Catwalk Confidence - Part 61

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 61

“What!?” is the response from Bill after hearing the news about me maybe going off to Milan for a couple weeks but it’s the exact same reaction everyone else has given so far, including me!

We are all gathered in the living room for a rare complete family meeting. On the drive back home, Mom and I had talked about the meeting we had with Paul Coleman from Next Models and the potential of what me going to work for them might mean. Mom had told Mr. Coleman that no answer could be given until we talked to Dad and I told Mom that we might as well make it a full family powwow so everyone could be told at once and she agreed.

It took us six and a half hours to drive back home and the traffic gods must have been smiling on us since it took us eight to drive down to L.A. yesterday. Now that Bill finally showed up from his friend’s house, we could get this thing going.

Bill and Mark were talking excitedly with each other; Ellen was sitting on the couch looking stunned and a bit jealous I think. Dad no longer looked surprised but he did look like he was doing a lot of thinking. We had called him when we got on the road and filled him in on everything that was said during the meeting so right now we just needed to bring sis and the twins up to speed then we could come to some sort of a decision. Just what I wanted that decision to be, I had no idea as I was still rather conflicted about this whole thing.

“Okay, boys,” Mom says, “Settle down. The pizza has been ordered and I would like to get through most of this before it gets here.

“It comes as no surprise to your father and me that Next love Alex and want to hire her, what did come as a surprise is them wanting her in Europe, specifically Milan. Needless to say that raises a whole lot of concerns, mainly because of Alex’s age. Now while we were driving back home we called Next back and asked some additional questions and they confirmed that if they got Alex work, it would be mainly in Europe or New York. Some work could be done in Los Angeles but the lion’s share would be over there.

“Next does manage girls Alex’s age and provides them with living quarters, which come out of their salary of course but they do make sure they are taken care of and generally look after their welfare. It’s in their interest to do so as that’s where they earn their money.

“Your father and I both have our concerns but we want to hear from everyone before we say anything. Ellen, do you want to start? Since your first outburst on finding out, you’ve been rather quiet.”

“I’m stunned, that’s why. I think this is great news and I’m not surprised either that they want her. I’ve always thought you could do well, sis. I’m also a bit concerned too because you’re only fifteen and Europe is really far away, Then there’s your schooling, what is going to be done about that? And to be perfectly honest I’m a tad jealous as well, but this is such a great opportunity that I’m thinking that we should find a way for you to take it. I always thought that I’d be the one to leave home first but maybe it’s meant to be you.”

Ellen gives me a smile which I return.

Mom says, “Those are all good points, Ellen, and ones your father and I have discussed.” Turning to the twins Mom adds, “How about you two, questions, concerns, comments?”

“It sounds real cool…”

“…yeah and just think, when you’re famous…”

“…you can introduce us to all your supermodel friends…”

“…and we’d be the envy of just about everyone…”

“…and does this mean that Bill and I don’t…”

“…have to share a room anymore and…”

“…who gets your room?”

“Hey, no one gets my room,” I say. “I have to have some place to stay when I’m back.”

I couldn’t help but laugh though at the impish grins on their faces.

“But seriously,” responds Mark, “you’re going to need to have someone take care of you. You’re not very bright sometimes and I don’t like the idea of someone not family trying to do that.”

Bill is nodding his head and they’re both grinning. At Mark’s comment about me not being too bright I throw a pillow at his head which he easily snatches out of the air.

“Brat,” I say.

“Okay, okay,” says Dad. “Despite the wisecracks, you all have raised good points. Alex, this is a huge step, what do you think? Is this something you really want to do?”

“I don’t–I just don’t know. I really like modeling, what I’ve done so far at least, but to move away? I don’t think–I don’t know if that’s something I can do. Sure the stuff I’ve done so far has been fun but I don’t know about what Next wants me to do and I won’t know until I try it but to try it I have to move away. Arrgh! I don’t know!”

