I hope you caught it and were gentle with it. Piccie please Gwen!
I was Skyping Gwen 0700 BST this morning when our conversation was interrupted by a huge arachnid. Shriek followed by rapid evacuation from room and brief shot of Gwen flashing past the computer screen with some sort of implement or crockery in her hand.
(She was moving too quickly to identify what was in her hand.)
Hope she caught it and gently returned the poor creature to the garden.
Aye, twas most distressing, it was !
Yes, I did get a picci of this monster! Mein Gott ! It vas reisig ! Whoa, I may get PTSD from this experience !!!! Picture at 11:00 !
She went on a walkabout ...
Out in the garden, that is...
huge arachnid
Darling there is a difference between a walk about and a crock about. One the huge arachnid survives the other a it becomes puzzle for a future archeologist trying to figure just how hard the preserved body was struck that could enplane the damage to its tissue structure. And why would a person waste a good piece of crockery doing said damage.
Huggles Michele
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
I didn't kill the spider.
He/she was humanely captured, and released in the garden. I have been bitten several times by spiders, after having only just killed one, so have developed the superstition (?) that if you kill one, the mate will HUNT YOU DOWN, and punish you ! With my Auto-immune issues, insect bites really inflict a lot of pain.
Hopefully this is the spider
Scary Gwen. LOLOL
Unless I am miscounting,
that thing has more than the requisite 8 legs a spider is supposed to have. I'd have dispatched the thing with extreme prejudice, post haste. Then again, I don't much care for spiders OR snakes anyway, so if they stay where they are supposed to be, I don't bother with them. If they come into my living area, then they do not live to mate or anything else, ever again.
Nevertheless, good job Gwen... but that thing still doesn't resemble any spider I have ever seen.
hugs 'n stuff,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
That's cuz it ain't one. It's something called a solifugae.
It IS an arachnid. But a ten legged one. Spiders are eight legged arachnids.
Doesn't really matter though... it's an insect. And insects don't belong in houses.
Abigail Drew.
I followed your wiki link.
I'd still kill that thing!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
You and my mother would have gotten along well
In our house when I was growing up, the most often-heard phrase when we had a creepy-crawly of any kind was my mother's "Where's my shoe?" She could wield a deadly flip-flop, let me tell you.
Me, I'd throw everything I had at it. That's got to be the most hideous, terror-inducing creature I've ever seen. Are you sure it came from this planet?
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

During the early 80's when I was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army I was asked to de-spider an apartment once. I was rear-detatchment while the majority of our Unit was deployed to Greece for annual Lance Missile live-fire exercises. The wife of one of the deployed soldiers was deathly afraid of spiders and she had just been notified that the apartment they were getting was ready to move into. So, as I was available she came to the unit and asked if I could de-spider the place for her. Found no spiders but did find some Daddy Longlegs.
Off the subject, but...
...where were you stationed? That is, what post? I ask because I was in Germany myself at that time--way before transition, of course. I was a civilian clerk-typist with the Admin Support branch of the 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt. I was kind of like Radar O'Reilly, except I wasn't part of a MASH.
We could well have run across each other--or considering how fast I moved through the corridors at the time, into each other.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Weisbaden, USAF here, in '68-'71
So yeah, I predated you both. okay, okay, I'm an ancient hag! LOL
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Well, actually....
You and I were in Germany at the same time also. My years in Frankfurt were during my stepdad's second tour in Germany--his first was at Storck Barracks in Illesheim, from 1970 to 1973.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

It looks very much
like one of these - Tegenaria domestica, or house spider, often found in the bath or kitchen sink.
In Victorian times it was suggested that one of these lightly bruised and served with bread and butter cured malaria.
May I assume you meant braised,
not bruised? Otherwise, I would think it would be the work of a good magnifying glass following the light tap it might take to bruise one.
Hugs 'n stuff,
Catherine Linda MIchel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Poor Gwen...
I was going to invite you over for tea but I looked up at my ceiling and I have the usual dozen or so spiders or arachnids up there. The only time they bother me is when they drop down on me. They don't go home in the winter but move in with a vengeance. I have never been bitten but check the bath daily before venturing in. I have a couple of miniature ones in the corner of the bathroom & it is fascinating to watch then dispose of a fly of some ilk.
Don't cry for me - bugs & creepy crawleys are common place next to the river so I have no complaints as long as they don't bite.
May the sun always shine on your parade
I remember now!!!
The image of Gwen hurtling past the computer screen reminded me of the Swedish Sheff with the cleaver in the muppets. Lol.