Catwalk Confidence - Part 44

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 44

Dang it, I love snuggling down under the covers and the downside of sharing a bed with Robbyn is she's a cover thief. Of course the upside is it gives me a good excuse to cuddle up to her. So when my covers are pulled off I barely wake up, instead I just roll over and pull Robbyn close and snuggle into her warm back.

I'm not sure how long after that when I finally realize that something just isn't right. Who am I snuggled into?

It sure feels like Robbyn, but she's up in San Fran. Opening my eyes I'm greeted by a head of familiar blonde hair.

I'm fully awake at this point. "Robbyn! What, how…? You're here!"

Rolling over, Robbyn opens her eyes and smiles at me and tiredly says, "Surprise."

"How did you get here?"

Yawning and stretching her arms over her head, Robbyn says, "Magic carpet. Tee-hee, actually your dad and I drove down yesterday. As soon as we found out that you guys were stuck here, your dad decided to drive down and ta-da, here we are. We got here just before seven last night. I tried to wake you but you were really out of it."

"Oh I'm so glad you're here!" and I give her a huge hug.

We're just snuggled down hugging each other when I realize that I missed dinner last night. My stomach reminds me by giving out a loud gurgle. My bladder then reminds me that it's been some time since I've use the bathroom as well.

Looking at the bedside clock I see it's almost six and time to get up anyway. With another loud stomach rumble and the insistence from my now fully-awake bladder, I reluctantly get up and head into the bathroom.

Gack, my clothes feel all twisted around and the girls are not happy with me sleeping in my bra. After finishing up in the bathroom I pull off my shirt and bra and try to rub the circulation back into my skin, and the wrinkles out.

"Hmm, need any help with that?"

Smiling at Robbyn I reply, "Sure, but we have to be good. I think I hear someone up in the next room."

With a dramatic sigh, Robbyn says, "Okay then, I'll be good."

In short order my circulation is running at full speed and I am now fully awake. Pulling away from Robbyn's hands I tell her that we need to get dressed.

With a chuckle, Robbyn says, "What's the matter, you sound a tad out of breath?"

"You're a bad girl Robbyn Anderson, and you sound a bit breathless too."

Laughing, Robbyn points to the closet. "I packed some of your clothes, they're in there."

"You're an angel. Thank you."

"Yes I am and you're very welcome."

Rolling my eyes at her I go to the closet and dress for the day while Robbyn makes use of the bathroom.

* * *

As I'll probably be doing a ton of jumping and rolling around, I dress in layers. The top one looking fairly respectable being yoga pants and designer tee shirt. Underneath that I have my running shorts and sport top, and both are fortunately Nike brand.

As I'm tying my shoes, I wonder if I can get a whole new set of Nike stuff. Hmm, maybe, I'll ask Mom.

Taking my hair out of its braid and grabbing my brush, I go into the main room.

Both Mom and Dad are up drinking coffee.

"Morning, Mom, Dad."

"Good morning, sweetheart," says Mom.

"Morning, princess," says Dad.

I go up to Dad and give him a hug. "Thanks for coming down. I really appreciate it."

"It's my pleasure honey. I have a ton of stuff to take care of at corporate so it works out well. I can go take care of that and you ladies can make a commercial."

"You sleep well, honey?" asks Mom.

"Like the proverbial dead. Man, the last thing I remember is sitting down to take off my shoes."

"You got one off before you passed out. When your father and Robbyn got here, we tried to wake you but you were just too tired."

"The sleep seems to have done the trick as I'm feeling great now, although my stomach is beginning to think my throat's been cut."

"Well," says Mom, "As soon as you and Robbyn are ready, we'll go down for breakfast."

"I'll go get her."

Robbyn is just finishing up with her hair when I get to our room.

"Hey, you ready? I'm starving."

"You know, if you would have gotten up last night, you could have had pasta with us, but nooooo you had to sleep."

"Pasta? Really? Was it good?"

"Hmmm, absolutely yummy. I had the farfalle with wild mushrooms and it was to die for."

"Oh you. Don't tease me like that. You know I love pasta." At this point my stomach gives off another loud rumble.

Laughing, Robbyn grabs my arm and leads me back into the other room.

"Mr. and Mrs. C, we need to feed Alex before she starts gnawing on the furniture."

I stick my tongue out at her as we all head down to eat.

* * *

Right after breakfast, Dad heads out to the office and we're about to go back up to our room when Mom spots Linda in the lobby.