Frustrated I bury my face in the chair pillow and let out a small primal scream. It doesn’t help very much.

Mom pats my shoulder and Dad says, “Fortunately, honey, a decision doesn’t have to be made just yet. Next is offering you this trial period for this fashion week thingy. You can go on this, and if you don’t like it then problem solved. If you do like it then we will be in a better situation to decide things then. So, if this really is something that you want to try, then take things slow and do the trial.”

“Okay, say I go off to do Fashion Week. How will we work that? What I mean is, I’m not all that sure I want to do this on my own just yet.”

“You won’t have to, honey,” says Mom. “I’ll be with you.”

“But what about the boys? They have their schooling and as busy as Dad is, they’ll have the house burned down inside a day if they’re left alone.”

I grin at the boys when they stick their tongues out at me.

“I suspect I can keep them out of trouble for a couple of weeks at least,” smiles Dad. “Besides, as busy as you’ve been we haven’t had the chance to tell you, but your brothers are going to be starting school in two weeks.”

“At Davidson?”

The thought of them going to the boy’s school next to mine bothers me, not because they’d essentially be in the same school as me, but because I didn’t want the trouble I had to rub off on them.

“No, actually your brothers didn’t want to go there. Instead they’re going to start at the public Middle school just down the street.”

“Wow, I really have been out of the loop lately. I’m still not sure about this but if we could, I would like to give Fashion Week a try, if that’s okay that is.”

“Honey, of course it’s okay. If this is something you want, then your father and I will do all we can to help you. That’s true for all you kids. Now let’s go give Paul a call and get things rolling. Boys, keep an eye out for the pizza.”

At that, Mom and I go off to the study to give Paul Coleman a call and take my first step on the way to Milan. Gods this is scary but way exciting too.

* * *

“…so I guess the timing really turned out great on this. Since I’m suspended from school anyway, I might as well put the time to good use. God, Robbyn, it’s so nice to talk to you. It seems like every time we’ve tried lately to talk, one or the both of us had something come up.”

“…no, my feelings haven’t changed. I can’t wait until you all move out here. It’s still on for this spring isn’t it?”

“…but I thought that was a done deal, so when will he hear?”

“…yeah, it’ll be tons better than now and it’s not like I won’t ever get down to L.A. or you up here but I’m still hoping that Stanford wins out. Now tell me how the play is going.”

For the next twenty or so minutes, Robbyn and I chat and catch up with each other. After hanging up the phone, I give myself a smile as talking with Robbyn, when we can actually talk that is, always makes me happy. The smile falters a bit when I go back over our conversation. Apparently her dad’s deal with Stanford is still up in the air as he might go to UCLA. It seems the two universities are in a bit of a bidding war to get him. Good for him I guess but potentially bad for Robbyn’s and my relationship.

Then there’s our relationship itself. Is it changing? I knew that the two of us being clear across the country from each other would put a strain on things but I always thought it could survive. Now I’m not so sure. Something seems a bit different. Is it me? Is it her or something she said? I just don’t know. I do know that I care just as much for her as I always have.

I give myself a shake when someone knocks at my door and Blair sticks her head in. I smile at her smile.

“Hey there, your mom let me in.”

“Come on in and pull up a flat spot. I’m glad you could come over.”

Blair comes in, dressed like a Goth fairy all in black, with her striking purple hair in ponytails. Maybe a Japanese manga version of a Goth fairy. Damn she looks cute.

That brings me up a bit short and I suddenly realize that Blair needs to know about me. She’s really turned into a great friend and I don’t want her finding out about myself from anyone but me. If she’s going to be scared off, then better now.

“So tell me how things went. I take it from your call that you’re going?”

“Yeah, I’ll be gone for a few weeks. Before we get into that though, I need to tell you something. I hope it won’t change things between us, you’re really a great friend Blair.”

“Whoa, this sounds serious.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Suddenly nervous I turn away and begin to pace my room. “You see it’s about me and I really don’t want it to chase you away.”


