You know, this story started out as an exercise in just seeing what if? I thought it would be fun to give the evil side of things it's turn instead of doing all that nicey, nicey good guy stuff.
It turns out that I have two good, decent people (Sam and Dylan/Dahlia) stuck with being creatures who are inherently evil in spite of their own personal inclinations. And everyone who sees them in this new world are going to just assume that they are evil because of what they are.
Now the question is, once they adjust to their new circumstances, and yes, it's going to take Dahlia a bit more time than Sam takes to get there, will they still be the good guys stuck in a difficult situation? Or will they give in to the fun that evil can be?
Don't get the wrong idea here. They'll still be basically decent people and won't go out of their way to make things miserable for people who haven't annoyed them already. But that basic evil that is the foundation of their natures in this world is always going to be there, fighting to get out.
Hmmm. This is going to be a fun story as it progresses.
*Rubs fingers together then steeples them*
Bailey Summers
The Bad Guys Make More Money.
For a long time, I have heard that the bad guys in the movies make more than the other Actors and Actresses. So, I think that Bad could be Good And, Dahlia does not seem to be entirely in control of her nature, IE, the predatory way that she acted at the meeting. This is going to be fun, me thinks.
I rather think their natural inclinations ought to find some way to surface. In particular, I can imagine Dahlia placing some death traps on her Master's door, to 'ensure that his inner sanctum is well protected', and postponing telling him about the innovations. :D
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Now I like that idea.
Why didn't I think of it? lol
Magical oaths have power to them in the wizard's world, but ...
Although the bastard wizard supposedly tricked them into promising to serve him I see loopholes, maybe. For one, the Drow are supposed to be powerful bad-asses, thus the prestige of his *taming* a pair. But as transformees not grown up in Drow society maybe they can be their own kind of bad ass and gather followers against the wizard. Plus what if they get the word out the wizard HAS *captured* two Drow? Remember he transformed Earthly humans to avoid capturing born Drow and angering their clans. Hey the enemy of my enemy is my ally.
Did they promise under duress and/or before being transformed into Drow? If so would they really be subject to a magic al oath's power as they were by the wizard's own words "slightly out of sync" with his world until he transformed them? Could they kill him with kindness as another here suggests.
"But sir, we only planted the poison spike traps pits with the deadly cobras in them and the razorblade leaf hedges to protect you. We never dreamed that your omniscient greatness would fall prey to them or to the electric eels and piranhas in your bath.
IE did they really take an oath to never harm him? But even if they did was to never deliberately harm him? What if they made a spell to program their subconscious or sleeping selves to kill him? Are any oaths he tricked them into as well thought out as Asimov's rules for robots? And even with those some robots broke programming and killed in lots of sci-fi. Enslaved beings seem far more likely to revolt. And they are supposedly great practitioners of magic, possibly his equal or betters. Still they are only recently transformed and could claim to be "lacking in skills". "OOPs sir, didn't mean to burn off your arm. My bad, I need to get better control over my fireball spell.. I am like soooo embarrassed."
Or as she is by her own admission a twenty on a scale of one to ten, why not fuc* the wizard to death? Get him to think she is broken, seduce him or better, let him think HE has seduced her to prove his mastery over her will, and some other non oathed person kills him while he is, um in the saddle. OR she literally fuc*s him the death using her beauty and magic to trick him into a heart attack or draining his magic until he suddenly ages and dies. So many powerful wizards are far older than they should be, kept young by powerful magic. Just drain him dry.
As they say "what away to go!"
Have fun, Maggie.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Hey, I'm all for going with it! :)
Besides, this is kind of a natural idea - it is very hard to think of an oath or command with no loopholes. Literal Genies run on it! :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!