Catwalk Confidence - Part 63

Catwalk Confidence

By Connie Alexander

Part 63

Less than fifteen minutes after I get Paul’s call we are once again entering the Next offices.

Lisa is downstairs to meet us and we’re immediately led up to a large office on the third floor.

Inside is everyone from before plus one more. Paul greets us as we enter the conference room and brings us over to the others and in front of a man we haven’t met before.

“Alex, Sharon,” states Paul, “Let me introduce Joel Wilkenfeld, the co-president of Next.”

Joel stands and reaches out to shake our hands.

“Alexandra, Sharon, hello I’m Joel. Welcome.”

Joel is a fairly short, attractive man in his forties with wavy hair. His accent sounds like he’s from northern New Jersey or New York. He seems very nice.

“Everyone here,” continues Joel “has been saying very positive things about you, Alex, and insisting that I should meet with you and see some of your work.”

We all sit and I notice a bunch of papers on the table.

“Thank you, Joel. I really want to say how much I appreciate this opportunity and to meet with you.”

“Well, Alexandra, I must say that you make a very good first impression. We want to go over with you your book and the film you took this morning. I know Paul and the others have expressed to you the unusual circumstances that we’re under here and I’d like to get into that a bit more later. First, how did you like this morning?”

“Oh it was great fun. A bit nerve-racking at times but it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed myself. Everyone has been so nice.”

“That’s great, I’m glad to hear that. Why don’t we go over your pictures?”

At this point he brings out my portfolio and opens it up.

“I’ve gone over your book with the others and it’s obvious that the camera loves you. Of course it doesn’t hurt that these were taken by Phillip Chow. He’s one of the best, but even so there are a lot of beautiful girls out there who can’t take a good picture. The pictures you took this morning were equally impressive so we can’t give all the credit to the photographer.”

At that comment he gives me a smile and starts to turn the papers on the table over: they’re the photos I took this morning. We examine the various pictures and discuss the shoot and my wanting to be a model.

“These show that the talent doesn’t just lie with the photographer but within you as well. I–no we were particularly impressed with your versatility.”

Andre adds, “Exactly, Alexandra. You delivered everything and more that we asked of you.”

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and Joel says, “Let me show you what we mean.”

Joel starts to arrange my pictures on the table.

“Your range is impressive. Here,” and he points to some pictures at one end, “you look closer to your age, very young, innocent, the sweet girl next door. These pictures here look like you’re in your twenties, sensual, confident, adult. All of these photos don’t look like they’re of one girl but of several.

“Having that type of versatility is rare in someone so young. It can take a long time for a model to learn that and even then a lot don’t.”

“That’s all on the plus side. The minus side is your age. Quite frankly I don’t really like signing a girl that’s so young. For one thing it can be difficult to get you work at the level you should be working. You won’t be able to walk in the major fashion shows in the U.S. until you turn sixteen; here in Europe the rules are bit more lax. The concern many have, and that includes us here at Next, is a fifteen year old isn’t normally mature enough and they can be easily taken advantage of. No one who’s serious about this business wants that.

“This can be a very tough business to be in for an adult, all the more so for someone your age. But all that being said, there are ways to accommodate anything if you try hard enough. Next is committed to help develop our models, especially the new and younger ones and we’d love to sign you. What do you say?”

* * *

I think that there are some things that no matter what you just can’t fully prepare for: the birth of your first child, getting married or winning the lottery come to mind. I thought I was prepared for Next to say they wanted me or didn’t want me but I was so wrong.

When Joel tells me that they want to sign me I’m stunned, my mind literally can’t process the words. I know I must look like someone just slapped me with a fish but it takes a bit of time to finally make sense of Joel’s statement and answer him.

I finally do answer when I see the expectant looks on everyone’s faces and realize I’m taking far too long to reply.

“Yes!” then quieter, “Yes, thank you, thank you so much.”

We all stand at once and then we’re all shaking hands and hugging. It’s surprisingly a very emotional time for me.

After several minutes of all of us talking about how exciting this is and them welcoming me aboard, I finally ask, “Joel, this really is so wonderful but, well, now what? What happens now?”

