There is someone out there I have been waiting to hear from.

I will not mention her name in the interest of respecting her wish to remain as stealth as possible. Nevertheless, it's been more than two months since I last heard word one from her and, with the things that have happened to her in her life, it worries me that something bad might have happened.

She knows who she is, and if she reads this, she will know that I need to at least hear that she is okay. I have tried all the other means I have to contact her, phone, PM, etc without success. I can only surmise that she is either offline and cannot answer, or doesn't WANT to answer for whatever reason.

If you DO see this kiddo, please call me, or PM me or something to let me know you're still among the living. I will not resort to my final hope of contacting you, that is to call your friend the Avon lady, but I need to know you're okay.

If you want to cease all communication with me, that is of course your right. I have no desire to mess about in your life and if you find my friendship a bit too cloying then just tell me. I can learn, you know.

If you do read this, know that I wish you and yours a very happy holiday season and I hope and pray that things have finally turned around for you.

holiday huggles.

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