I just want to give some advance warning about the upcoming chapters of Going There and Back Again.
I'm probably being a bit too worried about this, but as it's a change from where the story has gone before this, I did want to make note of it.
From the beginning of writing the story I knew that there was going to be an armed conflict later in the story, and I have done my best to push it back as far as I could...
Chapters 8 through 10 (which is likely the final, but not certain) will involve violence and aftermath of violent activities. I will be marking the stories with the appropriate trigger warning tags, but I wanted to see if anyone had any concerns/recommendations beforehand, while I can still make some changes if I can see good reason and it fits the story. Chapter 8 should still fall within Mature Subjects. None of it is explicitly graphic, and at worst chapter 9 will qualify for the restricted audiences rating, if I act conservatively.
As of this blog entry, I have completed chapter 8 and am approximately halfway through the writing of chapter 9. I also have the actual ending written. So my projection for chapter 8 is sometime around midweek, right now.