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By Connie Alexander
Part 65
The loud gurgle from my stomach causes Mom to turn and look at me with a smile and me to grimace with embarrassment.
“Lordy, I’m glad that didn’t happen in there, I would’ve just died,” I say to Mom.
We are just walking out of the fourth and last casting I have before lunch. Once outside I step to the side and quickly exchange my heels for my far more comfortable boots.
“Let’s get some food into you then. I hope Lisa and Bobby are already at the restaurant, I’m pretty hungry myself.”
“Aw, Mom, I’m sorry. This really isn’t fair to you is it?”
“Don’t be silly, I’m enjoying myself and stop apologizing. I had no idea that modelling entailed so much work. You see models in the magazines, in commercials and on the runway and I think most people say to themselves, ‘How hard is it to get your picture taken?’ I don’t think they realize the work it takes to get those jobs. How are you holding up? Are you doing all right?”
“Oh I’m doing okay. I got a good night’s rest and that helped a lot. I’m glad we were both up this morning when Bobby called with the first casting being moved up to seven-thirty. How did things go last night by the way?”
“Just fine, everyone is jumpy these days because of the economy so it was nice to meet with one of my bigger investors and calm their feathers a bit. If you don’t have to do anything this evening, would you mind terribly if I did that again? It really does help or you could come along if you want.”
“Of course I wouldn’t mind, Mom, and I’d rather not go if it’s all the same to you. I’d just get bored and your clients will speak more freely if I’m not there. I’ll just stay at the hotel and hang out. Maybe if it isn’t too late I could do a walk around the Galleria?”
“I don’t see why not.”
We’re walking as we talk and soon we’re at the restaurant where we’re supposed to meet with Bobby and Lisa. Once inside we quickly spot Bobby at a table talking with an attractive, tall blonde woman.
“Hey, Bobby,” I say.
Looking up Bobby replies, “Hello, Alex, Sharon. You’re right on time; let me introduce you to Lisa. Lisa, this is Alex and her mother Sharon.”
“Ah, you’re Lisa Pak?” I ask surprised.
With a smile and a small laugh Lisa replies, “By marriage. It’s so nice to finally meet you and your mother. Come sit, we have a lot to talk about.”
We all sit down and quickly order. With that out of the way I ask, “So, have you guys heard anything from the castings I’ve done so far?”
“Marani put you on option but we haven’t heard from anyone else yet. We have four more castings for you to get to today and when we get back to the office we’ll see if we can get some more news.”
“What does having me on option mean?”
“It means,” says Lisa, “that they like you and might want to use you but aren’t sure just yet.”
“It could be,” adds Bobby, “because they haven’t finished their castings yet or they have too many and they don’t know who to cut or any other of a dozen reasons. It just means they’re interested and if you find something else, they want a chance to make a counter offer.”
“Okay, um I wanted to ask you guys something else.”
“Anything,” says Lisa, “that’s what we’re here for.”
“Well, it’s something Juliana mentioned before I got my makeover. You see, I…all I see at these castings are angular blondes. I can’t do anything about my features but Juliana said I’d look real good as a blonde and I was wondering if that would help my chances any.”
While our plates are being served Lisa remains quiet, studying me. I blush in embarrassment.
When the waiter leaves, Lisa says, “No need to be embarrassed. Your look is going to change constantly, at least it will if you stay in this business and you’re going to have to always be thinking about it. You, and especially we as your managers, need to learn to read minds a bit, learn to foretell the future.
“Yes, you would look very good as a blonde but as you noted, they’re everywhere. The super thin blonde girls from Eastern Europe have been very popular the past few seasons, but I think Juliana made the right decision about you. I’m sensing a change in what the designers are looking for. Maybe it’s too soon, but I don’t think so. Some of our most popular girls this season have been those with darker hair. That’s not to say the majority won’t still be blondes but the darker-haired girls are definitely making a comeback.
“I also think that the starved waif look is over too, thank goodness. There is mounting pressure on the industry as a whole to promote healthier looks. Next has always insisted our boys and girls stay healthy. You’re going to find designers and photographers that want the ultra-thin, really young look, but they’re getting fewer and fewer.