“No,” I interrupt, “let me finish.” With my back to Blair I continue, “You see, I’m gay, or I think I am at least. I–I don’t want you to freak or anything and–and it’s not like I’m going to jump your bones or anything, it’s just, well I thought you should know ’cause you might hear something and I thought you should hear it first from me and if you want to end our friendship I’ll understand, I’d hate it but I’d understand and…”

“Alex,” Blair says, “hush.” And Blair is giving me a hug from behind.

“That’s not going to change anything, as far as I’m concerned, we’re still friends. Mind if I ask you a couple of questions?”

Blair releases me and I turn and nod my head.

“You said you thought you were gay. That mean you’re not sure? There isn’t someone...?”

“No, there is someone. I said that ’cause I suppose I could be bi. There just hasn’t been a boy I felt like that about.”

“Oh, um is that her?” Blair nods her head at the picture of Robbyn and me that was taken at the studio.

“Yeah, that’s Robbyn. I think I’ve mentioned her.”

“No, no I don’t think you have. I was curious who this was. Kinda hoping it was a cousin. She’s very pretty.”

“Yeah she is. What did you mean by you were hoping she…”

“Nothing,” Blair interjects. “Nothing at all. I sometimes try to guess the relationship of people in pictures is all. A quirky game I play sometimes. Anyway don’t worry about being gay or bi or whatever. You’ll always be my friend, Alex. Now tell me about Milan. You know when you get there there’s a little family restaurant that I heard about that you gotta try. It’s called ‘La Latteria’ and it’s supposed to be really, really good. There’s a ton of great restaurants there and I’d love to sneak over there with you and try them all but that one is supposed to be very nice.”

Blair goes on for several minutes about the food to be found in Milan and this little restaurant in particular. When she winds down I say, “Blair, you’re a walking talking Mulligan Guide, you know that?”

Blair looks real confused for a moment then starts to laugh. “I think you meant to say ‘Michelin Guide’ not Mulligan Guide.” And she starts to laugh harder.

I blush in embarrassment then start laughing myself.

“Oh, Alex, sometimes you are just too funny. Now tell me, when are you leaving?”

“It looks like it will be Monday. Mom and I will fly from here to London, then from there to Milan. They want me out there as soon as possible so I can start going to go-sees and maybe get a runway gig. I’m not so sure how well that will go. I suspect that the positions are going to go first to the girls with experience and I really don’t have any. It should be fun in any case.”

“Well if you’re going to be leaving on Monday, then I want you to come over tomorrow for dinner. The ’rents are leaving for some premiere gala down in L.A. and will be gone for the week so they won’t be around. I’m going to make you a batch of my gumbo. If I get into heaven, it’ll be because of my gumbo. Lady knows that’ll probably be the only thing that will get me in. What do you say?”

“Heaven worthy eh?”

“Yup. Normally I try to be a bit modest about my cooking but when it comes to my gumbo, it isn’t bragging, it’s the truth.”

At Blair’s smile, I grin at her in return and say, “How can I say ‘no’ then? Let’s go downstairs and I’ll ask Mom if it’s okay.”

* * *

“Hola, Tá­a.  ¿Cá³mo está¡s?”

“Buena.  ¿Cá³mo te seá±orita?”

“Not too bad. Is Blair around? I’m a bit early.”

“Sá­. She’s out back working in the garden. Why don’t you go on back?”

“Great. Say, Tia, may I ask you something?”


“What color is Blair’s hair?”


“No, that’s not what I meant. What is the real color of her hair?”

As she opens the back door she smiles at me and replies, “Páºrpura. Adios, senorita. Blair’s over that way.” And she points, laughs and closes the door behind me.

Mumbling under my breath I say to myself, “She’s as bad as Blair.” Then I smile at the challenge and try to think of another way to learn her true hair color.

