Catwalk Confidence - Part 64

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 64

“Crap!” I think to myself as I watch the luminous numbers of the bedside clock change from 4:59 to 5:00, that would be five ante meridiem. I’ve been wide awake since four-thirty when my body apparently decided that I’d had enough sleep and that it was time to get up. My battle to prove it wrong and get a few more hours’ sleep has proven futile and conceding defeat I finally decide that I might as well put the time to good use.

Getting out of bed as quietly as possible so as not to wake up Mom, I grab my gym clothes and go into the bathroom to change. Once changed, I pull my hair back into a ponytail, turn out the light and go back into the main room. I write out a note telling Mom that I’m going for a quick run, and then down to the gym and that I’ll be back by six. I then grab my room key and a bottle of water and quietly leave our room.

Once down in the lobby I give a smile and a quick “Buongiorno” to the doorman and head outside for my run.

I start out at an easy pace, my course taking me towards the piazza with the Cathedral of Milan. The air is crisp and cool, perfect for a run. The traffic, in both cars and people is light and the city is still quiet.

I don’t see any other runners out and people pause and watch me as I pass. I give a quick wave of the hand or ignore them depending on how friendly they seem.

As I round the piazza I begin to hit my stride and for the first time see another runner. We give each other a wave as we pass, he going south and I north.

I love the architecture of Milan with the low buildings with iron balconies. The buildings themselves pieces of art as opposed to just boxes.

The street narrows as I pass the Galleria, the sky begins to lighten, changing from black to royal blue. Soon I pass the Galleria and encounter a small piazza lined with trees and a statue at the center. As I pass I see it’s a statue of Leonardo, one of my favorite historical figures.

As I approach the hotel and the end of my first lap, I decide to do one more then hit the hotel gym. I give the doorman a wave in passing then disappear around the corner again.

As I pass the piazza once more there are more people out. I see several other runners as well. Looking along the rooftops I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to run across them, leaping from one building to another, pitting my skills against the city to make my way across.

With a sigh I continue my run and soon I’m back at the small piazza heading back to the hotel. I slow to a walk when the hotel comes into view, greedily drinking my water. Today’s was a good run despite its short length. I really needed it after all the traveling and how long yesterday was.

The hotel doorman holds the door for me as I approach and with a smile I say “Grazie” for his courtesy then head off to the gym. There’re no heavy or speed bags so I decide to just stick with cardio and soon my heart rate is back up and I have a good glow on. Actually I’m sweating but Mom says ladies don’t sweat, they glow; I’m glowing quite profusely when I finally call it quits and head back up to the room.

Closing the door Mom calls out, “Alex?”

“Yeah, Mom, it’s me,” I reply as I head towards the bathroom peeling my sweaty clothes off as I go.

Mom’s in the bathroom finishing putting on her makeup and smiles at me through the mirror.

“Have a good workout?”

“It wasn’t too bad. I’d have liked to have done some tumbling or work with a bag but all in all it was pretty good.” I reach into the shower and turn it on, adjusting the temperature to just short of boiling.

“I was a bit concerned when I woke up and you weren’t here. Thanks for the note. I’m not sure I like the idea of you running in a strange city though.”

Stepping into the shower I reply, “Aw, Mom, its fine. I just ran around the piazza then the outside of the Galleria, then back again. There are plenty of people out. It isn’t like I’m roaming around lonely dark alleys or anything.”

“Well just be careful when you go out and make sure you know where you’re at. Remember all the things Joe taught you, too.”

Sighing as I soap up I say, “I will, Mom.”

With a chuckle Mom says, “Don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m your mother, it’s my job to nag and worry.”

“Mom, as steamy as it is in here, there’s no way you saw my eyes roll.”

“I didn’t have to see it, I’m your mother and I know when you roll your eyes at me. Now don’t take too long in there–that new hair of yours is going to take a bit of time to dry and style.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I quickly wash and rinse then not so quickly wash, rinse, condition, then rinse my hair again. Having it short certainly made maintaining it easier even if I don’t like it as much.

Done with my shower, I wring my hair out as much as I can then wrap it in a towel. Taking a second towel I wrap it about myself and head out to the main room.

Mom’s at the dresser and tosses me my powder blue bra and panty set.

