Transgender Christians In Chains

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Hello All

This will be my first Blog, ever. I do not know the very first thing about blogging but I hope with a lot of help from all y'all (yes, I'm from the South) this will be a place where the Transgender Community can go for support and above all LOVE!

I went through my transition in the early '80 and gender reassignment surgery in December, 1984. I can't believe it has now been 29 years and what a roller coaster ride it has been. In this blog I would like to tell of my experiences and trials with everything from transitioning to finding my place with an omnipotent God.

After the success of my autobiography, Transgender Christians In Chains I felt the calling of God once again on my life. I turned away from that calling in 1986 after repeated church rejection and "religious confusion", however, I did not turn away from my everlasting Redeemer. Of all the confusions and hardship transitioning from male to female (especially in the '70's and '80's) struggling with my very strict Southern Pentecostal upbringing was by far the hardest.

This walk and struggle of 29 years has not been in vain. It has been a journey of revelation and it has been an excursion where God has revealed to me who He really is. That He is not just the God of the heterosexual or the people who need no physician or of the people who are standing hard and fast. He is the God of who I am and He is the God who never left me or forsook me when everyone else did.

God is His Word and His Word is God. I can offer no testimony of how God delivered me, however, I have seen God on the mountaintop and I have seen God in the fiery furnace. I learned to not look at the turmoil of the sea around me and like Peter walking on the water to keep my eyes upon Jesus. I learned to embrace Roman’s 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose”.

In this blog I can only make two promises. I will not tickle your ears with words that will make me look good and make you feel good. I will tell you the way that it is, at least, from my experience. And, second, I will love you as Jesus did on the cross.

Hang on for a wild ride.

Bobbie Lang (12/2/2013)

If you like the fresh and different viewpoint I have for transgender Christians struggling with gender confusion and their faith in God please follow and like me on

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For more information about Bobbie Lang you can get my autobiography “Transgendered Christians In Chains” on It is my heart and soul for my writings to help mend painful lives and heal painful experiences by sharing the story of my victories and the lessons learned from defeat. It was never or will ever be my intention to push my autobiography for the purpose of monetary gain.

Available in Paperback or Kindle at Transgender Christians In Chains