Catwalk Confidence - Part 40

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Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

You spend your entire life thinking you’re just like any other boy, when you suddenly find out you aren’t, trying to adjust can be difficult.

Part 40

Mom lets me cry and babble on the trip home. She just hands me a tissue at regular intervals and makes soothing sounds at me.

I'm not even aware of the trip, just of my overwhelming humiliation. By time we get home, Mom has been able to piece together enough to know what happened and I'm aware enough of things to know it's all she can do not to laugh. I think if she did, I would have jumped from the car and she knows it.

Immediately when we get home I go upstairs and hide. I just can't face anyone now. I know its juvenile and all, but I just can't help it.

At one point I hear that we have company. I can't tell who, but I can guess. Grabbing a blanket off the shelf I pull it over my head and start praying for a rip in the space time continuum to happen right here and now and swallow me up.

I must have dozed because the next thing I know, Mom is sitting on the floor next to me rubbing my shoulder.

"Hey there, ready to join the rest of us?"

"Oh god Mom, I really messed things up."

"No you didn't honey. You just saw something, jumped to conclusions and made a natural mistake is all."

"You forgot to add making a fool out of myself, embarrassing my sister and probably ruining her relationship. Is she very mad at me? I am so sorry Mom, really I am."

Mom smiles down at me. "No one is mad at you honey, especially your sister. She's rather proud of you coming to her defense. Even though you really didn't need to, you didn't know that. And don't worry about her relationship, its fine. If it wasn't, it wouldn’t be worth it anyway.

Now why don't you crawl out of here, go wash your face and come down and join the rest of us."

"Um, who's here?"

"Don't worry. Ellen was just dropped off, no one else is here."

"How'd you know I was in here?"

"You always hide in the linen closet. You have since you could walk. Now come on, you can't hide forever."

Smiling I say, "I don't know, I might be able to manage it." I then wrap my arms around Mom's waist and hug her.

"I really didn't mess things up too badly?"

"Really honey, now come on."

* * *

Looking in the bathroom mirror, I wonder when the circus got into town. Between the red blotchy eyes and the smudged makeup, I look like I should be following twenty other clowns out of a tiny car.

While washing my face and repairing my makeup, Robbyn comes in and leans against the door jam with a big smile on her face.

"Remind me never to get you upset with me."

"Oh Robbyn, don't start. It's bad enough as it is. I'm going to have to go downstairs and talk to Ellen and at some point I'm going to have to apologize to Brandon."

Giggling she says, "I would have loved to have seen you push him in the pool."

"There I was, full of righteous wrath over my sister's boyfriend being unfaithful to her and taking it upon myself to teach him a lesson, I storm up to him and shove him into the pool. Exit stage left with head held high, knowing that I struck a blow for woman everywhere. At least until I saw Ellen walk in with her real boyfriend. At that point all I could do was run away. Now stop laughing. "

At that point I can't help myself and I start laughing along with Robbyn.

"Oh dear, you should have seen his face, it was priceless. Ok, how do I look? I need to go face Ellen now."

"Yummy, but then you always do. The eyes are still a bit red but getting better by the moment. You're good to go."

"Thanks. If this doesn't go well, just don't get between me and the linen closet. I may be heading back there real soon."

With both of us giggling, we head down stairs.

I hear Mom and Ellen talking in the kitchen. As I get closer, my anxiety kicks up a notch.

I don't think Ellen will be too pissed at me but it's been awhile since I've done something this boneheaded too.

Turning to Robbyn before we get to the kitchen I tell her, "Don't you dare leave my side until this whole thing gets straightened out, ok?"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine and I'll be with you."

Stepping into the kitchen the first thing Ellen does is give me a huge smile. The second thing she does is get up and come give me a big hug.

Giggling she says, "My hero."

"Oh Ellen, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't mess things up too bad."

"Don't worry sis, everything is fine. You didn't mess anything up. I couldn't be prouder of you and Jack thinks it's hilarious."

"You sure?"

