Doctors Application "Nice Find"

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While filling out a application for a new Doctor the area that say sex read F=female M=male and a third box that said transgender that my friends was a woo-hoo moment . A small step in the right direction , very happy to share this :-) HUGS


At long last!!!

At long b----y last!!

Well done Richie Hugs well found girl.




I work with a group here in Florida that is devoted to just these kinds of change in the Medical profession. We present "Trans 101" to clinics,hospital Staffs, practices and to students at the U of F Medical School. We present to Nursing, Med students and residents. In fact, next month I will be presenting to Endocrinology students. Many providers in our area also now have transgender as an option on their intake forms. I am so happy to hear that change is happening over there too.

BTW I have a couple of Power Point Presentations that we use in our training. I would be willing to share. Just send me a pm with an e-mail address and I will gladly share.


Out to Doctor

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I have Kaiser health insurance through work and a few years back, I decided that keeping a pair of men's underwear to wear to the doctor was just plain silly, because I wear women's underwear exclusively everywhere else... that and bra with at least a large "A" cup mastectomy forms in it (more like a small "C" most of the time) as well. I got an endocrinology appointment to discuss my hyperthyroid that required me to go straight there from work. As usual, I was wearing my sports bra with the "A" in it. I thought it would only be a consult, but he wanted to do a measurement and so had me lay on the exam table with a pillow under my shoulders so that my neck would be fully stretched to expose the enlarged thyroid to the max.

During the measurement, the heal of his hand rested on my boob. He asked me if my chest was getting bigger. I simply 'fessed up to wearing prostheses even to the point of taking one out for him to see and explained that while I was happy with my male role in my marriage and family, I saw myself as having a feminine psyche and the prostheses helped settle the disconnect with my psyche and my physical presentation.

He took it in stride and asked if we'd had that conversation before, because he'd had that same conversation with one of his patients. No, it wasn't me. After that, I've worn my feminine best when visiting him. And decided that when I needed to change primary care physicians that I would simply go dressed as if felt and if the doctor had a problem, I change and change again until I found one that had the attitude of my endo. My new doc didn't have a problem, and even complimented me on my shoes.

If you really want the details you can look up the visits up in my blog.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann