Just Wondering

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Does anyone know if someone was helping Big Sister Wren Phoenix out on her Book "Wild Magic" at all.I want to ask them a question?I also hope u like the Picture with this?I like to think it is a Picture Big Sister Wren would have Loved!!!!

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you need to ask Erin about that. Love the Phoenix emblem.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Enemyoffun has editorial rights to Wren's work

and is the person with whom you need to speak with Sweet Girl. Enemyoffun was Wren's last editor and still has a piece or two of her works left to post yet. I am quite sure Enemyoffun is reasonable and considerate, just ask. Erin and myself both feel the decision is up to Enemyoffun in this case.

Erin & Sephrena

Sweet-girl I personally know

Sweet-girl I personally know that Wren would have LOVED this picture, as Do I. Thank you for sharing. :D


Thank U so much for that Sister or Brother Phoenix52581.Wren was a really kind Soul & I'll really miss her.I just wish I could have got to speak to her once (like over the phone) before she past into the Realm of her ancesters.She will be missed by a lot of People that is for sure,including me

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