"Very, now stop worrying."

Giving Ellen another hug I say "Thanks sis. Now why didn't you tell me you were dating Brandon's brother?"

"Well both our schedules have been absolutely crazy lately and I just kept putting it off. I should have made the time but I guess I didn't want to jinx things. Forgive me?"

"Oh Ellen." And we both start hugging again. I'm beginning to feel like all is now right in the world.

While we're hugging, the door bell goes off. Laughing at how crazy things have been for both of us, we go and open the door. Standing there is a six foot seven thunder cloud.

"Well hello Brandon," says Ellen.

Looking daggers at me, he responds, "Ellen."

"What's up?"

Still looking daggers at me he says, "I was hoping I could convince you and your sister here to help me with a little problem I'm having."


"Brandy is out in the car and for some inexplicable reason, she is convinced that I have been cheating on her with both you and your sister here. I would like it very much if you and your sister would come out to explain just why in hell… excuse me, explain why Alex pushed me in the pool."

Trying to hold back a snicker, Ellen turns to me and raises her eyebrow in question.

As I try to hold back a snicker myself, I say "Sure, so she's here?"

With an angry growl he turns and says through clenched teeth, "She's in the car."

Turning to Ellen as we follow Brandon out and I mouth to her "Brandy?"

She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders smiling at me.

Ellen and I follow Brandon back out to his car. Robbyn is right behind me and I see Brandy leaning against the car with a sour look on her face while Brandon tells her something.

"Ok, now Alex, could you please explain about what happened at the pool today?"

"Sure. " Turning to Brandy I say, "Ever since the baby was born . . . "

To which Brandon starts to turn purple all over and starts sputtering and an angry glint forms in Brandy's eye.

". . . just kidding. Gee, trying to lighten things up here. Ok, Brandy is it?"

At her glaring nod I continue.

"Well Ellen here started dating Jack who's Brandon's brother but I didn’t' know that well I knew they were brothers but not that Ellen was dating Jack and the other day I caught a glimpse of Jack pulling away in his car and I thought that there was something familiar about him but I only caught a glimpse of him so I couldn't be sure but then today when I saw Brandon at the pool, I saw his profile and you have to admit that if you look at both of their profiles they really do look an awful lot alike and that isn't true of all siblings just take a look at Ellen and me so you can see where I made the mistake then when I saw you and him kissing I just naturally thought that here was Ellen's boyfriend cheating on her and by golly I wasn't just going to sit by and see someone treat my sister that way after all she is my sister and we need to look after each other 'cause blood is thicker and water and all that so I went over and pushed him in the pool and I feel just terrible that I made this horrible mistake but it was just a mistake and there is no reason to think that there is anything going on with Brandon and Ellen 'cause Ellen really digs his brother and would never two-time someone and besides I don't really think that Brandon is her type so you see it all was really quite innocent and there isn't one little thing to worry about ok?"

I did that in my best dumb blonde imitation and almost all in one breath too. As I stand there smiling my most vapid smile at Brandy, Robbyn is having a coughing fit behind me and Ellen is covering her mouth with her hand and looking at passing clouds.

I can see Brandy trying to decipher all I said and after she does and with a still suspicious look at me she says, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

Rolling her eyes, she asks again, "What. About. You. And. Brandon?"

"Me? As in me and Brandon? Oh, well there was just that one night and it was wonderful . . . . he's such a nice dancer don't ya think, well he is but anyway, that's all there was just one real nice night dancing. You know some guys just can't dance a lick? Well it's true, anyway that's all"

Brandon looks like he's about ready to burst a blood vessel at this point and is incapable of saying anything and Brandy is still looking at me real suspiciously.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Don't know Brandy, but honest injun, he's not my type."

"Not your type? That I don't believe. He's tall, handsome and load . . . um, loads of fun."