Catching them I say, “Nope, I need the nude G and bra. I might have to try things on today and I can’t have my under things show.”

“Oh, okay, that makes sense I guess. What else are you wearing?”

“Hmm, not sure yet, I was kinda thinking of my jeans, a white tank and my boots. My boots are real comfortable and I’ll have heels to change into. The jeans and tank are simple and show my figure, plus if we do have to ride one of those Vespas around, I don’t want to do it in a skirt.”

“Makes sense but isn’t that too informal?”

“Well I think that’s the idea, at least that’s what everyone keeps saying anyway. I need to keep it as neutral as possible so they can picture me wearing their outfits. If Bobby thinks I should change I will but I think it’ll be okay.”

“And no makeup, Bobby said.”

“Right and for the same reasons, the most I can get away with is some lip gloss, maybe some basic foundation if I’m splotchy but nothing more.”

“Okay then, hurry up and finish dressing and I’ll work on your hair.”

I finish dressing and quickly put my carry bag together with everything I think I’ll need today, then Mom starts blow-drying and brushing my hair. Vince was right, without help, my new hair is arrow straight.

“We don’t have a curling iron or anything else that will get your curl back,” says Mom, “but tonight we can braid it wet and that should do the trick, at least it will give it some wave. In the meantime it looks just fine straight.”

Mom finishes up by pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

“There,” she says, “you’re gorgeous. Now it’s almost seven, do you want to just go on downstairs and wait for Bobby there?”

“Thanks, Mom. Yeah, let’s go on down. I’m not sure how much of a hurry we’re going to be in once he gets here.”

* * *

I should be a prophet. As soon as we step off the elevator we see Bobby enter the lobby.

“Hey, Bobby,” I say, “great timing and good morning by the way.”

“Good morning, Alex, Sharon. Yes it is good timing. I was just about to call you to rush on down here. We need to get you in to see the casting team right away; we’ll grab some breakfast right after. Are you ready?”

“I think so, do I look okay?”

Bobby looks me up and down then makes twirling motions with his finger so I’ll turn.

“Perfect, you look just fine. Let’s go. Sharon, this shouldn’t take too long and neither one of us can go in with her. Why don’t I see her in then meet you back here in the lobby?”

“That’ll be fine,” replies Mom.

I hand her my bag and jacket then start to follow Bobby.

“Ooops, hold on a sec,” I say and quickly go back to Mom and pull my portfolio out of my bag.

Mom gives me a smile and I rejoin Bobby.

“Can’t forget this,” I say with a smile.

Bobby grins and says, “No indeed. Take that as one of the cardinal rules of modeling: never ever forget your portfolio.”

Bobby leads me to a back service area and down a hall. Coming to a door he gives it a knock and a guy opens it and sticks his head out.

“Hey, Bobby, this her?” he asks, looking at me with a smile.

“Morning, Robert, yes this is she. Thanks again for doing this, we’re booked tight today. Alex, this is Robert. Go with him and when you’re done we’ll meet back out in the lobby.”

“Okay, Bobby.”

I turn towards Robert and he asks me to follow him.

We go through a back room to what looks like a conference area. Robert says, “Go stand next to that door, you’ll be called shortly. I’m going to open up for the other models, they’ll be lining up behind you.”

“Thank you, Robert.”

With that I go stand next to the door he indicated and he disappears through another and the other side of the room. Less than a minute later a girl, obviously a model comes in the same door Robert exited and after looking briefly around she heads towards me.

She smiles at me and in Italian she asks, “Is this where we line up?”

Smiling back I reply, “I certainly hope so or I’m going to be really upset.”

She gives me a laugh and before I can ask her name other girls follow after her and the door we’re standing next to opens.

A girl steps out and asks, “Who’s first?”

I raise my hand and give her a smile.

“All right then, go on in. The rest of you, please line up here and we’ll get to you as fast as we can.”

I go through the door into another conference room. Opposite me is another door and at the other end of the room is a line of tables with several people sitting and standing behind.

After closing the door, the girl says, “Go ahead and walk on down.”

A bit nervously I walk down the room. At the center table an older man is sitting and watching me as I walk towards the tables. I make my way to him as the rest of the people seem to be still getting settled.

