Catwalk Confidence - Part 38

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Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

You spend your entire life thinking you’re just like any other boy, when you suddenly find out you aren’t, trying to adjust can be difficult.

Part 38

After doing several walk throughs with Phillip explaining what he wants me to do and how he wants me to do it, we're ready to start shooting.

The scene is, I'm at the beach with my boyfriend and friends, we're playing volleyball when I take a break and join my boyfriend at the beach towel. I then read my lines. It sounds easier than it really is.

I'm supposed to enter the picture by chasing an errant volleyball, then tossing it back and join my boyfriend. Who knew that there was a wrong way to chase a ball or toss it back or join a boy on a towel? Well there is and I found them all.

Eventually we, and by that I mean 'I', finally get it all right.

I enter the picture chasing after the ball. Laughing, I toss it back off screen and join my 'boyfriend' Jerry on the beach towel and start my lines:

Covergirl Outlast lipstain
In new vibrant colors
Light as air lip wear that does what a lipstick can't
It's never sticky because it's a stain
Whether you're playing volleyball or in the water
It wont leave your lips 'cause its an outlast lipstain

(Here I give Jerry a kiss)

See, it won't come off no matter what you do
New from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl

"Cut." Says Phillip, "Alex sweetie, you do very fine that time, jus perfect. Almost make me want to be that boy, he he. So Jerry, tank you, we'll call when your film is ready. You shoo now.

Ok Alex, we take stills then change outfits. We need fifteen or twenty fabulous shots for portfolio by time we done so going to be busy day."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Robbyn blowing exaggerated kisses at me then mouthing "Alex and Jerry sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G . . .

Scrunching my nose at her I turn to Mom who smiles and gives me a thumbs up.

Ron comes over and fixes my hair and makeup, then Phillip starts directing me into various poses. Soon he's satisfied and calls Robbyn over to take some of her.

I'm told to go with Lisa and Ron to change clothes and makeup for the next shoot.

After changing and after Ron has redone my hair and makeup, we go back to a different room. This one has a variety of different sets set up. Once there Phillip starts me all over again.

For the rest of the morning I'm pushed through different poses and looks. We'll do a shoot then back to change outfits and makeup then repeat. I never realized how hard having your picture taken could be.

Finally Phillip calls a short break at one. "Ok girls, you do very nice. Eat a little bit but not too much, mustn't get too full. Then we start up again in about half hour. Ok? Back soon."

With that he and Ron leave and Lisa brings in a cart with fruit and cheese and rolls on it, along with some water.

I'm exhausted and am just slumping in my chair when Mom comes over with a bowl of fruit for me and a bottled water.

"How you holding up honey?"

"Tired. I never thought this could be so much work. How do you think I'm doing?"

"Well I'm no pro and am probably just a tad biased but the shots that Phillip has taken so far look great. After every shot it comes up on a monitor so I get to see them. They look like something I'd see in a magazine."

"Really? I sure hope so."

Lisa and Robbyn come up with their food. Lisa asks, "Mind if I join you?"

"Please do," replies Mom.

"Super, thank you. Alex and you too Robbyn, you both are doing a great job. You're making it easy for Phillip by being so good at taking direction. When you do that, the photographer can really do a good job, even more so than normal. Phillip is one of the best and both of your shots are coming out just super."

"Thanks Lisa. Robbyn, you having fun?"

"Oh Alex this is a blast. Ron is an absolute wizard with makeup and I'm pumping him for as much knowledge as I can and it's so fun to watch you getting your pictures done. You look like you've been doing this for like forever."

"Well I got to say that this isn't quite a bad as I thought it would be. I mean, Phillip gives great direction, I just wish I could do a better job of taking it so this could go a bit faster."

Lisa says, "Photo shoots are like that. It's kinda like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Hundreds of photos will be taken just to find the one good one that will get the job done. For your portfolio, Phillip wants to have fifteen or twenty outstanding photos. I'm afraid that it's going to be a long day for all of us."

"So Alex" asks a giggling Robbyn, "how did you like kissing Jerrrrryyyy."

Smiling at Robbyn I say, "Oh I've had better." Looking at Mom and her raised eyebrow, I blushingly amend, "well, um I, ah it would have been better if he hadn't kept grabbing my as…butt whenever I sat down next to him."

At my comment everyone starts to laugh and I blush even more.

Just before one-thirty, Phillip and Ron return.

"Ok ladies, no more goofing off, we have much to do. Lisa we need next outfit. Alex chop, chop, then see Ronnie for hair and makeup. Lisa, when Alex here is done, get young Robbyn in her next outfit.