I am really beginning to get turned off by the intense 'bitch' vibes Brandy is giving off. Sighing, I drop the act and say, "Brandy, I admit that I was pulling your chain a bit right now, but not about Brandon. He's a really nice guy but he is not my type. The most we have ever had between us was a bit of dancing at the club and both Ellen and my parents were there too."

"Ok then, if he isn't your type, what is?"

Exasperated by the jealous, bitchy vibes this gal is broadcasting, I turn, grab Robbyn and give her as passionate a kiss as I can.

"She is, ok?" Then to Brandon, "Désolé encore Brandon, au revoir.”

Three sets of jaws hit the front lawn and Robbyn is looking up at me like I hung the moon in the sky or something. Taking her hand I turn and we go back into the house leaving Ellen, Brandon and his jealous girlfriend speechless by the driveway.

* * *

Back in the kitchen, Mom asks if we want some lemonade.

"Thanks Mom that would be great.

"This is turning into quite the day for relationship revelations."

"Um, you heard?"

"Yes. I just wanted to make sure things didn't get out of hand. I'll always have your back baby." And she smiles at me.

"Thanks Mom. You're not upset that Robbyn and I are out in the open now are you?"

"Of course not honey, I told you at the beginning that my only worry is you two getting hurt. I have no problems with the actual relationship itself. You two just be careful though. You're both are still awful young and there's an awful lot of narrow minded people out there who it would bother and even though it shouldn't matter, some times it can. So be careful, ok?"

Sure Mom. Robbyn . . ." I turn to Robbyn and she's just looking at me with a little half smile but she's not saying anything.

"Robbyn, are you ok?"

"You kissed me, out in front of everyone and everything. You kissed me."

"Yea, I know. I'm sorry for just springing that on you but that crazy jealous cow was on my last nerve and that was the best way I could think of to convince her. Mad at me?"

"Mad?" At that she grabs me and kisses me full out. When she's done I'm seeing little flashes of light and my heart is racing. Mom has her eyebrow raised and is shaking her head.

"So much for careful."

Robbyn is grinning up at me and I've never felt happier.

Ellen clears her throat. "So it wasn't just an act."

Turning to her I say, "Does it bother you?"

"Me? God no. I'm just a bit surprised is all, but I'm also very happy for you both. Just, well like Mom said, you two be careful ok? There's a ton of ways for the two of you to get hurt and I wouldn't want to see that happen."

We both smile at her and Mom and nod our heads.

* * *

Over lunch we discuss the trip down to L.A. tomorrow.

"So Ellen, you're ok with this trip and the Tonight Show and all? I don't want to mess up any plans you may have with Jack."

"No, this is going to be great. I need a bit of a break from school and Jack has had some things he's needed to do but has been putting off."


"Well," Mom says, "is there anything you girls would like to do tomorrow? Your father will be working and the Tonight Show won't be until Friday."

"We can always do some shopping." Says Ellen. "Oh I know, why don't we do one of those cheesy Hollywood tours? After that we can do some shopping. It'll be fun."

"Say Ellen, that's not a bad idea," replies Mom. "How about it girls?"

"Gee Mom that would be fun."

"Mrs. C that would be a blast."

So while we're eating our lunch, we surf the web for a company that gives tours around Hollywood. We find one that looks like it could be fun. Starlight Tours goes to all the main sites like Mann's Chinese Theater, Madame Tussauds Wax museum, and a bunch of other places that look fun, then ending at Rodeo Drive. We were thinking of also doing one of those tour of the homes of the stars but everything we found seemed that it wouldn't be worth it. In any case, just seeing some of the other places sounds like this aught to be a ton of fun.

After lunch, Mom goes to make the reservations for the tour and Ellen, Robbyn and I go to see what we're going to wear to the Tonight Show.

I decide that I will wear my new white jeans, my fitted aqua top and heels. Robbyn decides she'll wear her leather skirt and dark rose top and heels and Ellen decides she'll wear her designer jeans and black tank and heels. We were going to look spectacular.

Once Friday night's outfits are decided, we go ahead and pack our suitcases to have everything ready for the morning.

With the packing done, Robbyn and I just lay back on the family room couch snuggling. It feels so nice just holding each other.

"Sorry if kissing you in front of everyone earlier embarrassed you at all."

"It was a surprise, a very nice surprise, but it didn't embarrass me. I'm glad you did it. I'm really glad your Mom and sister are taking it so well. How do you think your dad will react?"

"Hmm, not sure. I think he'll be fine. I mean we haven't really been sneaking around as it is and he isn't blind. Although he can be oblivious to some things sometimes. I'm thinking he'll be fine though.

Now the big question is your folks. How are they going to feel about all this? Mom's right, some people tend to freak out when they see same sex relationships and you're their little girl and we're only fifteen."

"I think they'll be ok with it. I think it'll be like your folks; Mom will probably react like yours did, Daddy is a bit of a question mark but I think he'll be fine."

"Good, I hope they're ok with it. Hey, maybe Mom and Dad will help us break the news. They're really close with your folks. Wouldn't hurt ya think?"

"That would help."

"We'll talk to Mom about it in a bit. In the mean time there's something we need to talk about."

"What's that?"

"Well, when I was talking to Amanda, we talked about the relationship you and I have. Her only concern too was that the two of us took it easy so we didn't get hurt. I never want to hurt you Robbyn and I never want to lose you as a friend, so if you ever want to see someone else or, you know, not want to be with me, you know like we are, then just tell me. It would hurt but not nearly as much as losing you as a friend would."

"Oh Alex, there's not going to be anyone else."

"I'm just saying, I know how I feel and I'm as sure as I can be about how you feel, but everyone is right, we are just fifteen and that is real young. Now do I think we'll split up? No I don't, but promise me this, no matter what happens, no matter who comes along, we'll always be friends."

I was nearly in tears at this point and so was Robbyn.

Robbyn turns my hand palm up and traces the pale little scar there, then turns her hand up to show the matching one on her hand.

"You forgot the spell we did. We'll always be friends. No matter what happens, no matter who comes into our lives or leaves our lives, we'll always have each other."

"I didn't forget." I whisper, "I just want to make sure."

Both of our eyes are watery as we look at each other and smile.

* * *

Bright and early the next morning I'm up even before the alarm goes off. I quickly take care of my impatient bladder then go back into the room to try and wake up Robbyn, a massive challenge especially this early.

"Come on sleepy head, time to rise and shine."

One eyelid barely opens before closing again.

Pulling the covers off of her, I say again, "Robbyn, time to get up. Wakie, wakie."

"Uhhh, go way."

"If I go away, I'll be back with a cold glass of water."

Opening her eyes, Robbyn says, "You wouldn't."

I just smile at her.

"You would and I thought you loved me."

"I do, but we need to get moving so we can get to L.A., now get up and let's get into the shower. I'll scrub your back, and if you're real good and get moving, I'll scrub your front too."

That seems to motivate her and soon we were in the shower laughing and soaping each other up.

The dress for the day for the both of us is nice jeans, tee-shirt and our trainers. When we get downstairs, Ellen is dressed the same way. Mom is wearing a light dress with sandals.

After everyone's gone through the morning greeting rituals, Robbyn and I sit down to eat our breakfast.

Mom asks, "You girls have everything packed?"

"Yup, we brought our suitcases down and they're in the front hall."

"Very good. The car should be here in about a half hour so as soon as you two are done, double check to make sure you have everything."

"Will do Mom."

Dad comes in at this point and the whole 'good morning' bit is repeated and for some reason that gets Robbyn, Ellen and I to giggling. Mom just shakes her head and Dad just looks confused.

Soon the car arrives and we all pile in to go to the airport. Robbyn and I are practically vibrating we're so excited. Me for getting to fly in a helicopter again, her for getting to do it for the first time. Ellen seems almost as excited as we are. Mom is always calm and seems to be enjoying how excited we're getting. Dad, well he's going over e-mails on his phone and is oblivious to everything else.

When we get to the airport and to the small building where the waiting room for private aircraft is, we all pile out and go inside. Inside, I immediately see Bridget talking to someone at the counter.

"Hey Bridget."

"Well hello Alex, nice to see you again."

"Bridget, this is my Mom, my sister Ellen and my best friend Robbyn. Everyone, this is Bridget, our pilot that I've told you all about. So are we ready, can we board?"

Laughing at my eagerness, everyone says hello and Bridget tells us that we can go ahead and board.

After storing our luggage and the obligatory safety instructions, we all buckle up and soon we're airborne and on our way to L.A.

This trip is even more fun than the last one I took. Ellen and Robbyn seem almost as excited as I am and we're chattering away. Bridget occasionally points out things of interest and in what seems hardly any time at all we're landing at the heliport at Dad's work.

Dad tells us goodbye and we get in the car to go check into the hotel. This time we're staying at the Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica and it's a cool older building. Very fancy and right on the beach. Even better, it has a pool. We check in and are shown to our rooms. Mom and Dad have a small suite with a king bed and Ellen, Robbyn and I will share a connecting room that has two queens.

As we're finishing up unpacking, Mom comes into our room.

"Girls, as soon as you're done, we'll go down to go catch the tour, then when we're done with that, we'll get some lunch and then get some shopping done. How does that sound?"

Ellen says, "That sounds great Mom." And Robbyn and I both nod our head in agreement.

The tour is surprisingly fun. It's real neat to see all the stars on the walk of fame and read the names and see how their hand prints compare to ours. At one point we come across Marilyn Monroe's star and Robbyn does an amazing impersonation of her doing the "Happy Birth Day Mr. President" song. It has us all going and even some passerby's clap. That gets Robbyn blushing and laughing all at the same time.

Madame Tussauds is fun but also weird. Some of the figures are obviously statues but some are so realistic they're creepy. We took our pictures with the stars, probably our only chance to our picture taken with the likes of Jonny Depp, Selma Hayek, Britney Spears, Hugh Jackman and so many others. It was neat to find out that Taylor Swift and I are the same height and that Tom Cruse is just a little guy.

After the museum we all keep swearing that we see some actor or actress or other famous person. We're wrong but its fun.

"Hey, there's Hilary Duff!" I say.

Robbyn says "Where?"

"Over there, see?"

"Hey, that's not Hilary Duff, that's Justin Bieber."

Ellen says, "I think you're both right." And that gets us all laughing.

With the tour done, we find a nice little place to grab some lunch. We're all sipping our drinks and waiting for our food to arrive when Ellen says, "Don't look now, but there's Jake Mansion sitting over at that table.

Now Jake is that new actor in the movie 'Soul Searcher' and looks to be a big star real fast if the popularity of the movie is any gauge.

"Ellen" I say, "I'm too tired to play that anymore."

"No, really, I swear that's him."

Robbyn turns and immediately starts elbowing my side.

"Ouch, Robbyn why . . ."

It is him. There are a couple of people over at his table asking for an autograph even.

"Wow, he's as good looking in person as he is in the movie, better even," says Robbyn.

I poke her in the side which elicits a yelp from her, but I have to admit he is one good looking guy. He has that Jonny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Leonardo DiCaprio almost too pretty for a guy but still all male look about him. Yep, there's definitely a reason why he's the fastest growing heart throb going right now.

"Yum," says Ellen.

"Hey, you have a boyfriend," says Robbyn, "Yum."

"Hey, you have a girlfriend," I say.

This gets us giggling until Mom says "yum, and I'm married." This gets us all looking at her with our jaws hanging open until she adds, "Well, I'm not blind." Then we all start laughing.

Lunch is real good and then we're off to do shopping. Now on Rodeo Drive there are some spectacular shops and I knew they'd be expensive, I just never realized how expensive they really were. You have to be a gazillionaire to afford those places so our shopping was limited to window shopping but that was fun too.

I never realized how fun just going around and trying things could be. It can also be real frustrating when you come across something you really like too.

In one of the stores I come across this absolutely adorable embroidered bolero style jacket that I am in love with.

Trying it on I turn to the others and say, "guys, what do you think?"

"Oh Alex, that's gorgeous."

"Wow sis that's really nice, do a spin."

"Mom, what do you think?"

"It's lovely honey, how much is it?"

I look at the price tag and damn near pass out.

"Um, too much." I quickly take it off and hang it back up. That little jacket has a four thousand dollar price tag on it. I'm not too bad at the ol' puppy dog eyes to get my way look, but I'm not that good.

At the Versace store I think we all would have taken one of everything. We were passing the section that has men's suits and I couldn't help but think that guys are really shortchanged in fashion. They're pretty much stuck with suits for dressing up, where as woman only seem to be limited by the imagination.

We were passing some of the suits when I absently reached out to touch one and I stop. It's a very nice dark navy blue suit with a thin pinstripe but it's the fabric that stops me. It's the softest wool I ever felt before. It makes you want to snuggle up to it and have it wrap itself around you.

"Mom, check this out. Wouldn't Dad be smashing in this?"

Mom comes over and says "it's very nice" then she feels the fabric and says again, "that is very nice."

Mom continues to check it out and I hurry on to catch up to Robbyn and Ellen. Eventually we all get a bit worn out and decide to call it a day and head back to the hotel. While we're waiting for the car to come and pick us up, Mom goes back into Versace's. When she comes out she has a very self-satisfied smile on her face.

"What is it Mom? You look like the cat that just swallowed the canary."

"Oh nothing, I just got your father's anniversary present is all."

"The suit?"


Ellen asks, "How are you going to get him down here to get measured?"

"Easy, I found his anniversary present to me too. I'll just spring it on him when we come down here to get my present."

We're all still chuckling when the car pulls up to take us back to the hotel.

Once back at the hotel, Ellen, Robbyn and I change into our swimsuits for a bit of a swim before dinner.

* * *

The three of us are kicked back in the water just relaxing and idly chatting when Mom comes down to get us about an hour later.

"Hey you three, come on up and change so we can go eat."

"Ok," we reply and as we're drying off and gathering our things, Mom asks, "so where would you guys like to eat. Here at the hotel or out somewhere?"

"Well Mom," Ellen replies, "I was thinking that it would be fun to go up the beach to the Santa Monica Pier. Alex, Robbyn and I could do that and then you and Dad cold have two date nights instead of just one. What do you think?"

"Is that ok with you girls?"

We all nod our heads and say it is.

"Ok then, but you three have to stay together. No wandering off and Ellen is in charge. Ok?"

Once we're back up in our room, we all change; the evening outfit seems to be shorts, tank top and trainers.

I'm sitting on the bed in my underwear when I ask Robbyn, "Do you think I'm a prude?"

"No, where on earth did that come from?"

"Well I was just sitting here thinking about how I dress and how; well conservative I am when I dress. Like some, oh I don't know . . . just forget it."

"Hey,” and Robbyn comes and sits next to me, "I think you're still getting used to being you. I also think you're shy and haven't yet developed any confidence in being the beautiful girl you are. I don't think that makes you a prude. I've seen a ton of change in you in a real short amount of time, and if you want to dress conservatively, then do it. You need to be comfortable, don't worry about what others may think, right Ellen?"

"She's right sis. You've changed a bunch since moving out here and you're doing great. Don't worry about how you dress. Just be yourself and be comfortable."

I raise my legs and look down at them. "They're not too bad are they?"

"You've got great legs sis."

"I certainly don't have any complaints. I think they're lovely," says Robbyn.

Nodding my head, I get up and put the long shorts up and get a pair of short cut-offs.

"I've just been being silly I guess. I don't know why it makes me feel self-conscious. I mean my running shorts are shorter and way snugger and at this point I'm used to wearing a bikini, well mostly that is. Like I said, being silly. Well I'm ready."