When I reach the table I smile and say, “Good morning, I’m Alexandra Conners. I’m pleased to meet you.”

The others turn to look at me and the guy sitting replies, “Good morning, Alexandra. May we see your book please?”

I pass it over and he starts to look through it along with the lady who is standing next to him.

The gentleman says, “Walk for us please, to the end of the room and back.”

I turn and walk to the end of the room, pause and pose, then turn and walk back.

“Again please,” he says, “a little faster and do not move your arms so much.”

I nod my head in understanding and do as instructed. When I get back to the table they hand me my book back and I see them writing on one of my comp cards.

“Thank you, Alexandra, you may leave.”

The girl who let me in indicates that I should leave out of the door opposite the one I entered so I do. All in all I don’t think it took five minutes.

Once out the door I see I’m in the hallway leading back to the lobby and soon am rejoining Mom and Bobby.

* * *

“So, how did it go?” asks Mom.

A bit puzzled, I reply, “I…I don’t know. I don’t think I did very well.”

“Let’s go get some breakfast,” says Bobby, “and you can tell us all about it.”

I take my bag from Mom and the three of us go into the restaurant.

Once we’re settled at a table and I’m sipping a cup of what has to be the best coffee I’ve ever had, Bobby asks, “Now tell me, why you think you didn’t do very well.”

“Well I’m not sure…okay, first when I went in there some of the people weren’t even paying attention to me, and then I don’t think they liked my walk and finally I don’t think they looked at me for more than a minute or two. I don’t know, it just seemed like it didn’t go very well.”

“Okay, I meant to have this talk with you and I guess now is as good a time as any. First, nothing you said jumps out to me that things went badly. I’ve learned a long time ago that when you think things weren’t good, sometimes they really went great and vice versa.

“The next thing to keep in mind is to get used to rejection. This is a tough business and you’ll be rejected for a job more than you’re accepted for one. The key is to not take it personally. You are selling a product and that product is your looks, attitude and how well you show the clothes and you can’t appeal to everyone for everything. If you try you’ll self-destruct.

“The very best thing you can do is stay true to yourself. That may seem a bit trite but it’s true. You’re going to be told you’re too tall or too short, too fat or too skinny. Most of the time you’ll never know why you didn’t get a job but as soon as you try to be everything to everyone, that’s when you’ll fall apart. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen time and again.

“The next thing to keep in mind is how competitive being a model is. If at the end of next week you get one booking I’ll be pleased.

“Milan is the most challenging city for a new model, more so than New York, Paris or London. Most of the shows know well in advance of Fashion Week who they want to walk. At most, there’s only going to be one or two, three if you’re lucky, spaces in any one show for you to get. Now add to that the hundreds of new models that show up trying for those spots and you begin to get the idea of what the odds can be.

“Something else you need to keep mind is what they’re looking for in Milan may not be what they want in New York or Paris. A model could book every show in one city and none in another and what designers were looking for in a model the last show probably won’t be what they’re looking for this time around. It’s all a guessing game.”

“So I might not get anything?” I was rather upset at the prospect.

“No, you might not, but I don’t think that’s likely. You are a bit handicapped because you missed out on New York and London Fashion Weeks but from what I’ve seen and what everyone has said of you so far, I really think we’ll find you something. To do that though we need to get you to castings and that’s why you’re going to be so busy.

“Right now I have four castings for you to go to today.”

“Four?” I say excitedly, “that’s great!”

“I should have said only four. I want you to have at least double that to go to today, tomorrow and if nothing has turned up then the day after as well. The more castings you get, the better our chances. That’s why after the next one, which will be at eight, I’m going to go back to the office and see what I can do.

“By the way, Lisa got in late last night and will be doing the same. As soon as we get a bit of a breather we’ll get the two of you together. For now though, let’s eat and get going and don’t worry about this casting. My guess is even those who you thought weren’t paying attention to you, really were.”

* * *

After quickly eating breakfast and getting another cup of this delicious coffee to go, we head out to my next casting.

Once settled in the taxi I ask Bobby, “So is this next one with a casting agent too?”