After calling over to her, we all say hello and introduce her to Robbyn.

"Well, this is good timing, I was just going to have the front desk call up to you. Have you all eaten?"

"We just finished," says Mom.

"Great. If you don't need anything from your room, we can go then."

We said we were fine, then I ask, "Linda, it's okay for Robbyn to come along too, isn't it?"

"So long as she stays with your mom it is. We'll stop by the security office and pick up a pass for her."

"This is going to be so cool," says Robbyn.

We follow Linda out to the car. As we get in, I ask, "Linda, I wasn't quite sure what to wear today, I figured that this would work since it is all Nike stuff."

"Oh don't worry about that. The first place we'll be stopping is makeup and wardrobe. There are a couple of different outfits that we'll have you try on and we'll pick the best from them. Then we'll make sure that we have enough of that same type so you'll always be in a clean one. Same thing for the shoes."

After stopping by security and getting Robbyn her own badge, we head over to the lot where we were yesterday.

Behind the buildings is a trailer where we're led, so I can have my wardrobe and makeup taken care of.

Going into the trailer, Linda introduces us to the woman who'll take care of me.

"Everyone, this is Patti Day, she'll take care of your outfits and makeup. I'm going to go get Bob and Mitch and make sure everything else is ready for this morning. I'll be back in a few."

Patti looks like the typical grandmother with her grey hair, casual clothes and kind face.

"Okay, doll," says Patti, "let's take a look at ya."

Patti has me turn this way and that, then finally says, "Okay that's good. Let me take some measurements and you tell me what style you prefer to wear when you do your running thing. We can do a standard running outfit or go to the track and field style like you're wearing."

"Personally, I like the more fitted shorts and especially the fitted top."

"Okay then, hon; let's see what I got here." With that she goes over to a clothes rack and starts going through it. "Here ya go, doll, why don't you change into this and see how it fits? This is the 2008 track and field uniform that the U.S. wore in the Olympics. The color works well with you, and the style is perfect for your figure."

Both the top and bottom are blue, the bottom a solid dark blue with the white Nike logo and in the boy short style. The top is a three-quarter t-back tank top in dark blue with light blue straps and a real cool light blue pattern of the Olympic torch on the back. Both fit me like a glove and are super comfortable.

"Well, doll, that looks real good on you. How does it feel?"

"These are really, really comfortable. It's kinda hard to describe how it feels but it's almost naughty."

Everyone laughs.

Patti says "that's the fabric. It was the top of the line space age fabric a couple of years ago. Now give us a spin. That'll do, that'll do nicely. Hopefully they sent the right size shoes. Try these on and tell me if they'll do for ya."

Patti hands me a pair of purple and white running shoes. As I put them on and am tying the laces, Patti says, "Those are Nike's latest running shoe and they really want you to wear them in the commercial. If they won't do, then we have some others that we can try."

When I'm finished tying them up, I start to walk around.

"Wow, these are really nice. Very comfortable. Yeah, they'll do nicely."

"Great, those are the first choices, so Nike should be really happy. We'll get enough of the outfits in place to last through the shooting as well as a couple more pairs of shoes. Okay then, come on over here and take a seat, we'll get your makeup taken care of."

I go and sit in the chair. "I didn't think we were going to be shooting anything today."

"Doll, they tend to have cameras going all the time on action commercials. They just told me to make sure you were set for filming, but that'd be my guess. Now we'll just redo this ponytail and put a different clip in it. The makeup will be fairly light; you are supposed to be working out, not going to the prom after all. It's waterproof so don't worry if you start sweating. We'll touch it up throughout the day. Okay doll, you're all set."

I look in the mirror and like what Patti did. It's very subtle.

"Thank you, Patti."

"It's my pleasure, doll. I'll go get the rest of your outfits and tell Linda you're all ready. You have fun out there now."

After Patti leaves, I turn and ask Mom and Robbyn, "So, what do you think? Do I look okay?"

"Alex, you look like you belong on the cover of a Wheaties box," says Robbyn.

"She's right, honey, you look great."

At this point there's a light tap on the door and then in walks Linda.

"Hey, you look great, that look will do very nicely. You all ready?"

"Sure am."

"All righty then, let's go."

We go out and all climb into a little electric cart and head off to the site where I'll head up to the roof tops. When we get there, there is Bob Kelly, Mitch and a crew of other guys laying out equipment and working over next to the wall where I'll go up.

