Thank you very much everybody for your kind thoughts and support.
My beloved Helen, my wife of 38 years has come home after the operation to remove 90% of the malignant tumour from her brain.
I and my son will be looking after her at home until we are no longer able and she needs more intensive, professional attention.
During her time at home she will be receiving Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy which will be starting this week. This will involve five daily visits each week to Singleton Hospital as per her clinical needs for the next 12 weeks, and possibly longer.
Sadly, even this intensive treatment will do no more than delay the inevitable end for the cancer is a grade 4 tumour and brutally aggressive. She is frightened and distressed by such devastating news.
Needless to say, my input into BC activities will be severely reduced during these distressing times.
Once again, thank you for your thoughts.
You take care of your wife and we can wait for you with all prayers going to both of you and your wife.
both of you are in my prayers
wish I could offer more.
Should you need anything ...
Well, Beverly if there is any bit of chatting that you should find desireable, please let me know. My hopes and prayers are with you all.
She and you
have my prayers.
Hugs to you both
Knowing she is loved will be
Knowing she is loved will be her greatest source of solace and comfort. I sincerely hope her condition relents enough for you both to enjoy the time you still have together.
Helen will be in my prayers
As will you. Please take of her and yourself.
I think I've said all that needs to be said.
I remain on skype for you, 24/7 should you need to talk, vent, whatever. My thoughts, prayers, good wishes and heart go out to you both.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I wish for you, your son and your wife Strength.
Hi Bev,
May all your family have the strength and patience to keep your spirits up, to keep providing the care and support to each-other that you will all need.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
This is what the concept of Love is about. I am praying for your wife and your family both. You will stay in our thoughts.
My love to both of you
I barely met or know Helen, that doesn't stop me wanting to ease the hurt. Please have a piece of my love and say hi to her for me too.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."