And we're back...

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Unfortunately, we lost most of a day in a corrupted back up. This new drive should enable us to serve the site faster for a time, so enjoy.

Anyone who can provide the missing stories, about 5 of them, I think, it would be appreciated.

This was a pretty rough restore and it isn't finished yet, someone is sure to note that Search is not yet activated but we decided to put the site up first and rebuild the search as we go.

Hugs to all and lots of thanks to Piper who pretty much worked around the clock with a few naps, along with a screaming baby to "help" out,

P.S. The Hatbox is in the right column for donations. It seems we need an emergency supply of midnight foolers and binkies. - Erin



Welcome Back!

Yes, Yes, Yes

littlerocksilver's picture

I was starting to shake uncontrollably, but I'm better now. Withdrawal is not fun.


missing story postings that I noticed

1. part 5 of the football player story by portia bennett
2. a chapter of the dancing queen
3. part 5 of the haight
4. mums encouragement chapter 18
5. bike from friday night

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

another missing story

A Star is born by Amethyst which I still have up in my browser.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

got it!

Thanks for noticing, Martina! I popped it back up.

Thanks to Erin and Piper and whoever else did all that work -- on the technology and emotionally.

big hugs,

Kaleigh Way

missing stories

what stories are missing I printout most of my stories and would be able to fax a copy for you to scan into the system .Tittles please Thanks for all your hard work you & the team :-)


erin's picture

We don't know the titles because the stories are missing and took the titles with them. :) The backup that we restored from was made about 11 am PT Friday.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Repost Missing Stories, please

erin's picture

If you originally posted a story that is now missing, please repost.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Out of curiosity, Erin

If someone has a HTML copy of one of the chapters, is it easier to give a copy of that HTML to your crew and have it popped back into the site or is reposting the better way to go?


Missing stories

Please let me know what is missing as I save all the stories

Reposting is better

erin's picture

Html might have to be massaged to go onto the site, in preference, we would like the story to be reposted by the author. Failing that, by someone with the author's permission. Failing that, however we can with the least disruption.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Dancing Queen 15

Unfortunately I don't have a copy on this machine but will resurrect it from my backup and repost it tomorrow.

Thank you All

Bright Blessings my sisters. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that effort and I am really glad that you had the skills and commitment to get it done.


glad you're back

I was going through serious withdrawal symptoms ...



terrynaut's picture

Thanks very much for all the hard work keeping this site up!

*happy grateful hug*

- Terry


Daniela Wolfe's picture

Yay, the site is back! Kudos to Erin, Piper and the team for getting the site back up and running.

Have delightfully devious day,

Big thanks

Podracer's picture

for our Big Closet - the door reopens, and I am sure it was no fun for the BC crew to do all the work for us. Much appreciated here. JJX

"Reach for the sun."

Thanks to all ...

particularly Piper and Erin for the dedication and persistance.

Bev, (the crazy bitch.)


Thanks for everything....

D. Eden's picture

that you have done and are still doing! Rest assured that you were missed.

As a side note, I was amazed at a few nasty comments that I read about the site being down last night. Not only was the down time well advertised and explained, I am sure that Herculian efforts were being made to get it back up. Yet, there were still some very nasty comments made by a few individuals. How those people can expect to move forward in life is beyond me. I have found the vast majority of people on this site to be part of a caring and nurturing group - a group that I am happy to call friends and family.

I for one am glad to see the site back up, and to know that I am still a part of this wonderful group of people. I will be making another contribution today. Please consider this my way of saying thank you for all the hard work put in by Erin, Piper, and company.

Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Missing Stories

I have part 2260 of Easy as falling off a Bike and part 15 of Dancing Queen if you need them.
Let me know how to get them to you.



What higher parise can I give?

Erin, Piper, and the staff of BC, you are simply the best. Thanks again for all your hard work.

Thanks BC....hope I got it right this

Thank you very much

koala's picture

... for all your hard work to get the site up and running again. @#$%^&* hard drives and backups - been there, done that, have T-shirt!


Inside every older person is a young person wondering what the heck happened.

Yipppeeee! and Thank you

First of all, a big thank you to Erin and everyone else involved in the project of getting BCTS back on line.

I have A Star is Born by Amethyst in MSWord (.docx) and can send it to you in a variety of formats (html, pdf, word, OpenOffice). If Amethyst cannot repost it just let me know which format you want it in.

The same goes for Dancing Queen Chapter 15 (1-15) by Louise Anne if she has any problems retrieving it from her backup copy.

Mark <3

Thanks to all

You were missed. Great job. It makes my minor triumph of my getting a network to work in our old house with thick stone walls look very small beer :)


I can repost

Amethyst's picture

A star is Born, I'll need to play with the formatting again though so it might take a bit.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

J U D I H U I ! ! !

C O O L !!

Thanks for all the work for us and putting us out of our misery!! We all really appreciate what you've done and are doing for us - Hatbox contribution is coming! Notification and updates on progress was A1, some people are just in too much of a hurry to stop and read before they open their mouths . . . ;-)


Well Done

Once again thanks to Erin and the team for getting us up and running again.


Thanks for the labours

I'm sorry it was necessary, but I'm glad we've got the first team on board ..... good job, all.



A big thanks

To everyone who worked so hard to ensure this outage went as smoothly as it did.

And just a big warm hug for all the work you put into running the site day by day.


Glad to see we're back up

and that everything seems to be running smoothly.

I'll contribute more to help as soon as I can, and hopefully this little SNAFU will inspire a few more people to help too.

Thanks again for all that you and yours do for us here, Erin and Piper. Y'all are the best!

Melanie E.