Introductions are made again and Bob says, "Well, Alex, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling great."

"I'm glad to hear it. Now today is just going to be a run through but we will be filming. I've found that if we don't have the cameras going, then something great will happen that I'll just kill myself for missing. Now yesterday you suggested here for you going up to the roof so I thought that we'd test it to see how it will look. When you and Mitch are ready, let us know."

"Okay, Mr. Kelly."

"Now don't start that. We said yesterday that it's first names, okay?"

"Okay Bob."

"Hey Mitch, what are you doing?"

"Alex. My guys are getting things ready for your climb. Once you get about eight or ten feet up, we'll slide the airbag under you in case you fall. The important thing to remember is to get as flat as you can when you hit the bag. It'll make for a much softer landing. I'll want to do some practices with you until I'm confident that you got how to land properly down. Once that's done, we can proceed to see if you can make it up the wall."

Smiling, I say, "Oh I can make it all right. Like I said yesterday, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem."

"I like your confidence. Come on over here and we'll practice falling."

So for the next thirty minutes, I practice falling into the air bag. It's a blast, too.

When Mitch is convinced that I can fall okay, we go over to Bob.

"Okay, Alex," says Bob, "this is how it's going to work. We're going to treat your practices just like we will during the regular shoot. That way you'll get used to how things get done. Now when you're set to start, you'll signal Mitch. Mitch will confirm that all safety personnel are in position and will signal me. You don't go until I say, 'Action' and you keep going until you hear me say, 'Cut', okay?"

"Yes, sir."

Smiling, Bob says "All right then, go get into position and let Mitch know when you're ready."

I go over to my gear and spray my hands with 'New Skin' as I continue to study the route I plan to use to go up the side of this building. It's close to thirty feet, and I really want this to be a good first impression.

Patti comes over and touches up my makeup and gives me an encouraging smile. I give Mitch a nod signaling that I'm ready and wait for Bob.

I'm concentrating exclusively on the route I'm going to use to get up this building–so much so that it takes me a second to realize that Bob has called out, 'Action.'

Startled, I move towards the building at a jog. At about ten feet from the building, I kick in some speed and leap for my first hand- and footholds. From there, I immediately jump to the next, then the next.

My body feels loose, and the climb is going real smoothly. The last eight to ten feet to the roof is going to be the hardest. I'm going to have to get my feet up top of the upper most windows with minimal handholds to help me.

I get a bit too much push back as opposed to push up and feel my momentum start to take me away from the side of the building when I make my final leap and just manage to grab the ledge to the roof and haul myself on up.

After swinging onto the roof, I hear 'Cut' and stop and turn around. Looking down, only Robbyn is making any noise. She's jumping up and down and cheering. Everyone else is quiet, just looking at me. This goes on for about ten seconds and I'm beginning to get a little worried, then Mitch and his crew start clapping and cheering me too.

Smiling, I wave down to everyone, then shake hands with the crew on the roof.

"Okay, Alex," calls up Bob, "come on down and we'll reset and do it again."

"Hey, Mitch, can I come down via the airbag?" I yell down.

Laughing, he yells up to me, "No!"

"Oh man. Okay, I'll take the long way."

When I get down to the guys, Bob says, "You know, I have to admit that even after seeing your film, I didn't quite believe that you would be able to do this. I'm glad to say I was wrong."

Mitch adds, "Me too, Alex. I just couldn't see how you were going to manage to get up that building and onto the roof, but you went up that wall like a monkey going up a tree."

I was beaming. "It's okay, guys, sometimes I have a hard time believing it too. So, Bob, you wanted me to do that again?"

"Oh yes, yes I do. I'm going to shift a couple of the cameras for better positioning. Also, when you get to the top, stand up on the edge and look back down to your left. Remember, the reason you went up to the roof was to escape the crowd. Now that you got up there, you're satisfied and confident. After you look down, head off like you're starting your run and stop when you hear me yell, 'cut.'

“As soon as we're done here, we'll move over to where you'll start the actual run. Okay?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Great, you take a couple of minutes while Mitch gets his end ready and while I get the cameras repositioned."

So while Mitch and Bob head off to take care of their stuff, I go over to where Mom and Robbyn are.

"So, what did you guys think?"

"Oh, Alex, that was like so amazing. You went up there like I climb stairs," says Robbyn.

