Gwen Mayberry's blog

Story Update Tracking

I have looked through the FAQ page but didn't find the answer to one question. Is there a way to track a story to know when the next chapter has been posted? Or is the only way to know is to look at the home page?

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Posting New Chapters

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I am not sure if I did this right and it needs to be corrected before I post my next chapter if I did it wrong. I just posted chapter 2 of my story, The Lesson Learned. To post the chapter I added it as a child page to the first chapter. Was that the correct way to do it? Or is there another way to link them that I haven't figured out yet?

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Service Temporarily Unavailable

I have been having an issue with the BC site that I have never had before yet it's been going on for the past couple of hours. I will go to a new page or to submit a message or edit my story and I will get a "service temporarily unavailable" page stating that there is either a maintenance or the server is full. Is it just me or is everybody getting this? it seems to last for 2 or 3 minutes and then lets me back in again.

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