“No, this one is for Angelo Marani. In fact, here’s your morning schedule. Now I know you probably won’t get to all of them but try. If it looks like you’re going to be late for one, give me a call: we want to make sure that the casting you might miss isn’t the better opportunity for you.”

I nod my head in understanding and show Mom the list.

“Whenever possible,” continues Bobby, “I try to schedule castings as near to each other as possible. Here’s a map with the locations marked. Your next casting after this is over here just three blocks away. I’m going to leave you after this one and try to get you some more plus see what Lisa has turned up.”

We pull up to a building and step out of the taxi.

Walking through the door into a showroom, Bobby directs me towards the back then says with a smile, “Your Mom and I will stay here, go knock their socks off.”

Mom’s smiling too, I return both then head on back to where I see a couple of other models standing by a door.

Approaching the last girl in line I ask, “Ciao, c’e un segno nella lista?”

The girl smiles at me, shakes her head and says, “Sorry” in English.

“Oh, I was asking if there’s a sign in sheet or something.”

“No, we just wait here until called. Someone will be out in a moment.”

“Thank you.”

With another smile, the girl goes back to reading her magazine.

With a sigh I take my place behind her and wait.

A few minutes later the door opens, a model walks out and indicates that the next girl should go in. The door closes and we all take a half-step closer towards the door. This happens a couple more times until I’m next. By this time this time there’s about ten or so girls behind me.

Soon it’s my turn and I enter. At the far end of the room is a table and there are racks upon racks of clothes and accessories around.

Standing straight and with a smile on my face I walk over to the table where several people are gathered watching me approach. Just by their body language and the way they’re talking together I assume that the older gentleman with short grey hair, glasses and a smile is Angelo Marani.

When I get to the table I say, “Good morning, my name’s Alex Conners” in Italian then wait to see what they want me to do.

“Good morning, I’m Angelo Marani,” says the man I rightly identified, “may we see your book?”

“Certamente,” I reply as I hand it over.

“You’re from the U.S.” he says with surprise, “you speak Italian very well.”

“Yes I am and thank you.”

“Why don’t you walk for me, to the end there and back.”

I smile, nod my head, then turn and go into ‘runway’ mode and walk to the end of the room and back.

“Good, could you try some things on for me please?”


“Anna,” he says to the lady next to him, “let’s try the yellow skirt and the black bustier top. Her heels will be fine for now.”

Anna comes over and leads me to a rack where she pulls out a cute but short yellow layered skirt with black dots all over it then a black leather bustier. Turning to Angelo she asks, “The jacket as well?”

“Yes,” is his reply.

Anna grabs the jacket that matches the bustier then directs me over to a dressing room. It’s cramped but I quickly change. I struggle a bit with the bustier and finally step out holding the top in place and ask Anna, “Could you help with these last fastenings?”

She comes over, finishes hooking me up then helps me put on the jacket. The outfit is young and fun and I like it.

At Anna’s indication, I ‘walk’ back down to Angelo Marani and stop in a pose. After holding the pose for a couple of seconds, I look down to him. He’s watching me and nods his head then says, “Walk back down to the end and back please.”

I turn and do as he says. When I get back he says, “I want to get a couple Polaroids of you then you may go.”

Anna directs me to a white wall and takes my picture both full length and facial. Afterwards I’m told that I can change again.

I quickly change back and Anna takes the clothes while I go back to the table where I’m handed back my book.

“Thank you,” I say.

Angelo Marani says “We may be in touch, send in the next girl please.”

At this dismissal I make sure I have everything and leave.

Once I rejoin Mom and Bobby, I take my heels off and slip back into my boots.

“Well,” asks Mom, “how did it go?”

“Better I think. Angelo Marani was in there and he saw me walk then had me try on an outfit, it was adorable by the way, then he had me walk again. They said they may call.”

“Always a good sign,” says Bobby. “Okay then your next appointment is three blocks that way. I’m heading back to the office and will be in touch. Good luck and we’ll talk later. Call me if you need anything or have any questions.”

“Will do Bobby, talk to you soon.”

Bobby heads off in one direction and Mom and I in the other.

As we walk I’m trying to orient myself with the map. Finally frustrated I take out my phone and check the GPS.

“Thank god for smart phones,” I say. “I wish they labelled their streets better, I can see getting lost here real easy.”