“As to you specifically, I think your overall look is coming around and you’re also different enough to stand out. Maybe we’re too early but I don’t think so. I am slightly concerned we haven’t heard more from the castings but we’ll follow up this afternoon and I’m sure we’ll get you some shows. Anything else?”
I ask her more about the castings themselves and if I’m doing everything correctly or if I should change anything and fortunately both she and Bobby seem to think I’m doing just fine.
“Okay,” I ask, “we kinda went over this before with Paul, but in the off chance I do get picked for a show, how much will it pay?”
“That varies,” replies Lisa. “The top models can get up to $20,000 for a show, plus a 20 percent commission to their agencies. For you the fees are going to start around $2,500. This fee includes up to three preshow fittings and the show itself.
“As you know, most designers hire casting agents, who specialize in runway shows and advertising campaigns, to cast the shows. Now every show wants the top models, and there is often a tug of war over certain stars when shows overlap. In the end though, it’s us, a model’s agent along with the model herself who determines the better career move.
“So you can see relationships–between agents, designers, the modelling agencies, and the models themselves–play a big part in assembling the ideal cast for a designer. Conflicts do occasionally occur between houses, as the models are booked in advance of the listed show time to have their hair and makeup done, which makes appearing in every show impossible.”
“Wow, it must cost a ton to do a show.”
“It does, this is the single largest expense for most designers all year and why you’ll see a designer one year and then they disappear.”
Afterwards we all settle down to eating our lunch which is very good. Inside the Galleria I notice a McDonald’s and I can’t see how anyone would want to go to it when there’s so much great food around. It doesn’t make sense to me.
So far I think the worst part of modelling has to be the standing around and waiting. For the past hour I’ve been waiting for my last casting of the day and it looks like it’s going to be a bit longer too, but this one is a biggie, it’s for Roberto Cavalli.
I notice Mom checking her watch again and say, “Mom, why don’t you go and get ready? I’ll be fine. This is the last casting and then I’m done.”
“I’m not leaving you here honey, I was just thinking if I should call and cancel my meeting.”
“Don’t do that, Mom. If we were clear across town I’d say yes, but we’re not. We’re right at the Piazza in front of the Galleria; you can practically see our hotel from here. I’ll be fine. Things are moving faster now and I’ll be done in a short while then I’ll come right back to the hotel.”
I can see Mom thinking about it and she finally says, “You’ll go straight back to the hotel?”
“Okay then, you send me a text when you leave here and another when you get to the hotel, all right?”
“I will, now get or you’ll be late. I’ll be fine, Mom.”
“Okay, sweetheart, you be sure to text me, don’t forget.”
Laughing I give Mom a little shove towards the door. With a final wave she leaves.
“Hey there, Ozzie, is the coast clear?” I ask as I peek my head up over the ledge.
Not seeing anyone I give a final heave and pull myself all the way up and onto the roof.
“I would have been here sooner but it wasn’t dark enough outside and I’ve got to admit that I feel a bit guilty doing this. I promised Mom and Dad that I wouldn’t do Parkour this high up and although ‘technically’ I’m not doing Parkour, I don’t think they’d see it that way.”
Sitting on the ledge next to Ozzie I lean against his wing and think about my day. Despite my guilt for being up here I just had to do something or I think I’d burst. This day hadn’t gone very well and I need to do something to de-stress or I’m going to go postal on someone. I had another packed day of castings with still no word from anyone and I’m beginning to think that as much as I may want this, everyone else doesn’t want me! It didn’t help that while waiting in line today there were a couple of girls near me absolutely trashing the way I look. They were speaking French and didn’t know I could understand them. Anyway, I know they were just being bitches and I should ignore them but it still hurts.
“So, Ozzie, here I am and I need to blow off some steam so I’m going to check out those cables and see if I can get across to the Galleria. See ya in a bit.”
With that I that I get up and head on over to the cables. All three of them are attached to this side by heavy eye-bolts and the cables themselves are tight with very little play in them. Perfect. Standing on the bottom cable while grabbing the top, I give it a bounce and there’s little give. Feeling confident, I start across the gap between buildings.
