I’ll be spending this Christmas alone.
Don’t feel sorry for me. I prefer it this way.
After God knows how many years of my dad dictating exactly when we should open our presents, my uncle George insisting that the sound be turned up to full volume for the Queen’s speech, my auntie Betty slapping him for his bad manners…you get the scenario.
The last few years have been a Godsend.
I can eat and drink what I like, when I like and there’s no one to tell me I’m being too greedy.
What makes this Christmas different is that it’s the first since I registered with Big Closet and subsequently re-invented myself as Nicki Benson. Some might say that my female alter-ego hasn’t been an unqualified success, that she still comes across as a little too testosterone-fuelled as she struts her stuff across the BC dance floor. Be that as it may, I still feel the need to give something back to a site that has not only allowed me to publish my often unconventional fiction but also introduced me to a wide range of people who, though I’ll probably never meet them, I will always consider my friends.
Here’s what I propose.
On Christmas morning around 1100 GMT I’ll set up a blog called ‘Have Your Say’. It can be about anything. If you feel lonely, get that off your chest. If you feel suffocated by relatives, well here’s the perfect excuse to escape them for a while. If you want to scream at the world, then do it!
I’ll also make myself available for Private Messages throughout the day. Replies will be sent as soon as is humanly possible. I can’t promise that they won’t be accompanied by links to 1970s prog rock…
I can anticipate some of the responses this blog might receive. Why, I hear you ask, if you feel so altruistic don’t you volunteer to help the needy in your neighbourhood?
Good point. I have no answer to that except laziness.
Or perhaps Nicki doth protest too much, and she’s the one in need of company.
Not with the Sunderland crowd. We don’t do ‘lonely this Christmas’.
It’s up to you. The offer is there.
I say strut all you want on the dance floor. The more I go through my own journey, the more I realize that there isn't a prototypical woman, just like there isn't a prototypical man. We all have out own unique personality. I deal a lot of this with Felix but it helps me accept my uniqueness. Felix knows he isn't the machoest of men, but he's okay with it. I'm no dainty flower either, but I am me and that makes me uniquely wonderful, as are you.
Christmas should be enjoyable. Have yourself an extra slice of pie and play music whisper quiet if it suits you. I will be delivering papers this Christmas morn and I hope the paper isn't so big that Felix can't ride in the car with me (stupid after Christmas sales).
Be Merry and Bright and if you have a moment, be at peace and thankful for those things you do have in life.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
All You Need Is Love
My friend Lee makes pie. His lesbian girlfriend - they've been together for five years now - gives me cuddles. She can't make pie, though.
This is us.
All you need is love.
(nice cool pic btw)
On another note, I like your idea.
But the phrase which has stuck with me for many years, and usually stops me from trying to be/look for stereotypical feminine behaviour is this:
"There are as many ways to be a woman as there are women..."
I'm glad to know you in whatever way you present yourself; you've been very kind to me and I thank you! Happy Christmas!
Love, Andrea Lena