"Robbyn's right, honey, you looked great. It still gives me the willies seeing you do that, though. You look like you could fall off at any time."

"I really am fine, Mom. Even if I do fall, they have the air bag there."

"I know, honey, but I'm your mother and it's my job to worry."

We keep talking for a bit until Bob calls over that everyone is now ready.

I get into position and start getting into the right mindset. When I feel I'm ready, I give Mitch a nod and right after, Bob calls out 'Action.'

As before, at about ten feet from the wall I pick up speed and make my first jump. The climb goes great and soon I'm standing up at the top. I look over my shoulder and give a satisfied smile, then head out on my run. About five seconds later, I hear 'cut' and turn around and go back.

After I get back on the ground, Bob says, "Great job, Alex. Now let's go on over to the start point."

We all climb into the waiting carts and head out. At the new location, Mitch, Bob and I head up to the roof to prep for the next run.

First we do a walk-through and we discuss what I'll be doing. There are metal walkways set up to cross from one building to another until we get to a point where the roofline drops a story to the next building.

"How comfortable are you about crossing the gaps between the buildings that we just passed, Alex?" asks Mitch.

"Easy peasy. In each case I have good take off points and the distance is real close; you can almost just step across most of them."

"Do you have any suggestions on how we deal with getting you over to the next building, or should we just cut away and make it look like everything is level?"

"Well, the city roofline isn't that way is it? No, this won't be bad at all. Let's go take a look at the other roof, but from here it looks fine. The distance isn't all that bad, and the drop isn't either."

"Um, Alex, that's a ten-foot drop and twenty-three, twenty-five feet across to the other side. Are you sure you could do a jump like that?"

"It looks like it's closer to twenty-five, and yes I can do it. I've done it many times before. All I need is plenty of room to get up to speed and plenty of flat to land on. I don't want anything sticking up down there 'cause I'll need to do a big roll on landing. It can be a bit jarring but an easy jump."

"Well, my job is to make sure you stay safe and I'm not sure how to go about that on this. First, we have pads that look like the roof and we can put that down, plus we can have an air bag set up between the buildings.

"Before we do this though, I'll want to see you do a similar jump. Let's get a test site set up so if you can't make it, you don't have to fall as far and we can have the bags under you the whole way.

"While we do that, the crew can get this part prepped for you."

"Sounds good to me."

"Well, while we finish our walkthrough, the team will get things ready, then we'll break for lunch and get going right away after that, sound good?"

Both Bob and I agree and we finish our walkthrough on the assumption that I'll be doing the jump.

When we get to the end, Bob says "Okay, you two, how do we handle this? We need Alex over at that building because it matches the one that we'll film you going down. The downside is that unless you really can fly, you can't jump it. That's a good eighty feet. My thought is we cut the gap out and edit it so it looks like it's as close as the others."

We all are checking things over when I say, "Well, how strong is that cable that runs over there? It has a good angle and I could slide down that. I've done similar things before."

Mitch asks, "What would you use to slide with?"

"Oh, a length of cable works best, but chain works too."

"Hmm, well the point for you being up here is because it's too crowded at street level. Why don't we make it super-crowded and you go across the tops of busses, semis and such?"

Bob says, "That's not a bad idea. Could you do that, Alex?"

"I like it too. Yeah, I can do that."

"Okay then, Mitch, you start figuring out what we'll need for that. If we can get everything together this week then we'll do it, otherwise we'll just edit out how you get there. Our time is too short otherwise. In the meantime, let's break for a bite to eat and finish up this part of the filming."

After a light lunch, Mitch and I go to a nearby one-story building where I show him that I can indeed make the jump between the buildings.

I'm having such a blast doing all of this. Since Mom and Dad limited me as to how high I could go, I've really wanted to do this again.

We spend the rest of the afternoon shooting me going across the rooftops and shoot the big jump three different times. I do love doing this and am as happy as a pig in mud, but it is extremely tiring at the same time.

When we finally break for the day, I'm dragging and can't wait until I can get back to the hotel and soak in a hot bath.

"Okay, Alex," says Linda as we ride back to the hotel, "tomorrow we'll be shooting at our locations and we need to get an early start. We'll pick you up at six, okay?"

"Okay, Linda, I'll be ready."

* * *

Back at the hotel we have a light dinner and I have a long soak in the tub.

We're all sitting back watching some television, just relaxing when I tell Mom and Robbyn, "You know, you guys don't need to hang with me all day you know. It's got to be boring as all get out for you two."