Robbyn da'ling we get few more shots of you then you done for day. Alex you still changing? We not have all day girl."

I'm rushing as fast as I can to change and get over to Ron for hair and makeup. Soon enough Ron is twisting up my hair and applying new makeup.

I've noticed a steady progression in the look they're giving me. Each change I make is more sophisticated and more elegant than the one before it. In some I'm made up in some bazaar fashion but Phillip knows his stuff and the end look is something great.

Finally Ron is done and I'm off to Phillip.

The afternoon progresses much as the morning did by going through shot after shot until Phillip is satisfied then a quick change then starting all over again.

By late afternoon I'm thoroughly exhausted and wondering if we'll ever get done.

"Ok Alex we almost done now. You doing so super. I have models with year's experience that no do as well. We got one more shoot then film last ting and then all done.

First must see you walk, follow me."

Phillip heads out of the room and we quickly follow. See me walk? He's seen me walk all day. Wondering just what he means I follow him out to the hall and into another room. His meaning becomes clear when I see the set up in this one.

The room is long and narrow with a lit elevated runway. Everything else in the room is dark.

Phillip takes me to the far end of the runway, through a curtain and behind the runway screen. There's stairs there that lead up to the back of the runway.

"Ok, before we change, I want you to show me your walk. You walk like you in fashion show. Ok? When we have the walk ok, you go change, we take pictures and film then we done. You can do this?"

"I'll do my best."

"I know you will da’ling, you do so well for Phillip. Ok up you go, down to end and back. We do this 'till I say stop. Ok? Shoo now."

So up onto the runway I go and start walking. Everything is completely different up here. The runway is well lit and from up here, I can't see anything but the runway because of the way all the lights are situated. After going to the end and back several times and not hearing any comment, I stop at the end and ask, "Am I doing this ok?"

"Fine da’ling. You wait there jus a sec."

A few seconds later, Lisa comes up to the edge of the runway and hands me a pair of stilettos with very high heels.

"Ok da’ling, you put those on, they help you."

I take off the heels I'm wearing and put the ones Lisa hands me on. I've never worn anything this high before and am not sure I'll be able to walk.

'Um Phillip I'm not sure I can walk in these. It's like I'm on my very tip toes. How high are these heels anyway?"

"They almost five inches but they make you walk you own walk. You show me other models walk but not your walk. You eventually want to walk like Alessandra or Gisele, that fine, but first you develop your own walk. That what will make you special. Now walk. Take slow at first then we speed up. You hurry. Sooner we get this, sooner we done for day."

I shakily get back up on my feet and start walking. I almost feel like I'm prancing because the height of this heel makes it impossible to walk normally. I guess that's Phillips point.

Eventually I get good enough to satisfy Phillip and he has me run off with Lisa to change into the last outfit of the day.

I can't wait to finish, not only am I really tired, but despite how pretty these heels are, they're pinching the begeezus out of my feet. If I wear these too long, I'll be a cripple.

Back in the dressing room, I get out of my current outfit and Lisa hands me a robe. "You'll need to see Rob before you get into the dress you're going to wear. As soon as you're done we'll finish getting you dressed."

So I step around the screen and see that Ron is already at the makeup table.

I sit down and he immediately starts on my hair. My scalp is so sore from all the brushing and tugging that's been done to it today. I'm actually surprised that I'm not bald at this point.

Ron works my hair up and back and when he's done he immediately starts on my face. First cleaning everything off, drying it and starting from scratch.

When he's done I have another one of the "wow" moments at the look he's created. He's made me look every way imaginable today; from my actual age of fifteen to now looking like I'm in my twenties. He's truly amazing.

As soon as he's done, I head back to see Lisa.

"Ok Alex let me help you with this and please be careful with it. It's an original Yochi Ben and you don't want to know how much this thing cost."

It's a beautiful full length strapless dress. Its embroidered burgundy with gold threading throughout and a gold wrapped waist. The top is very form fitting then it flairs out to a train. Black lace peeking out from underneath. It's an absolutely beautiful gown.

"Ok Alex, this is going to be a tad snug so suck it in."

"I'm sucking, I'm sucking. Oh jeeze, I can hardly breathe."

"Wow, you look just super in this. God I wish I had your figure. Ok, lift your foot and I'll help you get your heels on."

"Good 'cause there is no way I can bend in this thing."