Rounding the corner of the garage I stop and cover my mouth with my hand in order not to laugh. Kneeling in the garden is Blair dressed in an outfit that even for her is unusual. First she’s barefoot and she’s wearing Capri length leggings that have a green and brown leaf pattern all over them. Given how she’s moving around in the dirt, I’d be surprised if the knees are still in one piece.

On top she’s wearing white gauzy gypsy-style blouse with billowing poet sleeves that are being kept out of her way by strips of lilac-colored ribbon. The blouse looks long enough to double as a short dress when she stands but right now it’s ridden up to show her legging-clad butt. Cinching in the blouse is a brown cloth or possibly suede corset belt that has been embroidered a bit.

All of that is different enough but what almost got me laughing is the hat she’s wearing. It’s the largest, floppiest straw hat I’ve ever seen. The edges of the brim easily extend past her shoulders and the crown is wrapped in a multi-colored striped scarf. If a strong enough wind comes along she’ll be in danger of taking off.

Blair is currently pulling up some carrots, humming and singing little bits to the music she’s listening to on her MP3 player.

With her back to me and the headphones on, I decide to see how long it will take before she notices I’m here.

I settle down on the ground to watch the show and quite a show it is too. As Blair advances along the row on all fours, she’s swinging her hips back and forth to the music she’s listening to. She really does have a cute little butt.

Now it’s obvious that there’s a drum solo as Blair does a bit of air drumming using a pair of carrots as her sticks and I’m in danger of laughing again.

She’s really getting into whatever she’s listening to as she shakes and bobs her head to the beat, her ponytails flapping around and her hips bouncing back and forth and up and down as she sings along more and more to the song. Poor girl is almost as bad a singer as I am.

The wilder she gets the more I can’t help myself and start to laugh. Finally the song ends and Blair is alerted to my presence by what is at that point my near-hysterical giggling.

Realizing that someone’s behind her, Blair lets out a startled yelp, spins and ends up landing on her backside, eyes wide until she realizes it’s me.

“Holy…damn it Alex, you scared the crap out of me! How long have you been there?”

Still with a bad case of the giggles I reply, “A-about t-ten minutes o-or so. I’m sorry but oh my lord that was funny.” And with that I break into another fit of laughter.

My eyes are all watery from laughing which allows Blair to counter-attack. She must have had a glass with ice and a little bit of water in it somewhere that I failed to notice because the next thing I know my laughter has stopped as I try franticly to get the ice from the back of my shirt. Blair is laughing as I jump up and try desperately to pull my shirt out from my pants.

I finally succeed and try to glare at Blair but soon I’m joining her in giggling all over again.

“When did you get here and how long have you been watching me?”

“I was terminally bored and I have everything packed that I can pack at this point so I decided to come over a bit early. I’ve only been watching you for a little while.” I grin at Blair some more. “Just long enough to see Miss Blair gettin’ down, gettin’ funky. If I’d been thinking I would have pulled my camera out and filmed your act. It was great.”

I quickly back up a step when Blair glares at me and pulls her arm back like she wants to hit me. I keep smiling.

“Lucky for you that you didn’t or you’d need a new phone aright about now.”

“Tee-hee. Now tell me about this outfit, it’s great. I especially love the hat. It makes you look like a little kid playing dress up.”

“Grrr. This just so happens to be my working in the garden outfit and this hat makes sure I don’t get any sun.”

“That hat makes sure a good portion of your yard doesn’t get sun. You look like a garden fairy: all you need are some wings.”

Picking up her basket with a feigned huff, Blair heads back inside and I follow.

“Harrumph. I happen to like fairies. I know this outfit is unusual but it’s comfortable and I like it. Besides, and before you can say it I will, I admit I’m a bit unusual myself.”

“Hey you’re not getting any complaints from me. I like the look, it suits you. You do look like you just stepped out of a fantasy novel though.”

“Good, that’s the idea. Now since you’re here you can help me clean this stuff and then I can go get washed up myself.”