I’m quickly across and pause at the other side to look around to ensure I wasn’t spotted. I don’t think I was so I begin moving around the rooftop studying where everything is in case I need to move quickly.
For some reason people tend to get a bit cranky when they find you wandering around their roof and there have been times that I’ve had to make a quick getaway. Knowing where everything is so I don’t get tripped up helps if that happens. It’s also critical if you’re going to be doing any tumbling. Rolling onto a nail or a something equally nasty isn’t fun, trust me on that. Not that I’ll be doing much of that. The roof tops around here are mostly peaked and it isn’t easy to tumble on those.
The far side of the building looks out over the Piazza and the view is spectacular, what with the lights and the way the cathedral looks and all. I just stand there for a moment taking it all in.
Eventually I make my way over to the Galleria rooftop. Between the peaked roofs and the various elevations coupled with the vast area that it covers, this is beginning to show a great deal of promise. What I had done back home in California was fairly easy with the flat roofs and all. I haven’t had to deal with a challenging environment like this since we lived in New York City: now there’s some challenging terrain to cross.
Soon enough I’m over at the glass dome and archway covering the Galleria.
“Wow, would you look at that!” I say out loud.
There’s another great view down inside the Galleria. The frescos and the architectural details that can be seen are wonderful.
I make my way up a built-in ladder and reach the top of the arch. There’s an iron service walkway running the length and providing the best seat in the house for looking down into the Galleria.
The people all appear so small from way up here. I don’t think I can be seen from the inside as the interior lighting should reflect off the glass and make it into a mirror but I don’t want to take chances so I proceed slowly.
After about fifteen minutes I’m at the north side of the Galleria overlooking the park that has the statue of Leonardo da Vinci. Being up here above the city and the crowds below is so relaxing. Without any effort the tension leaves me and I feel better than I have all day.
I swing around the walkway to the other side and start to make my way back. It’s fun watching the crowds below. It is at least until I see Mom heading towards the hotel. Holy crap!
At first I’m frozen in place as I try to process that it really is Mom down there, then realizing that it truly is, I break into a run. I’ve got to make it back to the room before she does. Fortunately she has to deal with the crowds and I don’t.
Keeping my pace to a fast jog I head back to the cables, my steps silent as I move.
Just past the dome I freeze. On the other side of the arch, someone is moving. The beam of their flashlight flickers back and forth. Double crap! It doesn’t seem like they’re looking for anyone so I don’t think I’ve been spotted but closer inspection shows that there’s more than one person over there and they’re heading in the same direction as I am. If I keep going there’s a good chance I’ll be spotted.
Looking over the side of the guardrail I assess my options. Okay, going forward is out but the frame for the windows looks sturdy enough to hold me. The downside is that the arch is vertical at about ten or twelve feet from the rooftop and I haven’t yet scouted this side. The other downside is if I slip off and hit the glass there’s a good chance of breaking through and the Galleria floor is a very long way down.
With no choice but to chance it, I duck under the rail and lower myself to the metal framing for the windows. Testing the frame as I gradually add my weight, I’m confident that it will hold. I start my way down feeling secure that whoever is up here with me won’t see my descent since they would have to turn around then look through all the windows. Of course that just means that they’ll be ahead of me and I’ll have to really run if I want to pass them and get to my roof ahead of them and to my room ahead of Mom.
Taking short shuffling steps as I balance along the frame I continue to silently berate myself for not being more cautious. Once the slope is too great to continue I stop and lean carefully forward to study the roof. I start to curse again; the way the light is coming up through the glass and the shadows thrown by the surrounding structures near the arch, the rooftop is in complete darkness. For all I can tell there is no roof, just a bottomless abyss. Triple crap.
Not having another choice at this point I take two steps and drop, knees bent and arms out for balance. Luck seems to be with me as I hit the ground and easily absorb the impact. No stack of crates, pipes or a blacked out skylight here…thank god.
I start off again, one eye trying to keep from running into something and the other trying to locate whoever it is up here with me. I lost track of them when I left the walkway.
