‘You’d think that this family would have taken some precautions after what happened,’ he thinks to himself. No matter, it just makes the job all the easier.

As the girl starts to get out of the pool, he makes his move. ‘God, what a beauty,’ he thinks as he advances on her. Ready to push the button…now!

* * *

Feeling the need for some more tea, I roll off the air mattress and swim over to the edge of the pool and lift myself out. Standing, I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

Turning I see a strange man rushing towards me, behind him is another moving even faster.

With a panicked scream of, “Daddy! Help!” I dive back into the pool, knifing my way to the opposite side as quickly as possible.

I’m at the other side in an instant and screaming for all I’m worth. The man is still coming forward and waving at me. Suddenly, Dad is rushing from the house and towards the man. A second figure reaches the man before Dad can, suddenly striking him in the back. They both go down and then Dad’s there with a look on his face like the wrath of god.

“Stop, stop, stop, I wasn’t hurting anyone,” the guy yells, “I’m a reporter; I just wanted to ask her some questions.”

Mark and Bill rush outside with their baseball bats, and seeing me in the pool run over.

“You okay, sis?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Come on.” With that, I get back out of the pool and go over to Dad and those two other guys. Along the way I grab my towel.

The other guy is still on the back of the ‘reporter’ when I get over there, with the reporter’s arms pinned behind him with one hand, while the other is frisking him. Near the head of the reporter is a shattered camera.

The guy removes a wallet from the reporter’s back pocket and hands it to Dad.

“Here you go, sir.”

“Thanks, Joe.”

Turning at my approach, Dad asks, “You okay, Princess, he didn’t touch you did he?”

I think if I had said ‘yes’ the world would now be short one reporter.

“No, Dad, he just scared me is all.”

“Why don’t you and the boys go inside while I take care of this, honey?”

“No, Dad. I promised myself I wasn’t going to be a victim anymore. If I don’t deal with this now, it’s just going to cause me more troubles down the road.”

Quite frankly I really don’t want to deal with this. All I want to do is go hide in my room and cry, but if I do that, I don’t think I’ll ever get better from the kidnapping. So, shaking like a leaf and scared, I stay.

Ellen comes running outside.

“Mr. Conners,” says Joe, “The police should be here any moment.”

Dad turns to Ellen. “Ellen, take the boys and go inside. When the police get here, show them on back. Boys, thank you but I’d like you to go in with Ellen please.”

“Aw, Dad,” they say, then turn and reluctantly go with Ellen.

Turning back to the reporter, who now has his hands zip-tied behind his back, Dad says, “Okay, you, start talking. Who are you and what are you doing here. If I don’t like your answers, boyo, you’ll not like what happens next, now talk.”

Dad’s accent most of the time is practically nil, it only gets stronger with emotion. Right now his brogue is thick enough to cut with a knife.

Joe gets the reporter up to a sitting position.

“Aww, damn it you broke my camera. You’re going to have to replace it you know, it’s worth over nine-hundred dollars.”

As Joe picks up the camera, Dad says, “Your camera isn’t the only thing to be broken if I don’t get my answers now. I’m hearin’ sirens so you’ve not much time. Talk or the police will carry you out.”

“I think I’ll just wait for the police. You…”

I don’t even see Dad move but suddenly the toe of his shoe is slamming into the side of this guy’s knee. I flinch at Dad’s response, while the reporter starts howling and falls back, writhing on the ground.

“That was your knee, next is your neck if you don’t talk.”

Clutching his knee, the reporter says through his tears, “Okay, okay, just stop. My name is Brian Johnson. I’m an independent reporter and I just wanted to get a story about your daughter. Oh god, I think you broke my knee.”

“Were you one of the ones callin’ here?”

“Yes, yes, but you or your wife kept saying no so I thought I could just sneak in, get some photos and maybe a quick statement and get out. Oh Jesus this hurts.”

Dad goes through the guy’s wallet then puts everything back in it while Joe is pulling the memory card out of the camera and taking the other cards from the reporters pouch.

“So far it seems your tellin’ the truth,” says Dad, “but if I ever find out ya lied, you’ll get a late-night visit from me. And that’ll be true if you ever come near my daughter or anyone of me family again. Boyo, let’s not misunderstand each other: you’re not going to ever bother us again.”

The reporter is looking at Dad and nervously swallows and nods his head. Whatever he’s seeing in my Dad’s face has him scared. I don’t know what he saw because when Dad turns back towards me, all I see there is worry and love. He comes over and wraps his arms around me, holding me close and suddenly I’m crying from all of the pent-up emotion.

The police arrive and are talking to Joe, then want to talk to Dad and me so I have to let him go. I stay with Dad, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we talk to the police.

An ambulance comes for the reporter. It looks like his knee really is broken. It’s a shame that he hurt it when he fell. That’s the official story the police are putting in their report. I’m not sure how much of it they believe, but it’s just the reporter’s word against all of ours.

As the reporter is being wheeled out he has them stop next to us and says to me, “Sure you don’t want to give me a quick statement?”

Looking at the expression on his face, he obviously feels emboldened now that the police are here. All of the fright and pent-up emotion in me suddenly changes: now I’m just plain mad. Before I know what I’m doing, I step forward and hit him square on the nose as hard as I can.

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