“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve seen worse,” says Mom.

“I guess it’s not like we’ll be doing any driving. It might not be a bad idea to check out their subway system and figure out the trolley system too. Taking taxis everywhere can get pricey and that’s if you can find one all the time.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to find out I guess.”

“Say, Mom, I was thinking. These castings seem pretty tame: show up, wait in line, walk and then leave for the next one. You had mentioned that you had business too so I can do the castings if you wanted to get your work done. Between taxis and my GPS I’ll be fine.”

“Hmm, let me think now…how about after this next casting?”

“Oh, ah sure.” I was a bit surprised by her quick acceptance of my idea.

“Good, right after you’re done with this next casting we’ll go to the hospital and get your head examined.”


“Well you obviously need to have you head examined if you think I’m going to let you go off on your own young lady. It’s going to be a bit longer before I feel comfortable enough with everything to let you go off like that. We might make an exception here or there but I wouldn’t place any bets on it. Clear?”

“Yes, ma’am, very clear…thanks, Mom.”

Mom puts her arm around my waist and gives me a little hug and a smile just as we arrive at my next appointment.

* * *

The pillow rushed up to meet me, or really I down to meet it. Face first in the thick hotel pillow, no one can hear me groan.

The day went from just plain busy to massively chaotic real fast. I’ve come to the conclusion that models are so thin, not because they don’t eat, but because all the rushing around they do burns off any calories they may consume.

I ended up doing eleven castings today, Lisa and Bobby having succeeded in finding a few more for me to do. I’m still not sure how I managed to make all of them. You can’t rush a casting, you’re there at the leisure of the designer or casting agent and they won’t be rushed. It’s a whole lot of hurry up and wait: run like crazy to get there on time, wait with all the other girls, get called in and having to be chipper and upbeat while wondering if they like what they see or not, then rush off to the next casting when they let you go to start the cycle all over again.

The only good thing about waiting in line was finally being able to catch up on my emails. Robbyn is begging to hear all about the shopping here and Blair is doing the same about the restaurants. Robbyn’s last day of her play is this weekend and she promises that her parents are filming the show and that she’ll get a copy to me.

Blair wants me to be sure to try all different foods so she can get a more detailed report out of me. I decided to collect the menus from the places we eat at whenever I can to give to her.

Speaking of food, thank god Mom was with me or I would’ve missed lunch having to wait in line for another casting. Poor Mom, this can’t be easy for her, probably terribly boring. I’ve got to say I’m feeling rather guilty about her having to chase after me all day long.

I heard back from Aunt Dee too. It turns out we were only a couple of miles from each other during the layover at Heathrow. Aunt Dee is apparently in London for business all week.

Oh well, we’ll meet up soon enough, at least I hope so.

With that thought my world starts to turn grey as I begin to fall asleep, at least until Mom shakes my leg.

“Hey you, no sleeping yet. You didn’t have much of a lunch and need to eat dinner. Come on, up and at ’em.”

“Muffmrllu…Immm tyruuud.”

“I don’t care, you need to get up and eat something.”

“Mff eee muproroo.”

“Although filling, your pillow has absolutely no nutritional value and besides they don’t go down very easily. Now up!”

That last was accompanied by a hard slap on my butt.”

“Owooo! Meeeereee!”

Mom laughs and says, “That’s nothing, if you really want to see a meany, wait until I go get a glass of water.”

Finally lifting my head I give her my best glare which only gets her laughing some more.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me,” she responds with a smile.

Rubbing my butt I sit up, mumbling, “My own mother beats me, oh woe is me, woe is me. I’ll probably have a bruise now, all chances for that gazillion dollar contract with Victoria’s Secret out the window because you beat me.”

“Ha! Like your father or I would let you even do lingerie at fifteen. It’s going to be a few more years before that happens young lady.”

With an exaggerated sigh I say, “True and I wouldn’t have the nerve to do it anyway. Okay, I’m up now, I’m going.”

“Are you sure you’re going to be all right tonight? I can meet with my client another time.”

“I’m sure, Mom. After dinner I think I’ll just do a light workout downstairs at the gym then hit the bed. It’ll be nice for you to get out and have some grown-up time and meet with your client and her husband.”

