'No Greater Love, A Novel of World War II' is now available as a Kindle ebook from Amazon along with other works of mine.
NGL is the first of four works of historical fiction set in World War II. The others will be following in time once I have had a chance to go through them again.
In the late summer of 1939, as France once more drifted into war a mother anxious to spare her youngest son from it starts him on a journey that does everything but.
Sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Normandy, young John-Paul Tesseraud avoids conscription and French authorities by assuming the identity of his cousin, Pauline Valery. The same attributes that caused his mother to fear for his safety even at the hands of John-Paul’s fellow soldiers allows him to assume his new role with ease. By the time France sues for peace, any thoughts of returning home and his former life are forgotten as John-Paul settles into a new life as Pauline, one better fit for him than the one he left behind.
This is not without it complications when Pauline finds she has caught the attention of Erich Gerhart, a German soldier who has found something in Pauline that he has not felt for a long time; hope, the hope that even with the specter of defeat looming over Germany he just might be able to emerge from this war with more than his life. To this end he pursues Pauline with the determination and single mindedness that had been reserved only for his duties as a sergeant assigned to the signal battalion of a panzer division.
Erich’s interest in Pauline does not go unnoticed by the Resistance. Keenly aware of the value of having someone able to gain access to the information Erich handles, they encourage Pauline to cultivate a relationship with Erich. Fearful of being branded as a collaborator and the discovery of her failure to answer her call to the colors, Pauline gives into Henri’s demands. What starts as an effort to avoid these problems turns into something quite unexpected as Pauline becomes infatuated with someone who is not only the enemy of her country, but ignorant of her past.
As Pauline attempts to carefully tread her way between the competing demands of her duty to her country, her affections for Erich and the need to keep her true nature a secret the coming Allied invasion of France brings the very war her mother hoped to spare her from to Pauline’s very doorstep.

Good going
Wishing you a lot of success on the new book.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life