Dreaming of being pregnant

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okay, twice in the last two days I have had dreams involving me becoming pregnant. In the first one, I found myself in Bible times and am blessed by a priest of God and told I will have a son. In the second one, I was possessed by a female ghost that somehow resulted in me becoming pregnant.

I am not an expert on dreams, and I know dreams dont always mean much, but two dreams in two days might mean something. One answer could be that I "give birth" to my stories, so maybe I will have a "son" that way.

Or maybe it means nothing at all, who knows?


Pregnancy Dreams

Might be fairly common for M2Fs. I don't recall dreams, but I really wished I could have kids many years ago. I was old enough to make GG pregnancy difficult when I was finally post op, but having my body mostly correct made it more easy to imagine pregnancy, birth, nursing, etc.

At present, I think, if one is young and healthy enough and very determined, it could happen for some of us in the future. For now the goals should be to stay in excellent health and age as little as possible thru' diet and exercise and to have a plan how to get the medical treatment when it becomes available. It would probably be done first in medical trials; one could see how to get into these by contacting specific researchers or try to get rich to buy/contribute into early treatment.

Save your sperm, too. The doctors could use a sperm nucleus of yours to replace a donated egg's nucleus; that way you'd be related to your kid!

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Pregnancy and bodies

If we can stay alive for a couple more decades, we may have the technology to rebuild our bodies any way we like.

Bodies and Pregnancies

The hard part, Ray, will be staying alive for two more decades !
I m 76 now, that means making it to 96, which should be possible, I only look about 45, due to a lab accident with radioiodine which I swallowed I have double the antibodies ordinary folks have and seem to age at half the rate, I am still healthy and strong, still have all my hair which is still its original colour, naturally, no wrinkles, but nobody will let me work to earn money, my company pension vanished when my company did in a series of takeovers, and I dont think I can get by on a state pension designed to force me to either freeze to death or to starve to death, because I cannot afford to be warm AND eat well. I live on a small island where we all know one another so stealing is not possible. Tried writing but nobody wanted to buy my story, my children said it was disgusting and my grandchldren agreed with them.

Any suggestions ?