Soon we have the veggies washed and put away. Blair slaps my hand as I go to peek under the lid of the pot cooking on the stove. The aroma coming from it is out of this world.

“None of that now, you’ll get your chance. Come on, I have to go wash up and change.”

I follow Blair up to her room and ask, “Can I toss my shirt in the dryer real quick? Someone dumped a glass of water down my back.”

“Hee-hee, it was mostly empty and besides, you probably deserved it.”

Entering her room, Blair adds, “Give it to me. The washer and dryer are just down the hall.”

I pull my shirt over my head and toss it to her. Blair catches it, waggles her eyebrows at me and says, “Cute bra, I’ll just toss this in and be right back.”

Blair’s back in a flash and comments, “Having the washer and dryer right at the end of the hall does have its advantages.”

“Your washer and dryer are on the second floor?”

“There’s a larger one downstairs for linens and such but the one up here is just for clothes. Keep an ear out, you should hear the timer go off in a few. I’m jumping in the shower.”

“Um, you said your folks are gone, right? I don’t want to be caught wandering the halls in just my bra.”

“Yeah, they’re gone, but even if they weren’t they never come over to this side of the house–one of the reasons I moved my room over here.”

Blair finishes up stripping out of her clothes and is standing in front of me in just her panties as she tosses her clothes into her hamper.

“What do you mean?”

“This is the servant side of the house and they live on the first floor with only Tia ever coming up here. It’s really a win-win for everyone for me to have my room over here. Sharon and George can pretend I don’t exist and I get my privacy.”

I’m horrified by the casual way she speaks about her parents and her life here. Impulsively I get up out of her chair and go over and hug her.

“Oh, Blair, I’m so sorry.”

“Um, not that I mind the hug, but it really is no big deal and you probably shouldn’t do this. Ah, I’m all dirty and sweaty.”

Releasing her with a bit of a blush, I say “Sorry, it’s just so sad I think. Are they really that awful? Sorry again, it’s none of my business.”

“Hey that’s okay and it isn’t too bad really. It’s always been like this. Tia is more my mom than Sharon ever has been, more of a father than George for that matter. They’re really not too bad; they just shouldn’t have ever had a kid.”

“Well dirty or not, I think that’s just so sad and you’re getting another hug.” I promptly hug her again.

Blair slightly stiffens in my arms and thinking I might have crossed a line with her, I quickly let her go. Blushing slightly Blair pulls away and I quickly say, “Sorry again, what can I say, I’m a hugger, well go run take your shower and I’ll listen for the dryer.”

“Okay, out in a minute.”

Blair goes into her bathroom and I soon hear the shower going.

“Alex, you stupid, stupid girl,” I say to myself. “You can’t tell her one day you’re gay then the next grab and hug her nearly naked body and not have her think you’re after her. You keep doing stupid things like that and you’ll lose the second real friend you’ve ever had, now behave.”

I continue to berate myself until I hear the dryer chime go off. Sticking my head out the door, I make sure that no one is around and dash down the hall. Right at the end the door to a small laundry room is open and I go in and quickly retrieve and put on my now-dry shirt.

As I’m walking back to Blair’s room I continue with my internal conversation, “You’re a very touchy feely person and that hasn’t mattered among family but people who aren’t family may not understand.”

I reply to myself, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll be good and I don’t mean anything by it but even if I did, you got to admit that Blair does have quite the huggable bod.”

“Oh shut up and keep your hands in your pockets. You’re in a relationship and she doesn’t know you’re not trying to get into her pants so cool it. You’re absolutely impossible, you know that?”

I chuckle at myself and continue to head back to Blair’s room.

“Yeah I know I’m impossible but that’s what makes me so adorable.” My continuing self-dialog makes me giggle some more.

As I come through the door to Blair’s room she startles me by asking, “What are you giggling about?”

“Oh, you surprised me.” Blair is standing next to her bed wrapped in a towel and using another to dry her hair. “Nothing much, I tend to hold conversations with myself. Probably just another manifestation of my craziness.”

