It's been a while since I posted any new stories here, but my latest, Shadow of a Doubt, is up. I've entered a few local short story contests and even won one, but they were straight SF stories, no TG involved, so I haven't been posting them here. I've also been working on a TG superhero story that's been giving me tons of trouble, so I finally stopped to do a quick mystery. My goal here was to keep the story short and give all the clues needed to solve it. I'll wait a full week before posting part 2 to see if I got enough in there while still keeping it difficult.
There was a discussion last week about F2M stories, and I have a first draft of one, so I may go back to that and let my superhero story rest for a while before I go back to that too.
On the personal front, I will be moving next month. I got a new job and it's basically a dream job, so I hope everything works out there. I started writing, rather than just reading, because I was terribly bored where I am now. I don't expect to be bored in the new job, but I've gotten to enjoy this so I'll try to keep writing.
Best of luck to everyone, and I hope you enjoy the story,
If it's half as good as some
If it's half as good as some of your previous work, we're in for a treat.