“Now we sit down and work out the details of your contract, what you promise to do for us and what we promise to do for you. There are special considerations we need to deal with because you’re still a minor and they need to be laid out in the contract as well. It’s going to be at least a week before we have a fully executed contract done but it’s all rather standard stuff and I don’t see any real problems that would delay it much further.”

“Joel?” asks Mom, “we came over here with the expectation of Alex experiencing Fashion Week including the possibility of maybe doing a show or two. I agree that it’s going to take some time to fully review the contract and get it executed so are you going to get Alex into shows without one?”

“No, you’re quite right. We’ll want Alex under contract to perform during Fashion Week but we can do a limited term contract for the time she’ll work until we can have the formal contract executed. There’ll be language in it to protect both sides until the main contract is signed. As a matter of fact we can take care of that right now. Andre, do you have that?”

“Right here, Joel.”

Andre hands over a folder and Joel opens it up and passes a three page document over to Mom.

“This is an abbreviated version of what we’ll work out on the main contract.”

Mom starts to read it with me looking over her shoulder. It doesn’t seem all that complicated. It spells out that Next will be my exclusive agent and will receive twenty percent of anything I earn. I’m still surprised that they get so much but between what I’ve researched and what PJ mentioned, twenty percent is standard. If I become a success then I can maybe get that down to fifteen percent.

We talk about what I won’t do, things like full nudity or even partial. I’m not laying out the good china for everyone to see or even flashing the occasional nipple. I am only fifteen after all and even if I was willing, Dad would lock me up in a nunnery somewhere if I tried it. I don’t have much of a problem with a hint or a suggestion here or there but even the Valentino dress that I was shot in this morning was pushing things just a tad. Even so I’m taking one of the pics–I look hot in it and really want to show it to Ellen.

Joel is in perfect agreement and seeing that the contract is limited in term to two weeks or earlier if replaced by another contract, I’m soon signing along the dotted line.

With that done Joel turns to us and says, “Welcome aboard, Alexandra. I have a really good feeling about this.”

Turning to Andre he asks, “Do you know if Lisa Pak is here yet?”

“Not yet, she gets in tomorrow night I believe, but Bobby is here, he got in a couple of days ago. You want to put Alexandra with Lisa?”

“Yeah, I think they’ll make the best fit. Lisa has the time and I’d like a heavier push done with Alex if we see she can handle it.”

“We had talked about getting her into as many castings as possible earlier: do you want me to have Bobby set those up?”

“Yes, I think so.” Turning to me Joel says, “Lisa is one of our best new talent agents. She should be here sometime tomorrow and we’ll get the two of you together. In the meantime, Bobby is one of our managers that works directly with Lisa and is every bit as capable so we’ll track him down and have him get in touch with you tonight. We want to get you into the final castings that are going on so we can hopefully get you on the runway. I’m confident that once your face is out there we’ll get the bookings but first we need to get you seen.

“Now, any questions?”

“Not at the moment but I’m sure a dozen will pop into my head later tonight.”

Joel gives me a smile and says, “Well just jot them down when they do and we’ll get them answered. Sharon, we’ll get a copy of the contract over to your hotel and emailed to your attorney by morning then we can start getting the details worked out. Now I’m sure that this has been a real long day for you and unfortunately I need to run now. Alex, we’ll talk again soon, welcome aboard and remember my door is always open.”

Joel finishes up his goodbyes then leaves. Mom and I stay a bit longer then we too make our farewells and head back to the hotel. I still feel giddy about all that’s happened: feeling like at any moment I’ll start giggling then won’t be able to stop.

* * *

We have the taxi let us out at the Piazza in front of the Cathedral of Milan so we can walk around a bit before heading back to the hotel through the Galleria.

The Piazza del Duomo is this huge plaza in front of an equally huge cathedral. In fact I think the driver from the airport said that the Cathedral of Milan is the largest or at least one of the largest in the world. Even if it isn’t, it certainly is spectacular.

“That’s so beautiful, Mom. Have you ever seen anything quite like it before?”

“It’s impressive all right. Maybe if we get some time later we can go through it.”

