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Taxonomy upgrade extras:
I was wondering if anyone has seen Barbara Allan since Halloween or Torey,Beyogi,darkkitten,Elsbeth,Saless,Zoe Taylor,cain129,kayla don,Amethyst,Merlin Silverwind,pamelapamela,twilighte_gal,& TiffanyShar.
They are probably
writing new contest entry stories for the Christmas contest ^^
I can't speak for the others,
but I do know that Tiffany Shar is fine. I also know that IRL she is extremely busy, but we do stay in contact daily. It's probably similar with most of the others.
Carla Ann
Um... I'm at a new University
Um... I'm at a new University and had a bit of a writers block. Otherwise I'm still lurking around.
Some of them are simpely exploring new universes like I am. Try subspace channel 31468.678 that is a universal com chanel for our near space explorer's.
Misha Nova
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Oh, Darn!
I got an old subspace com., it does not go in to the 31000 range.
Anyone know where I can pick up a newer one cheep?
I think Torey
mentioned something about being very busy for the foreseeable future.
She posted in the last three days, so she's definitely around.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.