On my birthday I quit my part time jobs with 2 separate Podiatric practices. Well, I tried anyway. I was told by each doctor that he would accept my resignation only if I would agree to come in as a consultant as needed but that I wouldn't have to work a regular schedule. One of them gave me a second job doing something I only did informally for him before.
I tried to go from 4 jobs to 2, but now it feels like 5. I guess it's nice to be wanted at my age... But, geez, guys.
The trouble is Ole ...
As people walk less and exercise less, they get more foot problems with age consequently podiatric services are needed more and more as the world population ages. Hey, if it's wages you ant then it's good news for you but if you genuinely want to retire then too bad.
Keep on truckin' gurl!
Most foot problems
are caused by footwear, especially the stupid high heeled things people wear to party in...oh!
Ain't it the truth!
But I'd wear them if I could and enjoy every minute! However I'd limit the minutes.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
retired? I know the feeling...
I was happily... unhappily... uh, anyway I was retired for nearly six years when wham, bang, slam I found myself reclaimed by the in-laws because of several deaths in their 'extended' direct family. They tried once before to talk me into taking on this position I agreed to but I valiently managed to prevent it before. Now they're desperate and gave me a hell of a package deal, even for Europe, so... long story short here I am at seventy-one years of age starting to take on responsibilities I thought I had managed to shed six years ago.
I'm still wondering just how they managed to convince me to come on board.
Because you have a good heart,
and they blackmailed you with the idea of the people that depend on the company.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I hoped that someday I could go from four jobs to maybe two. I thought I'd merely have to wait a few years. Based upon what you've written I guess that might not be quite correct. :D
May You Have Strength...
Retired Three Times ...
... and still working, although much less than I used to. I pretty much get to control things, and I price myself out of a lot of work. We have more time to travel, and I imagine we'll just keep doing less and less work. The biggest problem I'm having is in the creative area. The ideas, and the drive to write just aren't there like they were a few years ago. I'm a year and a half older than you, Ole.
At this point in time, I'm pretty much just hoping to get to that point.
After watching the erosion of Social Security, and watching my 401K get cut drastically - yes, it has finally gotten back above where it was a few years ago - I'm not sure just exactly when or if I will ever get the opportunity to retire. Especially as my kids keep coming to me looking for financial help.
I still have two in college (one just starting, so at least four more years of that - of which I eat 100% of the bill, but then that's the deal I made with them years ago), had to bail one out of $8,000 in credit card debt that he was desperately trying to deal with on his own, give another one about $10,000 to cover his rent, utilities, college loans (for his masters as I told them I would pay for a BS or BA, but nothing more), car payment, etc. through the summer months, and cover whatever other miscellaneous charges come up.
My oldest is a teacher, but got suspended from his job for being stupid (I'm not going into the details here, just suffice it to say he needs to grow up) for about two months and then had to go through the summer with no pay, so I had to loan him the money to cover everything for about six months. He will of course pay me back, but at $200 per month, I'll get it back in a little over four years. The middle one got himself in trouble with credit. He was doing his best to cope with it, but I found out about it and went to him. We made a deal, he gave me all of his credit cards, I paid them all off, and he pays me a minimum of $50 per week. If he can afford more, he gives it to me. Sometimes he can't pay more, but he tries. Last week it was only $65, but he makes every effort to give me as much as he can afford. He was always the typical middle child - pushing the envelope, but he is so much more mature than his older brother it isn't funny.
My baby, well, what can I say about him besides the fact that I love him and that he is the nicest young man I have ever met. Yeah, I'm definitely prejudiced here, but he has always been such a good bat, and he is turning into a much better man than I ever was. But then again, I was never really a man in the first place. He is the type of man I would have liked to have met if I could have grown up as the girl I really was inside.
Anyway, their all mine, and I made a commitment to them when they were born - but I kind of planned on it ending eventually, lol.
The Social Security Administration has already pushed my retirement age for full benefits back to 67, and I figure it's just a matter of time before that goes back even further. Of course, that's assuming that there will be something for me to collect in 15 years. All those plans I made for my retirement so many years ago, well, they are all OBE. That's Overtaken By Events off those of without the military background.
At this point in time, I am just hoping to get to be the real me, and maybe share some time with the friends I have made here.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Glad I did when I did
I am now 67, retired and happy.
I was 'pushed' when I was 55. Just a well really because my body started to deteriorate shortly after and I don't think I'd get anything like the amount of pension that I now get if I'd had to work to age 60 (normal retirement age for females in UK).
I have a female friend who is only 54 now and she will probably have to work to at least age 65.
Basically, like governments everywhere, they squandered the pension fund.