“That’d be nice.”

The piazza is jam packed with people. There are temporary tents set up for Fashion Week, some really big. The normal stone of the piazza is almost entirely covered by either the temporary structures or by carpeting leading around to all the tents and booths; actually calling them tents or booths doesn’t really do most of them justice. Some are quite elaborate.

Mom and I make our way north through the crowd of workers and sightseers to the Galleria that our hotel is attached to.

The Galleria is the original mall. The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele is two huge glass-vaulted arcades set at right angles to each other and intersecting in the middle forming an even larger octagon. This thing was built in the nineteenth century and houses some of the oldest shops and restaurants in Milan. It’s truly spectacular and blows away anything we have back home. I’m definitely going to get some shopping done here before we leave.

“So how about a light dinner then we make an early night of it?” asks Mom as we enter the Galleria.

“Sounds like a plan. The day is beginning to catch up with me.”

“Fine, how about this place then?”

Just inside the entrance to the Galleria is a small restaurant so we head on over to get a table.

Since we were given the option, we decide to sit outside so we can watch the people go by.

“I wonder if it’s this busy all the time or just because it’s Fashion Week,” I say.

“This afternoon while you were blowing everyone at Next away, I was talking with Paul and according to him this is the biggest event for the city all year. Actually it’s twice a year but it’s one of the lead economic drivers for the city.”

“I love this city. The architecture is great and the people are so friendly. The streetcars remind me of San Francisco.”

“It is a nice city…”

At that point Mom’s interrupted by a group of guys walking by who stop and are trying to get our attention.

“Avanti, avanti,” I call back to them while trying not to blush. “Non vedi che stiamo cercando di mangiare qui? Vai avanti, non stiamo andando a una festa con voi! Go on now.”

The guys laugh and move on and Mom is looking at me with her eyebrow cocked.

“I caught part of that, but not all.”

“Oh they wanted us to go to a party with them and I just told them we’re eating and to go on.”

“Uh huh.”

“No really.”

“Okay, honey.”

Thankfully the waiter arrives at this time with our food.

We eat our dinner in relative silence while watching the crowds go by. I’m thinking hard on the implications of what signing with Next will mean for me and how it will affect the rest of the family. Mom sees that I’m preoccupied and I’m sure she knows why. Fortunately she lets me think things through without interrupting my thoughts.

We finish up our meal and leave. As we slowly walk through the Galleria, I link arms with Mom as I continue my train of thought. I’m snapped out of my reverie by Mom giving a chuckle at a guy walking backwards just in front of us.

Giving myself a shake I pay attention to what he’s saying. With a roll of my eyes, I raise up Mom’s hand and say, “sposata!”

Mom laughs and says, “I think that proposal was for you.”

I look at this guy who’s still walking backwards, hands clasped to his chest with a puppy dog expression on his face and am stunned.

“Hey, I’m only fifteen.”

He seems surprised and says in broken English, “is okay, I wait for you carina.” Then with a wave and a smile he turns and soon disappears into the crowd.

“Maybe they’re just a little too friendly here.”

Mom chuckles again and says, “My little girl, growing up so fast, already getting marriage proposals.”

At that we both start to laugh some more.

“You were awfully deep in thought there for awhile. Want to talk about it?”

“Umm, not quite yet. I’m just trying to wrap my head around all that’s happening and what it’ll all mean. I’m really trying not to get too worked up until we know for sure how they want the contract and where and how often they’ll have jobs for me.”

“That’s the smart thing to do. No sense getting all worked up about nothing. Just remember that we will work things out, honey, okay?”

I give Mom a smile and squeeze her arm. Just then my phone goes off.


“…oh hello, Bobby, they told me you’d be calling.”

“…no, we’re in the Galleria heading back there right now.”

“…sure, in about five minutes. See you then, bye.”

“That was Bobby. He’s in the lobby of the hotel right now wanting to meet with us.”

Five minutes later Mom and I enter the hotel lobby. A guy in his mid-twenties with very short hair and a goatee approaches us.

“Alexandra, I’m Bobby Thompson, it’s nice to meet you.”

