Seeing something else.

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Hey everyone! I've just posted a new short story, 'Soma Ras.' There's another story that's being posted here on BCTS and after reading it, I saw something else other than what I think the author had mind. This is not a criticism of their writings, but like I said, I saw something else. Perhaps it is a cautionary tale because the fountain of youth and Elixirs of Life are legendary concerning the lengths people will go to attain them. From Gilgamesh to a certain rich old fart in Elrods Twisted story, the search for youth and health when we're at death's door brings out the worst in us.

LOL! I think this blog is nearly as long as my story!

My question is how common is it for others here to see or read something and see that 'something' else?


Pretty common

A lot of authors get upset when a reader/readers have a different take on their precious bundles of joy. A lot of that is because they are too close to their work, I believe. They know what they intended to write, and that's all they see. The reader, however, is coming to the story with fresh, open eyes and may see things differently. It's nobody's fault, it just happens.

Like watching a video of a fight. Each participant knows what happened and believes the video backs them up. It takes outside eyes to add a third dimension to things, and perhaps arrive at a conclusion the participants can't see because they are emotionally involved. I believe some fictional character said something about fresh eyes seeing things that can't be seen by those involved.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.