Mom says, "I'm enjoying watching you do this, honey. It's letting me see a side of you I never dreamed was there, and even if that wasn't the case, I'm your mother and I'm going to be with you while you do this."

Mom and I smile at each other, and Robbyn says, "Alex, this is just so cool. I mean you're actually making a commercial and who knows, this could lead to T.V. or movies and someday when you're accepting the Oscar for Best Actress, I can tell everyone that I was there where and when it all started."

We all begin to laugh at that prospect and I say, "I don't think that will happen, but I am awfully glad both of you are there with me. Now, I for one am exhausted, so I think I'll turn in now. 'Night, Mom, Dad."

"Good night, honey."

"Good night, princess."

"Oh, I'm going in with you. "Night Mr. and Mrs. C."

* * *

The rest of the week is much like the first day was. We get up and have breakfast at the hotel, then drive to the studio or off to whichever location we're filming at. I get filmed running across the rooftops, we'd break for lunch then start over in the afternoon. Each day is pretty much the same.

One thing that is fun is going out on location. When we’re shooting, crowds would appear and watch. I even get applause after doing some of my stuff, not that the crowds can see much from where they are. I occasionally see people at the windows of buildings that overlook where we’re shooting.

Near the end of the week I ask Bob, "When are we going to be filming for real?"

He kind of laughs at me and says, "We have been."

"But I thought all this was just practice, you know to get your angles and such down, I had no idea this was for real."

"Would it have made you nervous if you had known?"

"Yeah, probably," I say with a small smile.

"That's why I didn't tell you. Now you know, there isn't much to it, so don't start getting all nervous now."

"I won't, Bob, and thanks."

After the final scene, which turns out not to be the last one of the commercial, we have a small end of production party. Alfred Julian comes down from Nike to be with us.

"Well, Alex," says Alfred, "I have to pass on to you and Bob and all of the crew just how happy we are that you all were able to get this shot in such a short time frame. I know it didn’t help to be under the gun like that, but because of everyone's efforts, we're confident of hitting our July Fourth airing date.

The dinner is lovely, and after saying goodbye to everyone, we head over to Dad's office to catch the helicopter back home–no commuter fiascos this time. Dad will drive the car back up next time he comes to L.A.

"So, princess, did you have fun?" asks Dad.

"I did, it was a total blast. I have to admit though, that it will be nice to be back home. I also can appreciate the phrase 'too much of a good thing.' I love doing my Parkour, and I loved doing it for this commercial, but I was getting a bit overloaded there at the end, and it was turning into work and not play."

Robbyn asks, "So would you still want to do the other commercials if they ask?"

"Oh sure, I just think I need a little break is all. I'd be totally into doing more of these."

“Oh, maybe they'll want to do location shots for those, too. If so, you'll have to take me with you. There are some absolutely adorable little shops in Paris that I know you'll love, and like I told you before, the shopping in London is super, too."

"Oh, shopping in Paris and London, what fun," says Mom.

At the pained look on Dad's face, we all start to laugh.

* * *

The next morning I get up and after dressing, go downstairs.

"Hey, Mom." I give Mom a hug and kiss.

"Good morning, honey, sleep well?"

"Very well. There's nothing like being in your own bed."

"Sure isn't. You going running?"

"Yeah, nothing too strenuous, just up and around the park a couple of times."

"Okay, honey, see you in a bit then."

I grab my belt pack and a water bottle and head out the door. I was telling the truth, I had no intention of doing anything too strenuous for some time. This past week was really tiring.

After running around the park and jumping in, on, around and through the playground equipment, I finally perch on top of the slide and pull out my water bottle and have a drink.

I take out my phone and start playing some Tetris. I hate the game, but I can't seem to help but play the darned thing, it's addictive.

Just as I die again, I hear a disturbance from across the street. There are three guys, teenagers really, picking on this other guy. I've seen him around from time to time. He's mentally handicapped but has always seemed nice. Now, these three other kids are picking on him and shoving him around. I really hate bullies.

Grabbing my phone and water bottle, I head down the slide and towards the group. As I go, I turn on my camera and start taking a video of what they’re doing.

"Hey! Leave the poor guy alone," I yell at them.

They stop shoving him and one of the boys yells back, "You his girlfriend or something?" He then shoves the guy hard and says, "This your girlfriend ya retard? You two going to get married?"

"I said, ‘Stop it,’ you jerks!"