Smiling she replies, “Probably but that’s okay, I do it myself. Now just let me change and we’ll go downstairs and check on dinner.”

“Great, I’m getting hungry.”

Blair goes into her closet and soon emerges in what for her is an outlandish outfit: jean shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled back into a single ponytail.

“If anyone sees you in that, your reputation will be ruined.”

“I think I’m safe enough. You won’t tell will you?”

“Heavens no, it’ll be our little secret.”

Smiling we head downstairs to, if judging by the smell, what is going to be a real good dinner.

* * *

I was wrong, the dinner wasn’t good, it was great. Blair wasn’t joking when she said she made a good gumbo, it was the best I’ve ever had, yum. Tia had made fresh bread and the two together made it a meal that you just don’t want to end ’cause it’s so darn good.

After fixing herself a tray, Tia went off to her rooms to watch her show, which according to Blair is a Spanish-speaking soap that borders on soft porn. None of the male characters appear to own a shirt and all the female characters seem to get their dresses ripped all the time.

It was fun watching Blair and Tia tease each other and it made me feel better knowing that Blair has someone at home who obviously cares very much for her.

The evening was full of little surprises. When Blair opened a bottle of wine to go with dinner I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Now my folks have never objected to us kids having a glass of wine with dinner, they’ve only stressed that we don’t go too far and use common sense. I don’t think most parents are so liberal though.

I’ve only had any wine while with my folks but didn’t think a glass here with Blair would harm anything, yet I was surprised that she brought it out in the first place.

At my look of amazement, Blair says, “I’ve been drinking wine since I was twelve, well a little with dinner here and there at least, and since I turned seventeen I decided that I could have some when I want. I don’t go crazy with it as I really don’t like being drunk, but a glass or two during dinner to help with the atmosphere won’t harm anything.”

This really surprised me: not the drinking but her age.

“Wait a minute, you’re seventeen? I thought you were my age.”

“Nope, turned seventeen last June. This is my last year at school then I’m out of here.”

Here was surprise number three: I hadn’t realized she was graduating this year either and the thought made me rather sad.

“You’re out of here? As in house, state or country?”

“Don’t worry: you can’t get rid of me that easily. I plan on hitting up some of the better cooking schools and they’re not here but I’ll be back and even if I’m not, that won’t stop us from being friends.”

I smile at her statement and raise my glass to salute our friendship and realize that I have finished off my glass already. Blair notices and quickly gives me a refill then we serve up dinner.

The remainder of the evening is spent in very pleasant conversation. I learn a lot more about Blair, her passion for cooking and her desire to travel and see the world. I talk about my burgeoning modeling career and my love for the thrill, the adrenaline rush that I get doing Parkour or when flying in the helicopter or being in Brandon’s dad’s car when we broke the two-hundred mile an hour mark.

At around ten-thirty I realize that I had better get on home as I’m going to have a very long day tomorrow. The final surprise is when I notice that between us we have finished the bottle of wine. The good thing about that is it gives me the courage to draw Blair close and give her another hug as we say goodbye.

“Thank you, Blair, this was a wonderful evening.” Letting her go I continue, “I’ll let you know as soon as we land. You can probably expect texts at all sorts of crazy hours too.”

“See that you do. You have fun over there and don’t forget to come back. I’ll miss you.”

Smiling I give her hand a squeeze and say, “Me too.”

With that I turn and head on home.

* * *

When I’m about a block away I start berating myself for drinking so much. Mom and Dad are going to kill me. Hopefully the walk home will help clear my very fuzzy head.

It’s about this time that I realize that the headlights from the car coming up behind me haven’t passed by yet and they should have.

Turning to look behind me, the brightness of the beams strikes through my head like a hammer.

* * *

In the indistinct phase between sleeping and waking I’m first aware of a dream lover lightly brushing their lips across my naked skin. The next thing I’m aware of is that I’m truly naked as I can feel a cool breeze caress me unimpeded from head to toe. This is very closely followed by the knowledge that my head is dangerously close to exploding.

Full consciousness pushes away my dream state and even now I can’t remember who was kissing me, just the lingering memory of the dream remains.

Mustering my courage I crack an eye open to try to determine just where I’m at. The dichotomy between knowing that the light charging down my optic nerve and slamming into brain is really quite faint and not the blinding sun I think it is gives me small comfort as I groan in pain as another wave of hammer blows hits the inside of my skull.

Fortunately my brief glimpse allows me to determine that I am safely at home, sprawled across my bed.

Figuring that the best way to avoid the timpani going off in my head is to lie as still as possible, I take a shallow breath and try to relax. Just as the heavy pounding has settled down to a light tap, tap, tap, the world explodes again as my alarm goes off. Between the loud noise of the alarm and the sudden movement I make to reach and turn it off, my head erupts once again in pain.

Knowing that there isn’t any help for it, I drag myself up and keeping the lights off, go into the shower. The dim nightlight in the bathroom is about as much as I can take. The specter-like image gazing back at me from the mirror does more than anything else to rouse me.

“Oh god, you look terrible,” I tell myself. “I feel terrible,” I reply. And I’m not sure but there’s a distinct possibility that I must have licked the entire road from Blair’s house home if the nasty taste in my mouth is any judge.

Trying to sort out my priorities, I end up giving my teeth a quick brush before turning on the shower and practically crawling under the spray.

After getting myself as clean as possible, I brace myself and turn off the hot water leaving the needle spray of cold water to drive the last of the fog from my head.

When I can no longer stand it, I turn the water off and with blue skin and chattering teeth, I quickly dry myself and dress for the day’s travel before heading downstairs in search of a bucket of aspirin and some food.

* * *

Heading downstairs it’s immediately apparent that everyone is up and in the kitchen. The chatter of voices, the clack of plates being moved and pans striking the stove–each staccato bit of noise drives its way into my head. I’m convinced that if I don’t get something for my headache soon my journey will be to the morgue and not to Italy.

Pausing at the foot of the stairs, I set my expression to as neutral a mask as I can make it. The last thing I want is to get a lecture about drinking too much. I wish I could remember just how I got home. Did Mom or Dad see me? Who helped me get my clothes off and into bed? Anyone?

Squaring my shoulders and plastering a smile on my face I walk into the kitchen.

“Good morning, everyone,” I say.

Choruses of ‘hellos’ and ‘good mornings’ come in reply.

Mom is at the stove tending pancakes and Dad is cooking the bacon. Bill and Mark look to be finishing up setting the table and Ellen looks up with a smile and says, “Grab the glasses and help me pour the juice.”

As she heads to the dining room with the juice, I pick up the glasses and follow.

As soon as I join her, Ellen sets the juice down, takes the glasses from me, and then hands me some pills.

“Advil. I thought you’d need them. Here.” She then hands me a glass of juice.

Gratefully I take both from her and down them.

“You look like you have a bit of a headache.”

“That’s a gross understatement. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”

“Well I’m not surprised after seeing the way you were last night. Drink tons of liquid and that will help. Now you promised me you’d fill me in, so what happened last night?”

Drinking my third glass of juice I grimace and say, “I did? Well I wish I knew. Blair fixed an absolutely wonderful gumbo and we had a great time talking and hanging out. I had intended to only have one glass of wine but before I knew it the entire bottle was gone. Oh gods, I don’t even remember getting home. Do Mom and Dad know?”

“I don’t think so. I had just gotten home when Blair and her aunt is it? They brought you home. I think I was able to get you upstairs and settled without them seeing you. Man you were plastered.”

Covering my face with my hands I reply, “They brought me home? I don’t remember a thing.”

As we head back to the kitchen Ellen adds, “Oh, and Blair sent you home with leftovers, tell the folks that.”

