For The Fairest

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Because of a financial situation, I'm going to try to publish some of my work on Kindle. I'm going to start with For The Fairest...if it does get accepted by Amazon, I'm sad to say I might have to take the story down from here.

I'll keep everyone informed of the status of this :)



Go for it!

erin's picture

This is the future of publishing.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

good luck

It doesn't hurt to try, but don't expect to get rich and definately don't quit your day job. I have two books on Kindle have made less than a thousand dollars over two years, I must say though when I received my first check from Amazon it was a thrill, so my wife and I went out and blew the whole thing on dinner, ho hum. Good luck though and I hope the best for you, Arecee

Future DRU stories?

Would publishing your work on Kindle mean that your future DRU stories wouldn't be posted here?

publishing on kindle

Teresa L.'s picture

is NOT a reason to take down, unless you are worried it would hurt sales. I for one buy the books, even IF i have read them here, K. Blacks, Katie's, Cyclists, etc. i would leave some or new people wont be able to see your style, skill, etc.

of course its just my opinion, and i know a lot wont pay for something they can read for free.

good luck

Teri TG

Teresa L.

KDP Select

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

The KDP Select program requires the book to be published exclusively on Amazon for 90 days and if you're going to try to make money with it, you really do need to get into the program so that they will promote it for you. And with all the competition you need them to promote it, especially since that's the only place you've published.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Way to go

About time I have been saying you are a good writer and should go main stream for some time now that the market is their on KINDLE go for it . KUDOS hope it helps in the $ department HUGS Richie2

I say go for it

Amethyst's picture

You need to do what you need to do. It's your work, it's wonderfully written, and you have every right to market it how you see fit. I'm thinking of doing the same with Twice Removed when I get it finished since my financial situation is also horrible right now. Best of luck with it, you deserve it.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Enemyoffun's picture

For The Fairest is in fact going to be published on the Kindle now so I'm going to have to remove it from the site here.


Amethyst's picture

It's a big step and I hope it goes well for you. You're a damn fine writer though and I think it will do well :)




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

For the Fairest Link and best wishes.


For The Fairest is one of my favs that I've read a number of times. I'm kind of sad to see it move off BCTS but I hope it will do well for the author and earn a little cash. As a reader with limited funds, I try to give a little to Erin and the Team when I have a surplus. Now I'm torn between between supporting the site and supporting some of its best authors. Oh dear.

Anyway, here's my first link-in-a-comment. This should link to the ebook:

For the Fairest

Hope the ebook does well. Cheers, Kiwi.

[Link editied to point at BCTS's Amazon portal.]

Publish the Fairest

Kathy Leigh's picture

Good luck to you on the Amazon pubilcation of your story.

Thank you so much for allowing us to read your wonderful stories on this site.

You should feel no qualms about trying to get paid for the time you spend writing.

I hope it is the start of something wonderful for you.

Kathy Leigh