“Okay then, you just be sure to call me if you need me. I can be back here in no time.”

“Mother, I’ll be fine, really I will. Don’t you be out too late ’cause my first go see is at eight sharp. If that changes I’ll leave you a note.”

Mom keeps me company in the hotel restaurant until her clients show up. After finishing my salmon sandwich and a real good smoothie I go back up to the room to change into my workout clothes.

After changing, I’m still not really feeling that motivated to go down to the gym, so I decide to step out onto our small balcony to take in some of the cool night air.

The balcony is only wide enough to open the doors, not even big enough for a chair but it’s nice to be able to let the cool air in and lean out and look around. The view isn’t great, there’s another building just across the narrow street.

Leaning out and twisting I look up, noting the elaborate architectural details of the building.

“Man,” I think to myself, “it’s like a ladder all the way to the top.”

Without even thinking about it I reach up and grab the lintel and start to pull myself upwards. Soon I’m at the next floor, my fingers and toes naturally finding the best purchases as I continue to climb in an almost trance-like state.

Soon I’m stopped by the decorative cornice that juts out a good foot and a half to two feet, but only momentarily. Reaching out one-handed, I grab the outer ledge. Comfortable in my grip I let go with my other hand and swing free, dangling above the street seventy feet below.

Calmly I look around, loving the view and the feeling of exhilaration running through my blood. I reach up with my other hand and pull myself up. As I lift myself up I realize my actions aren’t going unnoticed. Just to my left the dark grey continence of either an ugly angel or a pretty gargoyle is watching my progress.

“Hello,” I say as I heave myself up and twist to sit on the edge, “I hope I’m not intruding.”

With no reply, I assume that he doesn’t mind and I take a minute to look around and catch my breath.

Directly across from me is a building the same height and by the looks of it, it’s directly attached to the galleria.

“Now isn’t that interesting,” I say softly to my stony companion. “Given how much the cornices of both buildings jut out, I just might be able to jump that. Hmm, let me see something.”

I get up and start to walk around. I climb up the sloped roof behind me to get a better view. It looks like there isn’t anywhere on my side for me to get up enough speed. Coming back might be an issue too. There’s room to get speed on the opposite roof but landing on this side could cause issues. The corners of the roof top are actually the outside terraces for the Presidential and Diplomatic suites. The occupants might not take too kindly with me ‘dropping’ in on them. The center between the terraces is the peaked roof of the suites themselves.

Looking around a bit more I notice something that I missed before in the low light. Going over I raise my eyebrows in surprise. There are three half-inch cables that run across from the hotel to the other building. One is at ledge height, the second is attached half way up the slope and the third is at the peak about six feet from the lowest one.

Peering into the dark across the way it looks like they’re only attached to a pole on the other side.

Sitting back down next to my new friend I ask, “Now what do you suppose those are for?”

Not getting an answer I lean back against his wing to give it some thought. Now I know I could just give them a try but I’ve been very lucky over the years in not getting myself hurt too badly. The main reason for that is I’m very careful in checking things prior to doing anything. The last thing I need is to injure myself and ruin any modeling opportunity that may come up.

“And that’s just it…say what am I going to call you?”

Looking closer at my silent new found friend I try to think of a name. With the straight line frown and the dirt making him look like he’s wearing eyeliner that’s running, I decide.

“I think I’ll call you, ‘Ozzie’, you kind of look like him you know. Now that we’ve got that settled, what am I going to do, Ozzie? I did almost a dozen go-sees today and you want to know something? Aside from one oriental girl, I was the only one I saw with black hair. Most of the girls I saw were blonde. I’m also a bit heavier than most of those I saw, some were really skinny. No way could I do that, heck I just got this weight back on.

“I probably shouldn’t worry about it; I know I’m just impatient. I’m sure I’ll hear something tomorrow. Now I hate to just pop in then run off again but I really am tired and I think I need to skip working out and go back down to bed. See you again later, who knows, maybe tomorrow night and thanks for letting me bend your ear.”

With that I roll over onto my stomach and swing myself down. Reversing my path up here I’m soon back on our balcony. Noting my dirty hands and forearms, I strip off my clothes and head to the shower. Thirty minutes later I’m sound asleep in bed.

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