Upon re-entering the runway room, Robbyn lets out a wolf whistle, Mom says "oh my, sweetie you look so beautiful" and Phillip says, "I knew that the dress for this. Is perfect. Now chop chop, remember come around screen from your right side, walk down the runway, pause and model dress, then return and go back behind screen on other side. Always from your right. Ok? Good, now let's do this. You jus keep going back and forth till I say stop. You see flashes going off and there will be music and other sounds, but you just do what I tell you. Let's go."

So I go, and go, and go. Back and forth, up and down the runway. Each time I go I'm trying to make it better than the time before. I want to just get through this at this point and get out of this dress and heels.

From up on the runway, all I hear is music and what sounds like the murmuring of voices. The music is nice as it helps me keep my pace but what's making the murmuring sounds? Phillip wasn't kidding about the flashes either. It feels like there are a hundred photographers out there taking my picture. It's kinda freaking me out a bit.

Out of the darkness I eventually hear Phillip say, "chin up da’ling, one last time and we done so make it the bes one yet."

Hearing that news gives me a bit more energy and on my next round I put everything I have into making it the "bes" one.

As soon as I come back around the screen, Lisa is there to help me down the steps. The lights come up and the music stops. When I come around the curtain from back stage, I see that PJ is here talking with Mom.

"Hey PJ, I didn't think you were going to be here."

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by."

"So what do think?"

"I think you're very good. Listen, I know you're tired and I've got to run so go ahead and go change and we'll talk later."

"Ok then, see you later. Come on Lisa, you too Robbyn, I'm probably going to need both of you to help peel me out of this thing."

"Alex, you were great up there. Oh, this dress is just scrumptious."

"It's beautiful but it's also really tight and I may never walk again my feet hurt so much."

Getting out of the dress and heels feels so good. At least until I see the blisters on my feet.

Lisa says, "You finish dressing and I'll go get some band aids for those."

"Thanks Lisa."

Robbyn says, "You look really tired."

"I am really tired. I never thought it could be like this."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yea, I guess I did. Ask me again tomorrow when I can put some perspective on this. Did you have fun?"

"Tons oh fun."

After Lisa gets back I put band aids on all the blisters then put on a pair of thick socks and my trainers. There is no way I am going to be able to get heels on again today. With that done I turn to Lisa.

"Are we done now?"

"Yup. All done."

"Not to sound ungrateful but thank goodness. I guess we better start packing things up then. Can you let my Mom and Phillip know?"

"Sure, be right back and I'll help and by the way, most shoots aren't this intense or last nearly this long. You did great."

Just as Robbyn and I are closing up our suitcases, everyone returns.

"Da’ling Alex, you did wonderful job. I will work with you anytime. You better than many who do this for long time. It's been long day so you go now and rest. We got everything from your too young to be a momma so we let you know when all is ready.

You take care and we see you soon. You take care too Robbyn. You very beautiful and nice girl. You fun to shoot."

Phillip kisses both of our cheeks as we thank him in return.

"This really has been fun Phillip. Not at all what I was expecting and I'm sure glad that we had a chance to work with people as great as you and Ron. Thank you again and we'll see you soon."

At that we again say goodbye to everyone and head back to the car. Once the suitcases are in the trunk, I collapse in the back seat and am soon asleep.

* * *

Slowly I begin to wake up. At first all that I'm aware of is just being warm and comfy, snuggled under the covers. As I continue to wake up, I try to remember how I got here and for that matter how I got into my jammies.

Further contemplation is interrupted by the awakening of my bladder. Blast, I really don't want to get up but it's that or wet the bed. Double blast.

Tossing back the covers, I quickly scurry to the bathroom, do my business then scurry back to bed, limping all the way. My feet really are sore. On the way I notice that I don't have company and I'm not really sure of the time. Not really bothering to check the clock, I just jump right back into bed and snuggle back down. Ahh, the warm spot is still warm, heaven.

Just as I get back to the snuggly warm place I was at when I first woke up, someone opens the door to my room. Maybe if they think I'm asleep they'll go away. Thinking sleepy thoughts and keeping my eyes closed and my breathing as even as possible I listen to see if they'll go away, they don't.

I hear Mom softly say, "Alex, Alex honey, you need to get up."

Sleepy thoughts, sleepy thoughts, sleepy thoughts.

I can tell she's right next to the bed now.

"Come on sleepy head, out of bed."

I then feel her finger lightly brushing the tip of my nose and it's all I can do not to smile and ruin everything.

"Rise and shine honey. You need to get up and eat something."

At the mention of food, my stomach gives off a loud rumble which immediately gets us both giggling.

Opening my eyes, there's Mom kneeling at the side of my bed smiling at me.

"So you are alive. I was afraid I'd have to start planning your wake. Sleep well honey?"