My running is smooth and even, as I seem to instinctively know when there are things in my path and I twist and turn to avoid them. My confidence lends me more speed and as I come up over another roof peak I finally see the others, with a burst of speed I can get around a service structure and onto the accompanying roof where the cables are before they will have a chance to spot me.
As I come down the opposite slope of the roof I look towards the path I’ll need to take and realize that I’m in big trouble: unbeknownst to me, this building has an inner courtyard which means there’s a whole lot of nothing directly in front of me and I’m moving too fast to stop. Instead of trying to stop, I speed up, hoping that I’ll have enough momentum to make it to the other side and knowing there’s no way in hell that I can.
My foot hits the edge perfectly and I launch myself up and out with everything I have and quickly realize that I’ll never reach the opposite roof but maybe I can hit the ledge that’s a story down.
The impact is like getting hit by a truck as I strike the ledge chest high, my momentum slamming my head forward and my face into the ledge.
My world explodes and goes dark. I don’t lose consciousness, though I don’t know why not. I just suddenly can’t see. An explosion seems to go off in my head and travel throughout my body. Every muscle is tensed and slowly my nervous system starts to turn itself back on. I feel the coarseness of the stone that my chest is pressed against, my fingers gripping the ledge and the wall with all my might; somehow I manage to hold on. Then slowly my sight begins to come back and I soon realize that I’m not dead–not only am I not dead but I’m stuck to the opposite wall like a lamprey.
My breath is coming and going in ragged gasps and as I shift my toes my whole body slips, which makes me realize that a good-sized piece of the ledge that I’m gripping is broken and only being held in place by my body. Double checking my hand and toe grips, I move back far enough from the wall to let the hunk of stone drop. From below there’s a loud crash followed by the sound of breaking glass.
Wonderful, just frikkin’ wonderful. Alex, you’re a stupid, stupid girl and if you live through this you and I are going to have a very long talk.
I continue to berate myself as I start climbing back to the roof; below me lights begin to turn on. Swell.
I finally reach the top and peeking my head up I don’t immediately see anyone but my vision is still a tad shaky. I chance it and pull myself the rest of the way up. Pausing in the shadows I try to catch my breath and ease the pain in my chest and face. I carefully look around and when I’m sure there isn’t anyone around, I move forward. What happened to those other guys?
Though not as quickly as before, I rapidly make my way back to the cables. From this side I can see our balcony and I don’t see any new lights, maybe it hasn’t been as long as I thought and I can still beat Mom back to the room.
As I pull back from the ledge I feel something drip on my hand. Looking down I see a black spot, then another. Looking closer I realize it’s not black but dark red and it’s coming from my nose; I hadn’t even realized it was bleeding.
Lightly touching it, it feels very tender and I only hope I didn’t break it again, though given how hard I hit I wouldn’t lay any bets on it not being broken. Nothing to do for it until I get back to the room and if I don’t beat Mom there, I’ll have to worry about a broken neck and not a broken nose.
Grabbing the cables, I’m quickly across and kneeling next to Ozzie. “Hey there, Oz man, sorry I can’t stay and talk, maybe later.” Then I’m over the ledge and soon back on our balcony.
Holding my nose to keep it from dripping in the room and wincing in pain as I do so, I quickly go to the bathroom. The sight that greets me in the mirror is shocking and I have to look down at myself to confirm that the mirror isn’t lying. I’m almost black from dirt and soot with blood covering my chin, neck and a good portion of my front.
Kicking off my shoes and socks, I step into the shower and quickly turn it on and start to peel off my workout clothes.
Dropping my garments by the drain, I set the temperature to just between lobster and king crab and start to wash.
“In here, Mom, be out in a sec. You’re back early.” I frantically try to get the worst of the dirt and blood off me and down the drain. Oh no, looking out of the shower I see a couple of drops of blood next to the toilet. Just as I reach for the shower door, the bathroom door opens and in walks Mom. I quickly turn and stick my head under the water.
“They got a call…oh my goodness how can you stand it so steamy in here? As I was saying, they got a call from their sitter and we had to cut things short. How was your evening?”