We shake hands and I say, “Nice to meet you too, Bobby, you can call me Alex. This is my mother, Sharon. How’d you know it was me?”

With a smile he pulls a portfolio out of his bag and says, “Tada! Your official ‘Next’ book. You’re going to need it for tomorrow. Let’s sit down somewhere and I’ll fill you in.”

Mom says, “Let’s go up to our room. We have a sitting area.”

Once settled up in our room I quickly glance through my new book. The large portfolio is black with a large silver ‘N’ on the cover. Inside are not only some of my previous shots but some that I took today as well. In the back pocket are my new comp cards.

“You’ve got a real nice book, especially for someone so new to the business. So, let’s get down to business. I’m your booking agent and I work very closely with your new talent agent, Lisa Pak. She’s one of the best in the business and you’ll be meeting with her tomorrow when she gets in.

“My job is to basically manage your calendar. Lisa will be promoting you to the various clients but I take care of the details. Never, ever and I mean ever ignore one of my calls unless it absolutely can’t be helped. I’ll be getting your appointments to you. If you can’t make one or if you’re running late, call me. In fact your new golden rule is ‘never ever be late’ because that just ain’t done, girl, hear?”

Smiling I reply, “I hear you.”

“Good. Now as for tomorrow, get your sleep tonight ’cause you’re going to need it. I’ll be here tomorrow morning at seven and we’ll grab a bite of breakfast while we go over things for the day. Your first appointment is right at eight in the morning for a casting. Fortunately it’s just downstairs in one of the ballrooms but we have to be there a bit before eight to get you seen. I called in some favors to get you pushed to the front of the line so let’s start this new career of yours off right.”

Turning to Mom he says, “Now, Sharon, you are more than welcome to come along but there will be times when you won’t be able to be right there with her but will have to wait with me out in the waiting room of the client. I want you to know that my job is also to protect this young lady. I’ve got a bit of pit bull in me and I take my job seriously. I won’t put her in any chancy situation, I make sure that no one tries to take advantage of her; I see that she eats and that she gets back here to get enough rest for the next day.

“I’ve worked almost exclusively dealing with new talent and with our younger models and I do a very good job of it too. If there are times, and there will be, when I’m not with her on a go see, then I arrange things so she’s looked after. As Alex gains experience and gets comfortable with the process, then we can see about sending her out more on her own, probably with just a driver. Now do you have any questions for me?”

“Thank you, Bobby. Rest assured that I do want to come along if for no other reason than this is new for me as well as Alex. But the fact of the matter is, despite Alex being remarkably grown up and mature, she is still only fifteen and lord knows that there are enough stories about young girls being taken advantage of that until I feel more comfortable with her doing this and knowing she’ll be okay, I just have to tag along myself. I hope you understand. I will try to stay out of the way and not cause any difficulty. Besides she’s already had two marriage proposals today, I need to watch out for all these young men around here too.”


At this both she and Bobby chuckle while I blush.

“Well, Sharon, I’m sure that between the two of us we’ll keep her safe. Now I need to be going. Alex, be sure to get plenty of sleep tonight. I wasn’t kidding about you not getting too much rest from here on. I plan on keeping you very busy. If things get too bad, just tell me but the plan is to get your face out as much as possible. I’ll give you a call as soon as I get here and we’ll go over the best outfit for you to wear. It’ll be slacks or jeans as the best way to get around sometimes is by scooter. Oh and no make-up, you don’t need it anyway.”

We say goodbye and see him out. Turning at the door Mom asks, “So what do you think?”

“I like him. He seems very nice and also seems to really know his job, you?”

“Much that same, I am glad that they’re not just going to throw you into the deep end by yourself. I was a bit worried about that.

“Me too. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to bed. Somebody told me that we’d be gaining an hour back, instead we lost an hour. I’m pooped.”

Mom sticks her tongue out at me and says, “So sue me.” Then we both start to laugh.

“You go ahead, honey, I’m going to stay up for a bit and do some work.”

“Okay, Mom.”

I quickly get ready for bed and don’t even remember putting my head on my pillow before falling fast asleep.

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