They Sometimes Kill Children Don't They Ch2

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I only put the "Caution" sign up for this chapter because it was quite draining for me to write, but I do not know how it will affect others. This project is not going to be the 100 or so pages I had thought for the simple reason, I will die if I keep dwelling on this story. I will post Chapter 2 in a few minutes

It is not as detailed as I thought it would be for the same reason. I apologize for the long delay between Chapters. Chapter 3, the final installment should be posted by the end of next week and that will be the end of this awful business.

No part of this story is fictional.



I probably wont be able to read it

took one look at chapter 1, and realized I probably would be triggered, so I'm having to pass on it.

I hope its super successful anyway.