Robbyn and Ellen give me a hug and then we head on out to the pier.

* * *

The Pier is just up the beach a bit. There are tons of people around and we check out the various little shops and vendors that are selling things, and then decide that a place called "Rusty's" looks like it might have some good food.

They do. I have the seared Ahi sandwich; Ellen has a salmon sandwich and Robbyn the chicken. We share bites and all taste great.

After dinner, we play games in the arcade and even ride the carousel. Finally, around ten we head back to the hotel and soon all three of us are in bed asleep.

Morning comes all too soon and I'm up and awake. Just as I'm finishing up my shower, Ellen comes in.

"Morning sis."

"Morning Ellen. Sleep well?"

"Yea, you?"

"Reasonably well, Robbyn's a bed hog sometimes but that's not bad as it forces her to cuddle too."

"Tehe, you two are cute. Keep the water going, I want to shower too. Want to go grab breakfast then walk down the beach?"

"Sure, I’ll see if Sleeping Beauty wants to go too."

We switch places and as soon as I dry off I go back into our room.

"Robbyn, hey Robbyn, want to go down for breakfast and then a walk along the beach?"


Giggling I ask, "Is that a yes or a no?"


"Okie dokie," and I give her a little kiss. She smiles and I cover her back up.

I finish dressing and am writing a note for Robbyn and Mom and Dad when Ellen comes out of the shower.

Ellen asks, "You're not going to take your dressing too far the other way are you?"

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I wear this?" I was wearing my white short shorts with my bikini under it. "I was going to put this shirt on for the restaurant but take it off again when we got outside. Is that ok?"

"Oh I think its fine; I just don't want you to move too fast."

"Well I noticed that most of the girls along the beach worn much the same thing so I don’t' think I'll stand out any."

"Sis, you'll stand out no matter where you are or what your wear. Some day you're going to realize just what a beauty you really are."

"As Dad says, ease up on the blarney."

Smiling, Ellen just shakes her head at me. "Let's get out of here."

* * *

The walkway along the beach is really the best place to be if you like people watching. Here you can see just about every type of character imaginable.

People were zooming by on roller skates and roller blades. People were dressed in every imaginable way. The area kinda has an almost carnival air to it. One area was fenced off and on the other side were the bodybuilders. Men and women with muscles on their muscles, kinda freaky really. I have nothing against muscle development, but some of them took it a tad too far in my opinion.

After about an hour, we make our way back to the hotel. It's been real nice to just have some alone time with Ellen to just chat and ramble on about anything and everything.

Back at the hotel, Robbyn has had her breakfast and has staked out three lounge chairs by the pool. Mom decided that since the hotel has a spa, she was going to make use of it. Our plan for the day was to just lounge around until it was time to go the Tonight Show studio.

After lunch we all went for another walk along the beach then went back to the hotel to get ready. We all took extra care and when we were done, three hot looking gals went down to the lobby for the ride to the studio.

Mom and Dad made an arrangement to have a car take us and pick us up. I was super excited and by the looks of Ellen and Robbyn, they were too.

When we got to the studio, we saw the line of people waiting to get in. We were dropped off at another entrance were we were greeted by a young woman by the name of Shirley.

“Welcome to Studio 11 ladies. My name is Shirley and I’m a production assistant here and I’ve been asked to give you a little tour and get you settled before the show.”

We all introduce ourselves and follow Shirley inside.

Shirley showed us around to the various production rooms then just as we entered the studio itself, we heard a voice call out over the sound system “Sound check, stand by for sound check.”

Shirley stopped us and said, “Good timing, the band is setting up for their sound check, you’ll get to hear a bit before anyone else. Now don’t make a sound and let’s watch.”

We’re clear in the back and watch as the band members come out onto the stage.

I lean over to Robbyn and whisper, “Hey, isn’t that Jason Olson, the lead guitarist?”

“Yea, I think so.”

“Shhh.” Says Shirley.

Suitably chastised, we all bite our tongues.

