persephone's blog
A short essay on the preparation of tea (or why Brits talk about the weather)
Where's Cassandra?
Cassandra posting dates - Delay imminent
Cassandra and 'Brimerican' English
Author's tricks of the trade - Newspapers
Posting a new story - Cassandra
Erin is in ER so...please
Not for profit (or shared profit)
Sci Fi genre TG fiction - a few more classic favourites
Fantasy Genre TG fiction - Some of my favourite reads
Hunting a story - could you please help?
Sixteen feet of steel - a very strong commendation
On the lighter side - High Heels and Ben Nevis
Guaranteed politics free content
Arson attempt at GRS surgery in Canada
Coming very soon to BCTS
Serendipity, Premonition and EAFOAB
An encouraging retrospective on the journey from real life
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - Bruce Jenner and the Chevalier d'Eon
Let it Go….
A long time ago in a world far away (sort of)
Life imitates Art
Its not just us the Daily Wail hates
Coronation Street - An unlikely guiding light
Gangsta's in Drag
What all of us learn
"No man is an Island..."
Feminism and Transgender - Who are we?
Recent BBC Article on Christina Jorgensen