“Fine, I have a few new aches and pains but okay. The casting went well I think.”
“Did you hear anything from Bobby or Lisa?”
“No but I haven’t checked the messages yet. I just got back here myself and needed to get cleaned up first.”
“Okay then, I’ll check…Alex, are you okay?”
“Um, yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Through the cloud of steam I see Mom bend down. Oh no, please no.
“What’s this blood from? A few new aches and pains...Alex did your period finally start?”
“Aw, Mom…”
“Don’t ‘Aw Mom’ me, we’ve been waiting for this to happen. It means that your body is finally getting in balance. Don’t worry honey, you’ll live through this, women all over the world do so don’t be embarrassed. Take your time in there, the heat will make you feel better.”
With that she leaves but is soon right back. “Here, I left you some things on the counter. Take your time, dear.” Then she leaves and closes the door.
Breathing a sigh of relief I near collapse against the wall. That was way too close. Dad always says the gods favour fools and the Irish and that he qualifies for both–apparently I do too. Bless Mom and her jumping to conclusions.
I let the hot water ease the worse of my aches and pains. Checking myself I’m surprised that I don’t have any major scrapes; my nails need to get redone, they’re in terrible shape and I have a few light abrasions that are just on the surface, nothing bleeding. I also have a fading red line just below my breasts and my ribs are sore from where I hit the ledge.
I finish getting clean, my nose is not nearly as sore as earlier so hopefully it isn’t broken. I don’t think it is but I won’t know how bad I look until I can see myself in the mirror.
After rinsing myself, I then rinse out my workout clothes until the water from them is clear; thank goodness they’re black. With that done I turn off the water and step out. Dropping my clothes in one of the sinks I turn on the water and add some soap. Cleaning the mirror of fog, I give myself a close look: not too bad. Looking all over my body I don’t see any major signs of tonight’s activities although we’ll see how I look in the morning. I may not look too bad but from my hips to my chest I feel like one big bruise.
Turning off the water in the sink and letting my clothes soak, I pick up the boxes Mom left me on the counter. Great: tampons and panty shields.
I wrap myself and my hair in a towel and go out into the other room to get some clothes. While at the dresser Mom asks, “Are you doing okay, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine, Mom, just need to get my jammies. Oh and I’m soaking my workout clothes, they got kinda dirty today.”
Back in the bathroom I figure that I’d better use at least the shield or Mom will wonder why I’m not. I then finish up dressing and go back out. Mom has an expectant smile on her face and is dialling her phone.
“Lisa called and left a message that she has some good news and to call her.”
I quickly move over and sit next to her on the bed while she puts the phone on speaker.
“Lisa, it’s Sharon and Alex, we got your message and you’re on speaker.”
“Sharon, thank you for calling. Alex we have good news for you. Marani took you off option and confirmed you for the show…”
“Yippee!” and I start to bounce up and down.
“…that’s not all, we also heard from Rocco Barocco and Krizia, they both confirmed and Cavalli put you on option for the Just Cavalli line.”
“Oh my god, four? That’s amazing!” I can barely contain myself at her news.
“That’s wonderful, sweetheart, I knew you’d get picked up.”
“Sharon, Alex there will be more. We have calls still out and we’re working on the scheduling to see what show can fit where. You’re generating quite a bit of interest. Oh and we may have an editorial for you to do as well. I should know more about that tomorrow. Alex, I know you were a bit down yesterday and I hope this news perks you up. You’re on your way, girl.”
“It does, Lisa, and thank you. This is the best news ever.”
“Well the ride has just started. No castings for tomorrow but don’t go too far, we’ll want to get together with you just as soon as we hear back from a few more people. Get some good rest tonight, it might be your last chance.”
“Will do, Lisa and thank you again.”
“’Nite guys.”
With that we hang up and I grab Mom in a big hug and start to laugh. Mom hugs me back which causes me to wince a bit but I don’t let her go.
“I’m proud of you, honey.” Letting me go she asks, “Want to share the news with your father? You missed talking with him the last couple of nights.”