“Five minutes!” someone calls out.

A minute later Sarah comes out! Oh my, I like what she’s wearing. She’s got on dark washed jeans, and stylish off-white top that leaves her shoulders bare and is very fitted with a golden weave about an inch from the bottom, along with that she has on boots and a couple bracelets.

We hear her call out “Hi, guys!” and see her band greet her in return. She and one of her female backup singers are talking and Sarah starts to laugh. Sheesh, even her laugh sounds musical.

“One minute!” someone yells out.

Sarah ask the band a question and they all nod their heads. She then goes over to a white sparkly microphone. I think it’s the same one she had at the concert.

As she’s getting settled in front of the microphone she has a smile on her face. You can tell this is what she really likes to do.

She looks out across the studio. I don’t think she can see us where we’re standing.

“Start when you’re ready,” someone yells out.

Jason starts to play the intro to I think ‘Intuition’; Sarah closes her eyes then starts to sing.

Wow, with just us in the studio, not counting those that work here, it’s easy to pretend that she’s singing just for us. She has such a clear beautiful voice and you can tell that this is what she really enjoys doing. There isn’t any fake enhancement to her, no synthesizing, just pure talent.

When the song comes to a close, she steps back from the microphone and smiles. It was all we could do not to start clapping.

With that done, the band puts their instruments on the racks and leaves the stage.

“Oh Shirley, that was so cool. Thank you for letting us see that.”

“You’re welcome. That’s one of the benefits I like about working here. Ok, let’s go down and get you into your seats. They’re going to open the doors anytime.”

After getting us settled, we thank Shirley again and she leaves us after telling us that she’ll be back after the show.

Being in the audience is a really cool experience. Todd Thomas is a good host and really funny. We watch him at home whenever we can.

Dad was right, these seats aren’t the best to watch the interviews but they’re center of the stage where Sarah is going to perform.

Soon Todd is saying, “When we come back, Sarah Carerra will perform for us, stick around!"

The lights shift to indicate that the show is in commercial. The curtain in front is lowered and I think I hear people moving around behind it.

Robbyn, Ellen and I are really excited and we aren’t the only ones. There are quite a few people talking about hearing Sarah.

The curtain raises and Todd says, "Welcome back. My next guest has quickly taken the teen music scene by storm with the release of her first single, which rose to the top of the charts after two weeks. Her first album isn't scheduled to be released until July 8th, but she's already making a statement for herself. Please welcome Sarah Carerra!"

We all start clapping and whistling and jump to our feet. Sarah comes out smiling. She’s looking towards the back of the audience and her smile gets even bigger. I turn and look back but can’t tell who she’s looking at. It doesn’t matter as the band starts playing and soon she’s singing.

At the end of the song the energy all around us is really high, we’re all clapping and lady like or not, I stick my fingers in my mouth and let loose with my loudest whistle. Others are dong the same.

If this reaction is just for one song for a TV show, going to her concert would be amazing.

Todd comes over. "Sarah Carerra, everybody!" He yells, and then he shakes her hand and those of the band.

After a couple more bows to the audience and a blazing smile from Sarah, the curtain lowers and the audience begins to leave.

“Oh my god, that was so great!” says Robbyn. “I could have almost reached out and touched her!”

“This was such a great present, I can’t believe it.”

“She’s really, really good.” Says Ellen.

We’re still going on about how fun this was when Sheila comes back out.

“Well, did you enjoy the show?”

“Did we ever.” I say.

“Good. Here, I ran into her agent and I got these for you.” At that she hands us each an autographed picture of Sarah.

“Wow, thanks Sheila!” We all say.

“You’re most welcome, come on, I’ll show you out.”

During the ride back to the hotel, we couldn’t stop talking about the performance. This was one of the best days ever.

Acknowledgements: A Special thanks to Megan Campbell for allowing me to give an audiences view of her character, Sarah Carerra doing her Tonight Show performance. The Sara Carerra story is a fine one. I encourage you to read them. - Connie

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