Today's chapter will be a little late!

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Due to Life, I'm running a little late with chapter 18. But don't worry! Everything is already written in my copious amount of notes spread across three devices! (one of which is an actual paper notepad. I'm high-tech!) It'll just take me a while to whip up the narrative mortar to hold these bricks of plot and exposition together :)

It'll definitely be posted today, though. Uh, unless Even More Things Happen. Let's hope not!

On that note, back to narrating!

Chasing my tail

All the hugs,

- Melly



Khaaaan! :-D

Is it ready yet?

Good luck, your fans are patiently (mostly) waiting.

-- Sleethr

Ice cream deadline

Melange's picture

Whew! I made my deadline, if barely!

That means I get ice cream! Glee!

Deleeeecious positive conditioning ice cream... mmm...


Melange's picture

Wolfling is right, of course :)

Since I'm only writing the one thing, I didn't think of specifying it. But since blogs show up for everyone to read on the front page, maybe I should have done that. Oh, hindsight, you're such a card!