Are you an Alien? During a surprising encounter with a rather highly placed member of my faith last night, he made the observation that the reason I like to write about "good aliens", is that I feel like an alien. I immediately knew this to be true, though it is doubtful that the joy of writing stories that have good aliens will grow tiresome.
He made another observation, one that may be important to other past or present members of my faith. He said that I am an activist in "a most powerful way". Just trying to live a quiet life, that is not about me does have value I guess?
I know that at times others fail us, and hurt us in really painful ways. Just keep being good, loving, kind and stable. :)
I thought I was living in stealth, but apparently my "stealth" is about as subtle as a Pinz in the church parking lot.
He says that there are lots of others in my faith that are quietly trying to advance our cause, and he says that in time ... Cause? What cause? I had no clue there was a cause!
Please don't get discouraged even if this does not play out in our life times.
ive always thought i was an alien
I was born with a genetic disorder, no immune system, so you can imagine the issues there, i was even baptized as a Mormon at only a year and a half because they thought i wasnt going to live. they tried an experimental treatment, it worked, and i am still here, but growing up, was always sick, always was "different" heck i was taught to tell people my name was terrance michael weirdo ti....(yes my mom had a strange sense of humor) and my mom always joked i was from mars, etc. so even though i am late to realizing my real "weirdness" or reason for it, i was always in that category in my own mind, lol
Teresa L.
Your comment has some weird echos for me.
It Seems:
- I've always thought I was an alien.
- I've always joked I was from Mars.
(At least during all my younger years and at times since occasionally.)
- I have all ways sensed a weirdness in me.
- Never felt like I belonged.
Later I also came to imagine I might be some changeling from the Fae realm or something.
/shouts: "Alien Power!"
or is that "Pixie Power!"
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
Surprising statement.
This is deeply Freudian, you know. :)
I was always certain I wasn't from 'around' here. On the other hand, I knew I wasn't from Mars. Venus had caught my eye even as a kid after I learned to pick it out of the night sky. Imagine my disappointment when I learn how inhospitable the morning star is. Perhaps in a few thousand years after it's been terraformed. Hey, maybe I'm a time-traveling alien! That's the ticket! :)
I was always the odd one out...
Being an alien did occur to me several times during my childhood.
After all, I wasn't like all the other kids.
I couldn't play football - two left feet
I was left handed - everyone else was right handed.
I liked Art and especially Pottery.
Then I liked wearing skirts and everything.
Yes, an alien 100% sure.
Now my fellow aliens what is the plan to take over this planet?
Read my "Extreme".
The last page tells it all. :)
oh, I am an alien too
always felt like a stranger in a strange land.
I'm as alien as any of you, but one question...
...what time does the mother ship come back for us? And can we bring carry-on luggage? I have to put my makeup and hairspray somewhere....
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
Beam us up Scota!
Commom Hobbies
What do Aliens, Doctors and Congressional Committee have in common?
Their always trying to probe you.
Sorry. Could not help myself.
Jessica Marie