"Mmm, very well, thank you."

"You were pretty out of it."

Yawning and stretching I reply, "I'll say. I don't even remember anything from when we got back into the car to come home."

"You were so tired honey. We could hardly rouse you. Your father eventually just carried you up here and Robbyn and I got you in your PJ's."

"Speaking of which, where is Robbyn, and for that matter what time is it?"

"Let's see, it's about ten-thirty Saturday morning. Your father is out playing golf, your sister is downstairs working on another outfit, and Robbyn is by the pool. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Ten-thirty? Wow, I must have been tired. Hmm, as to how I feel, not too bad I guess. The middle is fine; it's the ends that hurt. My feet, well let's just say that between my feet, ankles and knees, I'm not real sure how well I'll be able to move today and my hair hurts, at least my scalp does. I think Ron tried to pull most of my hair out yesterday."

"Some Advil aught to take care of that. That and just relaxing for the day. First though, you need to get up and get something to eat. Need help getting dressed?"

Smiling at the offer I say, "Sure. Thanks Mom."

Tossing back the covers, I swing my legs out. I still have my socks on and looking at them I notice little red dots around the toe area. Mom notices too.

"Hold on honey, let me take a look at those."

Mom kneels down and takes one sock off. A couple of the band aids have soaked through with blood.

"Ok sweetie, stay right there, I'll be right back."

Mom goes into the bathroom and I start to work the band aids off. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Man these smart. Eww, not pretty either.

Mom comes back with the first aid kit and proceeds to put cream and new band aids on them. Then does the other foot. With that done, she gets me new socks, clean underwear and something to wear. Looks like my yoga pants, tank top and fuzzy slippers are going to be the uniform of the day.

I hobble after Mom and we go downstairs.

"Now just sit and I'll get you something to eat. Anything special you want?"

"No, nothing too much since it's so close to lunch time."

Mom cuts me a nice thick piece of banana bread and pours me a glass of juice.

Robbyn is stretched out on one of the lounge chairs by the pool reading a magazine and listening to her mp3 player.

"If Ron or Phillip catch her they're going to yell at her. They gave us the lecture against sun exposure yesterday."

"She remembered. She slathered up with SPF 50 before going out. She said she just likes feeling the sun warming her. It should be a warm day too. It's supposed to get up to eighty."

"Maybe after lunch I'll do the same thing. Mmm, this is good bread."

"Glad you like it. Here, take these. They should help with the aches and pains."

Mom hands me some Advil which I gratefully take.

"So baby, what did you think of yesterday?"

"Well it certainly was interesting and really nothing like I expected. I can't imagine doing that every day or even several days out of the week. Models must be a lot tougher than I realized."

"If it's any consolation, I was talking to Phillip and he was mentioning that yesterday was not at all typical. PJ wanted to get your portfolio done as soon as possible and she wanted to make sure that it was made as good as possible. That's why she wanted Phillip to shoot the film. He's apparently very good and from what I saw, I believe it."

"Mom, why?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"Well, I've been thinking about all of this and I just don’t get it. Look, PJ is supposed to be one of the top agents around and then there's Phillip, he's a top photographer and they want to get this portfolio for me done and make it as good as it can be and I've been thinking that none of this can be cheap."

"You're right it isn't."

"Then why? I don't get it. It doesn't make sense that this much effort should be made over little 'ol me."

Mom looks like she's hesitating in telling me something then like she made up her mind.

"Ok, I was looking for the best time to discuss this with you anyhow. I guess now is as good a time as any.

The short of it is doors are being opened for you. You see, I noticed the same things you mentioned and I cornered PJ about it when she showed up at the studio.

A number of people have seen the potential in you and want to make sure you have every opportunity to develop it.

First, the Dempsey's want to repay you for saving their granddaughter. Now they know you don't want money and the fact that Elizabeth is just fine is good enough for you, but the fact remains they feel very much in your debt. So when Nike, through no effort on the Dempsey's part, expressed an interest in you for one of their commercials, they got us in touch with one of the top agents around.

You heard PJ; she's extremely busy and was not looking to bring on anyone new. The Dempsey's opened that door for us. It will be through her efforts that you get the best deal possible.

With me so far?"

"Sure, but that doesn't explain yesterdays photo shoot."

"It does in part. Another part is luck and another part is you."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"You're an extra-ordinary young lady."

'Oh Mom."

"No, not 'oh mom' you are. If you give me a second I'll try to show you how.

First, you're extremely good at your Parkour aren't you?"

"I'm not too bad I guess."