My smile is all the answer Mom needs and soon Dad’s on the line and he’s telling me how proud he is of me and that he loves me and my world couldn’t get much better than this.
Finally we hang up and I still can’t believe how relieved I feel at getting picked for not one show but four and possibly more.
Mom offers to brush and braid my hair and I take her up on the offer. With that done, Mom gives me a hug and says, “You look really tired, honey, let’s make it an early night of it.”
“Sounds good to me, Mom.”
I crawl into my bed and soon Mom turns out the lights. As I lay there trying to relax I’m fully aware of how lucky I was tonight and before closing my eyes I promise myself to be far more careful in the future, especially now that I know I really will be modelling.
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Question for my readers
Question for you all. Lately I've been posting my story as I finish up a section and get it back from my editor and that means that it can and does get posted on any day of the week. Now there are stories that I follow that I know are posted on specific days of the week and I kind of like that.'s the question, would you all prefer that say every Monday or Tuesday I post the story no matter when I finish the chapter or just continue to post as I finish them?
Let me know and thank you all again for all the great comments and encouragement you send me.
Proper Chapters
- for me please, at intervals as and when they are ready to post.
I say post when finished. Maybe I'm selfish but I don't want to wait, I want to read the new chapter as soon as it is ready.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I agree with Karen.
Anytime is good for your stories thankyou Connie.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Whenever you are ready to post is fine with me
It's a delight to see a new chapter anytime.
I may be a bit selfish here,
I may be a bit selfish here, but whenever they're ready. I'm disabled and don't get out much, so I spend a lot time reading. :)
BTW, great story. Now maybe Alex will settle down a bit and not take so many chances.
Mark :D
When ready
Weekly would be nice of course, but ready is far better than rushed.
As and when....
Because a good story shouldn't be rushed... either in reading or writing... :D
The Legendary Lost Ninja
soon as finished. great story. keep up the good work.
weekly people
usually but not always seem to work several chapter ahead. your post when finished means we always get a pleasant surprise.
keep up the great work. thanks
enjoying the surprise when there is a new chapter posted
She almost got caught & almost got
Really hurt all trying to beat mom back. She was VERY lucky she a. Didn't get caught & b. get seriously hurt & put her modeling in jeopardy. Slid needs to be careful in the future.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
when its finished im not much of a fan of drabble, and short chapters cause your just reading and then BAM!!! wait till next tim kiddies. SO FINISH FIRST!!!!!
Catwalk Confidence - Part 65
Post when YOU are ready/
May Your Light Forever Shine
Oh! And About This Chapter....
The smash on her nose sounds like two black eyes in the morning. Mom is still going to skin her hide, just where it won't show!
Very exciting chapter and very positive about her future modeling; thanks very much.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I'm happy as is.
Although, naturally, I am greedy and want more. But what and when should suit your convenience else it would become a chore.
Thank you Connie,
Whenever!!Always worth the wait.
Good to See...
...more parkour-type action here. From the description, seemed sort of amazing to get through that with nothing more than bruises -- and then to be told there are no casting calls tomorrow.
Can't help wondering, though, who the other folks on the roof were: burglars? (If so, there may be a trail of blood that the police can follow back to her balcony when they investigate.)
Burglars?! :-O
On the other hand, her near-fatal accident, especially the large chunk that fell, drew attention to the roof from the ground, so if they were burglars, maybe they'll be caught because of her. Maybe the police will wonder about the blood. Maybe the burglars will want to find out who was on the roof with them and ended up being the cause of their being busted, and want revenge? Oh dear.
Assuming it was burglars and not a janitor or maintenance crew checking on something.
Thanks for this wonderful tale, Connie. I'm glad Alex is getting back into parkour and other active pursuits as well as the modeling, even if she took dangerous risks this time, and will have to pay for it with some aches and pains for a while. Could have been a lot worse though.
As for your question, while I hate long periods without new chapters, I love being able to read the next one as soon as it's back and ready for posting. Although I'm okay if you'd rather do it as a regularly scheduled thing too, if you find that works better for you.
= )
Nice to see some more action in this story, I was starting to fidget...
Post when it suits you. It's just another chore otherwise.