Ellen gives me a giggle and says, “You’re a funny drunk, you know that?”

“Oh gods.”

I can’t ask her what she means by that since we’re now back in the kitchen.

Everyone is talking at once. It seems that they’re excited by my trip. By time we sit at the table, the Advil has begun to work its magic and I’m beginning to think I might live after all.

Normally breakfast is catch as catch can around here so it’s really nice to have everyone here to see Mom and I off.

With breakfast over I’m told to sit and not clear anything while Ellen and the boys quickly clear the table then come back with gifts. I’m not only surprised but very touched by their actions.

“Here,” says Ellen handing me a small box.

Opening it up I find the California DMV Drivers’ Handbook.

“Since you’re going to be taking classes soon,” says Ellen, “I figured you could use that. Besides, it will give you something to read on the flight.”

I don’t have the heart to tell her that I have an electronic version already downloaded on my laptop.

“Hopefully I can get into classes when I get back. I want to drive so much I can taste it sometimes.”

“Here, Alex,” says Bill as Mark shoves a gift bag at me. “Open ours now.”

Reaching in I pull out a smaller cloth bag.

Mark pipes in, “It’s one of those blow-up neck pillows. You know, for when you want to sleep on the plane.”

“Do you like it?” asks Bill.

“Thanks, guys, this is really nice. For a couple of stinkers most of the time, you sure make up for it in other ways. Thanks again.”

I give them both a hug then Dad says, “Okay, Princess, the car will be here shortly. You better make sure you have everything downstairs.”

“Right, Dad. Thanks again, guys. I’m sure going to miss you bunch.”

With that I hurry back upstairs to get my things. Besides, if I didn’t get out of there right then I’d start bawling my eyes out. I really am going to miss my family.

Back up in my room I triple check to make sure I have everything. My eyes light on a recent picture of all the family that we took with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.

Looking at it the tears that have been threatening all morning finally break free and run down my face.

The next thing I know a pair of strong arms turn me and pull me close. The smell of my Dad’s aftershave fuels my tears some more as I think upon how much my family means to me.

Dad doesn’t say anything, he just holds me. The love he has for me is palpable in the strength of his arms and the look in his eyes.

I’m soon able to get myself back under control and Dad hands me a tissue.

“Feeling a bit better?”

Blowing my nose I reply, “Yeah, much better thanks. I’m sure going to miss you guys.”

“We’ll miss you too, but it’s not forever, just a couple of weeks and there’s always the phone. You’ll also have your mother there so that should help. Just stay from all those Italian boys. They tend not to take ‘no’ for an answer and Italy is the land of romance after all.”

I giggle and ask, “No concern for the Italian girls then?”

“No, Miss Smarty Pants. Besides, they can’t get you pregnant.”

“Dad! Like I’ll even have time for breathing much less romance.”

Dad’s eyes sparkle as he teases me, then he pulls a flash drive from his pocket and hands it to me.

“Here, just in case you finish with the DMV handbook.”

“What is it?”

I had Bridget recommend some reading materials. On that you’ll find electronic editions of Helicopter Theory and the Principles of Flight and The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. Maybe when you get back and get settled you can start taking flight lessons.”

“What, are you serious? Oh, Dad, thank you, thank you, thank you!” And I wrap my arms around him and hug as I hop up and down.

Dad holds me and laughs at my excitement.

Just as I start to settle down, we hear the horn from the car as it pulls up.

I give Dad a big kiss on the cheek and another hug as I say, “I love you, Daddy.”

Dad hugs me back and says, “Me too, princess.”

He lets me go and grabs my suitcases. I grab the remaining bags and hurry along after.

As the driver loads up the trunk there’s another round of tearful goodbyes then Mom and I are off to the airport.

After the interminable process of getting through security then waiting to board, we’re finally called and after storing our carry-ons in the over head, we buckle up and soon are speeding down the runway: non-stop to Heathrow, then on to Milan.

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