"That's a gross understatement and if you're objective about it you'd agree with me. I've been looking at the videos on the internet and comparing those to yours; well you're every bit as good or better."

"I guess."

"Well, let's just stipulate that your are. The result of your skill is two things. One, the film you made with Ellen's friend and two, you saving the life of Elizabeth. So the Parkour is all you.

Now the making of the film and the saving of Elizabeth triggered some other things. One, a very grateful set of grandparents who have some very specialized skills and knowledge. Two, people at Nike seeing your film and the talent they see in that film and thinking that you could help them sell their products.


"Yea, I see that."

"Now some luck. Some people at Nike happen to know the Dempsey's, the Dempsey's pass on their offer and are in a position to encourage you to take it where otherwise you might not. Agreed?"


"Here's a door opener. The Dempsey's, wanting to help the savior of their granddaughter as much a possible, get you in touch with PJ. You're right; PJ is one of the top agents around. If not for the Dempsey's, we'd never have gotten to see her.

So where are we at, at this point? Really we just need PJ to negotiate things with Nike and that's it right?"


"Now Nike has already determined that they want you but suddenly PJ is not only makes concessions on her commission far too easily, she also arranges yesterday's shoot. Phillip, by the way, was not the initial choice to do that. Originally, you were going to be sent to another photographer, a good one, just not in Phillip's league. So two questions, why arrange for you to get a portfolio and why change the photographer to one of the top ones around?"

"I don't know, that's what is so confusing to me."

"Well remember, PJ told us she wanted to send you out to get your portfolio during our meeting. Originally, she was just going to do the Nike bit as a favor to the Dempsey's and be done with it, you changed her mind."

"Me? How did I do that?"

"By being you sweetheart. You're so very beautiful and so very smart and so very very grown up. When PJ met you she felt that she had found the mother load. Here was someone who could really go places.

She feels that you have so much potential that she was willing to foot the cost of setting up your portfolio without having you under contract for more than the Nike commercial.

When PJ discussed our meeting together with the Dempsey's, it was they who said that they would foot the cost for getting your portfolio done by Phillip."

"Wow. But Mom, well I appreciate all that everyone is doing for me, but I don't want to just be given things. I want to do things based upon me and my abilities, not just 'cause someone gives them to me. That's not right."

"I know honey, I know that's how you feel, but that's not what's happening."

"It sure looks like it."

Mom taps my foot with her foot.


"I'd say you did just a little bit of work yesterday, wouldn't you?"

"Well, yea."

"Yea, you worked your tush off. No one just gave you anything. The wonderful pictures Phillip took of you are so wonderful because 'A' he's a very talented photographer and 'B' because of you. You're beautiful and most importantly, you take great pictures. Not everyone can take good pictures, no matter how handsome or pretty they are.

Doors were opened for you, that's all. If and when you do the Nike commercial, it's going to be your skill and talent and looks that will make that commercial work."

"Ok, I can kinda see that, but, well I don't want to seem ungrateful, but as I told you, I'm not sure what I want to do. What if all of this isn't something that I want to do?"

"Then you wont do it honey. All that is happening is you're being given the chance. If you take it, great, if you don't, that's ok too.

Remember this, you don't have to decide anything right this minute, you can stop at any time and no matter what your decision, I will always love you and support you. Ok?"

Hugging Mom I say, "I love you Mom."

"Oh sweetheart, I love you too."

* * *

I was in the family room watching some TV and thinking; ok I was really dozing, when someone snuggles up to me on the couch. Even half awake and with my eyes closed I know its Robbyn. It's like I can sense her aura or something, I think blindfolded I could find her in a crowded room. She feels like, hmm, I guess the best way to describe it is she feels like champagne; all light, sparkly and bubbly, with a hint of a summer day about her too.

Without opening my eyes, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.

"Hey there, taking a break from warming your bod by the pool?"

"Yea, that and it's time for some lunch. You ought to give it a try."

"What, lunch or warming your bod? I got to say, that as appealing as both sound, if I have to choose, I'll take the later."

Chuckling, Robbyn says, "You already warm my bod. Just having you hold me does that. I was actually talking about joining me outside silly."

"He, he. Ok, how about lunch, I change, then sun?"

"Sounds great." At that Robbyn gives me a kiss. As she starts to pull away, I pull her back and we really kiss.

"On second thought, why don't we just go back up to our room?"

"Well as nice as that sounds, your mom might start to wonder what happened to us. We are not alone."

"Hmm, good point. Ok, lunch, change, and pool it is."

With a final kiss, we get up and go to the kitchen for lunch.

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