"What the hell you going to do?"

"How about calling 911, asshole?" At that, I hold up my phone.

They give the guy one last hard shove so he falls down, and run off.

I cross the street and help the guy up. "Hey, are you okay, now?"

He looks at me and looks away, then looks back. "I, I, I, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Aww, your hand is bleeding. Those jerks, let me see it. My name is Alex, what's yours?"

"Oh, I'm okay, I'm okay. I, I, I'm Luther."

He pulls his hand away and I pull it back.

"Well, Luther, let me just give that a look. Here, I have some water and we can rinse it off."

"It won't hur-hurt will it?"

"No, I wouldn't do that."

I take my water bottle and wash off the cut. It's small, it just bled a bit.

"It seems okay. See, that didn't hurt, did it?"

"No, no. You're real purtty, Alex, and real nice."

"Thank you, Luther. Are you going to be okay now? Can you get home okay?"

"Oh yeah, mama, she picks me up. I'm fine, I'm fine now, Alex."

"Okay then, well I have to get home, so you take care of yourself. Bye."

"Bye, Alex."

I head on home thinking about poor Luther and, 'there but for the grace of god go I.' I really am quite lucky.

* * *

Journal Entry: July 4th

Just want to get this caught up a bit. There has been so much that has happened but I don't know where to start.

Well I'll just get to it. First I guess is I shot that commercial for Nike and today, at six tonight to be exact, the commercial will air for the first time. I'm am totally excited about this, so much so that I damn near pee my pants whenever I start thinking about it. *snicker*

The other bit of good news, great news actually, is the twins are coming back today. Now don't tell them this or I'll never live it down but I sure have missed those two. Sure, all three of us fight a bunch but it's all good natured and again, don't tell them, but I really do love them a lot.

The next bit is mixed news. Robbyn's parents are here now and I really do like them. They're so much like my folks and Robbyn was so excited to see them. But the sad part is that this time next week, they're flying back home and I'm really going to miss Robbyn.

We promised each other that over winter break either I'll fly out to her or she'll fly out here so it won't be too long before I see her again. We've had our big heart-to-heart and I've just got to believe that everything will work out with us.

Well, like I said, it's going to be a crazy day and I need to go down and help Mom get things ready for everything. With it being the Fourth and the boys coming home, and this being Robbyn's last weekend here and all, we thought we'd have a party.

So until later…bye.

End Journal Entry

We're all in the back having the best barbecue ribs that I've ever had. The music is playing and everyone is having a great time.

Ellen and Jack seem like a great couple and by the looks of things I'm thinking they’re getting serious. I must corner Ellen after the party and find out.

The only downside is the bus that the twins are in got a flat and they're not here yet. Mom and Dad got a call earlier and hopefully they'll be here any time.

I'm up to get some more ribs from Dad when I hear Robbyn let out a loud shriek. Looking over, I see the cause: the ice-cream cone she had just fixed fell down her front. Actually, the ice-cream caught her right between the boobs and slid inside her shirt. She's hopping up and down shrieking and trying to get the ice-cream out.

It's the funniest thing I've seen in a real long time and everyone is laughing.

"I'll get you a towel," I call out to her, and head into the kitchen. As soon as I grab the towel, the doorbell rings.

Hey, the twins are here!

Going to the door, I open it, still laughing at the look that was on Robbyn's face.

"Well hi there, what brings you here?"

My world suddenly explodes. I feel like I just smacked my funny bone real hard but I feel it all over my body coupled with the sensation of millions of needles sticking into me all at once and someone beating me with a board. I can't move more than the uncontrollable shaking of my body. The sensation continues as I hear a great rushing sound and a rapid buzz crack snap sound repeated over and over, then there's blackness as I fall.


The police have issued an Amber Alert for fifteen-year-old Alexandra (Alex) Conners whom they believe was abducted from her home, and whom they fear is in danger.

At around 5:30 PM on July 4th, Alexandra, who goes by the name 'Alex' answered the front door of her San Mateo home and has not been seen since.

Alex is a fifteen-year-old female with long wavy black hair that at the time of the alleged abduction was pulled back into a pony tail.

Alex is 5'11" tall and weighs approximately 130 pounds.

Alex was last seen wearing faded blue jeans, a pink tank top and running shoes.

A white cargo van was seen leaving the area at the time of the abduction and may be involved.

Anyone who has any information should contact law enforcement immediately.

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