You just gotta laugh sometimes.
Penny Lane has produced a wonderful 'universe' that grabbed my attention to such an extent that I wished to contribute to it.
I came up with the idea of filling in some background to the town/village of Blackstone, which was ceded to the protagonist by the King of the land concerned.
I have just posted my 6th contribution - numbered of course 05, since I started with 00.
After posting, I went to check on the stats for the previous 5.
Now this site here, that we all enjoy, is a superb vehicle for mentioning, reading, discussing Transgender, Transvestite and associated matters.
Of the previous 5 stories I have posted, the one with the least 'hits' is the one with the most T- content.
Gives you pause, it does.
Enjoy this site everyone, for the astoundingly valuable resource that it is.
Oh - and contribute to its upkeep!
have a good one (whatever you consider to be the definition of 'one')
There is a period when the shiny new wears off.
Reads and kudos and comments drop off as the curious readers drop away leaving the fan base of the story there. But It's still all good really.
The TG factor can just be semi present in a chapter or story it's not the be all end all of why people read things here. As long as the story is solid people will still read it and people will keep finding it over time.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Hit's meaningless!
The hit is only an indication of how attractive your story looks from the outside. An interesting title or picture will affect your hits, as will a snappy leader.
But only when the reader is into the story can they really assess th TG content, and by that time they have made the hit.
Kudos are the way to measure popularity
Just so you know
I, like many (some?) others here, do not always have time to read the stories when I would like to. I resort to the tried and true method of saving those stories for a future time and leaving a trail of kudos scattered across the site. All of yours are banked up until I get a chance to read them - likely several times. The unfortunate part of this is that I cannot comment since I actually haven't read the story.
Saving stories up
That's a reasonable way to deal with the tsunami of stories on the site, although not the way I do it. I have a weird brain (what's that? I know!) which is capable of reading a number of different stories simultaneously. I'm not being facetious here, I have been known to have three different dead-tree books on the go at the same time.
I just hope you aren't holding your breath while you wait for some of these stories to complete, because you might end up turning somewhat blue.